Ravinder Singh
Personnel Details Date of Birth : 3rd April, 1957
Age : 55 years
Status : Married with 3 children
Contact Number : 012*******
Current Position : Head of Market Risk
Asset and Liability
Current Department : Market Risk Management
Email : ***************@*****.***
Qualification : Master in Business
With Distinction International.
Management Centre, United Kingdom
Organization : From 1st April,
1976 to 1st April, 2006 with Bank of Tokyo, Ltd,
Kuala Lumpur which later changed it name to Bank
of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Malaysia) Berhad
From 10th April, 2006 until 22nd August 2010 with
Alliance Banking Group
From 6th September 2010 to 19th
September 2012 with
OCBC Head Office,
From 15th January2013 to Present
with Malaysia Building Society Bhd
(MBSB) which is a Government Linked Company
which is moving to a banking platform.
Experience : 6th Sept, 2010 to 19th Sept,2012.
Market Risk Management - Business Management,
OCBC Bank Group Risk Management Division.
One of the parties in Market Risk involved in the
migration of the legacy system Reuter's Kondor
plus to Murex system for Head Office and the
Overseas entities..
Documentation of the day to day process and also
involved in enhancing the new system (Murex)
Creation of Generators
Validating the daily reporting by Market Risk
sensitivities (FXNOP, PV01, CS01, VaR, Stress
Testing, Greeks)
Training some of the people in Market Risk on the
Murex system functionality.
-Involve in the upgrade of the Murex System.
-Involve in the separating the bonds to capture
generic and specific risk for VaR computation.
-Involve in the implementation of new treasury
products in respect to Market Risk for Head
Office and Overseas entities (As described below)
-Projects handled are as follows :-
1) Credit Curve Project
This project aims to achieve enhanced Credit
Spread Sensitivity (CS01) computed given the
availability of credit term structure made
possible with generic credit curves.
2) Fixed Income/PV FX MM Project
OCBC Bank implemented Murex by replacing existing
Front Office System K+ for Fixed Income, FX and
3) Migration of OCBC overseas entities to Murex
4) VaR for Credit and overseas entities
This is to have the risk on Bonds separate into
Generic and Specific Credit Risk for VaR
5) New Treasury Product Launch
There is always a launch of new treasury new
products for Head Office and some which are
currently in Head Office to their overseas
6)Binary Upgrade on Murex/Python
There is the upgrade of the Murex/Python system
to a higher version for Head Office and overseas
7) In charge of Market Risk
Involved in moving from legacy treasury system to
Murex Treasury system. Set up the market risk
simulation view, MRM reports, VaR including
backtesting and stress testing and counterparty
limit monitoring. Also report the liquidity
status from Murex and Host system to Management.
Alliance 10th April, 2006 to 22nd August,2010, Market
Banking Risk Department,
Group Head of Middle Office
In charge of revamping the Treasury system to
capture the monitoring and control of risk in
terms of portfolio, nominal value, stop-loss,
settlement risk, single transaction limit, VaR
Reporting to Management on the Market Risk
elements on Treasury products
Reporting to Finance Department on ALCO for the
Fixed Income Portfolio
Perform stress test on the Treasury Portfolio
especially the Fixed Income Portfolio
In charge of including the required risk
monitoring and compliance for the new Treasury
system-Murex (Replacement Risk, Settlement Risk,
Portfolio Position, Issuer Risk, VaR, Back
testing, Stress testing,PV01-Price Value at 1
basis point shift and Country Risk on Foreign
Exchange, Money Market, Securities and
Structured Products)
Validation of VaR results that were generate by
the VaR run including the various shocks and the
historical market data that were related to each
product type
Reviewing and commenting on the increase or
decrease on the New Liquidity Framework to
1st October,2008
Successfully implementation of the Murex and MLC
in monitoring the controls and procedures as
stated above for Phase 1 which includes on
Treasury Products (FX, MM, Fixed Income and
31st December,2009
Successfully tested and ready for implementation
on Phase 2 which is on Exotic FX Options and MGS
Futures and also on monitoring of off market
Bank of Tokyo, 1st April, 1976, Accounts Department, Clerk
Ltd, Kuala Lumpur
which later Reconciliation of all accounts and preparation of
changed it name to Financial Statements of the Bank
Bank of 1st June, 1976, Deposits Department, Clerk
(Malaysia) Berhad Maintaining of all Deposits Accounts
15th October, 1981, Loans Department, Clerk
Maintaining of Small Scale Loans and Housing
1st April, 1987, Business Promotion Department,
Confidential Clerk
Improve the efficiency in terms for workflows of
all the departments of the Bank
4th January, 1988, Loans Control Department,
Confidential Clerk
Statistical reports on all loans to Central Bank
and Portfolio Management of the Loans.
1st April, 1988, Loans Control Department,
Trainee Officer
same as above
1st July, 1988, Loans Control Department,Assistant Manager
Establish credit control procedures on the
managing of loans to Corporates
Establish and control on credit lines to
Financial Institutions
Control and recovery of Non Performing Loans
Statistical reports to our HeadOffice and Bank
Establish credit lines for SmallScale and Housing
2nd January, 1991, Treasury Back Office
Department, Assistant Manager
Processing of all market related products (i.e.
Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Money Market and
Settlement of all transactions in relation to the
above products
Reconciliation of all records on the above
Improvement of the department to not only be the
Back Office but to also control the market risks
and limits placed in all the market related
After the establishment of the Risk Control Unit
by me, the
establishment and control of the market risks was
transferred to this department.
1st January, 1995, Risk Control Unit, Vice
Overseas and control of all the risks related to
market (i.e. Forex Exchange, Money Market,Fixed
Income and Derivatives)
Establish control procedures for the control of
market risks.
Manage and control of Assets and Liabilities
Control and establishment of all market credit
(Replacement Risk, Settlement Risk, Position
Limit, Trading Limit, Stop-Loss Limit, VaR-value
at risk, Gapping report and etc)
28th January, 2002, Balance of Payment, Vice
Report of all transactions of our customers in
relation to the Exchange Control Act on inflows
and outflows of funds.
Act as a liaison on all Exchange Control Matters
to our customers.
The reports are used by the Central Bank to
assist them
in the policy matter in relation to the inflow
and outflow of
funds of the country.
One of the members of the panel by the Central
Bank in the
implementation of the system to control and
report the
inflows and outflows of funds electronically to
1st April, 2004 to 9th April,2006, Risk Control
Unit,Vice President
Risk Control Unit Control market risks on all
Treasury Departments products (i.e. Foreign
Exchange, Money Market and Derivatives products)
Manage and control all aspects of Assets and
Liabilities Management.
Committee member in the preliminary studies of
the Implication and Adoption of Basel II.
Person-in-charge of the monthly Market Risk
Committee which states all the market risk
controls to Board of Directors.
Control and check the dealer's in respect to
"best practices for the dealer".
One of the committee member to establish and
better control operational risks of the others
One of the committee member for the
establishment risk on new market products.
Malaysia Building 15th January,2013 to Present
Society Bhd (MBSB)
Kuala Lumpur Currently attached to Malaysia Building Society
Bhd (MBSB) which is a Government Linked Company
which is moving to a banking platform.
I am the Head of Market Risk and Asset and
Liability Management on contract basis.
I am currently managing the project on
incorporating the risk tools and requirements to
a Treasury and Risk system that the organization
have purchase including VaR and stress testing.