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Engineering Power Plant

Pullman, WA
January 29, 2013

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Manuel Garc a P rez R sum

Department of Biological Systems Engineering

Washington State University

LJ Smith

PO Box 646120, Pullman, WA 99164-6120

Phone number: 509-***-****

Fax: 509-***-****



- Identification of key problems in chemical processes and their causes using cost and

quality criteria

- Generation, screening, evaluation, design and implementation of alternatives to solve

engineering problems

- Use of computer techniques, numerical methods, statistical techniques, optimization,

modelling and chemical engineering principles to study and improve the performance

of chemical plants

- Project conception and implementation (at laboratory, bench and pilot scale) to

determine the best operational and design parameters for a desired application

- Use of analytical techniques (proximate and elemental analysis, TG/DTG, DSC, GPC,

GC, UV-Fluorescence, Karl-Fischer titration, GC/MS, Py-GC/MS, XPS, FTIR, Raman,

microscopy, steady and dynamic rheology, ASTM fuel characterization methods, ash

characterization techniques etc) to study the behaviour of complex materials in

industrial units.

- Special training in: Thermochemical conversion of biomass, Applications of Pitch,

Coke, Bio-oils and Char, Fuel characterization techniques, mineral processing

technologies, hydrogen production, liquids and solid combustion, fuel spray

characterization, droplets evaporation and combustion kinetics, application of products

from thermo-chemical reactions of biomass. Bio-oil based refinery concepts.


2006-07 Post-doc at the Chemical Engineering Department (Monash University,

Melbourne, Australia)

2005-06 Post-doc at the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept (Univ. of

Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA)

2001-05 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Universit Laval, Qu bec, Canada)

1999-01 M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Universit Laval, Qu bec, Canada)

1996-98 M.Eng. in Process Engineering (University of Orient, Santiago de Cuba)

1990-95 B.E. in Chemical Engineering (University of Orient, Santiago de Cuba)

LANGUAGE SKILLS: English, French and Spanish: Proficient


2007- WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY (Pullman, Washington USA).

Assistant Professor at the Biological Systems Engineering Department.

Developing a program in Biomass Thermochemical Conversion.

2006-07 MONASH UNIVERSITY (Melbourne, Australia). Post doctoral research

fellow responsible for the improvement of a fast pyrolysis reactor to produce

bio-oils from Mallee trees. Characterization, up-grading and combustion of

bio-oils and chars. Study of generation of oligomers during pyrolysis.

2005-06 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA and EPRIDA (Athens, Georgia, USA). In

charge of improving and designing of thermochemical reactors and

analytical laboratories. The main responsibility was to improve and design

thermo-chemical reactors (Continuous Auger and Batch pyrolysis reactors)

and to identify and install new analytical equipments (DSC/TG-MS, Karl-

Fischer, Rota-evaporators, GC analyser, CHNS-O, Proximate analysers) for

a thermo-chemical laboratory. Development of new applications for

pyrolysis products in the agriculture. Study of fuel properties of bio-oil/bio-

diesel blends.

2001-05 LAVAL UNIVERSITY (Quebec City, Canada), CANMET (Advanced

Combustion Technologies, NRCan) (Ottawa, Canada) and PYROVAC

(Quebec City, Canada). In charge of a project to study the fuel properties of

vacuum pyrolysis oils obtained from wood industry residues. Scholarship of

Doctorate from the Laval University Foundation. 1 month of internship at

the CO2 solution pilot plant.

1999-01 LAVAL UNIVERSITY and PYROVAC (Quebec City, Canada)

In charge of projects for the co-pyrolysis under Vacuum of Bagasse and

Petroleum Residue for the Production of Bio-fuels.

1995-99 UNIVERSITY OF ORIENT (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba) and MOA

NICKEL S.A. (Moa, Holguin, Cuba), Assistant professor at the Chemical

Engineering department. M.Sc. student in the Process Engineering Program.

