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International Assistant

Washington, DC
January 29, 2013

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Business Address:

International Monetary Fund

HQ1, 10-314

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Washington D.C., 20431

Tel: 202-***-****

Fax: 202-***-****


Home Address:

7631 Huntmaster Lane

McLean, VA 22102


Date of Birth:

May 5, 1958


B.S., Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo, University, Cairo, Egypt, May


M.A., Economics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, January 1982.

M.B.A., Indiana University in South Bend, Mishawaka, Indiana, August 1984.

Ph.D., Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, August 1988.

Work Experience:

Senior Economist,

Caribbean II Division

The Western Hemisphere Department, July 2006-present

International Monetary Fund,

Washington D.C.

Senior Economist,

Middle Eastern Division

IMF Institute, October 2002-July 2006

International Monetary Fund,

Washington D.C.

Senior Economist,

General Resources and SDR Policy Division

Treasurer s Department, June 2001-October 2002

International Monetary Fund,

Washington D.C.


Visiting Scholar, IMF Institute and Research Dept., June 2000-June 2001

International Monetary Fund,

Washington D.C.

Advisor to Executive Director, August 1999-June 2000

International Monetary Fund,

Washington D.C.

Chair, August 1998-August 1999

Department of Economics,

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Professor, August 1997-August 2001

Department of Economics,

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Visiting Associate Professor, May 1994-August 1994

Department of Economics,

Justus-Liebig Universitat,

Giessen, Germany

Associate Professor, August 1993-May 1997

Department of Economics,

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Assistant Professor, August 1992-May 1993

Department of Economics,

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Assistant Professor, September 1988-May 1992

Department of Economics

Southern Illinois University

Research Assistant, May 1986-May 1988

funded by the National Science Foundation (grant SEC-8608885),

Washington State University

Teaching Assistant, August 1984-May 1986

Washington State University

Production Planner, May 1982-August 1984

Miles Laboratories Incorporated,

Mishawaka, Indiana

Research Support:

1998, Grant Fund ($12,700), awarded by the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran,

and Turkey, in support of the proposal entitled The E ects of Government Spending on the Economies

of the GCC Countries, joint with Hassan Aly.

1995, International Travel Award ($300), O ce of International Studies, University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201.

1994-1995, One course buy-out, Graduate School Research Incentive Program, University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201.


1993-1994, Research Committee Award ($7,365), The Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201.

Summer 1991, Summer Research Fellowship (one-month salary), O ce of Research Development and

Administration, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901.

1989-1991, Two-year support for one half-time research assistantship ($ 13,500), awarded by the Special

Research Program, O ce of Research Development and Administration, Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale, IL 62901.

Other Grants:

1992-1996, ($27,000), received from the Egyptian Government in support of the exchange program for

visiting students and faculty from Egypt.

Special Awards:

2006, ranked 92 based on number of journal pages weighted by number of authors, using data from

9719 authors, compiled by RePEc,

2000, ranked 344 among top 500 economists in the world based on quality and quantity of published

papers during 1994-98 using BAUWENS, tcoupe/ranklab6.html.

1999, Citation of Excellence, the highest quality rating by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence for my article

On the European Monetary System: the Spillover E ects of German Shocks and Disin ation, joint

with Julius Horvath and Subhash Sharma, Applied Economics, (1998), 30, pp. 1585-1593.

1997, Citation of Excellence, the highest quality rating by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence for my article

Price Flexibility and Output Variability: What Do We Learn from Disaggregate Data? Journal of

Economics and Business, (1996), Vol. 48, pp. 117-139.

1997, Citation of Excellence, the highest quality rating by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence for my article

On the Role of Money in Real Business-Cycle Models, joint with Kovit Charnvitaypong, Applied

Economics, (1995), 27, pp. 1187-1199.

Summer 1988, Summer Graduate Research Grant, awarded by Washington State University, Pullman,

WA 99164.

1988, Georges Lurcy Research Fellowship in Economics, awarded by the Brookings Institution, Wash-

ington, D.C. 22036.

1981-1982, Peace Fellowship, awarded by America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Wash-

ington, D.C. 22036.

1978-1979, Academic Fellowship, awarded by the Institute for Arabic and Strategic Studies, Arab

League, Cairo, Egypt.

