Bruce Schmeiser
Of ce Personal
School of Industrial Engineering 2524 Shagbark Lane
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47906 4531
West Lafayette, IN 47907 2023 765-***-****
1975 Ph.D. School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332.
1971 M.S. Department of Industrial and Management Engineering
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242.
1969 B.A. Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242.
Professional Experience
1984 present Professor School of Industrial Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
2010 spring Adjunct Dept. of Ind. and Systems Engineering
Professor Virginia Tech.
2003 spring Visiting Dept. of Ind. Eng. and Operations Research
Scholar University of California, Berkeley, CA 93920
1995 1996 Visiting Operations Research Center
Professor MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139.
1985 1986 Adjunct Department of Operations Research
Research Naval Postgraduate School
Professor Monterey, CA 93943.
1979 1984 Associate School of Industrial Engineering
Professor Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
1978 1979 Associate Department of Operations Research
Professor and Engineering Management
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275.
1975 1978 Assistant Department of Industrial Engineering
Professor and Operations Research
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275.
1970 1972 Systems Electronic Data Systems
Engineer Dallas, Texas 75240.
1968 1969 Computer Measurement Research Center
Programmer Iowa City, Iowa 52240.
Independent Consulting Experience
AT&T Bell Laboratories; General Motors Technical Center; Law Of ces of Adler, Kaplan
& Begy; General Housewares Corporation; Pritsker Corporation; Thiokol Corporation;
United Nations Industrial Development Organization; Medical Decision Making, Inc.;
Symix Systems; ILOG; United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS); Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA).
Research Interests
Probabilistic and statistical aspects of digital-computer simulation: Random-variate
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generation, input modeling, output analysis, variance reduction, root nding, and
optimization. Stochastic models. Applied operations research.
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Teaching Awards
Dean Marion B. Scott Award, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, Schools of
Engineering, Purdue University, 1992. ("An annual award presented to an engineering
professor for his or her devotion to encouraging, inspiring, and advising the
engineering student body in order that engineering students might grow both
academically and professionally.")
James H. Greene Outstanding Graduate-Educator Award, School of Industrial Engineering,
Purdue University. 1998, 2000, 2002.
A. Alan B. Pritsker Outstanding Undergraduate-Teaching Award, School of Industrial
Engineering, Purdue University. 1984, 2001, 2003, 2005.
Nominee, A.A. Potter (engineering-wide) undergraduate-teaching award, School of
Industrial Engineering, Purdue University. 1984, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Nominee, Charles B. Murphy (university-wide) undergraduate-teaching award, School of
Industrial Engineering, Purdue University. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Nominee, Amoco (university-wide) Teaching Award, Schools of Engineering, Purdue
University. 1984.
Other Awards and Honors
Fellow, INFORMS, October 2004.
David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award, Institute of Industrial Engineers, May 2004
(IIE s "highest form of professional recognition for research contributions to the eld
of industrial engineering").
Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineers, May 1997.
Distinguished Service Award, College on Simulation, Institute for Operations Research and
the Management Sciences, December 1997.
Operations Research Division Award, Institute of Industrial Engineers, May 1995.
Supercomputer Visiting Scientist Award, Rutgers University, 1990.
Best dissertation, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 1975.
National Defense Education Act Title IV Fellowship, 1969.
Undergraduate degree "with distinction," 1969.
Professional Activities
National Research Council, Panel, "Technology for the Military Reserve for 2010 and
Beyond," 1998 1999.
American Statistical Association (ASA).
Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
(Formerly Operations Research Society of America (ORSA)
and The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS)).
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE).
Omega Rho, The International Operations Research Honor Society.
Sigma Xi, The International Research Society.
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Institute of Industrial Engineers
Program Chair, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, TN, 1995.
Member, Fellows Selection Committee, 2005.
TIMS College on Simulation and Gaming
President, 1984 1986.
Vice-President 1982 1984.
Secretary-Treasurer, 1980 1982.
Member, Outstanding Service Award Committee, 1987 1990. Chairman, 1988.
Award Chairman, Best Simulation Paper in Management Science, 1980 1982.
Member, committee to establish outstanding simulation paper award, 1980.
Operations Research Society of America
Chair, Technical Sections Committee, 1993 1996.
Council Member, 1990 1993.
Liaison to the Winter Simulation Conference, 1982 1991.
Liaison to the AAAS Section on Industrial Science, 1991 1994.
Member, ORSA Journal on Computing Editor Search Committee, 1991 92.
Member, Subdivision Subcommittee on the INFORMS Board Committee, 1994.
Member, INFORMS Society-De nition Committee, 1994.
Member, Dantzig Dissertation Prize Committee, 2003, 2004.
Member, Nicholson Prize Committee, 1997, 1998.
Nominee, Vice President for Subdivisions, 1996.
Member, Subdivisions Committee, 1995.
Chair, Sections Subcommittee, 1995 1996.
