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Electrical Engineering

New York, NY
December 31, 2012

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Jelena Te i


e-mail: ******@********.***

tel: +1-646-***-**** jelena


Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering September 2004

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Dissertation title: Managing Large-scale Multimedia Repositories . Advisor: Prof. B.S. Manjunath.

M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering December 1999

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Curriculum Focus: Digital Signal Processing and Communications.

Dipl.Ing., Electrical Engineering July 1998

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Thesis title: Noise reduction in CDMA Receivers. Advisor: Prof. Zoran Dobrosavljevi .



Research Staff Member March 2009 present

Mayachitra Inc., Santa Barbara, CA & Austin, TX

Research focused on design and engineering of searchable large video database of oversight videos, and scalable retrieval

algorithms within requirements of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)-sponsored projects.

Technical lead: Video Indexing Search and Retrieval System (VISR) design, implementation, and deployment for VIRAT Phase

I application; VISR searches quickly and accurately terabytes of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-captured videos;

Research lead: Ef cient algorithm for example-based video querying; developed novel techniques for retrieving and delivering

results; conducted project-wide tutorials on the VISR system;

Research Staff Member May 2004 February 2009

Intelligent Information Analysis/Multimedia Research group, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY

Researched and developed algorithms and systems for large multimedi collection management, modeled visual querying

system using statistical semantic modeling, implemented methods for effective automated and collaborative tagging. The

work has been evaluated in NIST-sponsored benchmarks, client benchmarks and engagements. 6 patents led.

Technical lead: Digital Me content track project (one of top 10 IBM Innovation Jam initiative) - led world-wide technical team,

developed use cases, demos and prototype systems, briefed executives, interacted with clients and partners.

System development: led design, implementation and usecase for IBM Multimedia Knowledge Center, authoring tool for

multimedia semantic spaces, - user interface, design, functionality, backbone, database design, search algorithm, and usecases.

Tooling: developed functionalities, such as metadata extraction, near-duplicate detection, label scoring, contextual ltering,

metadata extraction, interface improvements (design, tagging, and grouping) for the IBM Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval

System (IMARS) custom built C++ codebase.

Release: led prototype IMARS tool release and updates on alphaWorks (2004-2009), 8 updates and 2000+ total downloads.

Client demos: design, customization and packaging; assembled live demos of visual semantic classi cation performance on

user s data, web stream, custom datasets and domains; personalized and extended ontology, classi ers and interface design for

various client engagements, prototypes; helped de ne pilot projects.

Development: developed scalable automatic classi cation approach based on the shared model schema (joint work with Rong

Yan) for scalable domain-independent visual content modeling;

Research and development of visual and semantic search query modeling approach for NIST TRECVID evaluations 2004-2008

(IBM top performer); led thread mining, linking and labeling for VACE proposal (funding for VACE III awarded to the team).

Professional education: MicroMBA, Project Management Fundamentals week-long courses; Leadership & Teamwork 3-day

course; Team Genius and Presentation Skills 2-day courses.

Graduate Student Researcher July 1999 March 2004

Vision Research Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Devised an ef cient scheme for interactive nearest neighbor search in large high-dimensional data repositories. Designed

and implemented a framework to learn, present, and discover spatial patterns in scienti c image/video data. Introduced

improvements to clustering, indexing, and approximate similarity retrieval in large multidimensional datasets. Developed

a compression scheme that removes redundancies from MPEG7 texture datasets.

Summer Intern June 2000 September 2000

Multimedia Asset Management Group, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA

Proposed, patented and partially implemented an effective multimedia classifying system called Modular Intelligent

Multimedia Analysis System. The system categorizes multimedia data based on the extracted semantics. 1 patent led.

Teaching Assistant September 1998 June 1999, January 2003 June 2003

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Outstanding Teaching Assistant award 1998 1999. Conducted Laboratory and discussion classes in Digital Signal

Processing, Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision and Signal Analysis. Assisted and lectured new teaching assis-


IAESTE Intern November 1997 February 1998

Department of Communications, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

Developed an algorithm for ef cient multidimensional Electrocardiographic (ECG) data visualization and storage during

Holter monitoring using compressed MPEG2 video technology.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow June 1997 September 1997

Earth and Space Science Division, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Pasadena, CA

Documented history, and simulated development of Galileo Probe Entry Site Hot Spot motion on Jupiter (1995 1997).

