To whom it may concern
I am very interested in joining your work force. I believe I possess the
necessary skills and experience you are seeking and I would make a valuable
addition to your organization. I am very familiar with Latin America
Spanish and idioms.
As my resume indicates, I have more than 4 years of progressive experience
in Translations especially in the Education field. My professional history
includes positions held such as English as a Second Language as an
assistant in Portage Township Schools. I am currently a
translator/interpreter for all the schools, and held various positions as a
secretary for insurance company and lawyer's office.
My responsibilities as translator with the Portage Township Schools match
the qualifications you are seeking. As an English as a Second Language
assistant, my duties include: to assist all the parents in need of an
interpreter and translations and tutor all the ESL students in all schools.
In addition, I assisted in the successful completion of translating the
ILPs levels of our ESL students.
My supervisor relays my abilities to communicate with all Spanish parents
and transmit with accuracy the meanings of all interpretations and
I have attached my resume for your review and I look forward to speaking
with you further regarding your available position.
Mar a Cabral
Professional Overview
Skilled ESL Instructor who uses effective and efficient methods of teaching,
while focusing on the individual needs of each student, from K-12. Office and
customer experience, translation English/Spanish, and vice-versa.
Core Qualifications
Certified English as a Second Language, active listening skills, creative
learning strategies, service expert and costumer service expert, critical
thinker, positive attitude, professional, mature, strong interpersonal skills,
proofreading and copyediting 101 in English.
UC San Diego-Extension. Translation Studies EN/SP SP/EN. Present time
El Spanish Language Page. Styles Correction level I. Present
time 2013
Universal Class. Online, Proofreading & Copyediting 101
Linguaedge. Online, TESOL Certification
Universal Class. Online, ESL Basic Grammar & Writing
High School Block Junior. GED, East Chicago, IN
High School Ram n Velasquez. Bachelor in Humanities
Portage Township Schools. English as a Second Language Assistant. Translator &
State Farm, Lillian Vega Agency. Secretary, Life insurance and Auto claims,
East Chicago, IN
Law and Insurance Office, Lozada & Associates. Secretary, Venezuela
Orinoco Insurance. Manager of Medical claims. Venezuela
Activities and Hobbies
Sewing & Crocheting
I am
Attached is my business card contact and two of my translated examples,
enabling the review of my abilities as a translator. Once I am certified I
will present my valid certification from University of California, San
Source Text Target Text
Vargas Llosa pide defender el espa ol, Vargas Llosa calls for the promotion
la lengua "m s pujante" tras el ingl s Spanish, the "most vibrant" language
after English
El peruano Mario Vargas Llosa inst hoy
a gobiernos, instituciones culturales,
escritores y a los propios Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa
hispanohablantes a defender el espa ol urged
por considerarlo el idioma "m s governments, cultural institutions,
pujante" del mundo, solo superado en writers and Spanish-speakers themselves
dinamismo por el ingl s. to defend Spanish which he considers
the "most vibrant" language of the
"Creo que queda todav a mucho por hacer world, only surpassed in dynamism by
y que en esto deben colaborar tanto los English.
Gobiernos y las instituciones
culturales, como las personas "I believe there is still much to do
individuales", dijo el escritor, and that governments and cultural
ganador hoy del I Premio Internacional institutions and individuals should
Carlos Fuentes a la Creaci n Literaria collaborate", said the writer, today's
en el Idioma Espa ol otorgado por el winner of the First Carlos Fuentes
Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las International Prize Literary Creation
Artes mexicano (Conaculta). in the Spanish language, awarded by the
National Council for the Culture and
V a telef nica y tras agradecer al the Mexican Arts (Conculta).
jurado la concesi n del galard n,
Vargas Llosa consider que el espa ol Via phone and after thanking the jury
vive un excelente momento, aunque no es for granting him, the award, Vargas
motivo para "sentirnos complacidos ni Llosa pondered that Spanish is
sentarnos sobre nuestros laureles". experiencing an excellent moment,
although there is no reason "to be
"Es un gran patrimonio el que tenemos, pleased nor rest on our laurels".
el de esta lengua com n, una lengua
moderna, que representa nuestra poca,
probablemente despu s del ingl s la m s "It is a great legacy that we have,
pujante, la que tiene un desarrollo this common tongue, a modern language,
mayor. Creo que ese es un patrimonio that represents our era, probably the
que debemos defender y promover porque most vibrant one after English, the one
nos enriquece a todos", abund . that has had the greatest development.
I believe that's a legacy that we must
Entre el acervo que atesora el idioma, protect and promote it because enriches
Vargas Llosa (Arequipa, 1936) destac us all", he explained.
el de "una literatura creativa,
novedosa, que es traducida y conocida
en otros mundos ling sticos" que l
mismo ha contribuido a enriquecer con Among the cultural heritage that
obras como "La casa verde" (1965), treasures the language, Vargas Llosa
"Conversaci n en La Catedral" (1969) o (Arequipa, 1936) emphasized the
"La fiesta del chivo" (2000). "creative literature, innovatory, that
is translated and known in other
linguistics worlds" that he himself has
contributed to enrich with writings
like "The Green House" (1965),
"Conversation in the Cathedral" (1969)
or "The Feast of the Goat" (2000).
Source Text Target Text
More trials being disrupted over M s juicios est n siendo interrumpidos
interpreter failings por falta de inte rpretes
Inability to provide sufficient La inhabilidad de proveer suficientes
interpreters to meet demand is inte rpretes para satisfacer la
impacting on delivery of justice, says demanda est impactando en la
select committee aplicaci n de la justicia, dice el
comit selecto.
Nearly 200 trials were disrupted or
postponed in England and Wales in the Casi 200 juicios fueron interrumpidos
first quarter of this year because o pospuestos en Inglaterra y Gales en
interpreters provided by a private el primer trimestre de este a o porque
firm failed to appear, according to a los interpretes provistos por una
damning report by a select committee. firma privada no comparecieron, de
acuerdo a un reporte condenatorio del
The number of trials deemed comit selecto.
ineffective was twice the number
compared with the same period of the El n mero de casos estimados
previous year, according to the report ineficaces fue dos veces el n mero
by the Public Accounts Committee, comparado con el mismo per odo del a o
which exposes the "total chaos" caused anterior, de acuerdo con el reporte de
by the Ministry of Justice's (MoJ) el Comit de Cuentas P blicas, el cual
deal with Applied Language Solutions expone el "caos total" causado por el
(ALS). acuerdo entre el Ministerio de
Justicia (MoJ) y
Despite repeated failures, the
committee says, the firm received only A pesar de los repetidos fracasos, el
"risible levels of penalties", comit dice, la firma recibi s lo
amounting to fines of 2,200. Some "niveles irrisorios de penalidades" de
names on the company's database were un valor de multas de 2,200 libras
fictitious and a pet dog had even been esterlinas. Algunos nombres de la base
registered, Margaret Hodge, the chair de datos de la compa ia eran ficticios
of the committee, said. e incluso un perro mascota hab a sido
registrado, Margaret Hodge, la
While the MoJ estimated it needed Presidenta del Comit , dijo.
1,200 interpreters to cover all the
courts in England and Wales, the Mientras el Ministerio de Justicia
report explains, only 280 were (MoJ) estim que necesitaban de1,200
available when the contract went live interpretes para cubrir todas las
at the end of January. cortes en Inglaterra y Wales, el
reporte expilca, s lo 280 estuvieron
disponibles cuando el contrato se puso
en marcha a finales de enero.