In charge of a project to simulate the performance of a Hydrogen Unit at the

Moa Nickel S.A. complex, Cuba. As part of the Master s studies, 14 post-

graduate courses were accredited. Consultant in a project to increase the

production capacity of a mineral cooler and liquor coolers in the nickel

company Ernesto Che Guevara (Moa city, Cuba)

1990-95 UNIVERSITY OF ORIENT (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba)

Undergraduate studies. Graduated with honours. Several interships were made

in Cuban industries: F brica de gases industriales (Industrial gases company;

oxygen and acetylene units), Santiago de Cuba city, 1990, 1991, 1992,

Refiner a Hermanos Diaz (Hermanos Diaz Refinery, Power Plant), Santiago

de Cuba city, 1993, 1994, Moa Nickel S.A. (Hydrogen Unit) Moa city, Cuba



(1) Garcia-Nunez J, Lewis T, Kruger C, Pelaez-Samaniego MR, Westerhoof JM,

Kersten S, Garcia-Perez M: Pyrolysis Reactors: A Review (In Preparation)

(2) Zhou S, Liaw S-S, Englund K, Li C-Z, Garcia-Perez M: Py-GC/MS Studies to

Evaluate the Effect of Torrefaction Temperatures and Presence of Oxygen on the

Selectivity of Thermochemical Reactions Towards the Production of Precursors of

Transportation Fuels. (In preparation)

(3) Zhou S, Mourant D, Leviens C, Wang Y, Li C-Z, Garcia-Perez M: Effect of

Sulfuric Acid Concentration on the Yield and Properties of the Bio-oils Obtained

from the Auger and Fast Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir. (To be submitted to Fuel 2011)

(4) Westerhof RJM, Brilman DWF, Garcia-Perez M, Wang Z, van Swaaij WPM,

Kersten SRA: Step-wide Pyrolysis of Pine Wood Submitted to Bio-resources

Technology, September 2011

(5) Liaw S-S, Wang Z, Garcia-Perez M: Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Yield

and Composition of Oil produced from the Auger Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir Journal of

Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011(In Press) doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2011.09.011

(6) Streubel J, Collins H, Garcia-Perez M, Tarara J, Granatstein D, Kruger C :

Influence of Contrasting bio-char Types on Five Soils at Increasing Rates of

Application. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Volume 75, Number 4, July-

August 2011

(7) Nesbitt E.ER., Carrier J, Gao J, Garcia-Perez M, Morgan J, Peterson J,

Shoemaker S, Thiers P, Wang G, Wensel P-C, Chen S : China s Vision for

Renewable Energy : Status of Bioenergy and Bioproduct Research and

Commercialization. Journal of International Commerce and Economics. Web

Version 2011.

(8) Zhang T, Yapeng Chao, Liu N, Thompson J, Garcia-Perez M, He BB, Gerpen JA,

Chen S : Case Study of Biodiesel Diesel Blends as a Fuel in Marine Environment.

Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACES), Vol. 1, No. 2 April 2011,


(9) Li X, Gunawan R, Lievens C, Wang Y, Mourant D, Wu H, Garcia-Perez M, Li

C-Z : Simultaneous catalytic esterification of carboxylic acids and acetalisation of

aldehydes in a Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil from Mallee Biomass. Fuel 90 (2011) 2530-


(10) Mourant D, Zhouhong Wang, He M, Wang X.S., Garcia-Perez M, Li C-Z:

Mallee Wood Fast Pyrolysis: Effect of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metallic Species on

the Yield and Composition of Bio-oil. Fuel 90-201*-****-****.

(11) Westerhof R, J, M, Kersten S, R, A, Garcia-Perez M, Wang Zhouhong, Van

Swaaij W.P.M., Fractional Condensation of Biomass Pyrolysis Vapors. Energy and

Fuels. 2011, 25, 1817 1829.

(12) Galinato S, Yoder J, Granatstein D, Garcia-Perez M: Economic trade off

between bio-char and bio-oil production via pyrolysis. Biomass and Bio-energy 35


(13) Lian J, Zhou S, Chen S, Wang Z, Li C-Z, Garcia-Perez M: Separation,

Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pyrolytic Sugars, Bio-resource Technology, 101,

2010, 9688-9699.