1974, ranked ninth, nation-wide, among high school graduates in Egypt.

Professional A liations:

Member, American Economic Association

Member, Canadian Economic Association

Member, Arab Society for Economic Research

Research Fellow, Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey, elected Chair

(2002, 2006)



Published and Forthcoming Articles

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Macroeconomy: Channels of Interaction in Developing and

Developed Countries, Eastern Economic Journal, (forthcoming).

Are Devaluations Contractionary in MENA Countries? joint with Mohsen Bahmani, Applied Eco-

nomics, (forthcoming).

Price Flexibility in Developing Countries: Evidence and Implications, Applied Economics, (forth-


Substitution between Money and Near Monies in Switzerland, with Subhash Sharma, Abdur Chowd-

hury and Tammy Parker, Journal of Quantitative Economics, (forthcoming).

Towards Understanding the Asian Crisis and Its Aftermath, joint with Souphala Chomsisengphet,

Journal of the Asia Paci c Economy, (forthcoming).

Real and Nominal Exchange Rates in MENA Countries: 1970-2004, joint with Mohsen Bahmani,

Applied Economics, (2007), pp. 1-13.

The Wage-Price Spiral: International Evidence and Implications, Journal of Economics and Busi-

ness, May-June (2007), vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 212-240.

The E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey, joint with Nergiz Dincer

and Hakan Berument, Journal of Asian Economics, (2007), vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 466-489.

Testing the PPP in the Non-Linear STAR Framework: Evidence from MENA Countries, joint with

Mohsen Bahmani, Scienti c Journal of Administrative Development, June (2007).

Government Size and Monetary Policy: Interactions and Productivity in the Economies of GCC

Countries, joint with Hassan Y. Aly and Khaled Elkhal, Savings and Development, (2006), vol. 4,

pp. 381-412.

Consumption and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from Developing Countries, joint

with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, December

(2006), Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 469-491.

Variation in the E ects of Government Spending Shocks with Methods of Financing: Evidence from

the U.S, International Review of Economics and Finance, (2006), Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 463-486.

The Asymmetric E ects of Aggregate Demand Shocks Across Industries of the United States: Evi-

dence and Implications, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, Spring 2006, pp. 259-283.

The Growth of Government Spending and the Money Supply: Evidence and Implications within and

across Industrial Countries, Journal of Economic Studies,, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2006, pp. 406-436.

On the Transmission Mechanism of Policy Shocks in Developing Countries, Oxford Development

Studies, June (2006), Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 117-149.

On the Transmission of Exchange Rate Fluctuations to the Macroeconomy: Contrasting Evidence for

Developing and Developed Countries, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development,

Vol. 15, No. 1, March (2006), pp. 101-127.

Wage Flexibility and Economic Performance: Evidence and Implications Across Industrial Countries,

Bulletin of Economic Research, (2006), pp. 25-49.


Currency Substitution in Asian Countries, joint with Subhash Sharma and Santi Chaisrisawatsuk,

Journal of Asian Economics,Vol. 16, No. 3, June (2005), pp. 489-532.

Countercyclical or Procyclical Real Wages? A Disaggregate Explanation of Aggregate Asymmetry in

the U.S., Empirical Economics, (2005) 30:619-642.

On the E ects of Government Spending Shocks in Developing Countries, Oxford Development Stud-

ies, Vol. 33, no. 2, June (2005), pp. 269-304.

Money, Interest, and Prices: Some International Evidence, International Review of Economics and

Finance,Vol. 14, no 2, (2005), pp. 129-147.

The E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Output and Prices: Evidence from Developing Coun-

tries, with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 38, no 2, Spring (2005), pp.


Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Economic Activity in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence,

Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 29, no. 1, June (2004), pp. 85-108.

Is the Business Cycle Gender Neutral? A Sectoral Investigation, joint with Je rey G. Woods, Equal

Opportunities International, Vol. 22, no 2, (2003), pp. 1-24.

The E ects of Dollar Appreciation on Sectoral Labor Market Adjustments: Theory and Evidence,

joint with Aghdas Mirzaie, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 43, no. 1, (2003),

pp. 89-117.

