G lenn P. Halsne
Magnolia, I L 61336
OBJECTIVE: Securing a long te rm electrical/maintence position
n ear my home and to help the company that I am
e mployed with be as successful as possible.
EDUCATION: Completed a four year industrial, commercial, and
r esidential I nside Jou rneyman Wireman
A pprenticeship with Local I B EW 461 in Aurora, I L.
E XPERIENCE: My apprenticeship began in June of 1986 and
completed in May of 1990. I am a cur rent member
i n good standing. I have worked at numerous
f acilities over mycareer of 26 years as an
e lectr ician, including:
• Fermi Lab – Collider Ring
• Minooka Co-gen
• Aurora and Mossville CAT
• Plano, Fox Metro, and Batavia Sewer Treatment
• Aurora and Montgomery’s Water Treatment
• Dial Soap Glycerin Plant
• Food Plants
-General Mi lls
-Power Packaging
Box USA Paper Mi ll
Toll Plaza Aurora/I-88
Brick Paver Factory
P lastic Injection Molding Plant
Commercial Stores and Offices
Residential Applications
I have experience in the following applications:
I have experience in the following applications:
Battery Back-up Systems
Industrial Motor Control Systems
Temperature Control Systems
PLC/Relay Logic
Back-up Generators
Power Distribution
Branch Circuits
Securi ty Systems
L ighting
Fire Alarm
Traffic and Street L ights
Schmatics and Blueprints
Fiber Optics
Explosion Proof
Rigid, EMT, Aluminum and PVC Coated Conduit
Other Skills:
Basic Carpent ry and Framing
Drywall and Taping
Basic Plumbing
R EFERENCES: * G rant Owen, Aurora Wire and F ixtu re, Former
S upervisor, Phone No. 630-***-****, 509 Gladstone
Ave., Aurora, I L.
* Scott Vandyke, I ngersol Rand, friend of 5 years,
P hone No. 309-***-****, 131 Blue He ron Road,
L acon, I L
* Douglas Boness, Day I n te rnational, Phone No. 630-
643-3635, 482 Earl M iller D r ive, Varna, I L