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Urbana, IL
February 21, 2013

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Beckman Institute

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Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA.

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Expertise and

Research Interests



Information Retrieval



Video and Image Indexing



Recognition and Machine Learning



vision and Image processing

Education Background


1996 to Hong Kong University

of Science & Technology (HKUST)

Sep 2000 PhD Degree in Computer Science

PhD Thesis: Analysis of Spatio-temporal

Slices for Video Content Representation July 1994 to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

March 1996 Master Degree in Applied Science (Computer Engineering)


Thesis: Tracking with Generalized Active Contour Model

July 1990 toNanyang

Technological University, Singapore

May 1994 Bachelor Degree in Applied Science (Honour)



Jan 2001 toUniversity of

Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)

PresentHong Kong University of Science &

Technology (HKUST) Research associate in HKUST and post-doc in UIUC

Research experience:


and develop digital video processing system for on-line distance learning (a

collaborative project between UIUC and HKUST).


and implement multimedia information retrieval system in Nansha Information

Technology Park.

Fall 1996 toHong Kong

University of Science & Technology

Dec 2000 Research and teaching

assistant in the Department of Computer Science

Research experience:


slice-based video partitioning algorithms, including camera cut, wipe and

dissolve detection methods


motion characterization and segmentation algorithms.


motion-based video representation techniques for scene change detection.


motion retrieval algorithms for sport video database


hierarchical clustering and retrieval approaches for soccer and basketball

video database through motion and color features.


and study the effectiveness and efficiency of employing DCT coefficients for

the content-based color, shape and texture retrieval.


and implement web-based multimedia digital library (MMLib)

Summer 1999 Microsoft

Research China

Summer intern in the Media

Computing Group

Research experience:


slice-based motion characterization algorithms for long video sequence



works on video representation, shot similarity measure and video highlight


April 1999 NLPR at the Automation Institute of CAS, PRC

Visiting student in Image Processing Group

Research experience:


research on content-based video/image indexing

April 1996 to Information

Technology Institute, SingaporeSep 1996 (Merged with ISS as Kent Ridge Digital Labs after 1998)

Research staff in the Information Retrieval Group




in the algorithm design of iAgent

multilingual information retrieval system.


algorithms in information indexing, routing and filtering for both English and

Chinese text retrieval.


in TREC-5 International Conference and rank 3rd in the competition

of Chinese text routing.

July 1994 toNanyang Technological University, Singapore

March 1996 Research and teaching assistant in Computer

Engineering Department

Research experience:


object tracking algorithms based on the generalized active contour model



GSNAKE API version 1.0 that provides tools for contour modeling, extraction,

detection and classification. The API is available at the computer vision home



1996 to 2000 HKUST studentship

1997 Pacific Bechtel Corporation scholarship

1996 3rd

prize for Chinese text routing in TREC-5 International Conference

Professional Activities

Reviewer IEEE Transactions on

Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Asian Conference of

Computer Vision (ACCV)



Programming Visual C++, C++, C, MatLab,

CGI, HTML, Prolog

Platform OS Unix,

Linux, MS-Windows, MS-DOS

Knowledge JPEG

& MPEG, Oracle SQL

Selected Publication


C. W. Ngo, Analysis of Spatio-temporal Slices for Video Content

Representation, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer

Science, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2000.C. W. Ngo, Tracking

with Generalized Active Contour Models, MSc Thesis, Department

of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 1996.

Journal Paper

C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & H. J. Zhang, Motion-based

Video Representation for Scene Change Detection, International

Journal of Computer Vision, 2001, accepted.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & R. T. Chin, Video

Partitioning through Temporal Slices Analysis, IEEE

Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 11, no. 8,

pp. 941-953, August, 2001.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, H. J. Zhang,

Motion Analysis and Segmentation through

Spatio-temporal Slices Processing, IEEE Trans. on Image

Processing, 2000, (under revision).C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & H. J. Zhang, On

Clustering and Retrieval of Video Shots through Temporal Slices Analysis,

submitted to IEEE Trans. On Multimedia, 2001.C. W. Ngo, H. J. Zhang & T. C. Pong, Recent

Advances in Content Based Video Analysis, International Journal

of Image and Graphic, 2001, accepted.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, R. T. Chin, Exploiting Image Indexing Technique in DCT Domain,

Pattern Recognition, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1841-1851, Sep,

2001. S. Chan, C. W. Ngo & Kok F. Lai, Motion Tracking of Human Mouth by Generalized

Deformable Models, Pattern Recognition Letters, pp.

879-887, 1999.

Conference Paper Image & Video Indexing

C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, H. J. Zhang & R. T. Chin, On Clustering and Retrieval of Video Shots, ACM Multimedia Modeling (MM 01),

2001, to appear.T. Lin, C. W. Ngo, H. J. Zhang, Q. Y. Shi, Integrating Color and Spatial Features for

Content-based Video Retrieval, Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 2001.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, H. J. Zhang & R. T. Chin, Motion Characterization by Temporal Slice Analysis, Computer

Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 00), Vol. 2, pp. 768-773, 2000.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, R. T. Chin & H. J. Zhang, Motion-based Video Representation for Scene Change

Detection, Int. Conf. of

Pattern Recognition (ICPR 00),Vol. 1, pp. 827-830, 2000.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & R. T. Chin, A Robust

Wipe Detection Algorithm,

Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 00), Vol. 1, pp. 246-51,

2000. C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & R. T. Chin, Detection

of Gradual Transitions through Temporal Slice Analysis, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

(CVPR 99), 1999, vol.1, pp. 36-41.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong & R. T. Chin, Camera

Breaks Detection by Partitioning of 2D Spatio-temporal Images in MPEG

Domain, IEEE Multimedia

Systems (ICMCS'99), 1999, vol. 1, pp. 750-755.C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, R. T. Chin, Exploiting Image Indexing Technique in DCT Domain,

International Workshop on Multimedia Information Analysis &

Retrieval, pp. 195-206, 1998. Motion Tracking

Kok F. Lai, C. W. Ngo & S. Chan, Tracking of Deformable Contours by Synthesis and Match, Int.

Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Vol. 1, 1996, pp. 657-661. C. W. Ngo, S. Chan & Kok F. Lai, Motion

Tracking and Analysis of Deformable Objects by Generalized Active Contour

Model, Second Asian

Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 1995, pp. 3:442-446. C. W. Ngo, S. Chan & Kok F. Lai, Application

of Generalized Active Contour Model for Model-Based Image Coding, Multimedia Modeling, 1995, pp.


Information Retrieval

C. W. Ngo & Kok F. Lai, Experiments on Routing,

Filtering and Chinese Text Retrieval in TREC-5, Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5), 1997, pp. 247-55.

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