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Customer Service Nurse

Brooksville, FL
April 14, 2013

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Maggy Foreste-Alabre

***** ***** ********* # ***

Pembroke Pines, Florida 33027

E-mail: ***********@*****.***

Phone #: 347-***-****

R egistered Nu rse

Objective: To obtain a position as a staff or Per Diem nurse. To utilize my


K nowledge with the MDS process and to become a resource person for


E mployer.

Education: B roward College

Bachelor candidate.

H elene Fuld College of Nursing, New York.

A.A.S: registered nursing.

B.O.C.E.S School of practical nursing, Westbury, Long Island.

Diploma: for practical nursing.

K ingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, New York.

Major: P re-Nursing (1990-1992).

Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, New York.

A.A.S: M arketing Management (March 1987-January 1990).

Work Experience and skills:

Alliance home health of Broward, Davie Florida.(12/21/2011-4/12/13).

Home health (psych) nu rse

Provide nursing care in accordance with the client’s plan of care,


Includes comprehensive health and psychosocial evaluation.


LPN’s and paraprofessionals providing services to the client.

Plantation Nursing and Rehab Center, P lantation f lorida (2/10/12- 3/30/12).

M DS/PPS R N Coordinator

Schedule MDS assessments, complete the nursing


T ransmit to the state, initiate and update care plans, schedule

Care plan meetings etc. Knowledge of MDS 3.0.

Garden Care Center in Franklin Square, New York (Post-op rehab f loor) June 2009- July


Charge nurse/Nursing supervisor

Responsible to admit new patients, review their PRI’s, create and

u pdate

Medex and Kardex as per physician orders. Ini tiate and update care

Plans as needed. Participate in case conferences, team and staff

meeting as

I ndicated. Administer PPD’s ID and f lu shots I M. Administer

medications via

(SubQ, IV, PO, I M and GT). Perform wound care using wound


Assign daily duties to f loor staff. Coordinate care with other

d isciplines.

Work Experience and skills:

As a supervisor at Garden Care Center, responsible for the


A nd performance of the nursing department’s activities as well as


Departments. Participate in performance improvement, CQI activities


Trained new and existing employees; integral in motivating team


Endorse wri t ten reports to management.

PSCH (mentally and physically challenged population) in Richmond Hills, New York May

2008-July 2011.

Per Diem Nurse

Act as advocate to promote optimal delivery of care. Maintain aseptic


During medication administration and performance of wound care.

M anage

Patient safety and monitor vital signs. Monitor for drug interactions

and adverse

Reactions then report abnormalities to supervisor and medical doctor.

Association for services for the Aged in Long Island City, New York. (2005-2008).

RN/Field nurse

Responsible to open new cases by assessing the clients, their

environment and

Their support system. Responsible for follow up visits every three


Reassess as needed, take vital signs. Assess skills and competencies of

t he caregiver on an ongoing basis. Participate in in-service programs,

m ake unannounced visits to ensure:

- That all clients ADL’s are met.

- The greatest compatibility between caregiver and client.

- That client’s comfort and safety are maintained.

Responsible to maintain client’s confidentiality at all t imes and

according to

S tate and federal privacy laws (i.e. H IPAA). Filed records, charts and


Records in accordance with company policy.

Holliswood Care Center/ Match One Agency in Hollis, New York. (June 2006-April 2008).

Nursing supervisor

Admit all new patients. Delegate duties to nursing staff. Ini tiate and

u pdate care

P lans episodically. Conduct periodic chart reviews as per management

D iscretion. Communicate with physician and other members of health


Team regarding changes in patient’s status to discuss


Work Experience and Skills:

R ikers Island (Prison Health) in Bronx, New York. (2005-2006).

RN charge/Intake nurse

In take histories, phlebotomy, EKG, vitals, injections as ordered.

Perform physical

Assessment, t ransfer inmates to hospital as needed or for follow ups.


The performance of staff members and provide general direction as


Glengariff Care Center (rehab f loor) and Poplar Hil l home in Glencove, New York. (2002-


RN charge and medication nurse

Oversee progress or deterioration of each patient to whom services are

P rovided, then document and/or notify MD as needed. Foster good

Relationship among staff, collaborate care with all disciplines to plan


Evaluate team goals for each patient.

Ditmas Park Care Center (Skilled nursing facility) in Brooklyn, New York.(1998-2002).

LPN then promoted to RN floor coordinator

As an LPN, suction patients on ventilators, perform t racheotomy cares


Monitor for signs and symptoms of infections. Report abnormal

f indings to

Charge nurse.

As an RN f loor coordinator, responsible to develop and update a

w r it ten care

P lan for each patient on the unit. Complete MDS 2.0 assessments and

u pdate

Quarterly. Communicate with physicians, nurses, CNA’s, other

members of the

Health-medical team and families regarding patient’s status. Transfer


Out for follow up appointments and follow through with


Johnson Home Care Services in Brooklyn, New York (1997-1998).

Home care nurse/LPN

Administer CPAP machine to babies with apnea of prematuri ty.

A dminister

Medications via bolus; give enteral feeding via continuous drip


Flush feeding tube with water as per order and monitor tolerance.


Patients orally and/or via t rach collar to maintain a patent airway

Summa ry of Qualifications:

Over fourteen years of strong long term care experience, Able to adapt

E ffectively to challenging and emergency situations. Able to learn

very quickly. Excellent team leadership skills and able to communicate

effectively with diverse populations. Excel in busy work environments;

detail oriented. Dependable and efficient professional. Enjoy dealing


Professionally, and tactfully with the general public in a variety of

circumstances, dedicated to high quality customer service. Treat

patients with empathy, dignity and respect, compassionate, self-

motivated, resourceful and have the ability to multi-task. Excellent

analytical skills, able to analyze situations accurately and effectively.

Well developed skills in prioritizing, organization, decision making,

t ime management and verbal and writ ten communication. Flexible,

focused, versatile, positive, emotionally stable. Fluent in three

l anguages (French, Creole and English). Understand and speak some


L icensure & Certifications:

Licensure as a Registered Professional Nurse in the states of Florida.

Licensure as a Registered Professional Nurse in the State of New


Licensure as a Practical Nurse in the State of New York.

BLS (CPR/AED) card.

Training in the preparation/reviewing of PRI’s.

Training in completion of basic and advanced MDS.

Training in hemodialysis.

Diploma for IV/EKG/Phlebotomy.

R eferences: Available upon request.


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