Member, Marketing Strategy Committee, 1995 1996.
Omega Rho (International Operations Research Honor Society)
President, 1996 98.
Councillor of the Central United States Region, 1977 1982.
Faculty Advisor, Southern Methodist University, Fall 1976 Spring 1979.
Founded SMU Chapter of Omega Rho, Spring 1976.
.HP Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)
Trustee, WSC Foundation, 2004 2008.
ORSA Representative to the WSC Board of Directors, 1982 1991.
Board Chairman, 1988 1990.
Board Vice Chairman, 1986 1988.
Board Liaison for the 1986 and 1992 conferences.
Program Chair, 1983.
Associate Program Chair, 1982.
Track Organizer, Analysis Methodology, Atlanta, 1987, 1997.
International Editorial Board, Industrial Engineering Research, 1997 present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1995 1997.
Area Editor, Operations Research, Simulation, 1988 1994.
Department Editor, IIE Transactions, Simulation, 1981 1985.
Co-editor, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1983.
Editorial Board, Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 1981.
Editorial Board, Communications in Statistics, 1980 1984.
Editorial Board, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 1979 82.
Editorial Board, Journal of Quality Technology, 1977 1982.
Co-editor, Newsletter of the TIMS College on Simulation and Gaming, 1976 1981.
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Referee: Management Science; Operations Research, Journal of the American Statistical
Association; Communications in Statistics, A: Theory and Methods; Communications
in Statistics, B: Simulation and Computation; Communications of the Association for
Computing Machinery; IIE Transactions; Transportation Science; Zentralblatt fur
Mathematik; Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; Journal of Quality
Technology; American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences; Naval
Research Logistics Quarterly; TIMS College on Simulation and Gaming Monographs;
TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences; Symposium on the Simulation of Computer
Systems; Simulation; IEEE Computer; The American Statistician; Computers and
Mathematics with Applications; IBM Journal for Research and Development; Decision
Sciences; Stochastic Models; OR Letters; Computers & Mathematics with
Applications; Annals of Operations Research; Mathematics of Operations Research;
Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation; Pakistan Journal of Statistics;
First International Conference on Statistical Computing; European Journal of
Operational Research; Psychometrika; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis;
Computing Surveys; Proceedings of the First IE Research Conference; ORSA Journal
on Computing; International Journal of Computer Simulation; Computer-Aided
Design; Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics; Mathematical
Programming; International Journal of Production Economics; Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, B; Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics; Performance
Evaluation; ASME Transactions Journal of Mechanical Design; Computers &
Chemical Engineering; International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling,
Informs Transactions on Education.
Reviewer: American Sciences Press; John Wiley and Sons; Institute for Defense Analysis;
Addison Wesley; Army Research Of ce; Elsevier North Holland; National Science
Foundation; MacMillan Publishing Company; City University of New York Research
Award Program; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada;
Oxford University Press, Chapman & Hall, Third International Symposium on
Arti cial Intelligence and Mathematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Prentice Hall.
Judge, Wilcoxon and Youden Prizes, Technometrics, 1977 1981.
Judge, Outstanding Student Paper, AIIE, 1981.
Cluster Chair:
Simulation, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Los Angeles, 1993.
Simulation, International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Buenos Aires,
Panel Chair:
Analytic Representations of Simulation, WSC, Dallas, 1984 (with Barry Nelson).
Omega Rho 20 Anniversary, INFORMS National Meeting, Washington, D.C.,
May 1996.
Panel Member:
Panel on current issues in simulation input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference,
San Diego, California, December 2002.
Various ways academics teach simulation: Are they all appropriate? Winter Simulation
Conference, Arlington, Virginia, December 2001.
Simulation environment for the new millennium, Winter Simulation Conference,
Arlington, Virginia, December 2001.
The Interface between Simulation Output Analysis Research and Practice. Winter
Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., 1995.
INFORMS Societies What Will They Be?, INFORMS National Meeting, Los
Angeles, April 1995.
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Alternative Approaches for Specifying Input Distributions and Processes, WSC, New
Orleans, December 1990.
Simulation Education, WSC, San Diego, December 1988.
Steady-State Con dence Interval Methodology: A Forum on Theory, Practice, and
Prospects, WSC, Dallas, November 1984.
Teaching of Simulation, WSC, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,
December 1977.
Session Chair or Organizer:
Simulation Output Analysis, Winter Simulation Conference, 2002.
Bayesian Methods, The Tenth New England Statistics Symposium, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, April 1996.
Output Analysis, Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, Virginia, December 1995
(with Antonio Pedrosa).
Simulation Input Modeling, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Nashville, April
Simulation Analysis, Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, December, 1990.
Simulation Output Analysis, CORS/TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Vancouver,
April 1989.
Simulation Output Analysis, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Washington, D.C.,
April 1988.
Variance Reduction, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, New Orleans, May 1987.
