Tamille Aponte
Dundalk, MD 21222
Cell: (301) 356-
Manager Vice
President Team Leader
Vice President with twenty-nine years experience in:
Title examining, Researching land records, Refinances, Purchases,
Updates, Recordings, Underwriting Binders and Policies, Clearing
title, Scheduling closings, performing closings, Escrow Management,
Staff Management, Hiring employees, Performance reviews, Budget
analysis and Training classes.
Responsible for Title companies daily operation from start to closing.
Customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction is my goal.
Current: Licensed Realtor
Career Accomplishments/ Education
Producer License for State of Maryland, DC and Virginia; sign binders,
policies, underwrite and conduct closings. Licensed Notary for State of
Licensed Realtor in State of Maryland; buy and sell real estate in Maryland
Underwriting Agent; Stewart Title
Employment Summary
Realtor Licensed Realtor 2012-Present
Licensed Realtor qualified to buy and sell homes in the State of Maryland.
I handle sale and listing transactions. This includes writing and ratifying
of contract, completion of signed listing agreement, determining market
value of real property, working with appraisers and any necessary
inspectors, ordering title, following up on payoffs and liens, as well as
demonstrating exceptional customer service to my clients.
CU Title Insurance Agency, LLC Vice President
Vice President for a full service Settlement Agency. Responsible for daily
operations and four additional employees. This includes the entire process
from order entry to settlement, post closing and sending out recording
documents. Handle all monthly escrow reporting and remittance to Stewart.
Budget analysis and growth potential partnered with report and meeting
follow up, are included in my job description. Planning and setting up a
new office being the end result. All of the new employees are interviewed
and hired by me. This also includes set up and monitoring of performance
appraisals and reviews. Conduct training classes for all new employees.
Attend continuing education classes for changes and updates in the title
Tower Title & Escrow Co, LLC Manager for Maryland Division
Branch Manager for new Title Company in Maryland. Duties include taking
order from start to finish. Order entry, search request, type binder,
prepare HUD, produce ICL, clear title and prepare order for closing.
Responsibilities also include conducting the closings and disbursing at the
table and post closing. I am also the candidate who sends reports each week
and monthly to main office for review. This is a one-person office.
Mica Co., Inc. Manager for Maryland Division
2004- 2006
Manage Title Company in the state of Maryland. Maintain client/customer
relationship. Answering any and all questions in reference to orders,
searches, binders or closings. Update and follow up each day on all client
websites and work in progress sites; keeping client informed. Assist
examiners with searches in multiple counties. Conducting searches for
property, easement, foreclosure or taxes. Type and review all binders and
policies. Clear title of liens in preparation for closing. Prepare
documents, agreements or leases in preparation of scheduling and conducting
all closings. Responsibilities also include interviewing, hiring and
managing all employees at the Maryland office.
Southeastern Title & Escrow, Inc. Title Company Manager
2003 - 2004
Manage Underwriting department for company. Duties include, handling new
orders in all areas of Virginia and assign freelancers to perform the
searches. Type all binders, endorsements and policies. Remittance and
invoicing once a month to the perspective underwriting company. Perform
weekly seminars for all loan officers affiliated with said Title Company.
Objective; to educate the loan officers on title work. Also handle all job
interviews for prospective employees.
Self-Employed Owner/Operator
2002 - 2003
Owner of Title Company in Virginia from start to finish. Contractor for
various Title Companies. Extensive knowledge of current owner, full,
limited, commercial, 40yr and 60yr searches. Handled accounts receivables,
payables, all invoicing and remittance. Handled marketing program for new
Heritage Title Company Title Examiner/Underwriter
1999 - 2002
Assisted in daily operations of managing Title Company in Chesapeake, VA.
Entered new search orders and handed them out to freelancers. Performed
current owner, full, limited, commercial, 40yr, 60yr and environmental
searches for this establishment. Underwrote binders, commitment letters,
endorsements and policies.
Transcontinental Title Title Examiner
1998 -
Handled recordings and current owner searches in various cities in
Virginia. Also assisted in preparing binders, policies and endorsements.
SCTIC, Inc. Title Examiner
Responsible for three clients in the Long Island area. Performed current
owner searches, full searches and updates. Remitted monthly billing to each
client and tracked any outstanding statements.
M&M Abstract Title Examiner
On a daily basis my duties were current owner searches, full searches, and
40 year and 60 year searches.
Chicago Title Insurance Company Title Examiner
Began my twenty-nine year trek as a title searcher. Was trained for over a
month in the techniques of title searching, updating and locating liens. In
no time I was able to perform current owner, full and commercial searches.