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2012-09-17 misc
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LaTeX Template: Designer's CV
Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the referal to
Date: March 2012
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+\Huge\bfseries {\color{RoyalBlue} Sean McLaughlin}
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+% Experience
+\CVSection{Work Experience}
+\CVItem{August 2010 - present, Jane Street Capital}\\
+Quantitative research and technology group.
+Jane Street is a proprietary trading firm specializing in market making
+and arbitrage. We use OCaml as our primary programming language, which
+is what drew me to the company. My primary responsibility was the
+design and development of a distributed server for intra-day positions and order
+marking. I also built a new tool for doing code review in a code repository with
+non-linear history (a surprisingly hard problem) and an IDE for the OCaml compiler.
+(The code was written primarily in OCaml, with some amount of
+Emacs-Lisp for the IDE, and small bits in in Bash and C.)
+\CVItem{Summer 2009, National Science Foundation} \\
+I taught month-long courses on functional programming in OCaml
+and theorem proving using the HOL Light proof assistant at an NSF
+workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam.
+\CVItem{Summer 2007, Microsoft/INRIA} \\
+I worked with Georges Gonthier in the formal methods group. My
+project was to formalize the fundamental theorem of Galois theory in the
+Coq proof assistant. This is a difficult problem because it was not
+initially clear how to implement hierarchies of algebraic structures in type
+theory. (The code was written in Coq, with a very small OCaml component.)
+\CVItem{Summer 2004, Intel} \\
+I worked in the hardware verification group. They have a functional