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Calgary, AB, Canada
February 18, 2013

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Brian J. Jackel

Physics and Astronomy

University of Calgary

Calgary Alberta T2N 1N4

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Optical measurements of the aurora applied to magnetospheric remote sensing.

Multi-site observations of rapid global ionospheric response.

Coordinated studies of ground-based and satellite data.

Signal processing, stochastic processes, and information theory.


Ph.D. Physics, University of Western Ontario, November 1997. Coursework included computational

physics, antennas and radio wave propagation, tropospheric and ionospheric propagation, radio remote


M.Sc. Physics, University of Western Ontario, August 1992. Coursework included mathematical

methods, statistical physics, classical electrodynamics, ionospheric physics, introductory plasma physics,

non-linear plasma physics.

B.Sc. Geophysics (Honors), University of Alberta, May 1990. Coursework included physics, math-

ematics, computer science, geology, geophysical eld school, seismology, potential theory, time-series


Teaching Experience

2010 Electrodynamics, radiation, and relativity for 3rd year physics students (Phys 457)

2009-2010 Electrostatics and magnetostatics for 3rd year physics students (Phys 455)

2009 Data analysis, transformation, and reduction for graduate students (Phys 605)

2008-2010 Electricity and magnetism for 1st year engineering students (Phys 259)

1999 Instructor of a rst year electricity and magnetism physics course for 150 engineering students

(Phys 259)

Five years as demonstrator for a second year modern physics lab course

Tutorial leader for a rst year physics lecture

Contributions to Research

Refereed publications

B. Jackel, B. McKiernan, and H. Singer, Geostationary magnetic eld response to solar wind pressure variations: Time delay


and local time variation, Journal of Geophysical Research Vol 117, A05203, doi:10.1029/2011JA017210, 2012

S. Mende, V. Angelopoulos, H. U. Frey, E. Donovan, B. Jackel, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. P. McFadden, D. Larson, and C. W.


Carlson Timing and location of substorm onsets from THEMIS satellite and ground based observations, Annales Geophysicae,

27, 2813-2830, 2009

E. Spanswick, E. Donovan, W. Liu, J. Liang, J. B. Blake, G. Reeves, R. Friedel, B. Jackel, C. Cully, and A. Weatherwax Global


observations of substorm injection region evolution: 27 August 2001, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2019-2025, 2009

S. E. Harris, S. B. Mende, V. Angelopoulos, W. Rachelson, E. Donovan, B. Jackel, M. Greffen, C. T. Russell, D. R. Pierce,


D. J. Dearborn, K. Rowe and M. Connors THEMIS Ground Based Observatory System Design, Space Science Reviews, 141,

doi:10.1007/s11214-007-9294-z, pp213-233, December 2008

Donovan, E., et al., Simultaneous THEMIS in situ and auroral observations of a small substorm, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35,


L17S18, doi:10.1029/2008GL033794, 2008

Liang, J., E. F. Donovan, W. W. Liu, B. Jackel, M. Syrjsuo, S. B. Mende, H. U. Frey, V. Angelopoulos, and M. Connors,


Intensi cation of preexisting auroral arc at substorm expansion phase onset: Wave-like disruption during the rst tens of seconds,

Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L17S19, doi:10.1029/2008GL033666, 2008

W.W. Liu, J. Liang, E.F. Donovan, T. Trondsen, G. Baker, G. Sofko, B. Jackel, C.-P. Wang, S. Mende, H.U. Frey, V. Angelopou-


los, Observation of isolated high-speed auroral streamers and their interpretation as optical signatures of Alfvn waves generated

by bursty bulk ows, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L04104, doi:10.1029/2007GL032722, 2008

W.W. Liu, E.F. Donovan, J. Liang, I. Voronkov, E. Spanswick, P.T. Jayachandran, B. Jackel, M. Meurant On the equatorward mo-


tion and fading of proton aurora during substorm growth phase, Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 112, doi:10.1029/2007JA012495,


S.B. Mende, V. Angelopoulos, H.U. Frey, S. Harris, E. Donovan, B. Jackel, M. Syrjaesuo, C.T. Russell, and I. Mann, Determi-


nation of Substorm onset Timing and Location using the THEMIS ground based observatories, Geophysical Research Letters,

Vol. 34, doi:10.1029/2007GL030850, 2007.