Variance Reduction Methods in Simulation Experimentation, TIMS/ORSA Joint
National Meeting, Los Angeles, April 1986.
Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Dallas, November 1984.
Simulation, TIMS XXVI International Meeting, Copenhagen, June 1984 (co-chair).
Statistical Techniques in Computer Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting,
Chicago, April 1983.
Statistical Issues in Simulation Research, Panel, WSC, San Diego, December 1982.
Statistical Techniques in Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, San Diego,
December 1982.
Discrete Simulation Statistical Methods in Simulation, 10th International
Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS) World
Congress on Systems Simulation and Scienti c Computation, Montreal, August
Statistical Issues in Simulation, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Detroit, April
Statistical Methodology for Simulation, CORS/TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting,
Toronto, May 1981.
Statistical Methods in Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Colorado
Springs, October 1980.
Random Variate Generation, WSC, San Diego, December 1979.
Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Milwaukee, October 1979.
Simulation and Data Analysis, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Milwaukee,
October 1979.
Simulation Methodology, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, New Orleans, May
Network Models, WSC, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, December 1977.
Computer Simulation Methodology, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Atlanta,
November 1977.
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Research Grants and Awards
Purdue University
Principal Investigator, "Clinical-Trial Simulation Modeling", Eli Lilly Corporation,
1998 99, $40,000.
Project Director, "System Design with a Single Stochastic Constraint" Purdue Research
Foundation Research Grant, 1997 99, $23,333.
Principal Investigator, "Correlated Decomposition for Analyzing Dynamic Stochastic
Systems," National Science Foundation, 6/1/93 5/31/96, $221,100. (in
cooperation with Michael R. Taaffe, University of Minnesota, total grant
Project Director, "Stochastic Root Finding in System Design," Purdue Research
Foundation Research Grant, 1993 95, $20,100.
Recipient, "XL International Travel Grant," Purdue Research Foundation, 1993, $900.
Principal Investigator, "Nonnormal Tolerance Intervals for Reliability," Thiokol
Corporation, 7/1/91 to 8/30/93, $65,000.
Project Director, "Optimal Batch-Size Estimation in Simulation Output Analysis,"
Purdue Research Foundation, David Ross Grant, 6/11/90 to 6/10/92, $18,000.
Recipient, "XL International Travel Grant," Purdue Research Foundation, 1989, $1100.
Principal Investigator, "Statistical Analysis for Stochastic Modeling and Simulation,
with Applications to Manufacturing Systems," National Science Foundation,
8/1/88 to 7/31/91, $900,000. (This proposal was written jointly by the
Department of Statistics, the School of Industrial Engineering, and Pritsker &
Recipient, "XL International Travel Grant," Purdue Research Foundation, 1984, $800.
Principal Investigator, "Random Process Generation," Of ce of Naval Research,
Statistics and Probability Program, 10/1/82 to 12/30/83, $53,546.
Principal Investigator, "Random Process Generation," Of ce of Naval Research,
Statistics and Probability Program, 10/1/80 to 9/30/82, $94,968.
Project Director, "Variate Generation for Discrete Random Variables," Purdue
Research Foundation, David Ross Grant, 3/1/81 to 2/28/83, $11,400.
Project Director, "Monte Carlo Estimation of Sampling Distributions Arising in
Statistical Modeling," Purdue Research Foundation, David Ross Grant, 3/1/80 to
2/28/82, $9,820.
Principal Investigator, "Random Process Generation," Of ce of Naval Research, Naval
Analysis Program, 10/1/79 to 9/30/80, $34,275.
Faculty Associate, "Planning, Analysis and Implementation of U.S. Air Force HEART
Program," School of Aerospace Medicine, U.S. Air Force, 9/1/80 to 5/31/81.
Faculty Associate, "Performance and Cost Modeling for the NASA End to End Data
System," NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, 5/1/80 to 10/31/80.
Southern Methodist University
Principal Investigator, "Random Process Generation," Of ce of Naval Research, Naval
Analysis Program, 1/1/79 to 9/30/79, $23,474.
Principal Investigator, "Random Process Generation," Of ce of Naval Research, Naval
Analysis Program, 6/1/78 to 12/31/78, $19,490.
Principal Investigator, "General Process Generation for Digital Computer Simulation,"
Of ce of Naval Research, Naval Analysis Program, 6/1/77 to 5/31/78, $19,995.
Principal Investigator, "Generation of Pseudorandom Values from Distributions having
General Properties," National Science Foundation, seed grant, 1976.
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Ph.D. Advising
James J. Swain, Monte Carlo Estimation of Sampling Distributions Arising in Statistical
Models, 1982.
Ronald S. Dattero, Stochastic Models from Event Count Data, 1982.
Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Computer Generation of Poisson, Binomial, and
Hypergeometric Random Variables, 1982.
Barry L. Nelson, Variance Reduction in Simulation Experiments: A Mathematical-
Statistical Framework, 1983.
