D r. M adhuri Saripalle
Assistant Professor, Madras School of Economics (MSE)
Gandhimandapam Road, Chennai 600025, India
T el: 91 -44 - 22300304, 0307; Fax: 91 -44 - 22354847; Email: m *********@***.**.** ;
E ducation
P hD ( Agriculture & Resource E conomics) University of Connecticut (2005)
S pecialization in economics of organization, industrial organization a nd s trategic
s upply chain management.
D issertation on, Learning & c apability a cquisition: g rowth of the Indian a utomobile
I ndustry
A cademic E xperience
A ssistant Professor, Madras School of Economics, Chennai (2011 -present)
A ssistant Professor, global supply chain management M aine Maritime Academy, Loeb
S ullivan S chool o f business and logistics ( 2005 -06) .
R esearch Affiliate, International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP), M IT, U S A ( 2002 -05 ) .
T eaching Assistant, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of
C onnecticut, USA (2003 - 04).
R esearch Assistant, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis (CCEA), Storrs, CT,
U S A (2001 -03).
I ndustry Experience
S enior e conomist, N athan Economic Consulting India Private Limited (2010 -2011 ).
E cono mist, M urugappa g roup o f Industries, Chennai ( 2009 -10) . .
A ssistant General Manager, T VS logistics Services Limite d, Chennai ( 2007 -09 ) .
P ublications i n journals
Learning across policy regimes: Case study of the Indian automobile Industry, International
Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Volume 12, Issue 2, May 2012, pp. 197-
The Indian Auto component Industry: competing through costs or capabiliti es, IIMB Review
Journal, Vol.20, No.4, December 2008.
Inter-firm relationship and Governance Structure: a case study of Bhilai Steel Plant, Economic
& Political Weekly, Review of Industry and Management, July 31-August 6, 1999.
Supplier relations in the Indian Automotive Industry: co-evolution of firm and market
capabilities, under review; Industry and Innovation.
Magazines and Newspapers
1 . I n Slow Motion (with Dr. Ram Tamara), F inancial Express, July 17 th, 2010
h ttp://www.financialexpress.com/news/in -slow - motion/647558/
2. I n Savings we trust (with Dr. Ram Tamara) F inancial Express, August 14th, 2010
h t tp://www.financialexpress.com/news/in -savings -we -trust/659894/
3. L essons from the global auto crisis, H indu Business Line, Nov.13, 2009.
h ttp://www.thehindubusinessline .com/2009/11/13/stories/2009111350310900.htm
Transportation Prices on a Roll, but Housing Helps Keep Overall Prices in Check,
M adhuri Saripalle, C onnecticut Economy S ummer 2003.
Connecticut Prices: Medical Prices Surge, but Weightier Food and Housing P rices Are
M ore Stable, Madhuri Saripalle, C onnecticut Economy S pring 2003.
P resentations in c onferences
1 Learning across policy regimes: case study of the Indian automobile industry, paper
p resented at 17 th International GERPISA Colloquium on Global A utomotive Industry:
S ustainability changing landscapes & actors, held on June 17 th -19 th 2 009, Sorbonne
U niversity, Paris, France.
Regulatory Frameworks for Global Supply Chain management: Determinants of M&A
i n the 3 rd P arty Logistics industry, Paper P resented at the IMRC conference on Global
s upply Chain Management: Role of emerging economies, IIM Bangalore on December
2 2 -24, 2008.
Supplier relations in the Indian automobile Industry, paper presented at the Annual
r esearchers meeting of Internationa l Motor Vehicle Program, June 11 -12, 2007,
U niversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
P resentation o n Indian Automobile Industry: capabilities and competitiveness at the
A nnual CCC doctoral colloquium, Rotman Business School, University of Tor onto,
C anada, April 11 -13, 2003.