E. Donovan, S. Mende, B. Jackel, H. Frey, M. Syrj suo, I. Voronkov, T. Trondsen, L. Peticolas, V. Angelopoulos, S. Harris,M.



Greffen, and M. Connors, The THEMIS All-Sky Imaging Array - System Design and Initial Results from the Prototype Imager,

Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Volume 68, Issue 13, pp 1472-1487, September 2006

E. Spanswick, E. Donovan, W. Liu, D. Wallis, A. Aasnes, T. Hiebert, B. Jackel, M. Henderson, and H. Frey, Substorm associated


spikes in high energy particle precipitation, The Inner Magnetosphere: Physics and Modelling, Geophysical Monograph Series

155, pg 227-236, 2005

Gregory J. Baker, Eric F. Donovan, Brian J. Jackel, A comprehensive survey of auroral latitude Pc5 pulsation characteristics,


Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 108, No. A10, 1384 10.1029/2002JA009801, 29 October 2003

J. C. Brown, A. R. Taylor and B. J. Jackel, Rotation measures of compact sources in the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey,


Astrophysical Journal Supplement 145:213-223, 2003.

E.F. Donovan, B.J. Jackel, I. Voronkov, T. Sotirelis, F. Creutzberg and N.A. Nicholson, Ground-based Optical Determination of


the b2i Boundary: A Basis for an Optical MT-index, Journal of Geophysical Research A3:1115, doi:1029/2001JA009198, 2003.

B.J. Jackel, D.R. Moorcroft, J.C. Foster and K. Schlegel, Spectral characteristics of UHF radar aurora, Journal of Geophysical


Research 10.1029/2001/JA000165, 2002.

B.J. Jackel, P. Eglitis, E.F. Donovan, A.T. Viljanen, D.D. Wallis, L.L. Cogger and H.J. Opgenoorth, Observations of highly


correlated near-simultaneous magnetic eld perturbations at contraposed ground stations. Journal of Geophysical Research

A11:258**-*****, 2001

W. Lyatsky, L.L. Cogger, B.J. Jackel, A.M. Hamza, W.J. Hughes, D. Murr and O. Rasmussen, Substorm development as


observed by a UV imager and a 2-D magnetic array, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Volume 63, Issue 15,

Pages 1609-162, October 2001.

D.J. Knudsen, E.F. Donovan, L.L. Cogger, B. Jackel and W.D. Shaw, Width and structure of mesoscale optical auroral arcs,


Geophysical Research Letters 28:705-708, 2001.

H.J. Opgenoorth and 58 other authors including B.J. Jackel, Coordinated ground-based, low altitude satellite and Cluster obser-


vations on global and local scales during a transient post-noon sector excursion of the magnetospheric cusp, Annales Geophysi-

cae, 19:1367 - 1398, 2001.

B.J. Jackel, Characterization of auroral radar power spectra and autocorrelation functions, Radio Science 35:1009-1023, 2000.


I. Voronkov, E. F. Donovan, B.J. Jackel and J.C. Samson, Large-scale vortex dynamics in the evening and midnight auroral


zone: Observations and simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research A8:185**-*****, 2000.

E.F. Donovan, B. Jackel and L.L. Cogger, The Aurora, Physics in Canada 54:285-294, 1998.


B. Jackel, D.R. Moorcroft and K. Schlegel, Characteristics of very large aspect angle E-region coherent echoes at 933 Mhz,


Annales Geophysicae 15:54-62, 1997.

