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Management Environmental

Worcester, MA
December 29, 2012

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Robert J. Johnston

George Perkins Marsh Institute 508-***-**** (office)

Clark University 508-***-**** (FAX)

*** **** **. *********@******.***

Worcester, MA 01610-1477


Director George Perkins Marsh Institute (GPMI). Clark University,

Worcester, MA. 2008 present.

The George Perkins Marsh Institute seeks to advance the

research frontier in human dimensions of environmental change

and relationships between natural and human systems. The

Institute is home to more than 50 research faculty, many of

whom have joint appointments with other Clark departments or

Universities, and currently maintains over $10 million in active

grants and contracts. Areas of emphasis include ecosystem

services; sustainability transitions, consumption and energy; land

use analysis and policy; earth systems science; ocean and coastal

management; risks and hazards; sustainable communities; and

global climate change. For additional information see


Professor Department of Economics, Clark University, Worcester, MA.

2008 present.

Research Areas: Valuation; ecosystem services; benefit transfer;

meta-analysis, choice modeling; natural/human systems; ocean,

coastal and aquatic ecosystem management; fisheries economics;

land conservation; sustainable tourism.

Courses Taught: Economics 157 Natural Resource and

Environmental Economics; Economics 255 Valuing the

Environment; Economics 357 Environmental Economics

(PhD level; fall 2013).


Associate Professor Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,

University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 2005 2008.


Associate Director Connecticut Sea Grant College Program. University of

Connecticut, Avery Point Campus, Groton, CT. 2002 2008.

Coordinator of Research; Grants Review and Management;

Progress Reporting; Fiscal Management; and Program


Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,

University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 2002 2005.

Robert J. Johnston, page 1 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Assistant Professor-Research Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 1996-2002.


Ph.D. Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 1996.

B.A. Economics, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. 1990.


2012: Most Cited Article of 2011 (articles published in 2010 and 2011), Journal of Economic

Surveys (Johnston and Rosenberger, Methods, Trends and Controversies in

Contemporary Benefit Transfer)

2012: Recognition of Outstanding Service Award, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource

Economics Association.

2012: Top 7% of authors in RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), number of distinct works

and number of journal pages.

2009: Recognition of Outstanding Service Award, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource

Economics Association.

2008: Distinguished Member Award, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics


2008: Donald M. Kinsman Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Agriculture and

Natural Resources, University of Connecticut.

2008: Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Award, University of Connecticut.

2007: Research Excellence Award, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of


2007: Finalist, Marine Resource Economics Outstanding Article 2006.

2007: Faculty Award of Merit in Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta, University of Connecticut.

2007: AAUP Special Achievement Award (salary increase for extraordinary merit), University

of Connecticut.

2006: Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award: Best 2005 Article in the Journal of

Travel Research (Johnston and Tyrrell, A Dynamic Model of Sustainable Tourism).

2006: AAUP Special Achievement Award (salary increase for extraordinary merit), University

of Connecticut.

2006: Recognition of Outstanding Service Award, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource

Economics Association.

2005: AAUP Special Achievement Award (salary increase for extraordinary merit), Uni versity

of Connecticut.

2004: AAUP Special Achievement Award (salary increase for extraordinary merit), University

of Connecticut.

Robert J. Johnston, page 2 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Teaching Excellence Award College of the Environment and Life Sciences, University


of Rhode Island.

1999: Rhode Island Rural Lands Coalition Award for Outstanding Research Contribution to the

Preservation of Farm, Forest, and Open Space.

Faculty Member of the Year Department of Environmental and Natural Resource


Economics, University of Rhode Island

1997: Greg J. Lessne Award for Excellence in the Study of Natural Resource Markets and


1996: ENRE Nomination for 1997 AAEA Outstanding Dissertation Award.

1994-95: University Graduate Fellowship, University of Rhode Island.

1994: Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Rhode Island.

1989: Sigma Phi Scholarship Award, Williams College.


2012-15 US EPA Science Advisory Board.

2012-13 National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) Committee on

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stock Rebuilding Plans of the 2006 Fishery

Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act.

2012- Founding Secretary-Treasurer, Environmental Economics Section, the Agricultural

and Applied Economics Association (AAEA).

2012- Founding Board Member, incorporated Northeastern Agricultural and Resource

Economics Association.

2010- Senior Advisory Board (SAB), Connecticut Sea Grant College Program.

2010- Program Advisory Council (PAC), New York Sea Grant College Program.

2009-2012 President-elect (2009-2010), President (2010-2011) and Past-President (2011-

2012), Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association.

2009- Program Committee for the Board of Directors, Charles Darwin Foundation,

Gal pagos, Ecuador.

2009-2012 Council Member, Gulf of Maine Regional Ocean Science Council (ROSI).

2009-2012 Science Advisory Board, Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea


2008-2010: Editorial Board, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.

2007-present: Vice President, Board of Directors, Marine Resource Economics Foundation.

2006-2007: Editorial Board, Advances in Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research.

Robert J. Johnston, page 3 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

2006-2009: Board of Directors, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics

Association (second elected three-year term).

2003-2006: Board of Directors, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics

Association (first elected three-year term).

2005-2007: Secretary, Board of Directors, Marine Resource Economics Foundation.



2012-14 $199,947 (grant). Northeast Sea Grant Consortium. Climate Change Adaptation and

Ecosystem Service Resilience in Northeast Coastal Communities: Quantifying

Economic Values and Tradeoffs for Regional Decision Support (PI).

2012 $13,926 (contract). Spatial Heterogeneity in Protected Species Valuation Research.

National Marine Fisheries Service (consultant).

2012 $33,469 (grant). Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental

Control (DNREC). DNREC Economic Analysis of the Delaware Bay Shoreline

Project Extension and Recreational Benefits Analysis. Delaware Department of

Natural Resources and Environmental Control, subcontract from Johnson, Mirmiran &

Thompson, Inc. (PI)

2011-12 $17,500 (contract). University of Connecticut and the Connecticut Department of

Transportation. Consultant Services for Design and Feasibility Study: Connecticut

Transportation Planning Data Phase II (consultant).

2011-12 $10,450 (contract). University of Connecticut and the Connecticut Department of

Transportation. Consultant Services for Effect of Low-Impact Sustainable

Transportation Design as a Strategy for Alleviating Stormwater Runoff and Reducing

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (consultant).

