Present Address
Apt no 90,
Mobile: 321-***-****
E-mail: ********@*****.***
Linked-in Profile:
To secure a promising position in the field of Electrical Engineering that
offers both a challenge and a good opportunity for growth in the field of
hardware design, implementation & research.
Masters of Electronics Engineering
3.3 GPA (present)
Florida Institute of Technology, FL.
Expected Graduation: May-2013
Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc) 3 Proficience Courses
3.8 GPA
Bangalore, India.
Engineering Electronics and
Skill Set
Hardware Programming- VHDL, Verilog, Embedded C, Micro-Keil (8051 & 8050),
Avr Studio-4, Cell Splitter & LT
for Vlsi Designing, Matlab,
Sci Lab & Robotics. [Intermediate]
Hardware kit boards -
> for Micro Controller/Processor (8051 & 8080)- FPGA board & CPLD
> for H.D.L-
XILINX boards,
> for D.S.P-
> for V.L.S.I(tool) -
Linerdo Spectra, Cell Station &
Software Programming - C, C++, HTML, Embedded C, Java.
Basic Skills -Microsoft Office, Windows 7/8.
Courses Taken
1) Personal Communications
2) Micro-Electronics Fabrication Lab
3) Wireless Design Concepts
4) Communication Protocols, Design and Testing
5) Artificial Intelligence and its Applications
6) Linear Systems
7) RF Propagation
8) D.S.P
9) Digital Communication
10) Probability Models
Undergrad Hardware Design Project
Dual Band Signal Jammers for GSM 900 & DCS 1800 Frequency.
Designed and built a signal jamming device to prevent the use of Cell phone
Devices in restricted areas.
Project parameters:
. Blocking frequencies are: 850 to 900 Mhz (GSM), 1800 to 1900 Mhz
. Range: 80 meters
. Power: 5V
Its applications are as follows-
. Can be used in highly restricted Areas where mobiles are banned.
. Law Enforcements can use jammers in Situations in case of Drug raid or
hostage Situation.
. Companies can use them from threats including corporate espionage, and
in places where radio
transmissions are potentially dangerous.
Lab Technician at Lab Support Services, Florida Tech, September 2012 -
February 2013
. Responsible for the maintenance of all hardware and software systems
for On-Campus labs.
. Assisted with technical issues for students and faculty.
Submitted the following paper's at C.C.E, Indian institute of
Science (I.I.Sc),Bangalore on
1) "A Novel Fuzzy Inference System Based CPU Scheduler for Multimedia
Operating System"
2) "A Novel MAC Layer protocol for Satellite Communication suitable for
internet services"
. Studied 3 Specialization Course (Short Term) in
1) Embedded Systems using "C" with Microcontroller &
2) Intelligent Agents,
3) Communication Protocols Design & Testing.
at "Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc),Bangalore".
. Completed a "Summer Internship" from ROBO-SAPIENS, Noida & MAGNUM
. Secured a "YELLOW" belt Certificate from 6-sigma from KPMG.
. Secured a High Distinction in National Chemistry Quiz conducted by
"The Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Australia".
. Completed a course from "CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTERS", conducted by
. Completed a course under ROBOTRIX, conducted by I.I.T BOMBAY.
. Was a Member of IEEE for during my Bachelor of Engineering.