Adam Beleckis
**** ***** *** ***** **** TX 512-***-****
An entry level position as a mechanical drafter where I can utilize my
knowledge of Inventor, ProE Wildfire, Solidworks, Master Cam, and Auto Cad.
AMG Employment Solutions July 2012 -Present
Job coaching and office assistant to assist clients in finding employment.
The Round Rock Handyman December 2011-July 2012
Worked as a handyman assistant doing various electrical, plumbing,
carpentry, flooring and other tasks, as needed.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) September 2011- December
2011 12100
Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753
I was hired as a temp to help make all of the Radiation department's
documents accessible for the blind.
TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company September 2008 - May 2009
5100 North IH-35, Round Rock TX 78081
I have worked for eight months as a mechanical drafter revising drawings
and updating bill of materials, using CATIA with SmarTeam software,
drawings include outlines for motor parts and their completed assemblies
which are shipped to customers around the world. I have also had over 200
hours of experience with Solidworks.
Certificate in Architectural & Engineering Computer Aided Design-
Mechanical Specialty
Austin Community College, Austin, Texas Graduation Date: May 2008.
Mechanical Drafting: Used Inventor to create detail and assembly drawings
of machine parts. Applied ASME Y14.5 dimensioning techniques including GD
& T, drafting standards, auxiliary views, sections, and specifying
fasteners to drawings. The engineering design process was also covered.
Solid Modeling: Used ProE Wildfire to create dimensioned detail and
assembly drawings of machine parts.
Intro to CAD/CAM: An introductory course in computer-aided drafting and
computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), employing computer graphics
databases for modern prototyping and machining methods. Employed Master
CAM software in the creation of tool paths for CNC Mill and Lathe.
Machine Drafting: A study of machine design dimensioning and tolerancing
with emphasis on the use of ASME and ISO standard practices including GDT.
Created 3D models with Inventor.
SolidWorks: This course focuses on advanced solid modeling techniques
using SolidWorks parametric CAD Software. SolidWorks software is used to
create solid geometry for individual machine parts, create assemblies from
the individual parts and then produce engineering working drawings from the
solid models.
Technical Drafting: Introduction to the principles of drafting to include
terminology and fundamentals, including size and shape descriptions,
projection methods, geometric construction, sections, auxiliary views, and
reproduction processes. Introduced to freehand sketching, multi-view
orthographic projection, shape modeling and its applications in computer-
aided drafting and design (CADD). Course included graphic geometry and
projection techniques, visualization methods, pictorial drawings, geometric
modeling techniques for CADD, drafting practices, and manufacturing
processes and materials documentation.
Manufacturing Materials &Processes: Study of various materials used in
the metals industry and the chemical, physical, and mechanical properties
of various metals. Emphasis on manufacturing processes, including casting,
forming, machining, and molding.
Master CAM Auto Cad 2006 Windows XP
ProE Wildfire
Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Inventor
Solid Works Adobe Acrobat