Keebom Kang, Con dence Interval Estimation via Batch Means and Time Series Modeling,
Larry Leemis, Stochastic Lifetimes: A General Model, 1984.
Whey-Ming Tina Song, On Quadratic-Form Variance Estimators of the Sample Mean in the
Analysis of Simulation Output, 1988 (Second Place, Doctoral Dissertation Award
Competition, Institute of Industrial Engineers, San Francisco, 1990).
Thanos Avramidis, Integrated Variance Reduction Techniques for Simulation with
Applications to Stochastic Networks (Primary advisor: James R. Wilson), 1993.
(Winner, ORSA s Nicholson Prize.)
Ming-Hui Chen, The Hit-and-Run Sampler and Bayesian Analysis, Department of Statistics
(Co-advisor with James O. Berger), August 1993.
Sherif Hashem, Optimal Linear Combinations of Neural Networks, December 1993.
Antonio Pedrosa, Automatic Batching in Simulation Output Analysis, May 1994.
Hui-Fen Chen, Stochastic Root Finding in System Design, August 1994.
Jin Wang, Contributions to Monte Carlo Analysis: Variance Reduction, Random Search,
and Bayesian Analysis, August 1994.
Demet Ceylan Wood, Variances in Dynamic-System Performance: Point Estimation and
Standard Errors, August 1995.
Jihong Jin, Retrospective Optimization of Stochastic Systems, December 1998.
Yingchieh Yeh, Steady-State Simulation Output Analysis: MSE-Optimal Dynamic Batch
Means with Parsimonious Storage, August 2002.
Angela Giddings, A Uni ed Approach to Statistical Quality Assessment in Heuristic
Combinatorial Optimization (Co-advisor with Reha Uzsoy), August 2002.
Raghu Pasupathy, Stochastic Root Finding via Retrospective Approximation, August 2005.
Jamie Wieland, Stochastic Gradient Estimation Using a Single Design Point, 2007.
Honggang Wang, Retrospective Optimization of Discrete Stochastic Systems using
Simplicial Linear Interpolation, August 2009.
Master of Science Thesis Advising
Mark D. Scott, A Code Generator for Random-Vector Simulation Experiments, 1990.
Y.B. Shekar, Random Variate Generation with Correlation Induction, 1991.
Ferry Wiriadinata, Ef cient Central-Server Model Simulation, August 1992.
William McDaniel, Software Design for Analysis with Markov Processes, August 1992.
Paul Koleske, Markov Chain Methods for Linear Programming, (co-advisor: Vijaya
Chandru), May 1992.
James R. Ashby, Scheduling with Order Release in a Make-to-Order Shop, 1993 (primary
advisor: Reha Uzsoy).
Yingchieh Yeh, Steady-State Simulation Output Analysis via Dynamic Batch Means, 1999.
Lara Anderson, Determining the Proper Size of the United States Coast Guard General
Detail, May 2002.
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Jamie R. Wieland, Developing a Simulation Approach for Checking Queueing-Network
Stability, December 2003.
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Archival Articles
R. Pasupathy and B.W. Schmeiser. Retrospective-approximation algorithms for the
multidimensioinal stochastic root- nding problem. ACM Trans. Model. Comput.
Simul 19 (2009).
W.-M. Tina Song and B. W. Schmeiser. Omitting meaningless digits in point estimates:
The probability guarantee of leading-digit rules. Operations Research 57 (2009),
109 117.
B. Schmeiser. A practitioner, a vender, and a researcher walk into a bar: Trying to explain
what researchers do. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2008, 2 9.
W.-M. Tina Song and B. W. Schmeiser. Displaying statistical point estimators: The
leading-digit procedure. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2008,
407 412.
Honggang Wang and B. Schmeiser. Discrete stochastic optimization using linear
interpolation. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2008, 502 508.
J. Wieland and B. Schmeiser. Derivative estimation with known control-variate variances.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2007, 560 567.
J. Wieland and B. Schmeiser. Stochastic gradient estimation using a single design point.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2006, 390 397.
S. Andradottir, D. Goldsman, L. Schruben, B. Schmeiser, E. Yucesan. Analysis
methodology: are we done? Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005,
790 796.
R. Pasupathy and B. Schmeiser. Retrospective approximation algorithms for the
multidimensional stochastic root- nding problem. Proceedings of the Winter
Simulation Conference, (R.G. Ingalls, M.D. Rossetti, J.S. Smith, and B.A. Peters,
eds.), 2004, 520 528.
B. Schmeiser. Simulation output analysis: A tutorial based on one research thread.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (R.G. Ingalls, M.D. Rossetti, J.S.
Smith, and B.A. Peters, eds.), 2004, 162 170.
J. R. Wieland, R. Pasupathy, and B. Schmeiser. Queueing-network stability: Simulation-
Based Checking. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (S. Chick, P.J.
Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D.J. Morrice eds.), 2003, 520 527.