2011-12 $30,977 (contract). Massachusetts Ocean Partnership. Continuing Work Advising on

Economic Aspects of Massachusetts Ocean Partnership Projects (PI).

$49,988 (grant). USDA/AFRI. Research Conference Integrated Economic


Analysis of Ecosystem Services for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability (PI, with co-

PIs Dana Bauer and Carolyn Dimitri).

2011-13 $641,285 (grant). National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERRS) System Science

Collaborative. Sustaining Coastal Landscapes and Community Benefits: Developing

an Interdisciplinary Model for Enhancing the Impact of NERRS Science (PI, with PI

Christine Feurt and Co-PIs Verna DeLauer, Michelle Dionne and Peter Wiley).

2011 $12,698 (grant). Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental

Control (DNREC). DNREC Economic Analysis of the Delaware Bay Shoreline.

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, subcontract

from Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. (PI)

Robert J. Johnston, page 4 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

2011 $8,000 (contract). Environment Canada/EVRI. Practitioner Guidance using the

Environmental Valuation Resource Inventory (EVRI) for Benefit Transfer. (co -PI

with Paul Thomassin).

2011 $14,910 (grant). COMPASS/Tides Center. Communication Partnership for Science

and the Sea (COMPASS) New England Program Support Supplement II (PI, with

Verna DeLauer).

2010-11 $50,000 (contract). Abt Associates and US EPA. Technical Assistance in Benefit

Transfer/Stated Preference Methods and Implementation for Clean Water Act 316(b)

Phase II and III Benefit Estimation (subcontractor).

$44,752 (grant). Conservation International Ecosystem. Services Modeler


Investigative Phase (co-PI, with PI Ron Eastman and Clark Labs).

2010 $23,293 (grant). Massachusetts Ocean Partnership. Massachusetts Ocean Partnership

Workshop on Economic and Social Science Tools for Ecosystem-based Management:

Extended Scope of Work and Contract Revision to Advise on Economic Aspects of

Massachusetts Ocean Partnership Projects (PI).

2010 $36,938 (grant). COMPASS/Tides Center. Communication Partnership for Science

and the Sea (COMPASS) New England Program Support Supplement I (PI, with

Verna DeLauer).

2010 $72,969 (grant). COMPASS/Tides Center. Communication Partnership for Science

and the Sea (COMPASS) New England Program Support (PI, with Verna DeLauer).

2010-13 $360,000 (grant). USDA/AFRI. Long-Term Health Effects, Risk Perceptions, And

Implications For Agricultural Markets: Modeling Consumption Patterns For

Aquacultured Seafood (PI, with PI Cathy Roheim).

2010 $3,125 (contract). Eastern Environmental Law Center. Benefits of Entrainment and

Impingement Reduction Consultation Regarding License Renewal of Oyster Creek

Nuclear Generating Station (consultant).

2010 $2,500 (contract). Industrial Economics and NOAA. Technical Assistance in

Magnolia Marsh Restoration Human Use Sampling and Analysis Plan (consultant).

2009 $20,456 (grant). The Massachusetts Ocean Partnership. Integrating Economic Tools

for Ecosystem-based Management: Developing Workshop Content on Economic and

Social Science Tools for Ecosystem-based Management (PI).

2009-10 $42,053 (contract). Abt Associates and US EPA. Technical Assistance in Benefit

Transfer/Stated Preference Methods and Implementation for Clean Water Act 316(b)

Phase II and III Benefit Estimation (consultant).

2009-10 $12,000 (grant). Center for Transportation and Urban Planning, University of

Connecticut, funds from US Dept. of Transportation. Public Transit Design for Smart

Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values and Funding

Implications Phase II (co-PI, with PI Nicholas Lownes and co-PIs Norman Garrick

and Eric Jackson).

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2009 $17,030 (contract). The Pew Charitable Trusts. Ending Overfishing in New England

(Lead Contractor, with collaborators J. Sutinen and D. Holland).

2009-11 $169,865 (grant). US EPA/STAR. Improved Valuation of Ecological Benefits

Associated with Aquatic Living Resources: Development and Testing of Indicator -

Based Stated Preference Valuation and Transfer Project Continuation (PI, with co-

PIs K. Segerson and E. Schultz).

2008-09 $94,364 (grant). Center for Transportation and Urban Planning, University of

Connecticut, funds from US Dept. of Transportation. Public Transit Design for Smart

Growth: Using Choice Experiments to Quantify Tradeoffs, Values and Fundi ng

Implications Phase I (co-PI, with PI Nicholas Lownes and co-PIs Norman Garrick

and Eric Jackson).

2008-09 $76,000 (contract). Environment Canada. Technical Review of EVRI, the

Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (co-PI, with P. Thomassin).

2007-09 $198,675 (grant). US EPA/STAR. Meta-Analysis and Benefit Transfer at Different

Levels of Aggregation: Comparing Group-Averaged and Individual-Level Models

Using Hierarchical Bayesian Methods (PI, with K. Moeltner and R. Rosenberger).

2007-08 $2,984 (grant). Connecticut Sea Grant Development Grant. Estimating Public

Preferences and Informing Policies for Fish Passage Restoration in the Saugatuck

Watershed (PI).

2007 $1,536 (contract). US EPA (Subcontract through Abt Associates). Review and Pilot

Study of Ecosystem Service Units for Policy Evaluation (consultant).

2007 $59,333 (contract). Massachusetts Ocean Partnership Fund. An Economic Analysis

Framework and Data to Support Integrated Multiple-Use Ocean Management in

Massachusetts (co-PI, with D. Holland and J. Sanchirico).

2007 $60,000 (contract). Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Benefit Transfer of Water

Quality Improvements from Agricultural Landscapes: A Meta Analysis (co-PI, with P.


2007 $27,356 (grant). Preservation of Farm and Forest in Sussex County, Delaware:

Disseminating a Matrix to Estimate Values. (PI, with J. Duke).

2007 $10,000 (contract). Developing a Strategic Plan for the Arizona State University

Megapolitan Tourism Research Center (PI, with T. Tyrrell).

