Kunta Swamy
Contact No :+91-991******* Email: *************@*****.***
Seeking the position of Java,J2ee and ATG Developer and utilize my skills and
past domain/technical experience in providing excellent service to the company.
Professional Experience
Having 4+ years of experience in analysis, design, development and
supporting Java,J2ee and ATG applications.
Around 3 years of development experience in struts, spring3.X and Hibernate
15 months development experience in ATG .
Currently working on ATG –ecommerce applications.
Used good software development practices – self-documenting code, source
control, bug tracking.
Ability to come up with estimations based on requirements
Occasionally lead a team of developers. Track and review his/her team
project activities
Communicated with end users and other related departments to ensure that
the application is meeting the client’s expectations and business
Collaborated with technical team members to integrate back-end and front-
end elements.
Evaluated latest technology on the market and made recommendations to
clients to integrate new designs as available by new technology
Worked on PCI remediation as part of security
Master Of Computers Application from Loyola Academy
Professional Expérience
Working as a Analyst-System Development for Verizon Data Services from
July 2011 to till date.
Worked as a Senior Software Engineer for iGATE Global Solutions, Bangolore
from Dec 2009 to July-2011.
Worked as a Software Engineer for Ocimum Bio Solutions from Dec 2008 to
Aug 2009.
Languages J2SE1.4/1.5/1.6.
Web Technologies J2ee, Servlets,JSP, HTML and JSTL
eCommerce Suite ATG9.1 dynamo
Framework(s) Struts1.X/2.X, Spring2.5 /3.0
ORM Technologies Hibernate3.X
Data Bases Oracle, MySQL.
Web/App Servers Web Sphere, Weblogic10.3 and Tomcat6.0.
XML and Scripts Java Script, XML, XSD.
Kunta Swamy
Contact No :+91-991******* Email: *************@*****.***
Version Control MKS, TFS
Operating System Windows, Linux
Others Hudson, Log4j,F-Secure,Putty,Denali, Junit
Nov 11 – till date
Project#1 MyVerizon-VAS Checkout
Environment Java1.6,ATG9.3,Oracle,SQL,WebLogic10.2,Linux,F-Secure,XML,JAX-WS
ATG Servlet Beans, ATG Repositories, FormHandlers,
Extending ATG Profile and Profile Management
Description : This project defines the following services for the Verizon Consumer
Online ordering system for VAS products like Internet Security,
VOBS and Bundles.
Post purchase activities
Activating the services or declining the services
Upgrade/Downgrade the subscribed services
Cancel the subscribed services
Add/Update/Delete the payment cards information
Review Payment history
View Purchase History
Job Responsibilities:
Involved in design calls and understood the business use cases.
Prepared HLD including UML diagrams like class, sequence and use cases.
Have worked on droplets, form handlers and repositories as part of the
Have worked on customization of profile and product repositories.
Have worked and customization of Tax calculation during the checkout.
Have worked and customization of the express checkout.
Developed exception handling for all the failed scenarios.
Each and every method is well commented to understand the other team
Effectively communicated and collaborated with external teams and testing
Implemented ToS functionality.
Involved in code review and peer review
Implemented metric logs for analysis.
Contributed and assisted with all development life cycle phases.
Supported SIT, UAT testing & taken responsibility for bug fix.
July’11 –Nov’11
Project#2 MyVerizon-Selfcare
Environment Java1.6,Struts1.2,Spring3.X3.0,Hibernate,WebLogic10.2,Linux,F
Description : This project defines the following services for the Verizon Consumer
Kunta Swamy
Contact No :+91-991******* Email: *************@*****.***
Activating the services or declining the services
Upgrade/Downgrade the subscribed services
Cancel the subscribed services
Add/Update/Delete the payment cards information
Review Bill history
Job Responsibilities:
Involved in understanding the new business requirements and developed HLD
Involved in addressing production issues.
Identified purchase failed customers data and sent reminder mails using
ECRM campaign system
Responsible for Email Activation campaign for notification to the ToS Pending
Developed batch processing job for the eCRM email activation campaign.
Mentor for fresh graduates to accomplish their assigned task.
Involved in unit testing using Junit framework
Dec’10 – July-2011
Project#3 Vendor Management Office
Customer GE Health and Appliance
Environment Spring3.0,SpringMVC,Hibernate3.5,JavaScript,Log4j,Oracle,
Tomcat6.0, TFS
Description : This project defines Digitalization of the Vendor Management Office.
The system will act as a repository of tickets raised by the requestors. This ticket will
go through different approval steps based on the business logic implemented. There
are two types of requests which are broadly classified. Professional and non-
professional services. Professional services comprises of two types of request:
purchased services and leased workers. Non-professional service comprises of
Software, Hardware, Maintenance and services request types. Based on the request
type the ticket goes through different approval stages: Finance, Client Leader, TAS,
Sourcing and Legal approval.
Job Responsibilities:
Mockup design and review.
Involved in projects estimation and technologies suggestion.
Interacted with client for functionality clarification and in mockup designing
Given KT to other team members on project related technologies.
Development of New Request work flow with validation.
Development of VMO admin.
Developed service layer, Dao layer for handling the request and database
operations respectively.
Designed base exception hierarchy for handling vmo exceptions.
Designed tiles for the application to get common look and feel for the entire
Kunta Swamy
Contact No :+91-991******* Email: *************@*****.***
Implemented a variety of Spring Controller classes that coordinate the flow
of control from the presentation tier to the Middle tier. These controller
classes handle multiple request types by extending the behavior of Spring
annotation classes.
The middle tier is comprised of delegate classes that would delegate the calls
from the Controller classes to the Data Access Objects (DAO). Data Access
Objects were the core components that perform the data access.
Developed Validators for application components using the Spring validation
Ajax also used for dynamic drop down population.
Hibernate used for persistence operations.
Effectively spring annotation controller used in MVC application development.
Development of unit test cases with Juit.
Jan’10 –Nov’10
Project#4 Internate rates on the web (IRW)
Customer Union Bank of California
Environment Springs2.5,Hibernate,J2se5.0,Junit,Log4j,Oracle,Ajax,JSP,XML,
XSD, Hudson and MKS
Description : The function of the IRW Web application is basically to download
interest rates information as xml from FTP, populate into the Union bank database
and return rates information in XML format, given a particular product code as
request (via HTTP) to client applications. This application also allows the admin to
mange the product tier information and used to test the external devices
Job Responsibilities:
Developed design document and modified as requirements changes.
Responsible for entire application development, testing and deployment.
Effectively display-tag was used to show the data in table format.
Effectively Xstream was used to convert xml into java objects and the same
Spring validation framework was used for field and business validation.
Developed middle tier, is comprised of delegate classes that would delegate
the calls from the Controller classes to the Data Access Objects (DAO).
Developed java component for download, validate XML from file from the FTP
sever and parsing the XML file and storing the data into data
Taken responsibility of Hudson reports(for unit test cases fails, check style
complaint and code coverage etc.,)