J. Jin and B. Schmeiser. Simulation-based retrospective optimization of stochastic systems:
A family of algorithms. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (S. Chick,
P.J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D.J. Morrice eds.), 2003, 543 547.
R. Pasupathy and B. Schmeiser. Some issues in multivariate stochastic root nding.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (S. Chick, P.J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin,
and D.J. Morrice eds.), 2003, 574 577.
Y. Yeh and B. Schmeiser. On the mse robustness of batching estimators. Operations
Research Letters, 32 (2003), 3, 293-298.
B. Schmeiser, R. Rao, and N. Kumala. Smoothing piecewise-constant rate functions.
Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial
Engineers, 2003, 6 pages (cd only).
B. Schmeiser and Y. Yeh. On choosing a single criterion for con dence-interval procedures.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (E. Yucesan, C.-H. Chen, J.L.
Snowdon, and J.M. Charnes eds.), 2002, 345 352.
R.R. Barton, R.C.H. Cheng, S.E. Chick, S.G. Henderson, A.M. Law, L.M. Leemis, B.W.
Schmeiser, L.W. Schruben, and J.R. Wilson. Panel on current issues in simulation
input modeling. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (E. Yucesan, C.-H.
Chen, J.L. Snowdon, and J.M. Charnes eds.), 2002, 353 369.
Y. Yeh and B. Schmeiser. On the mse robustness of batching estimators. Proceedings of the
Winter Simulation Conference, (B.A. Peters, J.S. Smith, D.J. Medeiros and M.W.
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Rohrer eds.), 2001, 344 347.
B. Schmeiser. Some myths and common errors in simulation experiments. Proceedings of
the Winter Simulation Conference, (B.A. Peters, J.S. Smith, D.J. Medeiros and M.W.
Rohrer eds.), 2001, 39 46.
T. Altiok, W.D. Kelton, P. L Ecuyer, B.L. Nelson, B.W. Schmeiser, T.J. Schriber, L.W.
Schruben, and J.R. Wilson. Various ways academics teach simulation: are they all
appropriate? (Panel on education in simulation). Proceedings of the Winter Simulation
Conference, (B.A. Peters, J.S. Smith, D.J. Medeiros and M.W. Rohrer eds.), 2001,
1580 1591.
V. Kachitvichyanukul, J.O. Henriksen, C.D. Pegden, R.G. Ingalls, and B.W. Schmeiser.
Simulation environment for the new millennium (panel). Proceedings of the Winter
Simulation Conference, (B.A. Peters, J.S. Smith, D.J. Medeiros and M.W. Rohrer
eds.), 2001, 541 547.
B.W. Schmeiser, Taaffe, M.R., and Wang, J. Control variate estimation using estimated
means. IIE Transactions, 34 (2001), forthcoming.
B. Schmeiser, M.R. Taaffe, and J. Wang. Biased control-variate estimation. IIE
Transactions 33 (2001), 219 228 (Special issue of Operations Engineering honoring
Alan Pritsker).
H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Stochastic root nding via retrospective approximation. IIE
Transactions 33 (2001), 259 275 (Special issue of Operations Engineering honoring
Alan Pritsker).
L. Leemis, B. Schmeiser and D. Evans. Survival distributions satisfying Benford s law.
American Statistician 54 (2000), 236 241.
Y. Yeh and B. Schmeiser. Simulation output analysis via dynamic batch means.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (J.A. Joines, R.R. Barton, K. Kang,
and P.A. Fishwick eds.), 2000, 637 645.
S.E. Taranto, A.M. Harper, E.B. Edwards, J.D. Rosendale, M.A. McBride, O.P. Daily, D.
Murphy, B. Poos, J. Reust, and B. Schmeiser. Developing a national allocation model
for cadaveric kidneys. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (J. A. Joines,
R.R. Barton, K. Kang, and P.A. Fishwick eds.), 2000, 1971 1977.
B. Schmeiser. Advanced input modeling for simulation experimentation. Proceedings of
the Winter Simulation Conference, (P.A. Farrington, H.B. Nembhard, D.T. Sturrock,
and G.W. Evans eds.), 1999, 110 115.
M.-H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Toward black-box sampling: A random-direction interior-
point Markov chain approach. The Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
7 (1998), 1 22.
D.M. Goldsman and Bruce Schmeiser. Computational ef ciency of batching methods.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (S. Andradottir, K.J. Healy, D.H.
Withers, and B.L. Nelson eds.), 1997, 202 207.
B. Nelson, B. Schmeiser, M. Taaffe and J. Wang. Approximation-assisted point estimation.
Operations Research Letters 20 (1997), 109 118.
B. Schmeiser and W.-M. T. Song. Batching methods in simulation output analysis: What
we know and what we don t. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (J.M.
Charnes, D.J. Morrice, D.T. Brunner, and J.J. Swain, eds.), 1996, 122 127.
