Matthew R. Goodman
Present Address Permanent Address
**** *. ********* **. **** N. Placita Vergel
Tucson, AZ 85716 Tucson, AZ 85719
********@*****.*******.*** *******.*******.*@*****.***
Obtain a PhD. and start a career in teaching and research focused on the application of compu-
tational simulation and modeling techniques to complex phenomenon in materials and biological
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, (GPA 3.75/4.0)
(Projected Completion in May 2010)
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering (In major GPA 3.55/4.0)
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
In Press: R.G. Erdmann, A.G. Hendrick, and M.R. Goodman Properties of Stochastic
Permeability, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals.
Draft: M.R. Goodman and R.G. Erdmann, The Permeability of Randomly Packed 2d/3d
Microstructures, Transport in Porous Media
Draft: M.R. Goodman and R.G. Erdmann, A Fluid Analogue to the Columnar to
Equiaxed Transition
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Arizona August 2008 present
Model heat and mass transfer for space solidi cation experiment (CrysVUn), to better
understand the role of density driven ow in solidi cation phenomenon
Developed low Reynold s number Stoke s ow CFD solver for the optimization of complex
engineering problems in solidi cation, micro uidics, and biological systems
Programming in CFD, FEM, and transport phenomena (Python, FORTRAN, CUDA)
MSE Laboratory TA/Preceptor, University of Arizona Fall 2007 Spring 2008
MSE 414 Solidi cation of Castings Ensured safety of casting practices, procedures,
and design
MSE 223L Materials Processing Taught three groups of 5 7 about materials processing
in laboratory setting including glass melting and semiconductor processing
MSE 110 Solid State Chemistry Oversaw MSE related lab activities
Modeling Consultant, ATI Allvac, Monroe, NC February 2009 Present
Developed real-time simulation of complex heat transfer for industrial setting
Scienti c Data Analyst, ATI Allvac, Monroe, NC Summer 2007 and Summer 2008
Uni ed huge body of process data from several databases for purposes of process auditing
and improvement by data mining and machine learning techniques
Developed algorithms used by engineers and business analysts for understanding complex
processes resulting in large cost savings by predictive/preventive maintenance
Automated post process simulation of complex solidi cation phenomena for purposes of
statistical process control and improvement (Python)
Data mining and scienti c data analysis for process control resulting in process improve-
ment and sizable cost savings
Casting Consultant, PACE Metallography Fall 2007
Performed solidi cation and heat transfer modeling for castings
Fabricated patterns and performed castings of experimental alloys for use in semiconductor
President, Keramos Fall 2007 Spring 2008
MSE Honors Fraternity Lead 10 students in outreach, teaching, and grant writing.
Awarded Most Improved Chapter
Vice President, Material Advantage Fall 2007 Spring 2008
MSE Tutoring and Social Organization Coordinated tutoring and speakers.
Raised $2000 to allow undergraduates attend MS&T conference
Treasurer, h+ Tucson Fall 2007 Spring 2008
Technoprogressive Journal Club Basis of h+ magazine
Project Leader, SEDS Rockoon project Fall 2008 Present
Leading team of two dozen undergraduates in interdisciplinary design project
Academic Honors
Deans List (Spring 2008)
ASM International Darko Babic Scholarship (2007 2008)
ASM National Education Subcommittee Student Representative (2007 2008)
U of A College of Engineering:
Award for Academic Distinction (2006 2008)
Departmental Honors for Outstanding Achievement (2005 2006)
Computer Skills
Languages: Python, mpi C/C++, CUDA, FORTRAN, Perl, L TEX A
Software: *nix environments, BAR, Solidworks, WinMOD, Deform,
CrysVUn (Metals processing), Windows
Website: (joomla! CMS, html, php, sql)
Activities and Interests
Spelunking; Rock Climbing; Torrent Analysis; Japanese; Document Knowledge Extraction; 3d