2006 $48,000 (grant). Eastern Connecticut Resource Conservation and Development

Council. Estimating Residents Willingness to Pay for Farmland Preservation in Four

Connecticut Rural Communities (PI, with J. Duke).

2006 $21,870 (contract). Environmental Defense, Environmental Science Program.

Evaluation of Recreational Fish Tags as a Rights-Based Management Approach for

the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fishery (PI, with co-PI D. Holland).

2005-08 $405,154 (grant). US EPA/STAR. Improved Valuation of Ecological Benefits

Associated with Aquatic Living Resources: Development and Testing of Indicator -

Based Stated Preference Valuation and Transfer (PI, with co-PIs K. Segerson and E.


Robert J. Johnston, page 6 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

2005 $3,250 (grant). Connecticut Sea Grant College Program. Development Grant.

Improved Valuation of Ecological Benefits Associated with Aquatic Living

Resources: Focus Groups for Indicator-Based Stated Preference Valuation (PI).

2005 $13,054 (grant). University of Connecticut Food Marketing Policy Center. Assessing

the Impact of New and Proposed Labels in the Fresh Seafood Market (PI).

2004-06 $68,719 (grant). US EPA: The Connecticut Long Island Sound Fellows Program.

(co-PI, with E. Monahan).

2004-08 $100,000+ (multiple grants). USDA/University of Connecticut Agricultural

Experiment Station. W-1133 Multistate Research Project: Benefits and Costs of

Natural Resources Policies Affecting Public and Private Lands (PI).

2004 $20,339 (grant). University of Connecticut Food Marketing Center. The Battle of

Taste Buds and Environmental Convictions in the Seafood Market: Which One Wins?

(PI, with C. Roheim).

2004-05 $82,666 (grant). USDA/CSREES/NRI: Land Conservation Techniques and Service

Implementation: Assessing Context-Sensitive Priorities for the Policy Process (PI,

with J. Duke).

2002-07 $102,000 (contract). US EPA (Subcontract through Abt Associates). Benefit-Cost

Analysis for US EPA 316(b) Phase II and III Rules (consultant).

2002-05 $150,000 (grant). USDA/CSREES/NRI: Do Amenity Values from Farm and Forest

Increase with Decreasing Scarcity? Identifying Public Preference Surprises for Policy

Assessment, (PI, with S. Swallow and C. Foster).

2003 $10,000 (grant). USDA/CSREES/NRI: Workshop: Agricultural Management and

Conservation: Farmer Choices and Policy Evaluation in a Complex Setting (co-PI,

with J. Duke, L. Lynch, S. Swallow)

2002 $34,940 (contract). Mystic & More. New London County Tourism Research Study.

(co-PI, with T. Tyrrell).

2002 $36,000 (grant). Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development: NAREA Land

Use Policy Workshop Grant, (PI, with S. Swallow, J. Duke, E. Marshall, L. Lynch,

and J. Shortle)

2001-03 $178,193 (grant). Sea Grant College Program: A Prototype Decision Support

System for Coastal Development in Washington County, Rhode Island (PI, with J .

Opaluch. P. August, V. Lee, and R. Thompson).

1998-2002 $400,000 (grant). USDA Fund for Rural America Grant: Decision Information and

Support Structures to Sustain Farm. Forest, and Open Space in Rural Communities of

Southern New England (PI, with S. Swallow and P. Paton).

1998-2002 $475,000 (grant). NSF/EPA/USDA Partnership for Environmental Research Grant:

Combining Economic and Ecological Indicators to Prioritize Wetlands Restoration

Projects Within a Spatial GIS Framework (PI, with M. Mazzotta, J. Opaluch, F. Golet,

P. August).

Robert J. Johnston, page 7 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

2001-02 $15,000 (contract). Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Science Program:

Options for integrating recreational fishing into a comprehensive ITQ program for reef

fish in the Gulf of Mexico (PI, with J. Sutinen)

2000-02 $221,780 (grant). Sea Grant College Program: Economic Consequences of Protecting

and Conserving Critical Fish Habitat (PI, with J. Sutinen and S. Cobb).

1998-2001 $70,000+ (multiple grants). Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station. Funding

for a variety of agricultural research and grant-writing projects (PI).

2001 $13,584 (contract). Preservation Society of Newport County. Market Position

Surveys for the Newport Mansions (PI, with T. Tyrrell).

2001 $10,100 (contract). Town of Scituate Water Supply Board. Estimating the Value of

Municipal Water Supply to Community Residents (PI).

1998-2001 $134,964 (grant). Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program Grant: Assessment of

the Effectiveness of Eco-Labeling as a Market-Based Approach to Sustainable

Seafood Production (PI, with C. Wessells).

1998-99 $35,000 (contract). Halibut Coalition: Appropriate and Inappropriate Economic

Analysis for Fisheries Allocation Decisions: The Case of Alaska Halibut (PI, with J.


1998 $9,000 (grant). Aquidneck Island Partnership Grant: Assessing the Fiscal Impact of

Residential Subdivisions on Aquidneck Island (PI).

1997-99 $8,500 (grant). Rhode Island Rural Lands Coalition Grant: Assessing the Fiscal

Impact of Proposed Changes to Rhode Island s Farm, Forest, and Open Space Act


1997 $10,000 (grant). Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program Seed Grant: Consumer

Preferences for Eco-Assurances for Seafood Products, (co-PI, with PI C. Wessells).

1997 $10,750 (contract). Chiral Corporation Grant: U.S. Seafood Industry Survey:

Evaluation of Demand and Market Strategies for Marine Toxin Test Kits, (PI, with W.


1994-96 $56,000 (fellowship, $28,000 for two years). University Graduate Research

Fellowship, University of Rhode Island.


2008-10 $1,936,000. NOAA/Sea Grant Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) Biennial Omnibus

(co-PI with PI Sylvain De Guise).

2006-08 $1,852,400. NOAA/Sea Grant Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) Biennial Omnibus.

(co-PI with PI Sylvain De Guise).

2005 $15,400. Connecticut Sea Grant Omnibus Supplemental Grant for Program

Development (M/PD-1). Co-PI.

Robert J. Johnston, page 8 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

2005 $12,888. Connecticut Sea Grant Omnibus Supplemental Grant for Sea Grant

Education (E/T-11). PI.