The Fisher E ect: New Evidence and Implications, joint with Yasser Fahmy, International Review

of Economics and Finance, Vol. 12, no. 4, (2003), pp. 451-465.

Are Devaluations Contractionary in Asia?, joint with Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Souphala

Chomsisengphet, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 25, no. 1, Fall 2002, pp. 69-82.

Cost of Living Adjustments and Business Cycles: Disaggregated Evidence, Macroeconomic Dynam-

ics, vol. 20, no. 3, (August 2002), pp. 1-30.

Convergence of the Gender Gap Over the Business Cycle: A Sectoral Investigation, joint with Je rey

G. Woods, Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 54, no. 3, May/June 2002, pp. 271-290.

Asymmetry in the E ects of Monetary and Government Spending Shocks: Contrasting Evidence and

Implications, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 40, no. 2, April 2002, pp. 288-313.

Employment Composition and the Cyclical Behavior of the Aggregate Real Wage, joint with Je rey

Woods, Applied Economics, April, Vol. 34, no. 6, 2002, pp. 689-708.

Asymmetry in Economic Fluctuations in the US Economy: the Pre-War and the 1946-1991 Periods

Compared, International Economic Journal, Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2002, pp. 21-42.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Disaggregate Economic Activity in the US: Theory and Evidence,

joint with Aghdas Mirzaie, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 21, no. 1, February

2002, pp. 1-31.

On the Performance and Practicality of Nominal GDP Targeting in Germany, joint with Ilker Domac,

Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 29, no. 3, (2002), pp. 179-204.

On the Design and E ects of Monetary Policy in the Middle East, IIUM Journal of Economics and

Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2001, pp. 31-54.


On the Signi cance of Trade Relations between GCC Countries and Japan, joint with Shaykha

AlShamsi, Journal of Economic Integration, 16(3), September 2001, pp. 352-376.

Asymmetry in the E ects of U.S. Government Spending Shocks: Evidence and Implications, The

Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2001, Vol. 41, pp. 137-165.

Variation in the E ects of Aggregate Demand Shocks: Evidence and Implications Across Industrial

Countries, Southern Economic Journal, January 2001, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 552-577.

On Di erences between East and West Germany in 1970-1990. International Journal of Social Eco-

nomics, 2001, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 248-277.

Demand Shifts Across U.S. Industries and the Stabilizing Function of Wage and Price Flexibility,

Applied Economics, 2000, 32, pp. 441-458.

The Asymmetric Stabilizing E ects of Price Flexibility: Historical Evidence and Implications, Ap-

plied Economics, 1999, 31, pp. 825-839.

Industrial Output Variability and Real Wage Fluctuations: Determinants and Implications, Eco-

nomic Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3, July 1999, pp. 452-472.

On the European Monetary System: The Spillover E ects of German Shocks and Disin ation, joint

with Julius Horvath and Subhash Sharma, Applied Economics, (1998), 30, pp. 1585-1593.

Supply-side Asymmetry and the Non-Neutrality of Demand Fluctuations, Journal of Macroeco-

nomics, Volume 20, Number 4, Fall 1998, pp. 785-810.

On the Design and E ects of Monetary Policy in the Middle East, Research in Middle East Eco-

nomics, Vol. 2, (1997), pp. 195-219.

Cyclical Comovements in Industrial Labor and Product Markets: Theory and Evidence, joint with

Je rey Woods, Economic Inquiry, Vol. XXXV, (October 1997), pp. 725-744.

On the Role of Macroeconomic Policies in the Middle East, Research in Human Capital and Devel-

opment, Volume 11B, 1997, pp. 303-334.

What Di erentiates Industrial Business Cycles? A Cross-Country Investigation, Applied Economics,

(1997), 29, pp. 197-212.

Sticky Wage or Sticky Price? Analysis of the Cyclical Behavior of the Real Wage, Southern Economic

Journal, (October 1996), pp. 440-459.

Price Flexibility and Aggregate Stability: Some Evidence Contrasting Developing and Developed

Countries, Canadian Journal of Economics, (May 1996), Vol. XXIX, No. 2, pp. 414-435.

Price Flexibility and Output Variability: What Do We Learn from Disaggregate Data? Journal of

Economics and Business, (1996), Vol. 48, pp. 117-139.

