Raj V. Siddharthan, Ph.D., P. E.
Home Page: http://unr.edu/homepage/siddhart/my_page.html
Title: Professor of Civil Engineering
a. Personal Data & Education
Date of Birth: June 30, 1955 SSN: ***-**-****
Married, two children Citizen of the U. S.
Address: Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557
Telephone: 775-***-**** - Off. fax: 775-***-****
775-***-**** - Home e-mail:********@***.***
1977 B.S. (Hons. ), University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka: Major: Civil Engineering
1981 M.S. University of British Columbia, Canada: Major: Civil Engineering
1984 Ph.D. University of British Columbia, Canada: Major: Civil Engineering
1984 (4 months) Post Doctoral Fellow, Univer sity of British Columbia, Canada
b. Academic Experience
1995 - Present Professor, C ivil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
1989 - 1995 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno (Tenured)
1992 Visiting Associate Professor, Civil Engineering - MIT (Sabbatical)
1984 - 1989 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Univer sity of Nevada, Reno
1978 - 1984 Teaching Assistant, Univer sity of British Columbia, Canada
1977 - 1978 Assistant Lecturer, Civil Engineering, University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Non-Academic Experience
Involved in a variety of consulting projects for a number fir ms including, Klohn Leonoff Consultants,
Vancouver; Komex Consultants, Calgary; Exxon, Houston; GAB Corporation, Sacramento; Welsh
Engineer s, Denver; Pezonella Associates, Reno; EIC Consultants, Denver; Golder Associates, Denver;
Harding and Lawson Associates, Reno; WESTECH, Reno; Pacific Eng. & Analysis, El Cer rito; Marvin
& Associates, Reno; CNI Consultants, Tucson.
c. Publications (Max. of 10)
Closely Related Publications (5)
1. Siddharthan, R.V., Ganeshwara, V., Kutter, B.L., El-Desouky, M., and Whitman, R.V., Seismic
Deformation of Bar Mat MSE Walls I: Centrifuge Tests, Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-
Environmental Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 130(1), ASCE, January 2004, pp. 14-25.
2. Siddharthan, R. V., Ganeshwar a, V., Kutter, B.L., El-Desouky, M., and Whitman, R.V., Seismic
Deformation of Bar Mat MSE Walls II: A Multi-Block Model, Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-
Environmental Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 130(1), ASCE, January 2004, pp. 26-35.
3. El-Gamal, M., and Siddharthan, R.V., " Stiffnesses of Abutments on Piles in Seismic Bridge Analyses, "
Soils and Foundations, Vol. 38(1), M arch 1998, pp. 77-87.
4. Siddharthan, R.V., El-Gamal, M., and Mar agakis, E. A., Stiffnesses of Abutments on Spread Footing
with Cohesionless Backfill, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 34(5), Oct. 1997, pp. 686-697.
5. Siddharthan, R.V., and El-Gamal, M ., Investigation of Performance of Bridge Abutment Fills in 1994
Northridge Earthquake, Seismic Response of Concrete Bridges, ACI Publication No. SP-187, 1999,
pp. 69-88.
Other Significant Publications (5)
1. Siddharthan, R.V., Krishnamenon, N., El-Mously, M., and Sebaaly, P.E., Investigation of Tire Contact
Stress Distributions on Pavement Response, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128(2),
March/April, 2002, pp. 136-144.
2. Siddharthan, R.V., El-Mously, M., Krishnamenon, N., and Sebaaly, P.E., Validation of a Pavement
Response Model using Full-Scale Field Tests, International Journal in Pavement Engineering, Vol. 3(2),
2002, pp. 85-93.
3. Siddharthan, R.V., and Sebaaly, P.E., Investigation of AC Layer Strains from Wide-Base Tires,
Transportation Research Record No. 1655, 1999, pp. 168 - 174.
4. Siddharthan, R.V., Yao, J., and Sebaaly, P.E., Pavement Strain from Moving Dynamic 3-D Load
Distribution, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124(6), 1998, pp. 557-566.
5. Siddharthan, R.V., El-Gamal, M., and Maragakis., E.A., " Investigation of Performance of Bridge
Abutments in Seismic Regions," Journal of Struct. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 120(4), April 1994, pp. 1327-
Dr. Siddharthan has authored more than 125 publications.
d. Synergistic Activities
(1) Presented five short courses in Nevada and California on Liquefaction, Seismic Bridge Abutment
Design, and Seismic Response; Delivered as many as 70 presentations in conferences, meetings, and
(2) Received 1997 Shamsher Prakash Foundation Citation for the work on Dynamic Soil-Structure
Interaction and Stability of Retaining Structures under Earthquakes.
(3) Investigator (PI and Co. PI) of projects totaling more than $2.4 million from a wide variety of sources
including, federal (NSF, ARO, DOE, NCHRP, Engineering Foundation), state (Nevada, C alifornia, South
Dakota), and other sources (e. g. SCEC, EPRI, MC EER).
(4) Developed many software- notable ones are TARA, MOVLOAD, and 3-D MOVE. A modified version
of TARA program is routinely used by WES in their seismic r esponse analyses of dams.
(5) Served as a Member of many ASCE Technical Committees (Soil Dynamics, Computer Applications,
Shock and Vibratory Effects) and EERI and had been a reviewer of proposals and reports for the NSF,
ASCE, and US Army.
e. Collaborators & Other Affiliations
J. Anderson (U NR), J. Brune (UNR), J.A. Epps (Granite), M. El-Gamal (PSI), B.L. Kutter (UC Davis),
S. Kramer (U of W), E.M. Maragakis (UNR), D. Newcomb (U. of Minnesotta), P. E. Sebaaly (UN R),
J.P. Singh (J.P. Singh Associates), I. Towhata (U. of Tokyo), D. van Zyl (UNR), R. Whitman (MIT), Z.
Zafir (Kleinfelder)
Graduate Advisor: Professor W. D. Liam Finn (Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia,
Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor (last 8 years):
Z . Zafir (Kleinfelder), S. Ara (Kleinfelder), M. El-Gamal (PSI), R. Anooshehpoor (UNR), A. Ong
(Golder Associates), G. Bhandarkar, N. Krutz (City of Sparks), M. Javaregowda (SAP), R. Vallacheni
(AGRA), S. Obeid (DOE), T. Ambhaipalan(Caltrans), J. Yu (U. of San Diego), J.Yao, V. Ganeshwara
(Leighton Associates), S. Ni (Taiwan Power), M. El-Mousley (Caltrans), Ron Meis(UNR), N.
Krishnamenon (Woodword and Clyde).