2004-06 $1,876,000. NOAA/Sea Grant Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) Biennial Omnibus.

(co-PI with Edward Monahan).



Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2013. Stated

Preferences for Intermediate versus Final Ecosystem Services: Disentangling Willingness to Pay

for Omitted Ecological Outcomes. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (provisionally


Londo o, L.M. and R.J. Johnston. 2012. Enhancing the Reliability of Benefit Transfer over

Heterogeneous Sites: A Meta-Analysis of International Coral Reef Values. Ecological

Economics 78(1): 80-89.

Duke, J.M., A.M Borchers, R.J. Johnston and S. Chatterson. 2012. Sustainable Agricultural

Management Contracts: Using Choice Experiments to Estimate the Benefits of Land Preservation

and Conservation Practices. Ecological Economics 74(1): 95-103.

Schultz, E.T., R.J. Johnston, K. Segerson and E.Y. Besedin. 2012. Integrating Ecology and

Economics for Restoration: Using Ecological Indicators in Valuation of Ecosystem Services .

Restoration Ecology 20(3): 304-310.

Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2012. Enhancing

the Content Validity of Stated Preference Valuation: The Structure and Function of Ecological

Indicators. Land Economics 88(1): 102-120.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2012. The Rocket Science of Sustainable Tourism. Tourism

Analysis 17(3): 371-376.

Johnston, R.J. and J.C. Bergstrom. 2011. Valuing Farmland Protection: Does Policy Guidance

Depend On the Econometric Fine Print? Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 33(4): 639-


Johnston, R.J. and M. Russell. 2011. An Operational Structure for Clarity in Ecosystem Service

Values. Ecological Economics 70(12): 2243-2249.

Johnston, R.J., K. Segerson, E.T. Schultz, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2011. Indices of

Biotic Integrity in Stated Preference Valuation of Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Ecological

Economics 70(11): 1946-1956.

Johnston, R.J. and R.S. Rosenberger. 2010. Methods, Trends and Controversies in Contemporary

Benefit Transfer. Journal of Economic Surveys 24(3): 479 510.

Yannes, C.D., N.E. Lownes, N.W. Garrick and R.J. Johnston. 2010. Operationalizing Placemaking

in a Choice Experiment Context. Transportation Research Record 2144(2): 121-129.

Robert J. Johnston, page 9 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2010. Socioeconomic Adjustments and Choice Experiment Benefit

Function Transfer: Evaluating the Common Wisdom. Resource and Energy Economics 32(3):


Johnston, R.J. and P.J. Thomassin. 2010. Willingness to Pay for Water Quality Improvements in the

United States and Canada: Considering Possibilities for International Meta-Analysis and Benefit

Transfer. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39(1): 114-131.

Johnston, R.J., D.S. Holland and S. Tuler. 2010. New England Fishing Communities: Prospects and

Uncertainties. Communities and Banking 21(2): 3-5.

Moeltner, K., R.J. Johnston, R.S. Rosenberger and J.M Duke. 2009. Benefit Transfer from Multiple

Contingent Experiments: A Flexible Two-Step Model Combining Individual Choice Data with

Community Characteristics. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5): 1335- 1342.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2009. Informing Preservation of Multifunctional Agriculture when

Primary Research Is Unavailable: An Application of Meta-Analysis. American Journal of

Agricultural Economics 91(5): 1353-1359.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2009. An Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Tourism Growth

on Municipal Revenues and Expenditures. Tourism Economics 15(4): 771 783.

Chapman, J.I., R.J. Johnston and T.J. Tyrrell. 2009. Implications of a Land Value Tax with Error in

Assessed Values. Land Economics 85(4): 576 586.

Johnston, R.J. and P.J. Thomassin. 2009. Evaluating the Environmental Valuation Reference

Inventory (EVRI): Results from a Survey of Actual and Potential Users. AERE (Association of

Environmental and Resource Economists) Newsletter 29(1), 33-38.

Rosenberger, R.S. and R.J. Johnston. 2009. Selection Effects in Meta-Analysis and Benefit Transfer:

Avoiding Unintended Consequences. Land Economics 85(3) 410-428.

Stapler, R.W. and R.J. Johnston. 2009. Meta-Analysis, Benefit Transfer, and Methodological

Covariates: Implications for Transfer Error. Environmental and Resource Economics 42(2): 227-


Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2009. Willingness to Pay for Land Preservation Across States and

Jurisdictional Scale: Implications for Benefit Transfer. Land Economics, 85(2): 217 237.

Johnston, R.J. 2009. Book Review, Neil A. Powe, Redesigning Environmental Valuation: Mixing

Methods Within Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. Ecological

Economics 68(5): 1564-1565.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2008. Benefit Transfer Equivalence Tests with Non-Normal

Distributions. Environmental and Resource Economics 41(1): 1-23.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2008. Tourism Sustainability, Resiliency and Dynamics: Towards a

More Comprehensive Perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Research 8(1): 14-24.

Johnston, R.J. 2008. Fish Ecolabels and Consumer Choice: Weighing the Factors. CAB Reviews:

Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 3(26), doi


Robert J. Johnston, page 10 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J., C.A. Roheim, D.P. Joglekar, and R. Pomeroy. 2008. Estimating Preferences for Non-

Market Attributes of Aquaculture and Sustainable Seafood Production: Methods and Empiri cal

Applications. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 33(4): 469-484.

Pomeroy, R., B. Bravo-Ureta, D. Solis and R.J. Johnston. 2008. Bioeconomic Modelling and

Salmon Aquaculture: An Overview of the Literature. International Journal of Environment and

Pollution 33(4): 485-500.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2007. Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Land Preservation and

Policy Process Attributes: Does the Method Matter? American Journal of Agricultural

Economics 89(4): 1098-1115.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2007. Management Exercises and Trainer s Note in Sustainable

Tourism and Dynamics. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

1(4): 328-337.

Johnston, R.J. 2007. Choice Experiments, Site Similarity and Benefits Transfer. Environmental

and Resource Economics 38(3): 331-351.

Johnston, R.J., D. Holland, V. Maharaj and T.W. Campson. 2007. Fish Harvest Tags: An

Alternative Management Approach for Recreational Fisheries in the US Gulf of Mexico. Marine

Policy 31(4): 505-516.