Sources of Industrial Output Fluctuations: How Important Is Energy Price Variability? joint with

Wei Hong, Economic Notes, (1995), Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 187-216.

On the Role of Money in Real Business-Cycle Models, joint with Kovit Charnvitaypong, Applied

Economics, (1995), 27, pp. 1187-1199.

Cyclical Fluctuations Across Industries of the United States: Evidence and Implications, Journal of

Economics and Business, (February 1995), Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 17-38.


Asymmetric Nominal Flexibility and Economic Fluctuations, Southern Economic Journal, (January

1995), Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 674-695.

A Cross-Industry Examination of the Lucas Misperceptions Model, joint with Je rey Woods, Journal

of Macroeconomics, (Winter 1995), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 55-76.

Price Flexibility and Aggregate Stability: New Evidence and Implications, Economic Inquiry, (April

1994), Vol. XXXII, No. 2, pp. 272-289.

Determinants of the In ation Rate in the United States: A VAR Investigation, joint with Dhar-

mendra Dhakal, Subhash Sharma, and Paul Trescott, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,

(Spring 1994), Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 95-112.

Causality Between the Money Supply and Share Prices: A VAR Investigation, joint with Dharmendra

Dhakal and Subhash Sharma, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, (Summer 1993), Vol. 32,

No. 3, pp. 52-74.

Economic Stabilization in Developed and Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation, Journal

of Macroeconomics, (Spring 1993), Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 365-380.

The In ationary Experiences of Six Developing Countries in Asia: An Investigation of Underlying

Determinants, joint with Dharmendra Dhakal, Applied Economics, (1993), Vol. 25, pp. 413-425.

Some Evidence on Demand Fluctuations and the Increased Stability of the Postwar American Econ-

omy, Canadian Journal of Economics, (November 1992), Vol. XXV, No. 4, pp. 839-864.

Does Contractual Wage Rigidity Play a Role in Determining Real Activity? joint with Jo Anna Gray

and David Spencer, Southern Economic Journal, (April 1992), pp. 1042-1057.

Determinants of the Egyptian Labor Migration, joint with Mohammady Metwally, International

Migration, (March 1992), Vol. XXX, No. 1, pp. 39-56.

Interest Rate Variability and Economic Performance: Some International Evidence, Applied Eco-

nomics, (1992), Vol. 24, pp. 175-191.

Is Increased Nominal Flexibility Stabilizing? Some International Evidence, Economica, (November

1991), Vol. 58, pp. 441-459.

Variations in the Response of Industrial Real Output to Aggregate Demand Shocks: A Cross-Industry

Analysis, Review of Economics and Statistics, (August 1991), pp. 480-488.

Structural Di erences Between Developing and Developed Countries: Some Evidence and Implica-

tions, Economic Notes, (1991), Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 254-278.

Hankel Matrix Based Algorithm for Inference and Causality in Economic Time Series Models, joint

with Uday Desai, Economic and Financial Computing, (March 1991), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 101-110.

Is Price Flexibility Stabilizing? A Broader Perspective, joint with Jo Anna Gray, Journal of Money,

Credit, and Banking, (February 1991), pp. 1-12.

The Changing Cyclical Variability of Economic Activity in the United States: A Sectoral Investiga-

tion, Journal of Macroeconomics, (Winter 1991), Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 25-45.

The Impact of Migrants Remittances on the Egyptian Economy, joint with Mohammady Metwally,

International Migration, (June 1990), pp. 159-180.

Papers Revised and Resubmitted


Consumption and Macroeconomic Policies: Evidence of Asymmetry in a Sample of MENA Countries,

resubmitted to International Review of Economics and Finance.

The Impact of Capital Requirements on Banks Performance: The Case of Egypt, resubmitted to

Journal of Economics and Business.

Comparative Analysis of Exchange Rate Depreciation and Aggregate Economic Activity: Theory and

Evidence from Middle Eastern Countries, resubmitted to Bulletin of Economic Research.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Balance of Payments: Channels of Interaction in Developing

and Developed Countries, resubmitted to Journal of Economic Integration.

