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Service Services

Portland, OR
February 15, 2013

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Dawn M. Lowe-Wincentsen



Portland Operations Librarian, Oregon Institute of Technology 2008-Present

Supervise all library operations of two extension campus libraries, including one student

employee and library volunteers

Provide services to distance education faculty and students

Develop and maintain services for a diverse population of students and faculty

Participate in University Library meetings and committees

Represent OIT at Online Northwest

Participate in L-net, state wide chat reference service

Provide virtual and in-person reference services to Portland campus library users

Provide research services and instruction services to Portland campus students and


Develop resource collections for Portland campus libraries

Develop and maintain select Portland Campus and Library Web pages

Research, plan, and pilot a digital repository for student projects

Core team member for Wilsonville campus planning

Participate in planning and coordination of campus graduations, orientations, and

various other events

Undergraduate Information Services Librarian, Florida State University 2006-2008

Coordinate staffing of full service reference desk for 117 hours per week

Coordinate and maintain Instant Messaging virtual reference service

Create new services for undergraduate population of over 35,000 students

Plan an implement programs for undergraduates within the libraries

Develop and implement technologies to support undergraduate learning.

Be an effective team leader and team member for 4 librarians and 8 full time staff


Create and coordinate training program for staff, faculty, and students who work on the

undergraduate reference desk, virtual reference and other information service points

Serve on university wide committee for undergraduate research

Participate in university libraries committees as assigned

Represent Undergraduate services and programs on University Libraries Director s


Library Liaison team member to Colleges of Education, Social Work, and Human

Sciences. Sole liaison to department of Public Administration

Provide services to the entire FSU Population through various reference desks, virtual

reference, research consultations, and other information services

Effectively communicate department goals and accomplishments to the administration,

and community

Coordinator for Assessment and Staff Development, Florida State University Libraries


Act as liaison to ARL for measurement programs including SPEC and annual statistics


Develop and implement staff development programs for university libraries faculty and


Administer assessment tools for the libraries such as LibQUAL+ and internally designed

user surveys

Work with department heads and administrators to develop and implement measurement

and assessment tools to new and continuing services and projects

Developed the FSU Authors Database

Work with Other FSU Libraries and Library departments to collect pertinent statistics on

a regular basis

Compose quarterly and annual reports about the libraries

Design exhibits and displays in the library on topics of interest and pertinence

Write special reports and projects as assigned by Director

Complete surveys and questionnaires as requested by external sources

Act as member of Director's Council

Develop internship and graduate assistant program, and hire all graduate assistants and

interns for the libraries

Serve on University Libraries committees as assigned

Provide research assistance through reference desk and virtual reference

Provide Instruction at the undergraduate and graduate levels

Act as Library liaison to the School of Social Work, the College of Education, Latin

American Studies program, and to the Writing and reading center

Created ARL Statistics Warehouse for the FSU Libraries

Library Associate, Louisiana State University, Middleton Library. 2000-2003

Supervision, hiring, termination, and training of student employees

Budget projection for departmental student employees

Service at centralized reference and government documents desk

Service through virtual reference

Serve on the library outreach committee

Processing new reference materials

Weeding and reference stack maintenance

Scheduling for reference department

Compiling department statistics

Ordering miscellaneous supplies


Masters of Library and Information Science, Louisiana State University 2003

Bachelor of Arts, Linfield College, 2000 Creative Writing major, History minor


L-Net Advisory Board 2009-2011

Oregon Governor's State Employees Food Drive Coordinating Committee 2009-2010

Grant peer reviewer for IMLS 2009 - 2010

Online Northwest planning committee 2008-present

CLENExchange co-editor 2008-2010 (renamed to Learning Exchange in September

2009) Sole editor from 2011 - to present

LAMA Education and Training Committee 2008-2012

NMRT Member Services Director 2007- 2009

RUSA RSS Small to Medium sized academic libraries discussion group 2007 - 2008

LAMA MAES Statistics for managers committee 2006- 2008

LAMA PRMS Training Committee member 2006- 2010, Chair 2008-2009

Member CLENE, 2006-present

NMRT Resume Review Committee, Chair 2005- 2007

Member LAMA Library Administration and Management Association 2005 - present

NMRT Footnotes Committee 2004 - 2005

NMRT/3M Grant Committee 2004 2005

Florida Library Association, Member 2004 2008

NMRT Local Arrangements Committee Orlando 2003- 2004

Member ACRL, Association of College and Research Libraries 2003-present

Staff Association, LSU Libraries, Secretary 2001-2002

Courses and Curricula Committee, Louisiana State University 2001-2002

ACRL Association College and Research Libraries; Louisiana Chapter, Student

Representative 2001-2002, member 2000 - 2003

GLISSA Graduate Library and Information Science Student Association, Secretary and

Web Master 2001, member 2001 - 2003

Member American Library Association 2000-present


Lowe-Wincentsen, D. Crook, L. eds. (2011) Mid-Career Library and Information

Professionals: a leadership primer. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford

In Progress: Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2011) A Finger in the Pie. Generation X

Perspectives on Librarianship ed. Estep, E., Tolley-Stokes, R., Wallace, M.K.

McFarland Publishing.

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2010) Teaching the Teachers. Presentation at Online Northwest

annual conference

Lowe-Wincentsen, D (2010) A Field of Green: renewable energy research on the web.

Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Webliographies


Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2009) Writing for Professional Development and The Hero of

Your Academic Paper. Writing and Publishing: The Librarians Handbook ed.

Smallwood, C. ALA Publishing. Chicago

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2009) Kewl Toolz CLENExchange 25:4

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2008) Book Review: Leadership: The Challenge for The

Information Profession. Info Career Trends. September 2008


Byke, S. Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2008) A Leadership Primer for New Librarians: Tools

for Helping Today s Early Career Librarians to Become Tomorrow s Library Leaders.

Chandos Publishing, Oxford.

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2007) The Open Ended Question, How Can It Work for You?

Poster session at Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, IN.

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. Byke, S. (2007) Falling Up the Career Ladder. Info Career


Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (chr) Cathcart, R. Bryant, S. Byke, S. Taylor, T. Bottorff, T.

(2007) Does it Matter How Many Piercings I have? Panel leader at Florida Library

Association annual conference

Byke. S. Lowe-Wincentsen D.(2006) Following to the Top and Leading from the

Bottom Australian Library and Information Association, New Librarian Symposium

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2006) Association of Research Libraries Statistics and

Measurement Program Review, Pulic Services Quarterly 2:2/3 p198

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2005) Asking Directions; creating a culture of assessment at

your library. Poster session presented at the ARL LibQUAL+ sharefair

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2005) Asking Directions; creating a culture of assessment at

your library. Poster session presented at ACRL conference

Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2003) Training Student Workers: a discussion panel, panel

member at Louisiana Library Association conference

Diamond, T. Griffin, L.S. Kelsey, P. Lowe-Wincentsen, D.(2002) Beyond the Desk;

Outreach services at the LSU Libraries ACRL Louisiana chapter conference,

Natchitoches, LA.

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