(14) Garcia-Perez M, Shen J, Wang X-S, Li C-Z: Production and Fuel Properties of

Fast Pyrolysis Oil/Bio-diesel Blends. Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 91, Issue

3, March 2010, Pages 296-305

(15) Garcia-Perez M, Adams TT, Goodrum JW, Das KC, Geller D: DSC Studies to

Evaluate the Impact of Bio-oil on Some Cold Flow Properties and Oxidation Stability

of Bio-diesel. Bioresources Technology, 2010, 101 (15): Pages 6219-24

(16) Johnson R L, Liaw S-S, Garcia Perez M, Ha S, Lin S-S, McDonald A, Chen S,

Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Studies to Evaluate High-Temperature Aqueous

Pretreatment as a Way to Modify the Composition of Bio-oil from Fast Pyrolysis of

Wheat Straw. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23, 6242-6252

(17) Shen J, Wang X-S, Garcia-Perez M, Mourant D, Rhodes M, Li C-Z: Effect of

Particle Size on the Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Mallee Woody Biomass. Fuel 88, 2009,


(18) Smith J, Das K.C., Garcia-Perez M: Producing Fuel and Speciality Chemicals

from the Slow Pyrolysis of Poultry DAF Skimmings. Journal of Analytical and

Applied Pyrolysis, 86, 2009, p. 115-121.

(19) Garcia-Perez M, Wang S, Shen J, Rhodes MJ, Lee W-J, Li C-Z: Effects of

Temperature on the Formation of Lignin Derived Oligomers during the Fast Pyrolysis

of Mallee Woody Biomass. Energy and Fuels 2008, 22, 2022-2032.

(20) Garcia-Perez M, Wang S X, Shen J, Rhodes M J, Tian F-J, Lee W-J, Wu H, Li

C-Z: Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Mallee Biomass: Effect of Temperature on the Yield and

Quality of Products. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47, 1846-


(21) Das KC, Garcia-Perez M, Bibens B, Melear N: Slow Pyrolysis of Poultry Litter

and pine Woody Biomass: Impact of Char and Bio-oils on Microbial growth. Journal

of Environmental Science and Health. A Tox, Hazard Environ Eng, 2008, 43, 7, pp.


(22) Pel ez-Samaniego M.R., Garcia-Perez M., Cortez L.B., Rosillo-Calle F., Mesa

J.: Improvements of Brazilian Carbonization Industry as Part of the Creation of a

Global Biomass Economy. Renew Sust Energ Rev. v 12, n 4, May, 2008, p 1063-1086

(23) Garcia-Nunez J.A., Garcia-Perez M, K.C. Das: Determination of kinetic

parameters of thermal degradation of Palm Oil Mill by Products using

Thermogravimetric Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Transactions of

the ASABE., v 51, n2, 2008, p. 547-557

(24) Pelaez-Samaniego M.R., Garcia-Perez M, Cortez L.A.B., Olmedo G., Oscuello

J: Energy Situation of Ecuador: Current Status. In Press Energy Policy, v 35, n 8,

August, 2007, p 4177-4189

(25) Garcia-Perez M, Adams T.T., Goodrum J.W., Geller D.P., Das K.C.: Production

and Fuel Properties of Pine Chip Bio-oil/Biodiesel Blends. Energy and Fuels, 2007,

21 (4) 2363.

(26) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Kretschmer D, Roy C: Vacuum Pyrolysis

of Softwood and Hardwood Residues. Comparison between Product Yields and Bio-

oil Properties. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2007. Volume 78, Issue 1,

Pages 104-116.

(27) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Kretschmer D, Roy C: Characterization of

Bio-oils in Chemical Families. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2007. Volume 31, Issue

4, Pages 222-242

(28) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Kretschmer D, Rodrigue D, Roy C:

Multiphase Structure of Bio-Oils. Energy and Fuels, 2006, 20, 364-375.

(29) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Kretschmer D, Rodrigue D, Roy C:

Evaluation of the influence of stainless steel and copper on the aging process of bio-

oil. Energy and Fuels, 2006, 20, 786-795.

(30) Garcia Perez M, Lappas P, Hughes P, Dell L, Chaala A, Kretschmer D, Roy C:

Evaporation and Combustion Characteristics of Bio-Oils Obtained by Vacuum

Pyrolysis of Wood Industry Residues. IFRF Electronic Journal, May 2006

(31) Darmstadt H, Garcia-Perez M, Adnot A, Chaala A, Kretschmer D, Roy C:

Corrosion of Metals by Bio-oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark

Residues. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy

Study. Energy & Fuel (2004), 18, pp. 1291-1301.

(32) Chaala A, Ba T, Garcia-Perez M, Roy C : Colloidal Properties of Bio-oils

obtained by vacuum pyrolysis of softwood bark. Ageing and Thermal Stability.

