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Assistant High School

Milwaukee, WI
January 24, 2013

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Wei Han


Address: **** *. ****** **

City: Milwaukee

State: WI

Zip: 53211

Country: USA

Phone: 414-***-****

Skill Level: Assistant

Salary Range: $40,000

Willing to Relocate

Primary Skills/Experience:

See Resume

Educational Background:

See Resume

Job History / Details:

Wei Han

414-***-**** 3486 N. Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI 53211


A highly motivated physics PhD who is ambitious and looking forward to achieve a financial

analyst position


Ph.D. candidate Physics 2006-present

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

B.S. Physics

University of Science and Technology of China 2001-2005

Research Experience

Graduate Research assistant University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Physics Department June 2009 to present

Simulated surface x-ray diffraction data using open source code written in C++(ROD from

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)) and Python (GenX), coded in matlab for large

amount data management and error statistics, used conventional fitting process to fit

experimental with theoretical data, generated physical model to interpret and analyze

experimental data, provided predictions of scientific results.

Conducted Small-angle Surface x-ray diffraction (SXRD) experiments on reconstructed polar oxide

surface and liquid-solid interface at Brookhaven National Laboratory/ Argonne National

Laboratory with synchrotron x-ray source, 6 circle diffractometer and PLATUS pixel detector

controlled by SPEC macro system

Analyzed reconstructed polar oxide surfaces using Ultra high vacuum (UHV) surface

characteristic techniques

Undergraduate research assistant University of Science and Technology of China

ZnO Photoelectrical Materials Lab July 2004 - 2006

Prepared and investigated Photo Luminescence (PL) and IV properties for nanocrystalline ZnO films

on Si substrate and studied P type transformation on ZnO semiconductor samples doped with Ag,

using XRD characterized ZnO grown on a SiC buffer layer

Teaching Experience

UWM Physics Department - Graduate Teaching Assistant 2006-2009 & 2010& 2012

Undergraduate mechanics/electromagnetic/optics lab courses: delivering lectures, guiding

students and assigning grades.

Tutoring: all level undergraduate physics courses

Private tutoring

High school Advanced Placement physics

GRE quantitative

General college physics (non-calculus)

Organization or affiliation

Committee member of Chinese students and scholar association (CSSA)

-Create agenda and mission for CSSA future activities; Expanded CSSA sources of funding

and sponsorship; provided guidance and acclimation support for incoming international

students; organized and coordinated social events between Chinese students and surrounding


Board member of UWM sailing club

-Coordinated logistical and infrastructural support for club facilities; involved with budget

planning and recruitment drives

Student coordinator for UWM physics department open house

-Promote physics department to high school senior and College freshmen; demonstrated and

explained physics phenomenon and laws

Member of urban ecology center

-Participated in activities to improve the natural environment; conducted ecological research

in support of the centers mission and promoted green lifestyle to the Milwaukee community

Key Skills and competencies


Excellent people skills and leadership skills

Good communication skills

A proactive approach to problem solving

Flexible & adaptable, able to work well individually and within a team

Having a creative, analytical, practical and thorough approach to resolving issues

Computer skills

Coding experience: matlab, C/C++, SPSS

Language Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin), English

Professional Presentations Experience

Physical Electrical Conference (PEC) - This topical conference provides an annual forum for the

dissemination and discussion of new research results in the physics and chemistry of surfaces and

interfaces. The conference emphasizes fundamental science in materials systems, including metals,

semiconductors, insulators and biomaterials. (June 2010)

Title: Investigation of ZnO(000-1) 3 3 R30 surface reconstruction

Argonne National Laboratory User meeting - The user communities of Advanced Photon Source,

the Center for Nanoscale Materials, and the Electron Microscopy Center at Argonne National Lab

gather annually in order to promote and stimulate user science at these three research facilities. (May


Title: Reconstructed structure of water on MgO(111) interface probed by X-ray diffraction

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