Johnston, R.J. 2007. Book Review, Roy Brouwer and David Pearce, eds., Cost-Benefit Analysis and

Water Resources Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. Ecological Economics 63(4):


Johnston, R.J. 2007. Book Review: Robert A. Young, Determining the Economic Value of Water:

Concepts and Methods, Resources For the Future, Washington DC. Ecological Economics,

60(4): 847-848.

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin and M.H. Ranson. 2006. Characterizing the Effects of Valuation

Methodology in Function-Based Benefits Transfer. Ecological Economics 60(2): 407-419.

Johnston, R.J. and C.A. Roheim. 2006. A Battle of Taste and Environmental Convictions for

Ecolabeled Seafood: A Contingent Ranking Experiment. Journal of Agricultural and Resource

Economics 31(2): 283-300.

Johnston, R.J. 2006. Is Hypothetical Bias Universal? Validating Contingent Valuation Responses

Using a Binding Public Referendum. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

52(1): 469-481.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2006. The Economic Impacts of Tourism: A Special Issue. Journal

of Travel Research 45(1): 1-5.

Johnston, R.J., M.H. Ranson, E.Y. Besedin, and E.C. Helm. 2006. What Determines Willingness to

Pay per Fish? A Meta-Analysis of Recreational Fishing Values. Marine Resource Economics

21(1): 1-32.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2005. A Dynamic Model of Sustainable Tourism. Journal of

Travel Research 44(2): 124-134.

Robert J. Johnston, page 11 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J., J.J. Opaluch, M.J. Mazzotta, and G. Magnusson. 2005. Who Are Resource Nonusers

and What Can They Tell Us About Nonuse Values? Decomposing User and Nonuser

Willingness to Pay for Coastal Wetland Restoration. Water Resources Research 41(7): W07017.

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin, R. Iovanna, C. Miller, R. Wardwell, and M. Ranson. 2005. Systematic

Variation in Willingness to Pay for Aquatic Resource Improvements and Implications for Benefit

Transfer: A Meta-Analysis. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 53(2-3): 221-248.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2005. Estimating Recreational User Counts: Corrigendum.

American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(2): 524-527.

Tyrrell, T.J., P.W. Williams, and R.J. Johnston. 2004. Estimating Sport Tourism Visitor Volumes:

The Case of Vancouver's 2010 Olympic Games. Tourism Recreation Research 29(1), p. 75-82.

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin and R.F. Wardwell. 2003. Modeling Relationships Between Use and

Nonuse Values for Surface Water Quality: A Meta-Analysis. Water Resources Research 39(12),

p. 1363-1371.

Johnston, R.J. 2003. Farmland Preservation and Differential Taxation: Evaluating Optimal Policy

Under Conditions of Uncertainty. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 32(2): 198-208.

Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow, T.J. Tyrrell and D.M. Bauer. 2003. Rural Amenity Values and

Length of Residency. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(4): 1009-1024.

Sutinen, J.G. and R.J. Johnston. 2003. Angling Management Organizations: Integrating the

Recreational Sector into Fishery Management. Marine Policy 27(6): 471-487.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2003. Estimating Recreational User Counts. American Journal of

Agricultural Economics, 85(3): 554-568.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2003. Assessing Expenditure Changes Related to Welcome Center

Visits. Journal of Travel Research 42(1).

Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow, D. Marie Bauer, and C.M. Anderson. 2003. Preferences for

Residential Development Attributes and Support for the Policy Process: Implications for

Management and Conservation of Rural Landscapes. Agricultural and Resource Economics

Review 32(1): 65-82.

Johnston, R.J., G. Magnusson, M. Mazzotta and J.J. Opaluch. 2002. Combining Economic and

Ecological Indicators to Prioritize Salt Marsh Restoration Actions. American Journal of

Agricultural Economics 84(5): 1362-1370.

Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow and D.M. Bauer. 2002. Spatial Factors and Stated Preference Values

for Public Goods: Considerations for Rural Land Development. Land Economics 78(4): 481-500.

Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow, C.W. Allen, and L.A. Smith. 2002. Designing Multidimensional

Environmental Programs: Assessing Tradeoffs and Substitution in Watershed Management

Plans. Water Resources Research 38(7): 1099-1105.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2002. Estimating Regional Visitor Numbers. Tourism Analysis

7(1): 33-41.

Robert J. Johnston, page 12 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J., T.A. Grigalunas, J.J. Opaluch, J. Diamantedes, and M. Mazzotta. 2002. Valuing

Estuarine Resource Services Using Economic and Ecological Models: The Peconic Estuary

System Study. Coastal Management 30(1): 47-66.

Mazzotta, M.J., J. J. Opaluch, G. Magnuson, and R.J. Johnston. 2002. Setting Priorities for Coastal

Wetland Restoration: A GIS-Based Tool That Combines Expert Assessments And Public

Values. Earth System Monitor 12(3): 1-6.

Johnston, R.J., J.J. Opaluch, T.A. Grigalunas, and M.J. Mazzotta. 2001. Estimating Amenity

Benefits of Coastal Farmland. Growth and Change 32(3): 305-325.

Johnston, R.J., C.R. Wessells, H. Donath, and F. Asche. 2001. Measuring Consumer Preferences

for Ecolabeled Seafood: An International Comparison. Journal of Agricultural and Resource

Economics 26(1): 20-39.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2001. A Theoretical Framework for Assessing Direct Economic

Impacts of Tourist Events: Distinguishing Origins, Destinations, and Causes of Expenditures.

Journal of Travel Research 40 (August): 94-101.

Opaluch, J.J., V. Lee, R.J. Johnston, C. Baker, and R. Thompson. 2001. Using GIS to Help

Communities Visualize the Consequences of Change. Maritimes 43(1): 6-8.

Johnston, R.J., S.K Swallow and T.F. Weaver. 1999. Estimating Willingness to Pay and Resource

Trade-offs With Different Payment Mechanisms: An Evaluation of a Funding Guarantee for

Watershed Management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 38(1): 97-120.

Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow. 1999. Asymmetries in Ordered Strength of Preference Models:

Implications of Focus Shift for Discrete Choice Preference Estimation, Land Economics 75(2):


Wessells, C.R., R.J. Johnston and H. Donath. 1999. Determinants of Consumers Preferences for

Ecolabeled Food Products: Evidence from the Seafood Market, American Journal of

Agricultural Economics 81(5): 1084-1089.

Johnston, R.J. 1998. Exogenous Factors and Visitor Behavior: A Regression Analysis of Viewing

Time. Environment and Behavior 30(3): 322-347.

Johnston, R.J. 1998. The Value of Open Space in a U.S. Coastal Community. Intercoast Network

32 (3).

Johnston, R.J. 1998. Estimating Demand for Wildlife Viewing in Zoological Parks: An Exhibit

Specific, Time Allocation Approach. Human Dimensions in Wildlife 3(1): 16-33.

Johnston, R.J. and J.G. Sutinen. 1996. Uncertain Biomass Shift and Collapse: Implications for

Harvest Policy in the Fishery. Land Economics 72(4): 500-518.

Johnston, R.J., T.F. Weaver, L.A. Smith and S.K. Swallow. 1995. Contingent Valuation Focus

Groups: Insights From Ethnographic Interview Techniques. Agricultural and Resource

Economics Review 24(1): 56-69.

Robert J. Johnston, page 13 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.


Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2010. Integrating

Ecology and Economics: Using Bioindicators in the Valuation of Ecosystem Services. (Abstract)

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39(2).

Wheeler, W. R.J. Johnston and P. Walsh. 2010. Symposium - The Use of Ecological Indexes and

Indicators in Water Quality Valuation. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review


Ramachandran, M. and R.J. Johnston. 2010. Quantitative Restrictions and Residential Water

Demand: Spatial Analysis of Neighborhood Effects. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource

Economics Review 39(2).

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2009. Informing Farmland Preservation when Primary Research is

Unavailable: Does Common Practice Reduce the Validity and Relevance of Benefit Transfer?

(Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38(2).

Stapler, R.W. and R.J. Johnston. 2009. Erratum: Meta-Analysis, Benefit Transfer, and

Methodological Covariates: Implications for Transfer Error. Environmental and Resource


Rosenberger, R.S. and R.J. Johnston. 2008. Selection Effects in Meta-Analysis and Benefit Transfer.

(Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 37(2).

Johnston, R.J. and R.W. Stapler. 2008. Meta-Analysis, Benefit Transfer, and Methodological

Covariates Implications for Transfer Error. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics

Review 37(2).

Duke, J.M. and R.J. Johnston. 2007. Tradeoffs and Substitution in Agricultural Land Preservation:

The Role of Geographic Proximity. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review


Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2006. Welfare Implications of the Policy Process: Estimating

Context-Sensitive Values for Agricultural and Open Space Conservation. (Abstract)

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35(2).

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin, and M.H. Ranson. 2006. Characterizing the Effects of Valuation

Methodology in Function-Based Benefits Transfer. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource

Economics Review 35(2).

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin, M.H. Ranson, and E.C. Helm. 2005. What Determines Willingness to

Pay per Fish? A Meta-Analysis of Recreational Fishing Values. (Abstract) Agricultural and

Resource Economics Review 34(2).

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin, R. Iovanna, C. Miller, R. Wardwell, and M. Ranson. 2004. Estimating

Nonuse Values for Aquatic Resource Improvements: An Application of Meta -Analysis.

(Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 33(2).

Johnston, R.J. and C.M. Anderson. 2003. The Evolution of Rural Amenity Values in Gro wing

Communities: Modeling the Impact of In-Migration and Residence Duration. (Abstract)

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 32(2).

Robert J. Johnston, page 14 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2002. Estimating Recreational User Counts in a Multiple-Site

Environment. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 31(2).

Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow, L.A. Smith, and C.W. Allen. 2001. Designing Multidimensional

Environmental Programs: Assessing Tradeoffs and Substitution in Watershed Management

Plans. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 30(2).

Wessells. C.R., H. Donath, R.J. Johnston, and F. Asche. 2000. Consumer Preferences for

Ecolabeled Seafood: A Comparison of U.S. and Norwegian Consumers. (Abstract) Agricultural

and Resource Economics Review 29(2).

Johnston, R.J. 1999. Farmland Preservation and Differential Property Tax Assessment: Evaluating

Optimal Policy Under Conditions of Uncertainty, (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource

Economics Review 28(2).

Johnston, R.J. 1995. Modeling the Demand for On-Site Time: New Theoretical Avenues for

Addressing Recreational Behavior and Welfare. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern

Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Burlington, VT. (Abstract) Agricultural and

Resource Economics Review 24(2).

Johnston, R.J., T.F. Weaver, L.A. Smith and S.K. Swallow. 1993. Using Ethnographic

Methodology in Focus Groups to Improve Contingent Valuation: An Introduction to Theory and

Application. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 22 (2).


Baker, P. and R.J. Johnston. 2009. A Better Fishing System. The Boston Globe. Editorial, May 18.

Philo, L.D. and R.J. Johnston. 2004. Land-Use Survey Examines Preferences for Conservation vs.

Conservation Policy 41 N, The Magazine of Rhode Island Land and Sea Grant 2(2), pp. 24-26.

Johnston, R.J. and J.G. Sutinen. 2004. Can Anglers Manage Themselves? New Ideas for

Recreational Fisheries Management. Wracklines 3(2).

Philo, L.D. and R.J. Johnston. 2003. Rhode Island is schizoid on land-use controls. Providence

Journal, February 14, 2003.

Wessells, C.R., H. Donath, and R.J. Johnston. 1999. New Survey Shows that U.S. Consumers Have

Preference for Ecolabeled Seafood, Northern Aquaculture (December).


Johnston, R.J., S.K. Swallow, D.M. Bauer and E. Uchida. 2012. Connecting Ecosystem Services to

Land Use: Implications for Valuation and Policy, chapter 14 in Duke, J.M and J. Wu, eds. The

Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Rosenberger, R.S. and R.J. Johnston. 2012. Benefit Transfer, in Shogren, J. ed. Encyclopedia of

Resource, Energy, and Environmental Economics. Elsevier, forthcoming (online).