Energy & Fuel (2004) 18, n 5, pp. 1535-1542.

(33) Ba T, Chaala A, Garcia-Perez M, Roy C: Colloidal properties of bio-oils

obtained by vacuum pyrolysis of Softwood bark. Storage Stability. Energy & Fuel

(2004), 18, pp.188-201.

(34) Ba T, Chaala A, Garcia-Perez M, Rodrigue D, Roy C : Colloidal Properties of

Bio-oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark. Characterization of

Water-soluble and Water-insoluble Fractions. Energy and Fuels (2004) 18, pp. 704-


(35) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Roy C: Sugarcane Bagasse Vacuum

Pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 65 (2002) pp. 111-136.

(36) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Roy C: Co-pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse with

Petroleum Residue. Part II. Product Yields and Properties. Fuel 81 (2002) pp. 893-


(37) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Yang J, Roy C: Co-pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse

with Petroleum Residue. Part I: Thermogravimetric Analysis. Fuel 80 (2001)


(38) Darmstadt H, Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Cao N, Roy C: Co-pyrolysis under

Vacuum of Sugarcane Bagasse and Petroleum Residue. Properties of Charcoal and

Activated Char Products. Carbon 39 (2001) pp. 815-825.

(39) Garcia-Perez M, Viera-Bertran R, L pez-Cobiella G : Validacion de un Modelo

Matematico para Reactores de Reformaci n Catal tica de LPG. Tecnolog a Qu mica

(2000) Vol. XX, No 1, pp. 11-24.

(40) Valle-Matos, Garcia-Perez M, Rabell D, Morales Y: Evaluacion de los

Enfriadores de Mineral de la Empresa Cmdte. Ernesto Che Guevara de Moa (I).

Tecnolog a Qu mica (2000) Vol. XX, No 1 pp. 70-77.

(41) Valle-Matos, Garcia-Perez M, Rabell D, Morales Y: Evaluaci n de los

Enfriadores de Mineral de la Empresa Cmdte. Ernesto Che Guevara de Moa (II).

Tecnolog a Qu mica (2000) Vol. XX, No 2 pp. 10-15.

(42) Garcia-Perez M, Penedo M, Garc a-Carrera HL, Casin-Villalon: Obtenci n de

Fracciones Liquidas a Partir de la Pirolisis de Bagazo de Cana. Tecnolog a Qu mica

(1999) Vol. XIX No 3, pp. 70-76

(44) Garcia-Perez M, Viera-Bertr n R: Modelaci n Matem tica de un Reactor para

la Reformaci n Catal tica de LPG. Tecnolog a Qu mica (1999) Vol. XIX No 3, pp. 4-



(1) Matthew Smith, Garcia-Perez M : Effects of Ozonation on the Surface Structure

and Nutrient Adsorption Capacity of Bio-char. The International Conference on

Thermochemical Conversion Science. tcbiomass 2011, Chicago 27-30 September


(2) Zhou S, Garcia-Perez M : Sulfuric Acid as an Additive to Enhance the

Production of Fermentable Sugars during the Auger Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir. The

International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science. tcbiomass 2011,

Chicago 27-30 September 2011

(3) Wang Z, Garcia-Perez M : Understanding the Cellulose Thermal Degradation

Mechanism to Enhance the Production of Precursors of Transportation Fuels. The

International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science. tcbiomass 2011,

Chicago 27-30 September 2011

(4) Liaw S-S, Garcia-Perez M : Effect of Reactor Temperature on the Yield and

Properties of Bio-oils obtained from the Auger Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir Wood. The

International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science. tcbiomass 2011,

Chicago 27-30 September 2011

(5) Shi-shen Liaw, Garcia-Perez M: Effect of Thermal Pretreatment and Pyrolysis

Temperature on the Yield and Composition of Bio-oil. NSF CMMI Research and

Innovation Conference 2011, Atlanta, USA, January 4-7, 2011

(6) Garcia-Perez M. New Concepts to Obtain High Yields of Pyrolytic Sugars for

Ethanol Production. Biomass Fuels Summit. October 12-13, 2010, Vancouver, WA

(7) Garcia-Perez M: Challenges and Opportunities for Biomass Pyrolysis in

Washington State. Thermochemical Conversion Pyrolysis and Gasification Session.

Bio-energy Symposium, Nov. 9-10, 2010, Seattle, WA.

