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Manager Assistant

New Haven, CT
December 28, 2012

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Ritaban Chatterjee

Personal Data

Date of Birth September 21, 1980

Nationality Indian

Address *** ******* ******, *.*. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06511.

Phone 203-***-****

email *******.**********@****.***

Web page

Positions Held

2009 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Astronomy, Yale

Sep Present University.

2006 2009 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Astronomy, Boston

Aug University.

2003 2005 Graduate Teaching Fellow, Department of Astronomy, Boston Uni-


Professional Activities

2011 Member, NASA proposal review panel.

2011, 2012 Referee, Astronomical Journal.

2011 May Co-organizer, New England Regional Quasar and AGN Meeting

(NERQUAM) and New England Regional Accreting Binaries Annual

Meeting (NERABAM) at Yale University.

2011 Assistant queue manager for the 1.3 meter telescope operated

Feb Present by Small and Moderate Aperture Research Telescope System


2011 Present Full member, American Astronomical Society.

2009 PI of Fermi Cycle 2 Guest Investigator Program titled Investigating

the Location and Mechanism of High Energy Emission in the Jets of

Blazars (1 yr, $69,000).

2008 Co-I of the VLBA program BM256 titled Probing Blazars through

Multi-Waveband Variability of Flux, Polarization, and Structure .

2006 2010 Junior member, American Astronomical Society.


2009 Ph.D. in Astronomy, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts,

USA. Thesis : Multi-Wavelength Time Variability of Active Galac-

tic Nuclei. Advisor : Prof. Alan P. Marscher. Cumulative GPA in

graduate courses: 3.76/4.00

2003 M.Sc. in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. CPI:


2001 B.Sc. in Physics (Major) with Mathematics and Chemistry, Presi-

dency College, University of Calcutta, India. Total marks: 72.25%

Refereed Publications

1. Correlated Multi-Waveband Variability in the Blazar 3C 279 from 1996 to 2007, Chat-

terjee, Ritaban; Jorstad, Svetlana G.; Marscher, Alan P.; Oh, Haruki; McHardy, Ian M.;

Aller, Margo F.; Aller, Hugh D.; Balonek, Thomas J.; Miller, H. Richard; Ryle, Wesley T.;

Tosti, Gino; Kurtanidze, Omar; Nikolashvili, Maria; Larionov, Valeri M.; Hagen-Thorn,

Vladimir A. 2008, ApJ, 689, 79-94.

2. Disk-jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120, Chatterjee, Ritaban; Marscher,

Alan P.; Jorstad, Svetlana G.; Olmstead, Alice R.; McHardy, Ian M.; Aller, Margo F.; Aller,

Hugh D.; L hteenm ki, Anne; Tornikoski, Merja; Hovatta, Talvikki; Marshall, Kevin;

Miller, H. Richard; Ryle, Wesley T.; Chicka, Benjamin; Benker, A. J.; Bottor, Mark C.;

Brokofsky, David; Campbell, Je rey S.; Chonis, Taylor S.; Gaskell, C. Martin; Gaynullina,

Evelina R.; Grankin, Konstantin N.; Hedrick, Cecelia H.; Ibrahimov, Mansur A.; Klimek,

Elizabeth S.; Kruse, Amanda K.; Masatoshi, Shoji; Miller, Thomas R.; Pan, Hong-Jian;

Petersen, Eric A.; Peterson, Bradley W.; Shen, Zhiqiang; Strel nikov, Dmitriy V.; Tao, Jun;

Watkins, Aaron E.; Wheeler, Kathleen 2009, ApJ, 704, 1689-1703.

3. Flaring Behavior of the Quasar 3C 454.3 across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Jorstad,

Svetlana G.; Marscher, Alan P.; Larionov, Valeri M.; Agudo, Iv n; Smith, Paul S.; Gur-

well, Mark; L hteenm ki, Anne; Tornikoski, Merja; Markowitz, Alex; Arkharov, Arkadi

A.; Blinov, Dmitry A.; Chatterjee, Ritaban; D Arcangelo, Francesca D.; Falcone, Abe D.;

G mez, Jos L.; Hagen-Thorn, Vladimir A.; Jordan, Brendan; Kimeridze, Givi N.; Kon-

stantinova, Tatiana S.; Kopatskaya, Evgenia N.; Kurtanidze, Omar; Larionova, Elena

G.; Larionova, Liudmilla V.; McHardy, Ian M.; Melnichuk, Daria A.; Roca-Sogorb, Mar;

Schmidt, Gary D.; Ski, Brian; Taylor, Brian; Thum, Clemens; Troitsky, Ivan S.; Wiese-

meyer, Helmut 2010, ApJ, 715, 362-384.

