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Software Engineer Manager

Bethlehem, PA
December 05, 2012

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/stylesheet.css/facebox/facebox.csshttp://fonts. Gordon Diggs - Resume /Home /developmentDevelopment /artArt /resumeResume /blogBlog /contactContact Education Lehigh University Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science and French, May 2012 Work Experience Software Engineer,

Paperless PostMay 2010 - Present

Stack: Ruby on Rails, Javascript (jQuery), haml/sass, PostgreSQL, Redis, git, Unfuddle

Responsible for fixing bugs and implementing features on all sides of app, from UI front end to database back-end

Managed day-to-day operations of 4 interns in summer of 2011

Wrote automated script to initialize development environment


Work, self-employedNovember 2006 - August 2010

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, Subversion

Freelance web design, graphic design, web development, and IT for a variety of clients, including Severn Sailing Association, Fitch s Corner Horse Trials, Clifton Corner, Eric Hill Band and Mark Williams

Side Projects Cataloguais:

Stack: Ruby, Sinatra, jQuery, MongoDB

App to catalog and keep track of any collection

Today, I worked out

Stack: Ruby, Sinatra, jQuery, MySQL

App to keep track of and visualize fitness/weight loss progress


Stack: bash script for OS X

Automated script to install rvm, ruby, and database software on OS X

OSS Contributions so-nice

Stack: Ruby, Sinatra, jQuery

App to show currently playing song from a number of players

Wrote voting engine and updated configuration / documentation


Stack: Ruby gem

Gem to interface with music software and output now playing / control data

Wrote voting engine and added tests


Stack: Ruby gem

Gem to import contacts from a number of providers and present them in a standard format

Updated code to be faster and support more providers

Re-wrote full test suite

Awards Lehigh University WAVES Male Ally Award: March 2010 Mention tres bien, French Grand Concours exam: May 2008 Virginia Finkel Pierce Scholarship in Computer Science: May

2007 Activities

Business Manager, Lehigh's Off the RecordAugust 2009 - May 2010

Founded co-ed a cappella group

In charge of finances, running rehearsals and booking concerts for the ensemble

Coordinator, Lehigh University Music Appreciation HouseAugust 2009 - May 2011

Coordinator of co-ed dorm within Lehigh University Residential Communit

Responsible for interviewing and selecting new members of community each year

Direct and organize various activities for and sponsored by the House

Advocate/Peer Educator, Lehigh University Break the Silence

January 2009 - May 2012

Volunteer advocate and peer educator for on-campus sexual violence hot-line

Present to students on sexual violence, raising awareness

Answer hotline calls providing resources for survivors of sexual violence

Computer / Language Skills Fluent in written and spoken French

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, Javascript (including jQuery), SQL (MySQL & PostgreSQL), Java, C/C++, Redis Version control: Git, Subversion Gordon Diggs ******@*****.** Powered by /stuffsome stuff

javascript:Look out for velociraptors

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