Improved existing tool by implementing a series of image processing methods.

Research/Teaching Assistant September 1996 July 1998

School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Conducted research in medical imaging and automated pathogen tissue cell detection. Led Lab and Recitation classes in

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Circuit Theory. Instructed and led student team from University of Belgrade

for annual National Competition in Circuit Theory, held by Association of Electrical Engineering, 1998.


Method and Apparatus for Semantic Assisted Rating of Multimedia Content, Shahram Ebadollahi, Milind

Naphade, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Ioana R. Stanoi, Jelena Te i, and Lexing Xie; led: March 11, 2008,


United States Patent Application Number: 200********.

Method and Apparatus for Model-Shared Subspace Boosting for Multi-Label Classi cation, John R. Smith,

Jelena Te i, and Rong Yan; led December 12, 2007, United States Patent Application Number: 200********.


Method and Apparatus for Automatic Multimedia Narrative Enrichment, Murray Campbell, Shahram Ebadol-

lahi, Matthew Hill, Brian Landry, Chung-Sheng Li, Apostol Natsev, Milind Naphade, John Smith, Jelena Te i,


and Lexing Xie; led: June 7, 2007. United States Patent Application Number: 200********.

Method and Apparatus for Joint Analysis of Social and Content Networks, John R. Smith and Jelena Te i ;


led: May 15, 2007, United States Patent Application Number: 200********.

Method and Apparatus for Using Multiple Channels of Disseminated Data Content in Responding to Informa-

tion Requests, John R. Smith, Ioana R. Stanoi,and Jelena Te i, led: February 20, 2007, United States Patent


Application Number: 200********.

Method and Apparatus for Classifying Multimedia Artifacts Using Ontology Selection and Semantic Classi ca-

tion, Milind Naphade, John R. Smith and Jelena Te i ; led: January 8, 2007, United States Patent Application:



Modular Intelligent Multimedia Analysis System, Yining Deng and Jelena Te i ; led: August 28, 2006, United


States Patent Application Number: 200********.


Guest Editor Special Issue on Collaborative Tagging of Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, July-Sep 2008.

Referee for the IEEE Transactions Patern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Multimedia Transactions, IEEE

Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Journal of Visual Communication

and Image Representation, IEEE Signal Processing Magazines, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE

Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, ACM Multimedia Systems Journal,

and EURASIP Journal on image and Video Processing.

Technical Program Committee for IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), IEEE In-

ternational Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), ACM International Conference

on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), SIAM SDM

Workshop on Mining Scienti c and Engineering, IEEE ICIP IBM Student Paper award.


Diversity in Multimedia Retrieval Research, 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information

Retrieval In conjunction with ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2006.

Experienced TA Panel for TA Orientation and workshop lecturer on TAing Engineering Sections, campus-wide

Teaching Assistant Orientation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, September 2003.


Data Modeling Strategies for Imbalanced Learning, NSF IGERT Seminar series, February 2007.

Learning the Semantics of Multimedia Queries from a Small Number of Examples, ECE Department Seminar,

UC Santa Barbara, November 2005.

Ef cient Query Processing in Relevance Feedback, ADVENT Seminar Series, Columbia University, New York

City, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, and IBM Research, Hawthorne, NY, March


Issues Concerning Multimedia Mining, Methods for Mining Video Data, Invited Session, American Statistical

Association Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), San Francisco, CA, August 2003.

Mining Large Image Datasets, Institute for Scienti c Computing Research Seminar, Center for Applied Scien-

ti c Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, October 2001.


IBM First Plateau Invention Achievement Award in appreciation and recognition of creative contributions to IBM

progress, July 2007

IBM Research Division Technical Group Award has been presented for Image Filtering Benchmark Team Award,

February 2007

IBM First Patent Application Invention Achievement Award for: Method and Apparatus for Classifying Multime-

dia Artifacts Using Ontology Selection and Semantic Classi cation, February 2007

IBM Research Division Award for Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval System, 2006

IBM Bravo! Dinner for Two Award for Successful completion of TRECVID-2006 benchmark, September 2006

IBM Award of Distinction for voluntarism, March 2006

IBM Research Division Award for Semantic Content-based Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval, December 2005

IBM Research Division Award for TRECVID-2004 Video Retrieval Evaluation, March 2005

ACM Multimedia, best paper nominee, 2005

IEEE CVPR student travel grant award, IEEE Computer Society, 2003.