G. Rostoker, B. Jackel and R. Arnoldy, The relationship of periodic structures in auroral luminosity in the post-noon sector to


ULF pulsations, Geophysical Research Letters 19:613-616, 1992.

Invited Talks

B. JackelImaging the aurora and mapping the magnetosphere, Brian Jackel, guest tutorial at the CAnada NOrway ROCKet


school 3, Andoya, Norway, January 2011

B. Jackel, Design and operation of large scale multi-instrument networks, invited presentation at the 10th Scienti c Assembly


of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) session on Global scale synthesis from models and

distributed observations, Toulouse France, July 18-29, 2005.

Brian Jackel 2 of 6

B. Jackel, Data retrieval and software con guration for THEMIS Ground-based observatories, invited presentation at the


THEMIS NASA EPR, University of California (Berkeley), October 2003.

B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft and J.C. Foster, Spectral Characteristics of UHF Radar Aurora, invited presentation at the DASP


meeting in London Ontario, February 1998.


B. Jackel, Spectral Characteristics of UHF Radar Aurora, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1997.


B. Jackel, Height pro les, aspect sensitivity, and spectral characteristics of large aspect angle radar echoes at 933 Mhz, M.Sc.


Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1992.

Refereed conference proceedings

B. J. Jackel, F. Creutzberg, E. F. Donovan, and L.L. Cogger, Triangulation of auroral red-line emission heights Proc. of Atmos.


Studies by Optical Methods, 2003.

E.F. Donovan, B.J. Jackel, D. Klumpar, and R. Strangeway, Energy dependence of the isotropy boundary latitude, Proc. of


Atmos. Studies by Optical Methods, 2003.

N. A. Nicholson, E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, L. L. Cogger and D. Lummerzheim, Multipoint Measurements of the Ion Isotropy


Boundary Proc. of Atmos. Studies by Optical Methods, 2003.

E.F. Donovan, T.S. Trondsen, L.L. Cogger and B.J. Jackel, Auroral imaging in Canadian CANOPUS and NORSTAR programs,


Proc. of Atmos. Studies by Optical Methods, 2003.

Non-refereed conference proceedings

M.T. Syrj suo, B.J. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, T.S. Trondsen and M. Greffen, Low-cost multi-band ground-based imaging of the aurora, Proc. of SPIE



Volume 5901 Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation (eds. Silvano Fineschi, Rodney A. Viereck), in press, 2005

B.J. Jackel and E.F. Donovan, Azimuthal substorm propagation inferred from an L-shell chain of ground-based magnetometers, Sixth International


Conference on Substorms, 129-134, 2002.

N.A. Nicholson, E.F. Donovan, B.J. Jackel, I. Voronkov, L.L. Cogger, D. Lummerzheim, F. Creutzberg and T. Sotirelis, Multipoint observations of the


ion isotropy/b2i boundary, Sixth International Conference on Substorms, 157-162, 2002.

Posters and presentations at international conferences

B.J. Jackel, Taylor Cameron, James Weygand, Orientation of large-scale density structures in the solar wind, CAP general meeting, Calgary June 2012


M. Greffen, E. Donovan, D. Knudsen, B.J. Jackel, S. Skone, J.-P. St. Maurice, K. McWilliams, M. Connors, RISR-C: The Canadian Resolute Bay


Incoherent Scatter Radar, CAP general meeting, Calgary June 2012

J. Burchill, E. Donovan, A. Eriksson, B.J. Jackel, D. Knudsen, J.-E. Wahlund, A. Yau, Global up ow and temperature of thermal ions in the F


region/topside ionosphere: Looking forward with the Swarm mission, CAP general meeting, Calgary June 2012

E. Spanswick, E. Donovan, K. Rae, B.J. Jackel, Motion and Structure of Auroral Patches, CAP general meeting, Calgary June 2012


B.J. Jackel, Taylor Cameron, James Weygand, Solar wind density propagation and magnetospheric response, Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco


December 2011

M. Greffen, E. Donovan, E. Spanswick, M. Nicolls, B.J. Jackel, A. Str mme, Dispersionless injection events observed with incoherent scatter radar,



Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco December 2011

B.J. Jackel and Breege McKiernan, Geostationary magnetic eld response to solar wind pressure variations, DASP meeting, Saskatoon, February 2011


B.J. Jackel and Breege McKiernan, Geostationary magnetic eld response to solar wind pressure variations, SM13B-1802, Fall AGU meeting, San


Francisco December 2010

B.J. Jackel Correlation of solar wind and magnetospheric variations, Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco December 2009


N. McGuf n, E. Donovan E. Spanswick, D.J. Knudsen, R. Rankin, G. Baker, V.M. Uritsky, B.J. Jackel, K. Barnetson New Observational Constraints


on Theories of Auroral Arc Generation Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco December 2009

E. Donovan, E Spanswick, J. Liang, B.J. Jackel, W. Liu, K. Kabin, R. Rankin Using Optical and Riometer Observations to Study the Relationship


Between the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Magnetic Field Topology and Dispersionless Electron Injection Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco December


E. Donovan, E. Spanswick, V. Uritsky, J. Liang, B.J. Jackel, S. Mende The Interrelationship of auroral onset, dipolarization, fast ow, and injection


AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, May 2009

J. Liang, E.F. Donovan, T. Trondsen, E. Spanswick, B. Jackel, J. McFadden, J. Bonnell, K. Shiokawa, K. Sakaguchi, T. Aslaksen THEMIS observations


of magnetospheric ELF emissions, ULF Pc5 waves and their auroral features AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, May 2009

B.J. Jackel, S. Marple, E. Spanswick, M. Syrj suo, E. Donovan, F. Honary, Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA), poster at CEDAR-DASI workshop,



Santa Fe June 2007

B.J. Jackel, Multi-scale data exchange, comparison, and assimilation, IPY kickoff meeting, Helsinki Finland February 2007


B.J. Jackel, E. Donovan, M. Greffen, V. Angelopoulos, S. Mende, S. Harris, W. Rachelson, C. Russell, D. Pierce, D. Dearborne THEMIS Ground Based


Observatories, poster at Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco December 2006

B. Jackel, E Donovan, M Greffen, V Angelopoulos, S Mende, S Harris, W Rachelson, C Russell, D Pierce, D Dearborne, THEMIS Ground Based


Observatories, poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, 59 December 2005.

E Donovan, E Spanswick, M Syrjasuo, S Marple, B Jackel, K Kauristie, F Honary, S Mende, A Weatherwax, J Moen, I Sandahl, GAIA - A Virtual


Auroral Observatory, presentation at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, 59 December 2005.

B. Jackel and E.F. Donovan, Geospace Sensor Networks, presentation at the session on Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) during the


combined CEDAR/GEM meeting, Santa Fe USA, June 26-July 1 2005.

Brian Jackel 3 of 6

B. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, M. Greffen, S. Harris, S. Mende, V. Angelopoulos, Infrastructure and autonomy: a comparison of the new CGSM and


THEMIS-GBO instrument arrays, poster at the fall AGU meeting, San Francisco USA, 13-17 December 2004.

B. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, and L.L. Cogger, Detached arcs observed by the InterBall-2 Ultra-Violet Imager, presentation at the 31st Annual European


Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Ambleside England, August 2004.

E. Donovan, B. Jackel, M.T. Syrj suo, T. Trondsen, S. Mende and H. Nielsen, Real-time merged images of auroral luminosity from distributed arrays



of all-sky imagers, presentation at the 31st Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Ambleside England, August 2004.

M.T. Syrj suo, B. Jackel, E. Donovan, RAINBOW: the color imager, presentation at the 31st Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by



Optical Methods, Ambleside England, August 2004.

E. Spanswick, E. Donovan, G. Baker, D. Wallis and B. Jackel, Pc5 modulation of high-energy electron precipitation, presentation at the 31st Annual


European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Ambleside England, August 2004.

B. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, G.J. Baker, D.D. Wallis, D.H. Boteler, Auroral zone GIC proxy dependence on solar wind speed, poster at the AGU fall


meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 8-12 2003.

E.F. Donovan, M. Syrjasuo, B. Jackel, T. Trondsen, M. Greffen, L. Cogger, E. Spanswick, S. Mende, S. Harris, M. Connors, H. Frey, V. Angelopoulos,


The THEMIS all-sky imager array, poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, December 8-12 2003.

M. Connors, E.F. Donovan, M. Syrjasuo, M. Greffen, S.B. Mende, C.T. Russell, B.J. Jackel, T. Trondsen, An evening sector Ps6-Omega band event,


poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, December 8-12 2003.

E.F. Donovan, D. Knudsen, R. Rankin, G. Baker, B. Jackel, L. Cogger, and D. Wallis, The Anticorrelation of Auroral Arc and Pc5 Pulsation Occurrence,


presentation at the European Geophysical Society annual meeting, Nice France, 2003.

B.J. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, T.S. Trondsen Imaging the polar cap red-line shelf, poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, December 6-10



E.L. Spanswick, E.F. Donovan, G. Baker, B.J. Jackel, D. Wallis and D. Knudsen (2002) Modulation of >30 KeV Electron Precipitation by Pc5 Magnetic


Pulsations, poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco USA, December 6-10 2002.

T.S. Trondsen, E.F. Donovan, N. Nicholson, B.J. Jackel, L.L. Cogger and D. Lummerzheim (2002) Multipoint Observations of the Ion Isotropy/b2i


Boundary, poster at the AGU fall meeting, San Franciso USA, December 6-10 2002.

B. J. Jackel and E. F. Donovan (2002) Azimuthal substorm propagation inferred from an L-shell chain of ground-based magnetometers, poster at the


International Conference on Substorms 6, March 25-29 2002, Seattle, U.S.A.

N. A. Nicholson, E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, L. L. Cogger D. Lummerzheim, F. Creutzberg, T. Sotirelis and I. Voronkov (2002) Using the optical b2i


as a tool for event timing, presentation at the International Conference on Substorms 6, March 25-29 2002, Seattle, U.S.A.

B. J. Jackel, F. Creutzberg, E. F. Donovan, and L. L. Cogger (2001) Triangulation of auroral red-line emission heights, poster at 28th Annual European


Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, 19 - 24. 8. 2001, Oulu, Finland.

N. A. Nicholson, E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, L. L. Cogger, D. Lummerzheim, T. Sotirelis, I. Voronkov, F. Creutzberg (2001) Monitoring the Ion


Isotropy Boundary with Multipoint Proton Auroral Measurements, talk at 28th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods,

19 - 24. 8. 2001, Oulu, Finland.

E. F. Donovan, T. S. Trondsen, L. L. Cogger, and B. J. Jackel (2001) All-sky imaging within the Canadian CANOPUS and NORSTAR projects, talk at


28th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, 19 - 24. 8. 2001, Oulu, Finland.

P. Eglitis, B. J. Jackel, E. Boralv, A. Vaivads, E. Donovan, H.J. Opgenoorth, and J. Watermann (2001) Multi-point measurements of global responses in


the magnetosphere, talk at EGS meeting in Europe, February.

B. J. Jackel, P. Eglitis, E. F. Donovan, and L. L. Cogger (2000), Global response observed by widely separated magnetometers, poster at the AGU fall


meeting, December.

N. A. Nicholson, E.F. Donovan, T. Sotirelis, I. Voronkov, B.J. Jackel, L.L. Cogger, F. Creutzberg (2000) The Ion Isotropy Boundary as Seen in Proton


Auroral Measurements, poster at AGU December 2000, San Francisco.

P. Eglitis, B. J. Jackel, E. Donovan and H.J. Opgenoorth (2000) Non-local responses in ionospheric convection to solar wind effects, talk at SRAMP


meeting in Japan, October.