On the E ects of Monetary Policy Shocks in Developing Countries, resubmitted to Journal of Eco-

nomic Development.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Macroeconomic Policies, Cyclicality, and Planned Consumption: Evidence from the Middle East,

joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of Middle East Economic

Association in Conjunction with Allied Social Sciences Association, Philadelphia, PA, January 7-9,

2005, U.S.A.

On the Design and E ects of Monetary Policy in the Middle East, Proceedings of the International

Conference on Islamic Economics in the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur, August 9-12, 1999, Malaysia.

Labor Force Composition and the Cyclical Behavior of the Aggregate Real Wage, joint with Je rey

Woods, Proceedings of the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economic Association, Robert

Morris College, Coraopolis, PA 15108 (May 30-June 1, 1996), pp. 360-367.

Chapters in Books

The E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity: The Case of Iran, joint with Ida

Aghdas Mirzaie, in Contemporary Economics of Asia, (forthcoming), Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Markets and Growth for MENA Countries: Financial Markets, joint with Hasan Ersel, in Explaining

Growth in the Middle East, Editors: Je rey Nugent and Hashem Pesaran (2007), Chapter 4, pp.

103-136, Amesterdam; Boston [Mass.]: Elsevier.

Fluctuations in the Dollar: Do They Matter?, joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, in International Trade

Issues, Editor: Robert V. Weeks (2006), pp. 621-5, ISBN:1-59454-621-5, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Fluctuations in the Dollar: Do They Matter?, joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, in Currencies and Glob-

alization, Editor: Robert V. Weeks (2006), pp. 319-7, ISBN:1-60021-319-7, Nova Science Publishers,


Consumption, Credit, and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from the United States,

joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, in New Developments in Macroeconomics Research, Editor: Lawrence

Z. Pelzer (2006), pp. 47-75, ISBN:1-59454-663-0, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Toward a Theory of International Labor Migration: Evidence from Egypt, in Area Studies and Social

Science: Strategies for Understanding Middle East Politics, edited by Mark Tessler, Jodi Nachtwey

and Anne Banda, (1999), pp. 81-101, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

Book Reviews

The Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union, Book Review in International

Review of Economics and Finance, (forthcoming).


Egypt s Incomplete Revolution: Lut al-Khuli and Nasser s Socialism in the 1960s, Book Review in

International Journal of Middle East Studies, (November 1998), Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 596-598.

Egypt s Economic Predicament: A Study of the Interaction of External Pressure, Political Folly and

Social Tension in Egypt, 1960-1990, Book Review in International Journal of Middle East Studies,

(August 1996), pp. 617-620.

The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery, Book Review in Digest of Middle East Studies,

(Winter 1996), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 23-26.

Islamic Economic Systems, Book Review in Digest of Middle East Studies, (Spring 1995), Vol. 4, No.

2, pp. 53-58.

The Arab Minority in Israel s Economy: Patterns of Ethnic Inequality, Book Review in Digest of

Middle East Studies, (Winter 1995), Vol. 4, No. 1, 26-33.

Economic and Political Liberalization in the Middle East, Book Review in Digest of Middle East

Studies, (Summer 1993), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 31-36.

Working Papers:

Consumption, Credit, and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from the United States.

Cross-Country Evidence on Government Consumption and Finance shocks.

On the Relation between Financial Flows and the Trade Balance in Developing Countries.

The Asymmetric E ects of Demand Shocks: International Evidence on Determinants and Implica-


On Cyclicality in the Current and Financial Accounts: Evidence from Nine Industrial Countries,

joint with Jens R. Clausen, IMF Working Paper, WP/05/56.

Setting the Stage for a National Currency in the West Bank and Gaza: The Choice of Exchange Rate

Regime, joint with Samya Beidas, IMF Working Paper, WP/05/70.

Priortizing Economic Reforms in Syria.

Underground Economy in Syria: Estimates and Policy Implications.

The E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Output and Price: Evidence from Developing Coun-

tries, joint with Aghdas Ida Mirzaei, IMF Working Paper, WP/03/200.

The Asymmetric E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Output and Price: Evidence from Devel-

oping Countries.

The Impact of Cyclical Factors on the U.S. Balance of Payments, joint with Joshua Greene, IMF

Working Paper, WP/02/45.

