Looking for Cosmetologists, Manicurist, and Massage Therapist for Booth Rental (Lewisburg, W.V)
Looking for potential Booth Renters for a New Full Service Salon coming soon to Lewisburg. Seeking renters with a established clientale and atleast 3 years of in salon experience.
Booth Rental Prices:
Cosmetologist: $400.00 monthly
Massage Therapist: $375.00
Manicurist: $350.00
All inquiries please email the follwing information to *****************@*****.***:
1. Your Full (Legal) Name
2. Years of experience ( please do not include Cosmetology school).
3. A phone number where you can be reached.
4. Your email address
5. When you can begin .
6. All questions regarding the rental etc..
7. Please include one proffessional reference( a past or present employeer is a good example) with their phone number and occupation and also two other references of your choice.
Location: Lewisburg, W.V