Presidential Work and Study Award from University of California at Santa Barbara, July 2001.

Outstanding Teaching Assistant for Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California

Santa Barbara, June 1999

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Award from Caltech/JPL, Pasadena, CA, 1997.

Undergraduate Fellowship from Zepter Foundation, Belgrade, 1996 1998.

Undergraduate Fellowship from Serbian Scienti c Development Foundation, Belgrade, 1994 1998.

Fellowship Award from City of Belgrade, Serbia, 1998.

Fellowship Award from Soros foundation, Belgrade, Serbia, 1997.


[1] Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, Lexing Xie, and Rong Yan, IBM Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval


System - Video Olympics People s choice award, in ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval

(ACM CIVR), Niagara Falls, Canada, July 2008.

[2] Apostol Natsev Wei Jiang, Michele Merler, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, Lexing Xie, and Rong Yan, IBM Re-


search trecvid-2008 video retrieval system, in NIST TRECVID-2008 Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Novem-

ber 2008.

[3] Apostol Natsev, Alexander Haubold, Jelena Te i, Lexing Xie, and Rong Yan, Semantic concept-based query


expansion and re-ranking for multimedia retrieval, in ACM Multimedia, September 2007.

[4] Rong Yan, Jelena Te i, and John R. Smith, Model-shared subspace boosting for multi-label classi cation, in


ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), San Jose, California,

August 2007.

[5] Jelena Te i, Apostol Natsev, and John R. Smith, Cluster-based data modeling for semantic video search, in


ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2007.

[6] Jelena Te i, Apostol Natsev, Joachim Seidl, and John R. Smith, Ibm marvel interactive video threading, in ACM


International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2007.

[7] Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, Lexing Xie, and Rong Yan, IBM Multimedia Search and Retrieval


System, in ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR), Amsterdam, Netherlands,

July 2007.

[8] Jelena Te i, Apostol Natsev, Lexing Xie, and John R. Smith, Data modeling strategies for imbalanced learning


in visual search, in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME), Beijing, China, July 2007.

[9] Lexing Xie, Jelena Te i, and Apostol Natsev, Dynamic multimodal fusion in video search, in IEEE International


Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME), Beijing, China, July 2007.

[10] Murray Campbell, Alexander Haubold, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, Lexing Xie, Rong Yan, and


Jun Yang, Ibm research trecvid-2007 video retrieval system, in NIST TRECVID-2007 Workshop, Gaithersburg,

Maryland, November 2007.

[11] James Z. Wang, Nozha Boujemaa, Alberto Del Bimbo, Donald Geman Alberto Del Bimbo, Alex Hauptmann,

and Jelena Te i, Diversity in multimedia retrieval research panel, MIR workshop, in ACM Multimedia, Santa


Barbara, California, October 2006.

[12] Jelena Te i and John R. Smith, Ef cient summarizing of multimedia archives using cluster labeling, in Inter-


national Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Tempe, Arizona, July 2006.

[13] Jelena Te i and John R. Smith, Semantic labeling of multimedia content clusters, in IEEE International


Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME), Toronto, Canada, July 2006.

[14] Milind Naphade, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, Shih-Fu Chang, Winston Hsu, Lyndon Kennedy, Alexander Haupt-


mann, and Jon Curtis, Large-scale concept ontology for multimedia, in IEEE Multimedia Magazine, July 2006,

vol. 13.

[15] Mike Christel, Milind Naphade, Apostol Natsev, and Jelena Te i, Assessing the ltering and browsing utility of


automatic semantic concepts for multimedia retrieval, in IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),

SLAM Workshop, New York City, June 2006.

[16] Murray Campbell, Alexander Haubold, Shahram Ebadollahi, Milind R. Naphade, Apostol Natsev, Joachim Seidl,

John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, and Lexing Xie, Ibm research trecvid-2006 video retrieval system, in NIST


TRECVID-2006 Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2006.

[17] Apostol Natsev, Milind R. Naphade, and Jelena Te i, Learning the semantics of multimedia queries and concepts


from a small number of examples, in ACM Multimedia, Singapore, November 2005.

