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Design Years Experience

Austin, TX
December 07, 2012

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SuperGirl... ** years Web Graphic Design, SEO, SMM

Date: 2012-12-04, 3:23PM

Please email us directly at or phone 512 692 7520to discuss the needs of your project. We are friendly, mature, will often give you free advice from our experience, and take pride in being reliable and responsible.

Hi. My name is Andrea Fiore. I and my design/strategy partner, James, have been crafting custom-designed HTML web sites for over 10 years. We have also developed a very successful proprietary-method expertise in search engine ranking (SEO) over the past five years--resulting in page 1 Google ranking for our local or national clients across a full range of keyword phrases applicable to their business.

For social media marketing (SMM), I have 4 years experience in promoting clients through best, progressive practices on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and many other outlets. I also am expert in press release campaigns and writing articles for promoting your site and business.

In addition, with James' background in journalism, we offer effective, visitor-to-client-conversion content writing for your web site.

We are two freelancers who have partnered together to bring you a potent range of expert level skills at affordable rates. In 2012 our print designs for magazines have won two advertising awards for most effective ads in high-end bespoke publications like Architectural Digest.

Below are summaries of our skills and a list of our clients.


Original designs (never templates) that fit your business type and are designed for optimum visitor-to-customer conversion--a psychological approach we've developed over many years of experience. Our sites meld together aesthetics, functionality and speed of load time (critical to ranking and the user experience). Always, our sites are looking for the best way to invite visitors to become your client or customer. My coding ensures that your site will function across all browser platforms.


For many of our clients I do the maintenance of the site at very affordable rates. I update content, images, video, audio, PDFs and necessary coding changes on sites. My turn around time is fast-paced and reliable and for emergency needs I am available on the weekends.


You can build the most persuasive visitor-to-customer site in the world, but if people aren't finding you, it's like your doors are closed all the time. Expert level search engine ranking or search engine optimization. Essentially SEO is a rather arcane art of analysis and writing content that gets your site ranked as high as possible on Google, Yahoo, Bing. We have evolved a proprietary method that works with the content and tags on a page in a coordinated way, and we keep current on best practices for Google. Through experiential trial and error and steady research we've determined ways to discover the natural language phrases people will enter into search engines and with that knowledge can exactly shape the SEO campaign for your site.

A vital facet of SEO is back link development, the ability to cultivate one-way back links from other sites to your site. This includes from blogs (including your own blog) and from SMM outlets and from other online PR sources.

Our track record with SEO for over 20 sites shows us achieving page 1 ranking on Google for almost all keyword phrases targeted.

Our SEO services include the following:Analysis of your site and your competitors

Composing tags and metatags, including alt image tags

Composing SEO copy for each page SEO is desired

Cross linking between pages on the site towards SEO effectiveness

Composing page URL names for SEO effectiveness

Site validation through for best practice ranking


Using the power of social media marketing to build consumer awareness, invite in new customers and cultivate a loyal following for your products or services is among our special skill sets. I have been doing SMM for clients for several years and know the full gamut of best approaches and practices for successful broad base and guerilla marketing.


James has 25 years experience in the print publishing world and has had indepth training in graphic design alongside his journalism writing career. He has designed for high level magazines (both editorial and advertising), books, brochures, stationary, logos, posters, tear sheets, flyers and trade show banners. For PowerPoint presentations, James does the design and I do the slide building.

We are expert in:Photoshop


Adobe Acrobat PDF



CMYK color correction

A FEW CURRENT AND PAST CLIENTSShopping for a Change - nonprofit fair trade shopping site; SEO, SMM

Nature's Nurse - herbal pharmaceuticals shopping site

Calitech Center - managed computer services site

At Cost Flights - travel site content writing

Imbee Inc. - Internet kiosk design for international airports

Cruise Marketing - cruise travel site update and email marketing

Drever Capital Management - billion dollar real estate development site; SMM

Jamie Florence Design - interior design site

Sharepoint Applications - sharepoint software packages site; SEO

CG Yogurt - yogurt retail chain site

CFLA - offering loan auditing services; SMM, SEO

Voice Over School - voice over lessons site; SEO

Alterations Avenue - alterations site; SEO

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