M.-H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. General hit-and-run Monte Carlo sampling for evaluating
multidimensional integrals. Operations Research Letters, 19 (1996), 161 169.
D.C. Wood and B. Schmeiser. Overlapping batch quantiles. Proceedings of the Winter
Simulation Conference, (C. Alexopoulos, K. Kang, D. Goldsman, and W. Lilegdon,
eds.), 1995, 303 308.
B. Schmeiser and J. Wang. On the performance of pure adaptive search. Proceedings of the
Winter Simulation Conference, (C. Alexopoulos, K. Kang, D. Goldsman, and W.
11 of 16 May 2010
Lilegdon, eds.), 1995, 353 356.
P.W. Glynn, J.O. Henriksen, C.D. Pegden, B.W. Schmeiser, and L.W. Schruben. The
interface between simulation output analysis research and practice. Proceedings of the
Winter Simulation Conference, (C. Alexopoulos, K. Kang, D. Goldsman, and W.
Lilegdon, eds.), 1995, 346.
M.-H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Random-direction interior-point Markov chains: A family of
black-box samplers. Proceedings of the Bayesian Statistical Inference Section of the
American Statistical Association, 1994, 1 6.
S. Hashem and B. Schmeiser. Improving model accuracy using optimal linear combinations
of trained neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 6, 3 (May 1995),
792 794.
H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Monte Carlo estimation for guaranteed-coverage nonnormal
tolerance intervals. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 51(1995),
223 238. Errata: 53 (1997), U1 U2.
D. Ceylan Wood and Bruce Schmeiser. Consistency of overlapping batch variances.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (J. Tew, S. Manivannan, D.
Sadowski, and A. Seila, eds.), 1994, 316 319.
H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Retrospective approximation algorithms for stochastic root
nding. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (J. Tew, S. Manivannan, D.
Sadowski, and A. Seila, eds.) 1994, 255 261.
B. Schmeiser. The graduate student colloquium: What you are supposed to know that
professors often don t teach. OR/MS Tomorrow 11, Fall 1994, 6 8.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. Optimal mean-squared-error batch sizes. Management
Science 41 (1995), 110 123.
B. Schmeiser and M. Taaffe. Time-dependent queueing network approximations as
simulation external control variates. Operations Research Letters 16 (1994), 1 9.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. Reporting the precision of simulation experiments. New
Directions in Simulation for Manufacturing and Communications, (S. Morito, H.
Sakasegawa, K. Yoneda, M. Fushimi, and K. Nakano, eds.), Operations Research
Society of Japan, 1994, 402 407.
B. Schmeiser. Comparing stochastic systems using simulation. New Directions in
Simulation for Manufacturing and Communications, (S. Morito, H. Sakasegawa, K.
Yoneda, M. Fushimi, and K. Nakano, eds.), Operations Research Society of Japan,
1994, 17 19.
S. Hashem, B. Schmeiser and Y. Yih, Optimal linear combinations of neural networks: An
overview. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 3
(1994), 1507 1512.
H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Stochastic root nding: Problem de nition, examples, and
algorithms. Proceedings of the Third Industrial Engineering Research Conference,
(ed. L. Burke and J. Jackman), 1994, 605 611.
S. Hashem and B. Schmeiser. Algorithm 727: Quantile estimation using overlapping batch
statistics. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 20 (1994), 100 102.
S. Hashem, Y. Yih and B. Schmeiser. An ef cient model for product allocation using
optimal combinations of neural networks. Intelligent Engineering Systems through
Arti cial Neural Networks: Proceedings of the Arti cial Neural Networks in
Engineering (ANNIE) Conference, 3 (1993), 669 674, ASME Press.
D. Ceylan and B. Schmeiser. Interlaced variance estimators. Proceedings of the Winter
Simulation Conference, 1993, 1382 1383.
S. Hashem and B. Schmeiser. Approximating a function and its derivatives using MSE-
optimal linear combinations of trained feed-forward neural networks. In Proceedings
of the 1993 World Congress on Neural Networks, Vol. I, 617 620, New Jersey:
12 of 16 May 2010
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Monte Carlo estimation for guaranteed-coverage nonnormal
tolerance intervals. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1993, 509 515.
A. Pedrosa and B. Schmeiser. Asymptotic and nite-sample correlations between obm
estimators. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1993, 481 488.
J. Wang and B. Schmeiser. Monte Carlo estimation of Bayesian robustness. Proceedings of
the Winter Simulation Conference, 1993, 1394 1395.
M.-H. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Performance of the Gibbs, hit-and-run, and Metropolis
samplers. The Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2 (1993), 1 22.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. Variance of the sample mean: Properties and graphs of
quadratic-form estimators. Operations Research 41 (1993), 501 517.
S. Hashem and B. Schmeiser. Approximating a function and its derivatives using mse-
optimal linear combinations of trained feedforward neural networks. Proceedings of
the World Congress on Neural Networks, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale,
New Jersey, July 1993, Volume I, 617 620.
