Abdullah Akce
Department of Computer Science, Phone: 217-***-****
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, E-mail: ********@****.**** or ******@********.***
*** *. ******* ***, ******, IL-61801 Website: www.akce.name
U niversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, IL, USA
( expected) May 2013
P h.D. in Computer Science
A rea : A rtificial I ntelligence/Robotics/Machine Learning
B ogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
J une 2007
B .S. in Computer E ngineering (with highest honor /rank )
U niversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, IL, USA 2 007 -
R esearch E xperience present
T hesis: E stablished a framework for human control of robotic systems
t hrough efficient and effective communication of the user s intent.
D esigned and developed novel u ser i nterfaces a nd interaction techniques
f or cyber - physical systems (in particular, brai n - machine interfaces).
C o - authored and published in human - computer interaction, biomedical
e ng ineering, and robotics journals (IJHCI, IEEE TNSRE, IEEE TRO).
P ublished i n top robotics conferences (ICRA 10, I CRA 11, IROS 12) .
P erformed s oftware design and de velopment for several research platforms
( including mobile devices, tablets, robots) i n multidisciplinary projects.
A pplied machine learning, computer vision, p attern recognition,
a ugmented reality, o ptimization, neuroscience in research projects.
T eaching & M entoring E xperience
L ed discussion sections a s a teaching assistant in t he following courses:
M achine Learning ( covered modern m achine l earning a lgorithms )
F und amental Algorithms ( covered algorithm design, analysis)
I ntroduction to C omputer Science ( covered CS fundamentals, Java, OOP)
D esigned and instructed labs for a newly developed course titled A erospace
D ecision Algorithms, a s a teaching assistant in Aerospace E ngineering.
M entored o ver a d ozen undergraduate students in research projects .
M icrosoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA 2 008
S oftware Development Engineer ( Summer Intern)
P articipated in Windows d evelopment t eam.
D esigned and implemented a new feature for Windows 7 Browser.
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A ILab, B ogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey 2 006 - 2007
U ndergraduate Researcher
C ompeted in R oboCup, an international robotics competition, a s a member
o f Cerberus . Developed software for robots to play soccer.
D esigned an outdoor robotics platform, and implemented autonomous
n avigation based on monocular vi sion, as part of my senior thesis.
M obinex R&D Center, Istanbul, Turkey 2 004 - 2006
S oftware Designer and Developer
P articipated in t he design and development of S martface, a framework for
c ross - platform mobile application development.
P rovided object - oriented design and implementation support for
W indows, J ava, and S ymbian b ased platforms.
D esigned and developed a PC client for push - to - talk and advance
m essaging c apability w ith mobile users. The client was f eatured in C ebit
B ilisim E urosia 2 004, top Eurosian IT trade fair.
C ERN (European Org. for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland 2 005
S ummer Student
P articipated in d ata acquisition team for the C MS e xperiment, one of the
l argest experiments in physics with thousands of engineers /researchers.
D esigned and implemented an analysis tool for run control and m onitor
s ystem, developed by the m ultidisciplinary r esearch t eam.
C ognitive S ci. & A rtificial I ntelligence A ward, B eckman I ns., U niv. o f Illinois 2 012
O utstanding R esearch P oster Award, C omp. Sci. Dept., Univ. of Illinois 2 010
B est Project Award, C omputing Habitat P rog. C ompetition, U niv. of Illinois 2 008
T UBITAK Fellowship, f or achievements in International Science Olympiads, 2 003 - 07
T he Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
S ilver Medalist at the 15 th I nt. O lympiad in Informatics, W isconsin, USA 2 003
C omputer L anguages ( not inclusive) : C, C++, Python, Java, S QL, P HP, H TML
1 0 y ears o f experience in algorithms a nd object oriented programming
5 + years of experience in cross - platform graphical user interface design
( including mobile and tablet - based platforms)
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J ournals:
A . Akce, M. Johnson, O. Dantsker, T. Bretl. A brain - machine interface to navigate a
m obile robot in a planar workspace: Enabling humans to fly simulated aircraft with EEG,
I EEE Tran. on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, f orthcoming, 2 013
C . Omar, A . Akce, M. Johnson, T. Bretl, R. Ma, E. Maclin, M. McCormick, and T. P.
C oleman. A feedback information - theoretic approach to the design of brain - computer
i nterfaces, I nt. Journal on HCI, s pecial issue on Current Trends in B CI Research and
D evelopment, 2011
T . Bretl, G. Arechavaleta, A . Akce, J - P. Laumond. Comments on An optimality principle
g overning human walking, I EEE Transactions on Robotics, 2011
C onferences:
A . Akce, J. Norton, and T. Bretl. A brain - machine inter face to navigate mobile robots
a long human - like paths amidst obstacles, I EEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
( IROS), 2012
A . Akce, and T. Bretl, A compact representation of locally - shortest paths and its
a pplication to a human - robot interfac e, I EEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
2 011
A .Akce, M.Johnson, and T.Bretl, Remote teleoperation of an unmanned aircraft with a
b rain - machine interface, I EEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010
A .Akce, and T.Bretl, A probabilistic language model for hand drawings, I nternational
C onference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), A ugust 2010
S elected presentations not including conference talks:
I nvited Talk, Active inference for designing brain - machine interfaces,
L AIRLab, Robotics Institute, Carneige Mellon University, 2012
T alk, Incorporating intent inference and feedback control into the design of brain - robot
i nterfaces, Coordinated Scien ce Laboratory (CSL) Student Conference,
U niversity of Illinois, 2010
P oster, S ymposium on Control and Modeling of Biomedial System s,
U niversity of Illinois, 2010
P oster, School of Information Theory, U niversify of Southern California, 2010
P oster, Fourth I nternational Brain - Computer Interface Meeting, Asilomar, CA, 2010
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