Lucy “Daphne” Sears
Bluefield VA 24605-9691
Primary Phone: 304-***-****
Work Experience
Local Market Consultant: Oct 2012 - present
Shopper Local Richmond VA
Build and Grow a customer base for advertising base
Provide customer service and local marketing advice and helping the business grow their customer base.
Advertising Consultant: Sept 2011-Oct 2012
WV VA Media Bluefield WV
Build Account List and Relationships through media presentations and good rapport.
Presented to business and organizations on how to target with consistency to gain a larger customer base.
Meet and Obtained all goals set.
Advertising Consultant: Sept 2009 - Sept 2011
Adventure Radio Bluefield WV
Build customer relationships through strong presentations to local companies and business. Prospect and grow customer base through relationship and trust.
Maintained and meet company goals during duration of employment.
A/E Advertising Executive: Jun 2007-Sept 2009
Suddenlink Media, Beckley WV
Build account relationships through strong customer ad company presentations to local companies for advertising on cable networks. Top sales person during duration of employment. Various sales training includes: Professional Selling Skills, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Jim Doyle seminars. Operate PC for data entry and organization of sales.
Salesperson: Feb 2004 - June 2007
Ramey Motors Bluefield WV
Provided superior customer service and professional sales consulting to satisfy customers and meet company goals. Maintained within the top 5 sales position during duration of employment.
Professional Selling Skills(PSS)
Achieve Global
WV, United States
Radio Advertising Bureau(RAB)
WV, United States