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Engineering Assistant

Urbana, IL
February 20, 2013

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Michael R. James


Seeking a position in research focused on the area of radiation damage in



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL

Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering (October 1997)

Major: Nuclear Engineering

Minor: Materials Science and Engineering

Thesis: Segregation Effects in Ion-Irradiated Ni Alloys

M.S. in Nuclear Engineering (October 1993)

Thesis: High Temperature Au Implanted into Ni

B.S. in Nuclear Engineering (May 1989)

Graduated with honors.


Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos, NM

Technical Staff Member (February 1999 - Present)

Postdoctoral Associate (June 1997 - January 1999)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL

Teaching Assistant (September 1994 - December 1996)

Assisted in teaching of classes at the undergraduate and graduate level. Primary duties consisted of grading assignments and student tutoring. Administered the duties of other assigned TA's.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL

Lab-Grad Assistant (June 1990 - June 1994)

Devised and conducted experiments to investigate and verify the behavior of defect-solute interaction in metals under irradiation. Utilized computer modeling to further understanding of experimental results.

Pennsylvania Power and Light

Allentown, PA

Co-op Student (February 1986 - August 1988)

Assisted station engineers in their duties on site, with experience in Maintenance, Reactor Engineering and Plant Technical Staff.

RESEARCH SKILLSExperienced in Rutherford Back-Scattering data acquisition and analysis.

Experienced in the use of Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy instruments.

Experienced in mechanical properties testing, such as tensile tests and

fatigue life measurements.

Proficient with computer modeling of radiation effects.

COMPUTER SKILLSProficient in the use and maintenance of DOS, Windows and OS/2 systems.

Experience in use and administration of Unix workstations, particularly SunOS and AIX.

Knowledgeable in construction of HTML documents for use as WWW pages.

Familiar with VAX/VMS and Macintosh computer systems.

Programming languages: C, FORTRAN, Perl, Basic and Pascal.

HONORSInducted Alpha Nu Sigma Honorary Society as undergraduate

Dean's List (5 semesters, undergraduate)


M.R. James, N.Q. Lam, L.E. Rehn, P.M. Baldo, L. Funk and J.F. Stubbins, "High-Temperature Au Implantation into Ni-Be and Ni-Si Alloys", MRS Proceedings Symposium A Fall 1992 Meeting, (1993) p.375.

M.R. James, N.Q. Lam, L.E. Rehn, P.M. Baldo, L. Funk and J.F. Stubbins, "High-Temperature Implantation of gold into nickel", Surface and Coatings Technology 51 (1992) p.435.


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