B. J. Jackel, E. F. Donovan, and L. L. Cogger (1999), Auroral regions and boundaries, poster at the AGU fall meeting, December.


Voronkov, I., E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, and J. C. Samson (1999), Large-scale auroral vortex dynamics, talk at the AGU fall meeting, December.


Knudsen, D. J., E. F. Donovan, L. L. Cogger, B. J. Jackel, and W. Shaw (1999), Statistical properties of stable auroral arcs from all-sky imager


observations, talk at the AGU fall meeting, December.

B. Jackel (1998) Spectral characteristics of UHF radar aurora, poster at the AGU Fall Meeting, December.


E.F. Donovan, B. Jackel, G. Baker, L. L. Cogger (1998) A statistical study of transient north-south auroral structures in the CANOPUS ASI data set,


Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, December.

E.F. Donovan, B. Jackel and L.L. Cogger (1998) Detached auroral arcs as seen by the InterBall UVAI imager. Presented at the GEM Workshop,


Snomass Colorado, June.

B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft, J.C Foster and P. Ericson (1995) Bistatic coherent backscatter from the auroral E-region at 440 Mhz, talk at the workshop on


E-region plasma instabilities, Max-Planck Institut f r Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 24-26 October.


E.F. Donovan, G. Rostoker, and B. Jackel (1992) The effects of eld-aligned currents on mapping from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere. ESA


publication SP-355:19-24

B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft (1991) Height pro les of EISCAT coherent scatter from the auroral E-region, talk at the AGU fall meeting December.


E.F. Donovan, G. Rostoker, B. Jackel (1990) Adding eld-aligned currents to the Tsyganenko 1987 magnetic eld model: effects on mapping in the


CPS, talk at the AGU fall meeting December.

Other non-refereed contributions

B.J. Jackel and Breege McKiernan, Geostationary magnetic eld response to solar wind pressure variations, DASP, Saskatoon February 2011


B.J. Jackel, E. Donovan, S. Mende, H. Frey, M. Syrj suo, S. Harris, M. Greffen, L. Peticolas, I. Voronkov, T. Trondsen, N. Partamies, M. Connors,



Vassilis Angelopoulos The THEMIS All-Sky Imager Program, talk at DASP meeting, Kingston, 2006.

M. Connors, J. Ponto, P. Chi, B.J. Jackel Initial results from the AUTUMN Alberta array, talk at DASP meeting, Kingston, 2006.


N. A. Nicholson, E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, L. L. Cogger, F. Creutzberg and D. Lummerzheim, A Two-point Study of the Proton Aurora and the Ion


Isotropy Boundary, presentation at SEW, Banff, 2001.

E. Spanswick, E. Donovan and B. J. Jackel, Multipoint CANOPUS riometer data and future applications, presentation at SEW, Banff, 2001.


N. A. Nicholson, E. F. Donovan, B. J. Jackel, L. L. Cogger, T. Sotirelis, I. Voronkov and F. Creutzberg, Multipoint Measurements of the Ion Isotropy


Boundary, talk at the DASP meeting, Saskatoon, February 2001.

B. J. Jackel and E. F. Donovan, Quiet proton aurora, presentation at the DASP meeting, February 2000.


B. J. Jackel, E. F. Donovan and L. L. Cogger, Auroral heights obtained by triangulation, poster at the DASP meeting, February 2000.


B. Jackel, D. Steele, L.L. Cogger and E.F. Donovan, Multiple views of polar cap arcs. Presentation at the DASP meeting, February 1999.


Brian Jackel 4 of 6

E.F. Donovan, B. Jackel, T. Trondsen, L.L. Cogger, I. Voronkov, P. Eglitas and H. Opgenoorth, Some thoughts on ground-based supra-mesoscale auroral


imaging: ten years of Gillam ASI data and a look to the future. Presentation at the DASP meeting, February 1999.

