G regg R. H i rschberg
Invoice: ****
Bethpage, NY 11714
February 14, 2013
Constantin Falcoianu
Please agree to the following terms in order ini t ia te and complete the purchasing t ransaction of
t he domain name QuickSupport.com.
I (Prin t Name Here:) agree to purchase the domain name
Q uickSupport.com for the amount of $1,500 USD from i ts cur rent owner Gregg R. H i rschberg.
Payment shall be made out by check to Gregg R. H i rschberg and received by no later than 14 days
f rom date of the purchase. Failure to meet these obligations will render this t ransaction null and
void. I f t ransaction is voided purchasing par ty agrees to retu rn full ownership of the domain
Q uickSupport.com to i ts original owner Gregg R. H i rschberg.
Purchaser Signature:
Thank you for your business!
[Your Name]