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November 21, 2012

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Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized


Carl-Fredrik Westin1 and Hans Knutsson2


Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging,

Brigham and Women s Hospital,

Harvard Medical School,

Boston MA, USA


Department of Biomedical Engineering,

Link ping University Hospital,


Link ping, Sweden


Abstract. This paper presents a ltering technique for regularizing ten-

sor elds. We use a nonlinear ltering technique termed normalized con-

volution [Knutsson and Westin 1993], a general method for ltering miss-

ing and uncertain data. In the present work we extend the signal certainty

function to depend on locally derived certainty information in addition

to the a priory voxel certainty. This results in reduced blurring between

regions of di erent signal characteristics, and increased robustness to

outliers. A driving application for this work has been ltering of data

from Di usion Tensor MRI.

1 Introduction

This paper presents a ltering technique for regularizing vector and higher order

tensor elds. In particular we focus on ltering of volume data from Di usion

Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DT-MRI). Related works include [20,19,


DT-MRI is a relatively recent imaging modality that calls for multi-valued

methods for data restoration. DT-MRI measures the di usion of water in bio-

logical tissue. Di usion is the process by which matter is transported from one

part of a system to another owing to random molecular motions. The transfer

of heat by conduction is also due to random molecular motion. The analogous

nature of the two processes was rst recognized by [7], who described di usion

quantitatively by adopting the mathematical equation of heat conduction de-

rived some years earlier by [8]. Anisotropic media such as crystals, textile bers,

and polymer lms have di erent di usion properties depending on direction.

Anisotropic di usion can be described by an ellipsoid where the radius de nes

the di usion in a particular direction. The widely accepted analogy between

symmetric 3 3 tensors and ellipsoids makes such tensors natural descriptors

R. Moreno-D and F. Pichler (Eds.): EUROCAST 2003, LNCS 2809, pp. 564 572, 2003.


c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized Convolution 565

for di usion. Moreover, the geometric nature of the di usion tensors can quan-

titatively characterize the local structure in tissues such as bone, muscle, and

white matter of the brain. Within white matter, the mobility of the water is

restricted by the axons that are oriented along the ber tracts. This anisotropic

di usion is due to tightly packed multiple myelin membranes encompassing the

axon. Although myelination is not essential for di usion anisotropy of nerves (as

shown in studies of non-myelinated gar sh olfactory nerves [3]; and in studies

where anisotropy exists in brains of neonates before the histological appearance

of myelin [23]), myelin is generally assumed to be the major barrier to di usion

in myelinated ber tracts.

Using conventional MRI, we can easily identify the functional centers of the

brain (cortex and nuclei). However, with conventional proton magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) techniques, the white matter of the brain appears to be homoge-

neous without any suggestion of the complex arrangement of ber tracts. Hence,

the demonstration of anisotropic di usion in the brain by magnetic resonance

has paved the way for non-invasive exploration of the structural anatomy of the

white matter in vivo [13,5,2,14].

In DT-MRI, the di usion tensor eld is calculated from a set of di usion-

weighted MR images by solving the Stejskal-Tanner equation. There is a physical

interpretation of the di usion tensor which is closely tied to the standard ellipsoid

tensor visualization scheme. The eigensystem of the di usion tensor describes

an ellipsoidal isoprobability surface, where the axes of the ellipsoid have lengths

given by the square root of the tensor s eigenvalues. A proton which is initially

located at the origin of the voxel has equal probability of di using to all points

on the ellipsoid.

2 Methods

In this section we outline how normalized convolution can be used for regularizing

scalar, vector, and higher order tensor elds.

Normalized convolution (NC) was introduced as a general method for ltering

missing and uncertain data [10,19]. In NC, a signal certainty, c, is de ned for

the signal. Missing data is handled by setting this signal certainties to zero. This

method can be viewed as locally solving a weighted least squares (WLS) problem,

were the weights are de ned by signal certainties and a spatially localizing mask.

A local description of a signal, f, can be de ned using a weighted sum of

basis functions, B . In NC the basis functions are spatially localized by a scalar

(positive) mask denoted the applicability function, a. Minimizing

Wa Wc (B f )) (1)

results in the following WLS local neighborhood model:

f0 = B (B Wa Wc B ) 1 B Wa Wc f, (2)

where Wa and Wc are diagonal matrices containing a and c respectively, and B

is the conjugate transpose of B .

566 C.-F. Westin and H. Knutsson

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

16 16

14 14

16 16

12 12

14 14

10 10

12 12

8 8

10 10

8 8

6 6

6 6

4 4

4 4

2 2

2 2

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

16 16

14 14

16 16

12 12

14 14

10 10

12 12

8 8

10 10

8 8

6 6

6 6

4 4

4 4

2 2

2 2

Fig. 1. Filtering of a scalar signal: Original scalar eld (upper left) and the result

without using the magnitude di erence certainty, cm (upper right). The amount of inter

region averaging can be controlled e ectively by including this magnitude certainty

measure. The smaller the sigma, the smaller inter the region averaging: lower left

= 1, lower right = 0.5.