Sources and Results of Macro Fluctuations: Evidence from MENA Countries.

Demand-Side Stabilization Policies: What is the Evidence of Their Potential?, IMF Working Paper,


Macroeconomic Shocks and Dynamics in the Arab World.

Wage Flexibility and Economic Performance: Evidence and Implications Across Industrial Countries,

IMF Working Paper, WP/00/137.


Toward Enhancing Egyptian-American Economic Ties: Discover the Investment Jewel on the Nile.

The Disin ationary E ects of German Shocks in Europe: Cointegration Analysis, joint with Julius

Horvath and Subhash C. Sharma.

Determinants and Implications of Asymmetric Fluctuations: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implica-

tions Across MEMA (Middle East and North Africa) Countries, The Arab Planning Institute, working

paper #API/WPS 9907.

Monetary Dynamics in Yemen: Cointegration and Error Correction Modelling, joint with Hamoud


International Stock Market Interdependence, joint with Sumit Agarwal and Hamid Mohtadi.

The Asymmetric E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Theory and Evidence from Developing

Countries, IMF Working Paper, WP/00/184.

Trade Dependence and Volatility Results from the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreement, joint with Sam


The Wage-Price Spiral: International Evidence on Determinants and Implications, IMF Working

Paper, WP/03/164.

Cost of Living Adjustments and Business Cycles: Disaggregated Evidence, IMF Working Paper,


Supply-Side Asymmetry: Evidence from the Middle East, Economic Research Forum for the Arab

Countries, Iran, and Turkey, working paper 9924.

Demand Shocks and the Cyclical Behavior of the Real Wage: Some International Evidence.

Referee for:

American Economic Review

Applied Economics

Contemporary Economic Policy

Digest of Middle East Studies

Economic Inquiry

Eastern Economic Journal

Economic Modelling

European Economic Review

Fiscal Studies

International Business and Economic Review

International Economic Review

International Review of Applied Economics

International Review of Economics and Finance

Journal of Developing Areas


Journal of Development and Economic Policies

Journal of Economics and Business

Journal of International Finance, Markets, Institutions and Money

Journal of Macroeconomics

Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics

Macroeconomics Dynamics

Management Decision

Manchester School

Middle East Journal

Oxford Economic Papers

Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics

Review of Economics and Statistics

Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Southern Economic Journal

Strategic Studies, The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research item The Middle East

Business and Economic Review

The International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

World Bank Economic Review

Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey

The National Science Foundation

Editorial Board:

Economic Horizon

International Business and Economic Review

International Journal of Economic Development

Journal of Developing Areas

Journal of Economic Studies

Management Decision

The International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

The Middle East Business and Economic Review

Guest Editor:


Digest of Middle East Studies


Some Evidence on Demand Fluctuations and the Increased Stability of the Post-War American Econ-

omy, the Eastern Economic Association Fifteenth Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March


Does Contractual Wage Rigidity Play a Role in Determining Real Activity? the Eastern Economic

Association Sixteenth Annual Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1990.

Is Increased Nominal Flexibility Stabilizing? Some International Evidence, the Eastern Economic

Association Seventeenth Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 1991.

Variations in the Response of Industrial Real Output to Aggregate Demand Shocks: Cross-Industry

Analysis, the Western Economic Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, June 1991.

Is Increased Nominal Flexibility Stabilizing? Some International Evidence, Department of Eco-

nomics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, November 1992.

Price Flexibility and Aggregate Stability: Some Evidence Contrasting Developing and Developed

Countries, the American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, January 1993.

Asymmetric Nominal Flexibility and Economic Fluctuations, in a session organized by CSWEP, the

American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, January 1993.

On the Role of Macroeconomic Policies in the Middle East, the International Conference on Economic

Policy Evaluation Models in Theory and Practice organized by the Arab Planning Institute, Tunis,

Tunisia, June 1995.

The Egyptian Labor Migration: Determinants and Implications, the Middle East Conference orga-

nized by the Center for International Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wiscon-

sin, April 1996.

A Macroeconomic Assessment of the Impact of Migrants Remittances on the Egyptian Economy,

Conference on the Organization and Modelling of labor Markets in Arab Countries, organized by the

Arab Planning Institute, Cairo, Egypt, May 1997.

