Ted S. Troemel
Greenville, IL 62246
Seeking a position which will enable me to leverage training, experience and knowledge
gained throughout a successful professional military career in order to provide purpose,
direction and motivation while improving the company and completing assigned tasks.
Summary of Qualifications:
Fifteen years experience supervising, managing and training teams of up to 70 personnel
for multiple missions under varied and time constrained conditions
Multiple years operating, maintaining and training heavy and light combat vehicles in
preparation for and during deployment to combat for the U.S. Army
Demonstrated ability to make sound and timely decisions under extreme stress with
positive and productive results
Extensive career experience and specific training across various fields including civilian
and military company operations
Security Clearance: SECRET
Passport: U.S. 8437
Defender Services, Inc. Greenville, IL
Contract Manager November 2011 to Aug 2012
o Recognized by company seniors for improving facility appearance, cleanliness and
employee morale
o Noted by Division Manager for increased contract profitability
o Responsible for ensuring safety, training, supply inventory, tool accountability and
payroll, with hire/fire authority, for 14 employees
U.S. Army Fort Irwin, CA
Combat Mission Rehearsal Exercise Trainer January 2010 to August 2011
o Recognized by senior supervisor for exceeding the standard for assigned tasks with
little guidance and zero supervision
o Final reviewer for Risk Management documents prior to live fire mission execution
o Responsible for the doctrinal correctness of written orders, digital graphics and maps,
vehicle movement and troop movement during execution of live fire exercises designed
to simulate actual combat while ensuring overall safety of all personnel involved
U.S. Army Camp Casey, South Korea
Heavy Equipment Team Supervisor January 2009 to January 2010
o Received evaluation ratings for outstanding performance of next level supervisor fs
duties during company field exercise
o Accountable for the safety, health, morale, welfare and training of fourteen U.S.
and two Korean team members
o Responsible for the deployment, readiness, maintenance, environmental compliance and
accountability of four M1A1 Tanks (70 ton vehicles) and all assigned equipment valued
in excess of $16 million
U.S. Army Fort Knox, KY
Advisor to U.S. Army Force XXI Battle Command September 2006 to January 2009
Brigade and Below (FBCB2) Capability Requirements Manager
o Recognized for providing high standard of digital tracking system (FBCB2) training
and counsel to Army CEO fs, Senior Advisors, and fellow military members across multiple venues
o Served as contact for company senior managers during equipment fielding and as senior
enlisted advisor on US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) FBCB2 capability requirements
o Accountable for assisting the FBCB2 and Combat Identification TRADOC Capability Manager with Army and Joint Service requirements development for system programs worth over $3 Billion encompassing over 30,000 systems deployed worldwide
o Held liable for ensuring directorate military personnel meet all Army training requirements
U.S Army Camp Marez, Mosul, Iraq
Company Team Headquarters Manager October 2004 to December 2005
o Selected above peers and noted for outstanding performance as manager of company team logistic and administrative center during deployment to Iraq for the U.S. Army
o Responsible for coordination, reporting and accountability of personnel during execution of over 150 logistic convoy escort combat patrols
o Accountable for training, health and welfare of three junior team leaders and three workers
o Responsible for the maintenance and operation of six vehicles and associated
equipment valued at $5.8 million
U.S. Army Fort Lewis, WA
Heavy Equipment Line Supervisor May 2002 to September 2004
o Evaluated as being instrumental in the planning and employment of Stryker Combat Vehicle during a high intensity team evaluation exercise
o Executed maintenance, preparation for combat, environmental compliance and operational readiness in order to deploy with 96 hours notice with team vehicles
o Responsible for the safety, training, health, welfare, and morale of two vehicle crewman
and one combat vehicle valued at $2.5 million
Central Texas College Killeen, TX
Associate of Arts 2011
U.S. Army Fort Irwin, CA
Command Post of the Future (CPOF) Operator Course 2011
Combat Trainer Certification Course 2010
U.S. Army Fort Knox, KY
Tank Commander Certification (Pilot Course), M1A1 Abrams Tank 2008
Senior Leader Course, M1A1 Abrams Tank 2006
Advanced Leader Course, M1A1 Abrams Tank 2001
U.S Army Fort Lewis, WA
Digital Master Trainer Course, Terrestrial & Satellite 2006
Unit Movement Officer Course 2004
Operators Training Course, FBCB2 & BFT 2002
References: Available upon request