B. Schmeiser. Discussion of Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences
by A. Gelman and D.B. Rubin and Practical Markov chain Monte Carlo by C.J.
Geyer. Statistical Science 7 (1992), 498 499.
H.-F. Chen and B. Schmeiser. Simulation of Poisson processes with trigonometric rates.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1992, 609 617.
B. Schmeiser. Modern simulation environments: Statistical issues. Proceedings of the
First IE Research Conference, May 1992, 139 144.
B. Schmeiser and M.R. Taaffe. Correlated decomposition for analyzing dynamic stochastic
systems. Proceedings of the First IE Research Conference, May 1992, 457 462.
D.M. Goldsman, B.L. Nelson, and B. Schmeiser. Methods for selecting the best system.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1991, 177 186.
B. Schmeiser and M.D. Scott. SERVO: Simulation experiments with random-vector output.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1991, 927 936.
B. Schmeiser. Some questions to start the discussion. TIMS College on Simulation
Newsletter. 15 (1991), 2, pp. 4, 6.
B. Schmeiser. Simulation experiments. Chapter 7 in Handbooks in Operations Research
and Management Science, Volume 2: Stochastic Models, D.P. Heyman and M.J. Sobel
(eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990, 295 330.
K. Kang and B. Schmeiser. Graphical methods for evaluating and comparing con dence-
interval procedures. Operations Research 38, (1990), 546 553.
B. Schmeiser and V. Kachitvichyanukul. Non-inverse correlation induction: guidelines for
algorithm development. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 31
(1990), 173 180.
B. Schmeiser, T. Avramidis, and S. Hashem. Overlapping batch statistics. Proceedings of
the Winter Simulation Conference, 1990, 395 398.
B.L. Fox, M.E. Johnson, W.D. Kelton, A.M. Law, B.W. Schmeiser, and J.R. Wilson.
Alternative approaches for specifying input distributions and processes (panel).
Proceedings of the 1990 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. O. Balci, R. Sadowski, and
R. Nance, 382 386. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ,
V. Kachitvichyanukul and B. Schmeiser. Algorithm 678. BTPEC: Sampling from the
binomial distribution. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 15 (1989),
394 397.
J.J. Swain and B. Schmeiser. Control variates for Monte Carlo analysis of nonlinear
statistical models, I: Overview. Communications in Statistics: B Simulation and
Computation 18 (1989), 3, 1011 1036.
13 of 16 May 2010
B. Schmeiser and W.T. Song. Inverse-transformation algorithms for some common
stochastic processes. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1989,
490 496.
V. Kachitvichyanukul and B. Schmeiser. Algorithm 668. H2PEC: Sampling from the
hypergeometric distribution. ACM Trans. on Math. Software 14, (1988), 397 398.
B. Schmeiser. Review of Nonuniform Random Variate Generation by Luc Devroye, in
Journal of the American Statistical Association 83 (1988), 403, 906 907.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. On the dispersion matrix of estimators of the variance of the
sample mean in the analysis of simulation output. Operations Research Letters 7
(1988), 259 266.
J.J. Swain and B. Schmeiser. Control variates for Monte Carlo analysis of nonlinear
statistical models, II: Raw moments and variances. Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulation 30 (1988), 39 56.
V. Kachitvichyanukul and B. Schmeiser. Binomial random variate generation.
Communications of the ACM 31, (1988), 216 222.
V. Kachitvichyanukul, S.J. Cheng, and B. Schmeiser. Fast Poisson and binomial algorithms
for correlation induction. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 29
(1988), 17 33.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. Minimal-mse linear combinations of variance estimators of
the sample mean. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1988, 414 421.
V. Kachitvichyanukul, G.S. Fishman, D.H. Withers, T. Clark, B. Schmeiser, and L.
Schruben. Simulation education (panel). Proceedings of the Winter Simulation
Conference, 1988, 865 868.
W.T. Song and B. Schmeiser. Estimating standard errors: empirical behavior of asymptotic
mse-optimal batch sizes. Computing Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 20
Symposium on the Interface, (E.J. Wegman, D.T. Gantz, and J.J. Miller, eds.),
American Statistical Association, Alexandria, Virginia, 1988, 575 580.
J.J. Swain and B. Schmeiser. Monte Carlo estimation of the sampling distribution of
nonlinear model parameter estimators. Annals of Operations Research 8 (1987),
245 256.
K. Kang and B. Schmeiser. Properties of batch means from stationary ARMA time series.
Operations Research Letters 6 (1987), 19 24.
B. Schmeiser and W.T. Song. Correlation among estimators of the variance of the sample
mean. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1987, 309 317.
B.L. Nelson and B. Schmeiser. Decomposition of some well-known variance reduction
techniques. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 23 (1986), 183 209.
B. Schmeiser and V. Kachitvichyanukul. Correlation induction without the inverse
transformation. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1986, 266 274.