On the Design and E ects of Monetary Policy in the Middle East, ERF Fourth Annual Conference,

sponsored by the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey, hosted by the

American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, September 1997.

Monetary Policy and Financial Reform, in Arabic, organized by the IMF Institute, International

Monetary Fund, Washington. D.C., March 1998.

Supply-Side Asymmetry: Evidence from the Middle East in Contrast to Developing and Developed

Countries, ERF Fifth Annual Conference, sponsored by the Economic Research Forum for the Arab

Countries, Iran, and Turkey, Tunis, Tunisia, September 1998.

Trade Dependence and Volatility: Results from the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, with

Sam Hakim, ERF, OECD, and the World Bank joint workshop on the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade

Agreement, Cairo, Egypt, February 1999.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Disaggregate Economic Activity in the United States: Theory and

Evidence, with Aghdas Mirzaie, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association, Toronto,

Ontario, May 1999.


On the Design and E ects of Monetary Policy in the Middle East, International Conference on

Islamic Economics in the 21st Century, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, August 9-12, 1999.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Economic Activity: Theory and Evidence from a Sample of MENA

(Middle East and North Africa) Countries), ERF Sixth Annual Conference, sponsored by the Eco-

nomic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey, Cairo, Egypt, October 1999.

Sources and Results of Macro Fluctuations: Evidence from MENA Countries, ERF Seventh Annual

Conference, sponsored by the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey,

Amman, Jordan, October 2000.

Thematic Paper on Markets and Growth for MENA Countries: Financial Markets, joint with Hassan

Ersel, Global Research Program, MENA Region Country Studies Opening Workshop, Cairo, Egypt,

April 2001.

The Relationship between Government Spending and Monetary Policy and Their Impact on the

Economies of GCC Countries, joint with Hassan Aly, International Conference on Structure, Per-

formance, and Future of Financial Institutions in the Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council

(GCC) University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar, April 2001.

The Relationship between Government Spending and Monetary Policy and Their Impact on the

Economies of GCC Countries, joint with Hassan Aly, Eighth Annual Conference of the Economic

Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey, Cairo, Egypt, January 2002.

Comparative Analysis of Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Aggregate Economic Activity: Theory and

Evidence from Middle Eastern Countries, joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, the annual meeting of Middle

Eastern Economic Association in conjunction with the Allied Social Science Association, Washington,

D.C., January 3-5, 2003.

Consumption, Credit, and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from the United States,

joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, the annual meeting of Eastern Economic Association, Washington,

D.C., February 20-22, 2004.

Consumption and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from Developing Countries, joint

with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, Eleventh Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum for the Arab

Countries, Iran, and Turkey, Beirut, Lebanon, December 2004.

Macroeconomic Policies, Cyclicality, and Planned Consumption: Evidence from the Middle East,

joint with Ida Aghdas Mirzaie, 25th Annual Meeting of Middle East Economic Association in Con-

junction with Allied Social Sciences Association, Philadelphia, PA, January 7-9, 2005, U.S.A.

Setting the Stage for a National Currency in the West Bank and Gaza: The Choice of Exchange Rate

Regime, joint with Samya Beidas, Twelfth Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum for the

Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey, held in Cairo, Egypt, December 2005.

The E ects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey, joint with Hakan Beru-

ment and N. Nergiz Dincer, Twelfth Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum for the Arab

Countries, Iran, and Turkey, held in Cairo, Egypt, December 2005.

A Comparative Analysis of Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Economic Activity: The Cases of Egypt

and Turkey, joint with N. Nergiz Dincer, Thirteenth Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum

for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey, Held in Kuwait City, Cuwait, December 2006.

Are MENA Countries Reaping the Bene ts of External Flows? A Comparative Analysis of Migrants

Remittances and FDI Flows, joint with Ida Agdas Mirzaie, 27th Annual Meeting of Middle East

Economic Association in Conjunction with Allied Social Sciences Association, Chicago, IL, January

2007, U.S.A.


Evaluating Financial Deepening and Business Cycles in the GCC Countries of the Middle East, joint

with Hassan Y. Aly, Midwest Economic Associatin Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, March 23-25, 2007,



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