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Management Cover Letter

Stamford, CT
December 02, 2012

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Managing Partner


Cover Letter

CurrentLocation US: Stamford, CT


Advertising / Marketing / Public Relations


Current: ***,***

Desired: 125,000 +

WillingtoRelocate Yes


Travel Availability

MyPerfect Job


VP/Director, Corporate/Marketing Communications, Public Relations

Cover Letter

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Eileen Sharkey

80 Coolidge Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut 06906

Phone: 203-***-****

- Fax: 203-***-****

Email: ******.*******@****.***


Corporate & marketing communications executive with a proven track record of delivering clear, direct results for Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses and non-profit organizations.

Areas of Expertise

* Strategic planning, execution & assessment

* Internal & external corporate communications

* Public & media relations

* Financial & investor communications

* Consumer & B-to-B marketing communications

* Change & corporate image management

* Crisis & issue management

* Organization spokesperson

* Executive presentations & coaching

* Internal staff & external supplier management

* Print, multimedia & web-based publications

* Copy, proposal & speech writing

* Trade shows/events planning & management

* Employee & benefits communications

* Special interest magazine publishing

* Community outreach program development

Organization Experience

Eileen Sharkey & Associates, Stamford, CT - Communications consulting practice

Managing Partner


- present

Chesebrough-Pond\'s USA, Greenwich, CT - Unit of Unilever Home & Personal Care NA

Director, Public Affairs


- 1998

GE Capital Corporation, Stamford, CT

Manager, Corporate Programs


- 1988

Communications Consultant, Stamford, CT


- 1985Comart Associates, Inc

., New York, NY - Full service sales promotion agency

Senior Account Executive


- 1983Olin Corporation, Stamford, CT

Public Relations Assistant; Market Research Specialist


- 1980

Achievement Highlights

Eileen Sharkey & Associates


ESA is a collaborative network of professional small businesses, each concentrated and highly experienced in a particular sphere of business communications. As Managing Partner, assemble and lead a team of experts to meet the needs of any given client effectively and efficiently, and deliver specialized, top quality resources at lower cost.

* Researched, designed and produced monthly and quarterly technical publications for securities brokers/dealers of three mutual funds ($2.5 billion in net assets) managed by The SoGen Funds (Socit Gnrale). Assessed needs, then created and produced interim communications for the securities market and employees after the Funds\' sale to Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder Investment Bankers.

* Acted as Interim VP of Communications for Trex Medical\'s Lorad Medical Imaging Division, and directed the communications function during the impending sale of this $55 million business unit. Quickly gained and maintained staff confidence; counseled senior management on interim communications processes for employees and the trade; continued production of marketing materials; and directed exhibit planning for strategically critical and imminent trade show. Successfully transitioned function management to new corporate owners after the sale closed.

* Developed and managed web-based electronic customer support function for, an Internet service for the small business marketplace. Successfully resolved customer problems and concerns, and instituted website changes to troubleshoot future issues. Consumer complaints were reduced by approximately 80 percent within nine months.

* Analyzed 45 major human resources policies for three separate Unilever, PLC operating companies being merged into one consumer products business unit. Detailed major differences among the distinct cultures; worked with senior management to achieve consensus; and rewrote all policies for the new unit which represented approximately $3 billion in North American sales.

Chesebrough-Pond\'s USA

As Director, Public Affairs for Chesebrough-Pond\'s, served as function head and company spokesperson directing internal and external communications for this $1.2 billion consumer products unit of Unilever, PLC. (Major brands included Vaseline, Pond\'s, Mentadent, Q-tips, and Ragu.) Reporting to the Management Board, major responsibilities included employee communications, press relations, crisis and issue management, organizational change management, annual reports, major corporate meetings, executive presentations and events, charitable contributions, and community outreach programs.

* Led the PR team to successfully defend the Mentadent toothpaste and Pond\'s skin care brands during separate FDA inquiries into ingredient safety. Monitored onslaught of initial negative press; worked with Chesebrough\'s Management Board, industry associations, marketing, legal and regulatory representatives to achieve position consensus; coached scientific experts for major national press interviews; prepared responsive Q&A; handled all press calls; and directed external agency on implementation of company policy. Negative press impact for Chesebrough products was minimal during the inquiries, and the FDA confirmed the ingredients\' safety resulting in the continued success of these $180 million brands.

* For the first time in company history, conducted and analyzed quantifiable surveys of their 20,000 employees to determine overall communications needs. With results, redirected and revamped content and design, and replaced quarterly employee publications with monthly color newsletters at no additional cost. Overwhelmingly positive employee feedback continued to produce ongoing improvements while costs remained relatively constant over a ten-year period.

* Organized and directed major management meetings. Selected locations and supervised all logistics for venues such as the Rich Forum in Stamford, CT and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Procured guest speakers; wrote all executive speeches; directed multimedia support; and coached senior executives on presentation skills. Positive feedback from senior management and participants produced continuous improvement from one meeting to the next, all within budget.

* Mobilizing employees and various non-profit organizations, directed company relief efforts for a variety of domestic and international disasters totaling approximately $10 million in aid over a five-year period. Chesebrough became known for its reliable and generous response to community needs.

* Successfully established \"external staff\" approach to communications team management. Three-person internal staff was augmented with collaborative network of external small businesses who worked together under my leadership to deliver high quality communications with minimum overhead for the company. While function responsibilities grew exponentially over the ten-year period, headcount remained the same.

GE Capital Corporation

After consulting with GE Capital for six months, accepted position as Manager, Corporate Programs in the marketing area. Primary responsibilities included special events, management and employee meetings, speeches, and presentations.

* Built company presence in local markets by managing 12 customer/prospect luncheon seminars in the \"Executive Dialogue Series\" featuring panel discussions with top industry leaders. Created and placed advance and follow-up publicity for each event to draw the appropriate audience, and directed preliminary and on-site logistics. Achieved highest attendance in the program\'s three-year history and documented first million-dollar deals directly related to the program, never before proven.

* Designed and administered a corporate recognition program for 3,500 exempt employees. Surveyed employee attitudes; coordinated criteria for selection; and refined nomination procedures. In year one, managed nine successful black-tie events in seven cities honoring 1,800 attendees nationally. In year two, managed six three-day recreational events in Scottsdale, Arizona for 900 employees and their spouses.



College Studies: Communications and History

Stonehill College,

Easton, MA



Current Member: International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)

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Contact Information

Eileen Sharkey

80 Coolidge Avenue

Stamford, CT 06906


email ******.*******@****.***

Phone: 203-***-****

Phone: 203-***-****

Industry: Advertising / Marketing / Public Relations

City: Stamford

State: CT

Zip: 06906

Country: US

Date: 00000000

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