Personal information
Park Armoni Sitesi B/4 Yaşamkent Ankara
Date of birth
Military Service
Driving licence(s)
Work experience
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
IPR Ankara Power Plant(Baymina Enerji A.S 770MW) ANKARA
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
Deputy Operations Manager – Water Systems
• Main activities and responsibilities
Supervise and Manage Water Pretreatment Plant and Demineralization Plant.
Supervise and Manage Plant Chemistry. (WPTP,DMP, Heat Recovery Generator System and Cooling Tower).
Responsible for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities & Outages
Responsible for directing the operational activities to meet standards of public safety, employee safety and environmental citizenship that meet or exceed regulatory requirements.
Reports dangerous hazards on plant systems, work place, working environment and general public.
Responsible, with his shift teams, for all operations on water systems. Supervising important operations manoeuvres.
Supervising all chemical solutions preparations.
Checking the chemistry of the discharge and process water in all the plant.
Coordinates cleaning program for UF, RO, Mixbed, AC Filter, etc.
Monitor the Availability of Operational Consumables and Laboratory Consumables, Organize the Supply of the Consumables, and Approve the Purchase Orders for These Materials, Make Financial and Technical Comparisons of Offers of Suppliers and Contacts to consumable supplier companies.
Responsible for the operation of a work permit system. This work permit system is controlled by the shift teams according to safety and operating procedures.
Makes suggestions for plant and operating procedure improvements. Check Operation Procedures from EHS point of view.
Responsible for the organisation of activities within the operations department and manages all personnel problems of WPTP operation staff.
Approves the station operation and test procedure. Approves the commissioning and placing in service of permanent station modifications to ensure that the O&M staffs have the necessary procedures and training for the modifications.
Ensures that the plant does not violate any of the environmental rules and report problems.
Organize Site Safety & Cleanliness Tour and Report.
Checks operation procedures from the point of view of EHS.
Making contracts about Water chemistry treatment
Prepare budget estimation of water systems.(WPTP,DMP, Boiler and Cooling treatment)
Supervise Control and calibration of online equipments (pH, Silica, DO, Turbidity, Phosphate, etc
Finalized the construction and start-up of Pre-treatment plant for Demineralization Plant.(Project Leader) 2008
Finalized the automation of the Belt-press system.(Project Leader) 2008
Work experience
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
SUEZ Ankara Power Plant(Baymina Enerji A.S 770MW) ANKARA
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
Start-up and commissioning of the power plant.
Supervise and Manage Waste Water Pretreatment Plant and Demineralization Plant.
Supervise and Manage Chemistry of Heat Recovery Generator System and Cooling Tower
Control Discharge parameters of the effluents
Purchase needed chemicals and equipments for Demineralization Plant, HRSG, Cooling Tower and Laboratory issues.
Evaluation of the reports prepared by the contractors about Power Plant Chemistry
Financial reporting of the consumables
Reporting operations manager
Contact with the other laboratories
Help to Operation manager for budget.
Control and calibrate online equipments (pH, Silica, DO, Turbidity, Phosphate, etc
Work experience
• Dates
5.08.2002 to 23.12.2002
• Name and address of employer
Zorlu Enerji
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
Establish the Laboratory
Analyze and Control Demineralization Plant
Analyze and Control Heat Recovery Generator System
Reporting operation manager
Contact with the other laboratories
Work experience
• Dates
14.05.2001 to 23.07.2001
• Name and address of employer
Commercial Union Hayat Sigorta A.S
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
Financial Advisor
• Main activities and responsibilities
To provide the right services to the customers by determining their needs
Reporting team manager
Art and Science
• Department
• Title of qualification awarded
Bachelor Degree in Chemistry
Zorlu Enerji
Water Treatment in Power Plant. 20 days.
Baymina Enerji A.S
Basic Training for Power Plant. 20 days
Baymina Enerji A.S
Permit to Work. day
Multi Instruments
Sampling Skid. 1 day
Goema & Ge Betz
Cooling Water Treatment, Demineralization Plant. 3 days
Water Treatment Plant. 1 day
Water Steam Systems. 1 day
Va Tech
Plant Operation and Control. 1 day
Condenser Cleaning System. 1 day
Water Treatment Technologies Seminar. 5 Days
Ge Water
Waste water and Cooling tower treatment. 3 days
Ge Water
Equipment training. 3 days
Ge Water
Six Sigma Training. 5days
Ge Water
Advanced Boiler water chemistry. 3 days
Technical skills
and competences
Good knowledge of Windows Operating systems and MS-Office applications
Knowledge of CMMS and Oracle.
Knowledge of the computer hardware.
Personal skills
and competences
Mother tongue
Other languages
• Reading skills
Very Good
• Writing skills
Very Good
• Verbal skills
Very Good
Social skills
and competences
A member of METU Society of Graduates
A member of derindive (Scuba Diving Club)
Organizational skills
and competences
A member of Computer Chemistry Club Board in Middle East Technical University
A member of Chemistry Club Board in Middle East Technical University
Artistic skills
and competences
Playing classical guitar
Playing Football
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