2.1 Certainty Measures

In the present work, a regularization application, the local certainty function, c,

consists of two parts:

1. A voxel certainty measure, cv, de ned by the input data.

2. A model/signal similarity measure, cs :

cs = g (T0, T ),

where T0 is the local neighborhood model. For simplicity we have constructed

cs as a product of separate magnitude and angular similarity measures, cm

and ca :

cs = cm ca .

For the magnitude certainty a Gaussian magnitude function has been used

in our examples below:


T0 T

cm = exp .) (3)

Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized Convolution 567





1 1

1 8 16

1 8 16

16 16

8 8

1 1

1 8 16 1 8 16

Fig. 2. Tensor eld ltering: Original tensor eld (upper left) and the result using the

proposed method using = 0 (upper right), = 2 (lower left), and = 8 (lower right).

Notice how the amount of mixing of tensors of di erent orientation can be controlled

by the angular similarity measure.

The angular similarity measure, ca, is based on the inner product between

the normalized tensors:

ca =,

where T = T / T .

The nal certainty function is calculated as the product of the voxel certainty

and the similarity certainty:

c = cv cs (4)

In general the voxel certainty function, cv, will be based on prior informa-

tion about the data. The voxel certainty is set to zero outside the signal extent

568 C.-F. Westin and H. Knutsson

to reduce unwanted border e ects. If no speci c local information is available

the voxel certainty is set to one. As described above, the second certainty com-

ponent, cs, is de ned locally based on neighboring information. The idea here

is to reduce the impact of outliers, where an outlier is de ned in terms of the

local signal neighborhood, and to reduce the blurring across interfaces between

regions having very di erent signal characteristics.

2.2 Simple Local Neighborhood Model

The simplest possible model in the normalized convolution framework is to use

only one constant basis function, simplifying the expression for normalized con-

volution to [10]:

T0 = (5)

To focus on the power of introducing the signal/model similarity certainty mea-

sure, this simple local neighborhood model is used in our examples below. The

applicability function a0 was set a Gaussian function with standard deviation of

0.75 sample distances.

3 Scalar Field Regularization

In this section we present a scalar example to show the e ect of the the voxel

and magnitude certainty functions. This concept can be seen as generalization

of bilateral ltering [16] into the signal-certainty framework of normalized con-


Figure 1 shows the result of ltering a scalar signal using the proposed tech-

nique. The upper left plot shows the original scalar signal: a noisy step function.

The upper right plot shows the result using standard normalized convolution

demonstrating that reduction of noise is achieved at the expense of unwanted

mixing of features from adjacent regions. The amount of border blurring can

controlled e ectively by including the new magnitude certainty measure, cm

(equation 3). The smaller the sigma, the smaller the inter region averaging as

shown by the lower left ( = 1) and lower right ( = 0.5) plots.

4 Tensor Field Regularization

4.1 Synthetically Generated Tensor Field

Figure 2 shows the result of ltering a synthetic 2D tensor eld visualized using

ellipses. The original tensor eld is shown in the upper left plot. In this example,

the voxel certainty measure, cv, was set to one except outside the signal extent

where it was set to zero. The applicability function a was set to a Gaussian

function with standard deviation of 3 sample distances.

Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized Convolution 569

Fig. 3. Original tensor eld generated from DT-MRI data.

When ltering tensor data, the angular measure ca is important since it can

be used to reduce mixing of information from regions having di erent orienta-

tions. This is demonstrated in gure 2 using = 0 (upper right), = 2 (lower

left), and = 8 (lower right). Notice how the degree of mixing depends on the

angular similarity measure.

4.2 Di usion Tensor MRI Data

Figure 3 shows a tensor eld generated from DT-MRI data. In this work we

applied a version of the Line Scan Di usion Imaging (LSDI) technique [9,11,

12]. This method, like the commonly used di usion-sensitized, ultrafast, echo-

planar imaging (EPI) technique [18] is relatively insensitive to bulk motion and

physiologic pulsations of vascular origin.

570 C.-F. Westin and H. Knutsson

Fig. 4. Result of ltering the DT-MRI tensor eld using the proposed method.

The DT-MRI data were acquired at the Brigham and Women s Hospital on a

GE Signa 1.5 Tesla Horizon Echospeed 5.6 system with standard 2.2 Gauss/cm

eld gradients. The time required for acquisition of the di usion tensor data for

one slice was 1 min; no averaging was performed. Imaging parameters were: ef-

fective TR=2.4 s, TE=65 ms, bhigh =1000 s/mm2, blow =5 s/mm2, eld of view 22

cm, e ective voxel size 4.0 1.7 1.7 mm3, 4 kHz readout bandwidth, acquisition

matrix 128 128.

Figure 4 shows the result of ltering the DT-MRI tensor eld in gure 3 using

the proposed method. In this example, the voxel certainty measure, cv, was set

to one except outside the signal extent where it was set to zero. An alternative

to this is to use for example Proton Density MRI data de ning where the MR

signal is reliable. For the angular certainty function, ca, = 4 was used. The

applicability function a was set to a Gaussian function with standard deviation

of 3 sample distances.

Tensor Field Regularization Using Normalized Convolution 571

Acknowledgments. This work was funded in part by NIH grant P41-RR13218,

R01-MH 50747 and CIMIT.


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