(8) Garcia-Perez M: Overview of Biomass Pyrolysis Technologies. Historical

developments and potential for the production of bio-char, advanced fuels and high

value products. Future Energy Conference, Nov. 9-10, 2010, Seattle, WA.

(9) Lian Jieni: Separation, Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pyrolytic Sugars (Oral

Presentation at the 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, April

19-22, 2010 Clearwater, FL.

(10) Granastein D, Kruger C, Collins H, Garcia-Perez M, Yoder J, Galinato S: Use of

Bio-char from the Pyrolysis of Waste Organic Material to increase Soil Carbon

Sequestration. Conference on Pacific Northwest Climate Science, June 15-16, 2010

Portland, OR.

(11) Smith M, Garcia-Perez M: Evolution of Acidic functional Groups on Bio-chars

by Ozone Oxidation. Conference on Pacific Northwest Climate Science, June 15-16,

2010 Portland, OR.

(12) Garcia-Perez M, Lian J, Liaw S-S, Chen S, Li C-Z, Mourant D: Production,

Separation, Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pyrolytic Sugars to Produce Ethanol and

Lipids. TCS 2010 Symposium on Thermal and Catalytic Sciences for Biofuels and

Biobased Products. September 21-23, 2010, Iowa State University

(13) Garcia-Perez M: Challenges and alternatives for the production of bio-ethanol,

green gasoline and green diesel from lignocellulosic materials via fast pyrolysis.

International Conference on Biomass Energy Technologies (ICBT2010) August 21-

23, 2010, Beijing, China.

(14) Garcia-Perez M: Overview of Biomass Pyrolysis Technologies. Historical

developments and potential for the production of bio-char, advanced fuels and high

value products. Future Energy Conference, Nov. 9-10, 2010, Seattle, WA.

(15) Garcia-Perez M: Challenges and opportunities for Biomass Pyrolysis in

Washington State. Thermochemical Conversion Pyrolysis and Gasification Session.

Bio-energy Symposium, Nov. 9-10, 2010, Seattle, WA.

(16) Garcia-Perez M. New Concepts to Obtain High Yield of Pyrolytic Sugars for

Ethanol Production. Biomass Fuels Summit. October 12-13, 2010, Vancouver, WA

(17) Garcia-Perez M, Lian J, Liaw S-S, Chen S, Li C-Z, Mourant D: Production,

Separation, Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pyrolytic Sugars to Produce Ethanol and

Lipids. TCS 2010 Symposium on Thermal and Catalytic Sciences for Biofuels and

Biobased Products. Iowa State University Bio-economy Institute September 21-23,


(18) Garcia-Perez M: Challenges and alternatives for the production of bio-ethanol,

green gasoline and green diesel from lignocellulosic materials via fast pyrolysis.

International Conference on Biomass Energy Technologies (ICBT2010) August 21-

23, 2010, Beijing, China

(19) Johnson RL, Garcia-Perez, Liaw S-S, Ha S, Lin S-S, Chen S: Py-GC/MS studies

to evaluate the effect of thermal pretreatment on the yield of sugars resulting from

fast Pyrolysis. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Montreal, Canada,

August 23-27, 2009

(20) Geller D.P., Garcia-Perez M, Goodrum JW, Bibens BP, Das K.C.,

Multicomponent bio-oil/biodiesel based fuels. American Society of Agricultural and

Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, v 8, p 5359-5369, 2009,

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International

Meeting 2009

(21) Mourant D, Garcia-Perez M, Shen J, Wang S, Li C-Z: Pyrolysis of Mallee wood:

effects of temperature, particle size and pretreatment on yields and oil quality.

Bioenergy Australia, Melbourne, 8-9 December, 2008

(22) Garcia-Perez M, Wang S, Rhodes M, Tian F, Lee W J, Li C-Z: Fast Pyrolysis of

Oil Mallees Woody Biomass. Paper accepted at Chemeca 2007, Melbourne,

September 23 26, 2007.

(23) Das KC, Garcia-Nunez JA, Garcia-Perez M, Overview of a Biorefinery and

Opportunities in the Palm Oil Sector. XV Conferencia Internacional sobre Palma de

Aceite. Cartagena, Colombia, 19-22 September, (2006).