Robert J. Johnston, page 15 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2012. Measuring the Performance of Convention and Visitors

Bureaus, chapter 7 in Mook, L. ed. Accounting for the Social Value, University of Toronto Press.

Johnston, R.J., J. Sanchirico and D.S. Holland. 2011. Measuring Social Value and Human Well-

Being, in Bowen, R.E., M.H. Depledge, C.P. Carlarne and L.E. Fleming, eds. Seas, Society and

Human Well Being. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, forthcoming.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2011. A Spatial Extension to a Framework for Assessing Direct

Economic Impacts of Tourist Events, in Page, S.J. and J. Connell, eds. Handbook of Events,

Routledge Publishers.

Tyrrell, T.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2011. The Role of Tourism in Sustainable Communities, Chapter 32

in Uysal, M., R.R. Perdue and M.J. Sirgy, eds. Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life (QOL)

Research: The Missing Links, Springer.

Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson and E.Y. Besedin. 2011. Bioindicator-Based Stated

Preference Valuation for Aquatic Habitat and Ecosystem Service Restoration, in Bennett, J. ed.

International Handbook on Non-Marketed Environmental Valuation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward

Elgar, pp. 159-186.

Thomassin, P.J. and R.J. Johnston. 2011. Evaluating Benefit Transfer for Canadian Water Quality

Improvements using US/Canada Metadata: An Application of International Meta -Analysis, in

Bennett, J. ed. International Handbook on Non-Marketed Environmental Valuation. Cheltenham,

UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 353-384.

Duke, J.M. and R.J. Johnston. 2010. Nonmarket valuation of multifunctional farm and forest

preservation. Chapter 8, pp. 124-142, in: Goetz, S. and Brouwer, F., (Eds.) New Perspectives on

Agri-Environmental Policies: A Multidisciplinary and Transatlantic Approach. Oxfor d, UK,

Routledge Publishers.

Johnston, R.J. and E.Y. Besedin. 2009. Benefits Transfer and Meta-Analysis: Estimating

Willingness to Pay for Aquatic Resource Improvements, Chapter 7 in Thurston, H.W., M.T.

Heberling and A. Schrecongost, eds. Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration. Boca

Raton: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.

Johnston, R.J., D. Holland, V. Maharaj and T.W. Campson. 2008. Fish Harvest Tags: An Attenuated

Rights-Based Management Approach for Recreational Fisheries in the US Gulf of Mexico. In D.

Leal and V. Maharaj, eds. Evolving Approaches for Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries.

Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Sutinen, J. and R.J. Johnston. 2008. Angling Management Organizations: Integrating the

Recreational Sector into Fishery Management. In D. Leal and V. Maharaj, eds. Evolving

Approaches for Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Johnston R.J. and K.G. Cullen. 2008. Public Input in Land Use Decisions: Modeling Preference

Asymmetries in Stated Preference Data, in Schaeffer, P.V., ed. Commodity Modeling and

Pricing: Methods for Analyzing Resource Market Behavior. Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley and Sons.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2008. Sustainability and Tourism Dynamics, in Martin, D. and A.

Woodside, eds. Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and Strategy. Oxfordshire, UK:

CABI Publishers.

Robert J. Johnston, page 16 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. and T.J. Tyrrell. 2008. Exercises and Trainer s Note in Sustainable Tourism and

Dynamics, in Martin, D. and A. Woodside, eds. Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and

Strategy. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishers.

Johnston, R. J., C. R. Wessells, H. Donath, and F. Asche. 2007. Measuring Consumer Preferences

for Ecolabeled Seafood: An International Comparison, In: Labelling Strategies in Environmental

Policy, M. Teisl, ed., Ashgate Publishing, Brookfield, VT, p.395-414.

Johnston, R.J. D. Holland and J. Sutinen (transcribed by S. Fowler). 2007. Chapter Two:

Economics, in Heimes, R. ed. Climate Change in the Northwest Atlantic. Portland, ME: Center

for Law and Innovation, University of Maine School of Law.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2007. Willingness to Pay for Land Preservation Across States and

Jurisdictional Scale: Implications for Benefit Transfer, in R. Rosenberger, ed. Western Regional

Research Publication: W-1133 Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and

Private Land. 20th Interim Report.

Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow. 2006. Introduction Economics and Contemporary Land Use

Policy, in Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow, eds. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy:

Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe. Washington, DC: RFF Press.

Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow. 2006. Chapter 12. Support for Conservation Policies and Values

for Conservation: Are They Related?, in Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow, eds. Economics and

Contemporary Land Use Policy: Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe.

Washington, DC: RFF Press.

Johnston, R.J. 2006. Chapter 14. Economics and Land Use Policy Where Do We Go From Here?,

in Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow, eds. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy:

Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe. Washington, DC: RFF Press.

Johnston, R.J. and J.M. Duke. 2006. Welfare Implications of the Policy Process: Estimating

Context-Sensitive Willingness to Pay for Agricultural and Open Space Conservation, in K.

Moeltner, ed. Western Regional Research Publication: W-1133 Benefits and Costs of Resource

Policies Affecting Public and Private Land. 19th Interim Report. Reno, NV: University of


Johnston, R.J. 2005. Aquatic Resource Improvements and Benefits Transfer: What Can We Learn

From Meta-Analysis? In proceedings of Benefits Transfer and Valuation Databases: Are We

Heading in the Right Direction? An International Workshop. Sponsored by the US

Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada. pp 5.30-5.76.

Johnston, R.J. and D. Joglekar. 2005. Is Hypothetical Bias Universal? Validating Stated Preference

Responses Using Binding Public Referenda, in S.D. Schultz, Comp. W -1133 Benefits and Costs

of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, 18th Interim Report. North Dakota State

University, Fargo, ND.

Johnston, R.J. 2005. Changing Community Preferences for Coastal Zone Development and

Conservation: Implications of Population Growth for Natural Resource Values. Chapter 13 in

D.M. Whitelaw and G.R. Visgilio, eds. Americas Changing Coasts: Private Rights and Public

Trust. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 201-224.

Robert J. Johnston, page 17 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. and K.L. Giraud. 2004. Modeling Preference Asymmetries in Stated Preference Data:

An Application to Rural Land Preservation, in D. McCleod, ed. Western Regional Research

Publication: W-1133 Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land.