[18] Jelena Te i, Metadata practices for consumer photos, in IEEE Multimedia Magazine, July 2005, vol. 12.


[19] John R. Smith, Milind R. Naphade, Apostol Natsev, and Jelena Te i, Multimedia research challenges for indus-


try, in International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Singapore, November 2005.

[20] John R. Smith, Murray S. Campbell, Milind R. Naphade, Apostol Natsev, and Jelena Te i, Learning of semantic


concepts in broadcast video, in International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McLean, VA, May 2005.

[21] Arnon Amir, Janne Argillander, Murray Campbell, Alexander Haubold, Shahram Ebadollahi, Feng Kang, Milind R.

Naphade, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Jelena Te i, and Timo Volkmer, Ibm research trecvid-2005 video


retrieval system, in NIST TRECVID-2005 Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2005.

[22] Arnon Amir, Shih-Fu Chang, Martin Franz, Giridharan Iyengar, John R. Kender, Ching-Yung Lin, Milind R.

Naphade, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, and Jelena Te i, Ibm research trecvid-2004 video retrieval system, in


NIST TRECVID-2004 Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2004.

[23] Jelena Te i, Managing Large-scale Multimedia Repositories, Ph.d. thesis, UC Santa Barbara, 2004.


[24] Shawn Newsam, Jelena Te i, Lei Wang, and B.S. Manjunath, Issues in Managing Video Datasets, in SPIE


Int. Symp. On Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, San Jose,

California, January 2004.

[25] Jelena Te i, Sitaram Bhagavathy, and B. S. Manjunath, Issues Concerning Dimensionality and Similarity


Search, in International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Rome, Italy, September


[26] Sitaram Bhagavathy, Jelena Te i, and B. S. Manjunath, On the Rayleigh nature of Gabor lter outputs, in IEEE


International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Barcelona, Spain, September 2003.

[27] Jelena Te i and B. S. Manjunath, Nearest Neighbor Search for Relevance Feedback, in IEEE International


Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Madison, WI, June 2003.

[28] Jelena Te i and B.S. Manjunath, Issues concerning multimedia mining, methods for mining video data, invited


session, in ASA Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), San Francisco, CA, August 2003, Extended abstract.

[29] Jelena Te i, Shawn Newsam, and B.S. Manjunath, Mining Image Datasets using Perceptual Association Rules,


in SIAM SDM Workshop on Mining Scienti c Datasets, San Francisco, CA, May 2003.

[30] Jelena Te i, Shawn Newsam, and B.S. Manjunath, Scalable Spatial Event Representation, in IEEE International


Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2002.

[31] Jelena Te i, Shawn Newsam, and B.S. Manjunath, Challenges in Mining Large Image Datasets, in IPAM


Short Program on Mathematical Challenges in Scienti c Data Mining, Los Angeles, CA, January 2002, Extended


[32] Jelena Te i and B.S. Manjunath, Mining image datasets, in Workshop on Mining Scienti c Datasets, Minneapo-


lis, MN, July 2000, Extended abstract.

[33] G.S. Orton, B.M. Fisher, K.H. Baines, S.T Stewart, A.J Friedson, J.L Ortiz, M. Marinova, M. Ressler, A. Dayal,

W. Hoffmann, J. Hora, S. Hinkley, V. Krishnan, M. Ma anovi, J. Te i, A. Tziolas, and K.C. Parija, Charac-

s c sc

teristics of the Galileo probe entry site from Earth-based remote sensing observations, Journal of Geophysical

Research, September 1998.

[34] D. Dujkovi J. Te i M. Ma anovi I. Rako evi I. Milosavljevi B. Reljin, P. Kosti, Automated segmentation

c sc s c cc c c

and pathogen cell detection in tissues (in serbian: Segmentacija i izdvajanje objekata u histopatolo kom preparatu


primenom ra unara), in Zbornik Informatika u medicini, farmaciji i socijalnoj za titi (IMF-98), Arandjelovac,

c s

Serbia, May 1998.


Co-leader of LEGO Robotics workshop in EXITE and Girls TechKnow camps (with Jim Wynne), 2006-2008, and

volunteer 2004-2006, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY.

Mentor to 8th grade Bronx students, First Lego League NYC competition 2005-2006 (the team placed in top 10%

in the New York City).


References available upon request

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