L inda Clay
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
Highlights and Qualifications:
Demonstrated to have good organization and time management skills.
Highly motivated to delivering top quality service.
Reliable and an adaptable worker.
Works well independently as well as with others.
Able to motivate others to participate willingly.
Dependable, punctual and conscientious employee.
Excellent judment skills.
Enjoys hands on work.
Responds well to on-the-job training.
High degree of patience, reliablilty, and sensitivity to others.
Work Experience:
Cleveland Bottle & Supply Company,Cleveland, Ohio 02-2002 to 12-2010
Responsibilities included: inspect, pack, and clean
American Insourcing, Cleveland, Ohio 1996-1997
Responsibilities Included: assemble, pack, packaging, clean and collate.
Reserves Network, Cleveland, Ohio 1994-1996
Responsibilities Included: Solder, assemble boxes, assemble and sort parts.
Education and Training:
Vocational guidance Services:
I learned basic computer skills.
H igh School:
L incoln West High School. Graduate recieved High School Diploma