(24) Garcia-Nunez JA, Garcia-Perez M, Das K.C., Determination of Kinetic

Parameters of Thermal Degradation of Palm Oil Mill by Products Using

Thermogravimetric Analyses and Diferential Scanning Calorimetry. 2006 ASABE

Annual International Meeting. Portland Oregon 9-12 July (2006).

(25) Garcia-Perez M, P. Lappas, C. Roy: An Overview of the Potential use of Bio-

oils as Fuels in Advanced Combustion Systems. In the proceedings of: Science in

Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion. Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC,

Canada, 30 August 2 September (2004).

(26) Garcia-Perez M, A. Chaala, D. Kretschmer, A. De Champlain, P. Hughes, C.

Roy : Spray Characterization of a Softwood Bark Vacuum Pyrolysis oil. Proc. of:

Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion Bridgwater and Boocock

(Eds). Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, 30 August 2 September (2004) pp.


(27) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A., Pakdel H., Kretschmer D., Hughes P. and Roy C.:

The Complex Multiphase Structure of Bio-oils. 2nd World Conference on Biomass for

Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Proceedings of the Conference held in

Rome, Italy, May 10-14, (2004) pp. 725-728.

(28) Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, D. Kretschmer, P. Hughes and C. Roy.

Combustion properties of Bio-Oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bard

Residues. 53rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Hamilton, Ontario,

October 26-29, 2003.

(29) Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, H. Pakdel, D. Kretschmer, P. Hughes and C. Roy.

The Complex Structure of Bio-Oils. 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy,

Industry and Climate Protection. Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, Italy.

May 10-14, 2004.

(30) Chaala, A., M. Garcia, T. Ba and C. Roy. Collodial Properties of Bio-Oils

Obtained by Vacuum Pyeolysis of Softwood Bark Residues. 51st Canadian Chemical

Engineering Conference. Halifax, N.S. October 14-17, 2001.

(31) Garcia-Perez M, Chaala A, Pakdel H, Roy C, Falcon J: Sugarcane Bagasse

Vacuum Pyrolysis. III Taller Internacional de reciclaje 2000. Feria Internacional

METANICA 2000 (METSOC). Havana, Cuba, 29-30 July (2000).

(32) Garcia-Perez M, Darmstadt H, Chaala A, Cao N, Roy C: The co-pyrolysis under

Vacuum of Sugarcane Bagasse and Petroleum Residue, Properties and Potencial uses

of the Char Product. First World Conference on Carbon. Eurocarbon 2000. Berlin,

Germany 9-13 July (2000).

(33) Chaala A, Garcia-Perez M, Roy C: Co-pyrolysis under Vacuum of Bagasse with

Petroleum Residue. Progress in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. Tyrol, Austria

17-22 September (2000).

(34) Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, J. Falcon and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of

Sugarcane Bagasse. III Taller Internacional de Reciclaje. Feria Internacional

METANICA 2000. Havana, Cuba. July 19-20, 2000.

(35) Garcia-Perez M, Viera-Bertr n R: Modelo de Simulaci n de una planta de

Hydrogeno. Segundo Simposio Internacional de Ingenier a Qu mica, Santiago de

Cuba (1997).

Book Chapter:

(1) Laird D.A., Rogovska N.P., Garcia-Perez M, Collins H.P., Streubel J.D., Smith

M : Chapter 16 : Pyrolysis and Biochar Opportunities for Distributed Production

and Soil Quality Enhancement. In : Sustainable Alternative Fuel Feedstock

Opportunities, Challenges and Roadmaps for Six U.S. Regions. Proceedings of the

Sustainable Feedstocks for Advanced Biofuels Workshop. Edited by Ross Braun,

2011, Doug Karlen and Dewayne Johnson. Web site : &audienceID=1

(2) Garcia-Perez M: Chapter 7: Biomass Pyrolysis and Bio-oil Refineries. In:

Introductory book to Bio-Systems Engineering (McGraw Hill Publisher, USA, 2010).

Editor, A. Nag.

(3) Garcia-Perez M, Das K.C., Adams T.T: Chapter 26: Thermo-chemical

Conversion of Biomass in Bio-refineries. In: Conversao Termoquimica de Biomassa

em Biorefinarias: Sua Caracterizacao e Use deste Conhecimento na criancao de

Novas Areas. Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, 2009 (In Portuguesse).


