Lori Eickman
L incoln, D E, *9960, U nited States
STATE OF DE LAWARE, D over, Delaware, United States
Telecommunications Network Technologist A ugust 1999 – Present, 37.5 hours per week, Monday – Friday 8
A M-4:30 PM
• Communicate with customers, sales staff, or marketing staff to determine customer needs.
• Communicate with system users to ensure accounts are set up properly or to diagnose and
solve operational problems.
• Coordinate installation of new equipment.
• Coordinate network operations, maintenance, repairs, or upgrades.
• Coordinate network or design activities with designers of associated networks.
• Develop and wri te procedures for installation, use, or t roubleshooting of communications
hardware or software.
• Develop network-related documentation.
• Maintain or coordinate the maintenance of network peripherals, such as printers.
• Participate in network technology upgrade or expansion projects, including installation of
hardware and software and integration testing.
• Prepare materials and t rain end users in acceptable use of Institutions computing devices and
telephony equipment.
STATE OF DE LAWARE, M i lford, Delawa re, United States
Senior Social Worker Case Manager May 1990 - August 1999, Monday – Friday 8 AM-4:30 PM
• Provide direct service and support to individuals or clients, such as handling a referral for
child advocacy issues, conducting a needs evaluation, or resolving complaints.
• Establish and maintain relationships with other agencies and organizations in community to
meet community needs and to ensure that services are not duplicated.
• Establish and oversee administrative procedures to meet objectives set by boards of directors
or senior management.
• Advocate for clients or patients to resolve crises.
• Collaborate with other professionals to evaluate patients' medical or physical condition and to
assess client needs.
• Refer patient, client, or family to community resources to assist in recovery from mental or
physical illness and to provide access to services such as financial assistance, legal aid,
housing, job placement or education.
• Utilize consultation data and social work experience to plan and coordinate client or patient
care and rehabilitation, following through to ensure service efficacy.
• Monitor, evaluate, and record client progress according to measurable goals described in
t reatment and care plan.
• Identify environmental impediments to client or patient progress through interviews and
review of patient records.
• Maintain knowledge of community services and resources available to patients.
• Refer patients to appropriate health care services or resources.
• Explain policies, procedures, or services to patients using medical or administrative
k nowledge.
• Analyze patients' abilities to pay to determine charges on a sliding scale.
STATE OF DE LAWARE, C laymont, Delaware, United States
Correctional Officer December 1987 - April 1990, 40 hours per week, Sunday – Thursday 12 AM – 8 AM
• Conduct head counts to ensure that each prisoner is present.
• Monitor conduct of prisoners in housing unit, or during work or recreational activities,
according to established policies, regulations, and procedures, to prevent escape or violence.
• Inspect conditions of locks, window bars, grills, doors, and gates at correctional facilities to
ensure security and help prevent escapes.
• Search prisoners and vehicles and conduct shakedowns of cells for valuables and contraband,
such as weapons or drugs.
• Use weapons, handcuffs, and physical force to maintain discipline and order among prisoners.
• Inspect mail for the presence of contraband.
• Guard facility entrances to screen visitors.
• Settle disputes between inmates.
• Conduct fire, safety, and sanitation inspections.
• Provide to supervisors oral and writ ten reports of the quality and quantity of work performed
by inmates, inmate disturbances and rule violations, and unusual occurrences.
• Participate in required job training.
• Take prisoners into custody and escort to locations within and outside of facility, such as
v isiting room, courtroom, or airport.
• Counsel inmates and respond to legitimate questions, concerns, and requests.
• Drive passenger vehicles and t rucks used to t ransport inmates to other institutions,
courtrooms, hospitals, and work sites.
• Assign duties to inmates, providing instructions as needed.
• Search for and recapture escapees.
Per ryville H igh School, Per ryville, Ma ryland, United States
H igh School Diploma, Jun 1985
• Graduated with Honors
Ca r r ington College, Sacramento, California, United States
G raphic Design, Nov 2011
• Dean’s List
• Proficiency with desktop computers, including Microsoft Office Suite
• Excellent Customer Service Skills
• Proficient in general office procedures and practices
• Youth Group Leader and Religious Education Teacher for 5 years. Spent approximately 3
hours per week preparing curriculum and working with young people at St. John Catholic
Church in Milford, Delaware.
• Cub Scout Leader for 4 years. Spent approximately 4 hours per week preparing activities and
working with Cub Scouts. Attended Summer Camp with Cub Scouts for 3 summers
• References will be provided upon request