I. Voronkov, E. Friedrich, J.C. Samson, R. Rankin, E.F. Donovan and B. Jackel, Growth phase elements and pre-onset conditions observed by CANOPUS


and SuperDarn, Presentation at the DASP meeting, February 1999.

M. Lessard, T. Trondsen, B. Jackel, E.F. Donovan, L.L. Cogger, F. Creutzberg (1999) A description of the smart auroral multiscale imager (SAMI) for


the CANOPUS array. Presented at the DASP meeting, February.

B. Jackel (1998) Reconstruction of UVAI images with parametric de-smearing. Technical report to the Canadian Space Agency, November.


E.F. Donovan, B. Jackel, L.L. Cogger and T. Trondsen, NORSTAR: an array of digital all-sky imagers in the Canadian North, project proposal to the


Canadian Space Agency, November 1998.

B. Jackel, E.F. Donovan and L.L. Cogger, Detached auroral arcs in InterBall auroral probe UVAI images, poster at the DASP meeting, February 1998.


B. Jackel and D. Moorcroft, Designing bistatic radar experiments, presentation at the DASP meeting, February 1996.


B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft and J.C. Foster, MidasC, a Canadian-American In/Coherent scatter radar, presentation at the DASP meeting, February, 1995.


B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft and K. Schlegel Spatial structure of E-region coherent backscatter from an EISCAT rapid beam-scanning experiment, presen-


tation at the DASP meeting, February 1993.

B. Jackel and D. Moorcroft, Height pro les of large aspect angle coherent backscatter at 933 Mhz, presentation at the DASP annual meeting, February



B. Jackel, D. Moorcroft and K. Schlegel, Modelling coherent backscatter from the auroral E-region at 933 MHz, presentation at the Canadian Network


for Space Research general meeting October, 1991.

Direct Funding

2008-2012 Canadian Space Agency: $60k/year

2008-2011 NSERC discovery grant: $19k/year

2008 University of Calgary start-up: $90k

Academic Awards

Faculty of Science Research Fellowship for Physics and Astronomy, UCalgary (1999)

Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Physics, UWO (1994)

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, UWO (1993, 95)

Best Student Paper, DASP Winter Workshop (1992, 93, 95)

University of Western Ontario Entrance Scholarship, UWO (1991, 92)

NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, UWO (1991, 92)

Norcen Energy Resources Scholarship, UAlberta (1989)

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, UAlberta (1989, 90)

Amoco Canada undergraduate Scholarship, UAlberta (1989)

APEGGA Scholarship in Geophysics, UAlberta (1988)

University of Alberta Matriculation Scholarship, UAlberta (1985)

Other evidence of impact

science team member for CFI funded RISR project: $9 million (2009)

organizing chair for the DASP workshop in Banff (2009)

science team member for NSERC MRS funded PolarDarn Facility: $682k (2008-2013)

managing scientist for NORSTAR project (2000-2005)

co-investigator of CSA funded THEMIS program (2004-07)

co-investigator of CSA funded NORSTAR program (2001-06)

planned and executed major upgrade to CSA funded CGSM program (2003-2005)

referee for the Journal of Geophysical Research

referee for the European Geophysical Union publications

organizer of CGSM operations meeting in Saskatoon (May 2005)

Brian Jackel 5 of 6

invited participant at the University of Calgary Physics and Astronomy department planning retreat in

Banff (2003)

examiner for Greg Baker s M.Sc. thesis defence (2002)

co-author of NORSTAR NSERC CRO proposal with E. Donovan (2000)

co-author of NORSTAR CSA proposal with E. Donovan, T. Trondsen, and L. Cogger (1998)

Public outreach

I have appeared in numerous news articles in national and local radio, television and newspapers.

Real-time images from NORSTAR and THEMIS GBO eld sites provide an compelling visual rep-

resentation of sun-earth coupling. The October 2006 launch of the THEMIS satellites also resulted in

greatly increased levels of media attention and public interest.

Brian Jackel 6 of 6

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