(1) Adams TT, Garcia-Perez M, Geller D, Goodrum J, Pendergrass: Miscible multi-

component, diesel fuels and methods of bio-oil transformation. US Patent Publication

No. US-200*-*******-A1

Grants Awarded:

1.- Bio-refinery concept to convert softwood bark to transportation fuels. PIs:

Manuel Garcia-Perez, Shulin Chen

Total Award: $ 119,905

Funding agency: Washington State (Department of Ecology)

Period: January 2008 June 2009

2.- Use of bio-char from the pyrolysis of waste organic material as a soil

amendment. PIs: David Granatstein, Harold Collins, Manuel Garcia-Perez, Jonathan


Total Award: $ 116, 078

Funding Agency: Washington State (Department of Ecology)

Period: January 2008- June 2009

3.- High quality transportation bio-fuels from Australian and American

biomasses via pyrolisis and bio-oil refinery. PIs: Chun-Zhu Li, Manuel Garcia-


Total Award: $ 237,772

Funding Agency: International Science Linkages. Australian Government

Period: January 2009-January 2011

4.- A Pyrolysis Bio-refinery for Transportation Fuels and Adhesives Markets.

PIs: Karl R Englund, Marie-Pierre Laborie, Manuel Garcia-Perez

Total Award: $ 180,000

Funding Agency: Sun Grant-DOT

Period: May 2009- May 2012

5.- New Concepts to Obtain high Yields of Pyrolytic Sugars for Ethanol

Production. PIs: Manuel Garcia-Perez, Shulin Chen

Total Award: $ 120,000

Funding Agency: Sun Grant-DOT

Period: May 2009-May 2012

6.- Use of Biochar Produced from Agricultural and Forest Wastes from the State

of Washington to Recover Ammonia and Phosphorous from Effluents of

Anaerobic Digesters

PI: Manuel Garcia-Perez

Total Award: $ 60,000

Funding Agency: Washington State Department of Agriculture

Period: June 2009 June 2011

7.- Understanding Cellulose Thermochemical Reactions to Enhance the Yields of

anhydro-saccharides from Fast Pyrolysis PIs: Manuel Garcia-Perez, Armando


Total Award: $ 299,930

Funding Agency: US National Science Foundation

Period: January 2010 December 2012

8.- Feasible Pyrolytic Methods for Producing Bio-char and Advanced Bio-fuels

in the State of Washington. PI: Manuel Garcia-Perez

Total Award: $ 110,000

Funding Agency: Washington State Department of Ecology

Period: January 2010- June 2011

9.- Optimization and Low Energy production of Woody Biomass. PIs: Manuel

Garcia-Perez, Shulin Chen

Total Award: $ 30,000

Funding Agency: US Department of Energy

Period: January 2011-June 2011

10.- Production of methane and lipids from C1-C4 oxygenated compounds from

pyrolysis and torrefaction of lignocellulosic materials. PIs: Manuel Garcia-Perez,

Shulin Chen, Craig Frear

Total Award: $ 199,915

Funding Agency: Western SunGrant DOT

Period: November 2011 November 2013

11.- Bio-oil/bio-char slurry from biomass for co-combustion in coal power

plants: achieving power generation with a significant reduction of CO2 emission.

PIs: Hongwei Wu, Manuel Garcia-Perez

Total Award: 210,000 AUD

Funding Agency: International Science Linkages. Australian Government

Period: January 2011- January 2013


1.- Berry Family: To support New Faculty to Grow a Cluster in Sustainable Energy

Technology. Funds received: $ 21,000

2.- Portland General Electric: To support studies on the Torrefaction of Arundo

Donax. Funds received: $ 15,000

Main Thesis Advisor:

Current Students

1.- Filip Stankovic, PhD student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering

2.- Matthew Smith, PhD student, WSU Chemical Engineering

3.- Jesus Alberto Garcia, PhD student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering

4.- Waled Suliman, PhD student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering

5.- Zhouhong Wang, Ph student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering

6.- Shi-Shen Liaw, Ph student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering

7.- Shuai Zhou, PhD student, WSU Biological Systems Engineering


1.- Matthew Smith, MS student, WSU Biological Systems Eng., Graduated 2011

2.- Oisik Das, MS WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Graduated 2010

3.- Robert Johnson Lee, MS, WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Graduated 2009

4.- Daniel Negru, MS, University of Bologna, Italy, Graduated 2009

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