17th Interim Report (October). Laramie, WY: University of Wyoming.

Johnston, R.J., 2004. Climate Change, Uncertain Biomass Shifts and Fishery Management, in

Proceedings & Presentations of Climate Change in New England and Eastern Canada: Natural

Resource Impacts and Adaptation Responses. Boston, MA: Conference of New England

Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers. 750 pp.

Getchis, T.S. and R.J. Johnston. 2004. Connecticut Commercial Aquaculture. Chapter 5 in

Connecticut Agriculture and Resources: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. University of

Connecticut College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Connecticut Cooperative


Johnston, R.J. and T.A. Grigalunas. 1999. Assessing Tradeoffs in Coastal Management: An

Application of the Property Value Technique. in proceedings of Marine Policy: Issues and

Solutions Building Bridges Between Policy Makers, Agencies, Industry and Researchers.

Kingston, RI: Korea-America Joint Marine Policy Research Center.


Holland, D.S., J. Sanchirico, R.J. Johnston and D. Joglekar. 2010. Economic Analysis for Ecosystem

Based Management: Applications to Marine and Coastal Environments. Washington, DC: RFF


Johnston, R.J., D.S. Holland, J.N. Sanchirico and P.H. Taylor. 2009. Economic Analysis for

Ecosystem-Based Management: An Introduction. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Ocean Partnership.

Johnston, R.J. and J.G. Sutinen. 2009. One Last Chance: The Economic Case for a New Approach

to Fisheries Management in New England. Washington, DC: The Pew Environment Group.

Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow, eds. 2006. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy:

Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe. Washington, DC: RFF Press.

Johnston, R.J., ed. 2004. Measure for Measure: How do we Gauge Coastal Stewardship?

Proceedings of The Coastal Society's 19th Biennial Conference Madison, Wisconsin:


Grigalunas, T.A., R.J. Johnston, and J.J. Opaluch. 1999. Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Manual. Quezon City, The Philippines: GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the

Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas.

Grigalunas, T.A. and R.J. Johnston. 1998. Natural Resources Damage Assessment Workbook.

Quezon City, The Philippines: GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and

Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas.

Johnston, R. J. 1998. Aquidneck Island and Open Space: An Economic Perspective (2nd edition,

revised and extended). Narragansett, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center.

Johnston, R. J. 1997. Aquidneck Island and Open Space: An Economic Perspective. Narragansett,

Rhode Island: Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center.

Robert J. Johnston, page 18 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. 1996. Environmental Factors and the Demand for Nonconsumptive Wildlife

Recreation: A Time Allocation Approach. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Rhode Island

Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.


Johnston, R.J. 2012. Can Corporations Achieve Economic as well as Environmental Performance?

Economics Society Panel. Clark University, Worcester, MA. November 6.

Johnston, R.J. 2012. Choice Experiments in Environmental Valuation. Invited presentation at Inter-

Program Workshop with International Advisor, Valuation of Changes in the Environmental

Quality in the Ecosystem Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta. Instituto des Investigaciones Marinas

y Costeras, Santa Marta, Colombia. October 8-9.

Johnston, R.J. 2012. Coastal Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation: An Economic Perspective.

Invited presentation at Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems: Challenge and Solutions. Invited

presentation for Ad Hoc Working Group, LTER All Scientists Meeting. Estes Park, CO.

September 11.

Johnston, R.J., M. Ramachandran, E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson and E.Y. Besedin. 2012. Interpreting

Stated Preferences for Intermediate Ecosystem Services: A Structural Test of Common Practice.

Invited Seminar, Ecosystem Sciences, The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation (CSIRO). Adelaide, Australia. August 17, forthcoming.

Johnston, R.J. 2012. Economic Perspectives on the Use and Valuation of Ecosystem Services.

Invited presentation for Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES),

Beijing, China. May 18.

Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Besedin, E. Helm and R. Stapler. 2012. Use of Choice Modeling within US

Regulatory Rulemaking: Estimation of Benefits within Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act.

Invited presentation at Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China. May 15.

Johnston, R.J. 2012. Economic Perspectives on the Use and Valuation of Ecosystem Services.

Invited presentation for Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China. May 14.

Johnston, R.J. and M. Ramachandran. 2012. Economic Analysis of the Delaware Bay Shoreline:

Recreational Benefit Changes under Beach Nourishment and Retreat Scenarios . Invited

Presentation to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

(DNREC). Dover, DE. May 7.

Johnston, R.J. 2012. The Value of Environmental Flows. Invited Panel Discussion at The Glass Half

Full: Valuing Water in the 21st Century. 3rd Annual Water Systems, Science and Society

Symposium. Tufts University. April 27.

Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2011. Disentangling

Intermediate and Final Outcomes of Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration: Implications for Stated

Preference Welfare Estimation. Invited Seminar, Ecosystem Sciences, The Commonwealth

Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Adelaide, Australia. February 6.

Johnston, R.J., E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, E.Y. Besedin and M. Ramachandran. 2011. Disentangling

Intermediate and Final Outcomes of Migratory Fish Restoration: Implications for Stated

Preference Welfare Estimation. Presented at the US EPA National Center for Environmental

Economics (NCEE). Washington, DC. October 13.

Robert J. Johnston, page 19 of 61. Updated October 31, 2012.

Johnston, R.J. 2011. Characterizing Economic Benefits when Primary Research is Unavailable: The

Use of Benefit Transfer to Inform Aquatic Ecosystem Management. Invited Undergraduate

Seminar at Bates College, Lewiston, ME. November 9.

Duke, J.M., S.J. Dundas, R.J. Johnston and K.M. Messer. 2011. Landscape-based Public Goods:

Benefit-Cost prioritization with and without Spatial Interdependencies. NCSU Center for

Environmental and Resource Economic Policy Bi-Monthly Luncheon Colloquium. Raleigh, NC.

October 14.

Rosenberger, R.S. and R.J. Johnston. 2011. Meta-Analysis for Environmental Policy: Establishing

Minimum Standards. MAER - Network (Meta-Analysis for Economic Research) Colloquium.

University of Cambridge (Wolfson College), UK, September 16-18.

Johnston, R.J. 2011. Economic Perspectives on the Use and Valuation of Ecosystem Services.

Invited presentation at Charles Sturt U

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