4. Connection between the Accretion Disk and Jet in the Radio Galaxy 3C 111, Chat-

terjee, Ritaban; Marscher, Alan P.; Jorstad, Svetlana G.; Markowitz, Alex; Rivers, Eliz-

abeth; Rothschild, Richard E.; McHardy, Ian M.; Aller, Margo F.; Aller, Hugh D.; L hteen-

m ki, Anne; Tornikoski, Merja; Harrison, Brandon; Agudo, Iv n; G mez, Jos L.; Taylor,

Brian W.; Gurwell, Mark 2011, ApJ, 734, 43-58.

5. Similarity of the Optical-IR and Gamma-Ray Variability of Fermi Blazars, Chat-

terjee, Ritaban; Bailyn, C.; Bonning, E. W.; Buxton, M.; Coppi, P.; Fossati, G.; Isler, J.;

Maraschi, L.; Urry, C. M. 2012, ApJ, 749, 191-204.

6. Optical and Near Infrared Monitoring of the Black Hole X-Ray Binary GX 339-4

during 2002-2010, Buxton, Michelle M.; Bailyn, Charles D.; Capelo, Holly L.; Chat-

terjee, Ritaban; Dincer, Tolga; Kalemci, Emrah; Tomsick, John A. 2012, AJ, in press


7. SMARTS Optical and Infrared Monitoring of 12 Gamma-Ray bright Blazars, Bon-

ning, E. W.; Urry, C. M.; Bailyn, C.; Buxton, M.; Chatterjee, Ritaban; Coppi, P.; Fossati,

G.; Isler, J.; Maraschi, L. 2012, ApJ, in press (arXiv:1201.4380).

Awards and Fellowships

2009 2-yr post-doctoral fellowship at MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics

and Space Research (declined).

2003 Council of Scienti c and Industrial Research (CSIR) fellowship

through the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by University

Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India.

2002 HRI summer research fellowship, Harish Chandra Research Insti-

tute, Allahabad, 2002. Project : Optical Image Processing and Pho-

tometry of Active Galactic Nuclei.

2001 Institute Merit-cum-Means Scholarship, Indian Institute of Technol-

ogy, Kanpur, India.

1998 National scholarships for Higher Secondary Examinations, Govern-

ment of India.

1996 National scholarships for Secondary Examinations, Government of


Talks, Poster Presentations, and Summer School

2011 July - Oral presentation on AGN/X-Ray Binary Connection" at NCRA,

Aug Pune, India (July 25); IUCAA, Pune, India (July 26); TIFR, Mumbai,

India (July 29); IIA, Bangalore, India (August 1); and IISc, Banga-

lore, India (August 2).

2011 July - Oral presentation on Universality of Black Hole Accretion" at IISER,

Aug Pune, India (July 22); IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (July 28).

2011 May Poster presentation on Similarity of Optical-IR and Gamma-Ray

Time Variability Properties of Fermi Blazars at the 218th Amer-

ican Astronomical Society Meeting, Boston, MA.

2010 May Oral presentation on Accretion disk Jet Connection in the Radio

Galaxies 3C 120 and 3C 111 at the Annual New England Re-

gional Quasar/AGN Meeting, Boston University.

2009 Poster presentation on Multi-Waveband Variability of Eight Blazars

November in the First Year of Observations with Fermi at the 2009 Fermi

Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Symposium, Washington DC.

2009 February Invited talk on Multi-Wavelength Time Variability of Active Galactic

Nuclei, MIT.

2009 January Dissertation talk on Multi-Wavelength Time Variability of Active

Galactic Nuclei, 213th American Astronomical Society Meet-

ing, Long Beach, CA.

2008 Invited talk on Multi-Wavelength Time Variability of Active Galactic

December Nuclei, Columbia University.

2008 July Oral presentation on X-ray dips and Superluminal Ejections in the

Radio Galaxy 3C 120, Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era,

Cambridge, MA (hosted by Chandra X-ray Center).

2008 June Invited talk on Time Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: Why, How

and some recent results of the Blazar 3C 279, IIA, Bangalore, and

NCRA, Pune, India.

2007 June Invited talk on Time Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei, Saha

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India.

2007 January Poster presentation on Correlated Multi-Frequency Variability in

the Blazars 3C 279 and PKS 1510-089, 209th American Astro-

nomical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA.

2006 June Participant, Astro-statistics Summer School, Pennsylvania

State University, PA.

Teaching and Mentoring Experience

1. Co-supervised nal-year undergraduate student Laura Kreidberg in her senior thesis

Systematic Error in the Mass Distribution of Stellar-Mass Black Holes

2. Guest-lecturer in the course Accretion and Jets: Topics in High Energy Astrophysics

(Astro 725) at Yale University.

3. Teaching fellow for the course Astronomy 102: Stars and Galaxies at Boston Univer-

sity in ve semesters. Responsibilities: Teaching the laboratory component and discus-

sion sections with students.

Computer Skills

1. 8 years of extensive experience in FORTRAN 77.

2. Other programming languages used : C, perl, IDL, html

3. Operating systems : Linux, Windows.

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