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School University

Bluffton, OH
January 26, 2013

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Raymond F. Person, Jr.Associate Professor of ReligionOhio Northern University Academic Policies

Course SyllabiFall 2001

Winter 2001-02

Spring 2000

Special Topics: Dead Sea Scrolls

Honors Seminar: Conversation Analysis and LiteratureOther

Special Topics: Oral Tradition and the Bible

Special Topics: Wisdom LiteratureEducation

Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Studies (1991); The Graduate School,

Duke Univ.

M.Div. (1987) magna cum laude; The Graduate Seminary, Phillips Univ.

B.A. in Religion (1983) magna cum laude; Phillips Univ.PublicationsBooksThe Deuteronomic School. SBLMS. Atlanta: Society

of Biblical Literature, 2002. []Structure and Meaning in Conversation and Literature.

Lanham: University Press of America, 1999. []The Kings/Isaiah and Kings/Jeremiah Recensions.

BZAW 252. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1997. []In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis,

Literary Criticism, and the Book of Jonah. JSOTSup 220. Sheffield:

Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. []Second Zechariah and the Deuteronomic School.

JSOTSup Series 167. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. []Articles/Essays"Deuteronomic Toponyms in Deutero-Zechariah." In


Volume on Zechariah 9-14. Edited by Mark Boda and Michael Floyd.

JSOTSup. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002 (forthcoming)."Linguistic Difference Emphasized; Linguistic Difference

Denied." In The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class,

and the 'Other' in Antiquity. Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers.

Edited by Douglas R. Edwards and C. Thomas McCollough. American Schools

of Oriental Research, 2002 (forthcoming)."The Book of the Twelve." In Chalice Introduction

to the Old Testament. Edited by Marti Steussy. Chalice Press, 2002."The Deuteronomic History in Its Postexilic Context."

In Second Temple Studies. JSOTSup. Edited by Phillip Davies. Sheffield:

Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. []"The Identification and Filling of Gaps of Indeterminacy"


and Style, forthcoming. []"A Reassessment of Wiederaufnahme from the Perspective

of Conversation Analysis." Biblische Zeitschrift (1999): 241-48.

[]"II Kings 18-20 and Isaiah 36-39: A Text Critical

Case Study in the Redaction History of the Book of Isaiah."


für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 111 (1999): 373-79. []"The Ancient Israelite Scribe as Performer,"


of Biblical Literature 117 (1998): 601-09. []"Oral Tradition and a Rolling Corpus: A Not-So-Literate

Solution to a Highly Literate Problem." In Troubling Jeremiah: New Readings

of the Book of Jeremiah, pp. 263-71. JSOTSup 260. Edited by Kathleen

M. O'Connor, A.R. Diamond, and Louis Stulman. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic

Press, 1999. []"Restarts in Conversation and Literature."


and Communication 16 (1996): 61-70. []"The 'Became Silent to Silence' Formula in Homer."


Roman, and Byzantine Studies 36 (1995): 327-39. []"II Kings 24,18-25,30 and Jeremiah 52: A Text-Critical

Case Study in the Redaction History of the Deuteronomistic History." Zeitschrift

für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 105 (1993): 174-205. []"The Interrelationship between the Oral and the Written

in the Work of Alexander Campbell." Oral Tradition 8 (1993): 143-58.

[]with M. Eugene Boring, "Scripture Index to Alexander

Campbell's Christian System." Disciples Theological Digest 2 (1987):

55-59.Professional Societies


Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Genealogy

Personal Reflections on My Family History and

RacismOther Links

Department of Philosophy and

Religion, Ohio Northern University

The Wabash Center for Teaching

and Learning Religion and Theology

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