V. Kachitvichyanukul and B. Schmeiser. Computer generation of hypergeometric random
variates. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 22 (1985), 2, 127 145.
L.M. Leemis and B. Schmeiser. Random variate generation for Monte Carlo experiments.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability R-34 (1985), 81 85.
M.S. Meketon and B. Schmeiser. Overlapping batch means: something for nothing?
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1984, 227 230.
B. Schmeiser. Steady-state con dence interval methodology: A forum on theory, practice,
and prospects batch means, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,
1984, 244 245.
B.L. Nelson and B. Schmeiser. Analytic representations of simulation, (A compendium of
responses from panel members), Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,
1984, 155 159.
14 of 16 May 2010
B. Schmeiser and S.J. Deutsch. On the computation of the component randomization test
for paired comparisons. Journal of Quality Technology 15 (1983), 94 98.
B.L. Nelson and B. Schmeiser. Variance reduction: Basic transformations. Proceedings of
the Winter Simulation Conference, 1983, 255 258.
B. Schmeiser. Recent advances in generating observations from discrete random variables.
Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on the
Interface, James E. Gentle (ed.), North Holland, 1983, 154 160.
J. Deutsch and B. Schmeiser. The power of paired sample tests. Naval Research Logistics
Quarterly 29 (1982), 635 649.
B. Schmeiser. Batch size effects in the analysis of simulation output. Operations Research
30 (1982), 556 568.
B. Schmeiser and R. Lal. Bivariate gamma random vectors. Operations Research 30
(1982), 355 374.
R. Dattero and B. Schmeiser. Input modeling: Estimation using event count data.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1982, 299 304, 1982.
B. Schmeiser. Random variate generation. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation
Conference, 1981, 227 242.
B. Schmeiser. Random variate generation: A survey. Simulation with Discrete Models: A
State of the Art View, T.I. Oren, C.M. Shub, P.F. Roth (eds.), 1980, 79 104.
S.J. Deutsch and B. Schmeiser. Estimation of the sum of differences distribution.
Communications in Statistics B9 (1980), 563 587.
B. Schmeiser and M.A. Shalaby. Acceptance/rejection methods for beta variate generation.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 75 (1980), 673 678.
B. Schmeiser and R. Lal. Squeeze methods for generating gamma variates. Journal of the
American Statistical Association 75 (1980), 679 682.
B. Schmeiser and A.J.G. Babu. Beta variate generation via exponential majorizing
functions. Operations Research 28 (1980), 917 926.
B. Schmeiser. Generation of variates from distribution tails. Operations Research 28
(1980), 1012 1017.
B. Schmeiser and R. Lal. Multivariate modeling in simulation: A survey. 33rd Annual
Technical Conference Transactions, American Society for Quality Control, 1980,
252 261.
B. Schmeiser. Approximations to the inverse cumulative normal function for use on hand
calculators. Applied Statistics 28 (1979), 175 176.
B. Schmeiser. Generation of the maximum (minimum) value in digital computer
simulation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 8 (1978), 103 116.
B. Schmeiser. The generation of order statistics in digital computer simulation: A survey.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1978, 137 140.
B. Schmeiser and M. Shalaby. Rejection techniques in random variate generation using
piecewise linear majorizing functions. Computer Science and Statistics: Eleventh
Annual Symposium on the Interface, 1978, 230 233.
B. Schmeiser. Methods for modeling and generating probabilistic components in digital
computer simulation when the standard distributions are not adequate: A survey.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1977, 51 57. (Reprinted in
Simuletter 10, Fall 1978/Winter 1978 79, 38 43, 72).
B. Schmeiser and S.J. Deutsch. Quantile estimation from grouped data: The cell midpoint.
Commun. in Statistics: Simulation and Computation B6 (1977), 221 234.
L. Cooper and B. Schmeiser. A family of heuristic solution methods for a class of nonlinear
programming problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 3 (1977),
23 39.
15 of 16 May 2010
B. Schmeiser and S.J. Deutsch. A versatile four-parameter family of probability
distributions, suitable for simulation. AIIE Transactions 9 (1977), 176 182.
J. Ramberg and B. Schmeiser. An approximate method for generating asymmetric random
variables. Communications of the ACM 17 (1974), 78 82.
J. Ramberg and B. Schmeiser. An approximate method for generating symmetric random
variables. Communications of the ACM 15 (1972), 987 990.
Presentations (last six years)
"Queueing-network stability: Simulation-Based Checking," Winter Simulation Conference,
New Orleans, December 2003 (by J. R. Wieland, with R. Pasupathy).
"Simulation-based retrospective optimization of stochastic systems: A family of
algorithms," Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, December 2003 (with
Jihong Jin).
"Some issues in multivariate stochastic root nding," Winter Simulation Conference, New
Orleans, December 2003 (by Raghu Pasupathy).
"Reporting signi cant digits of point estimators for simulation experiments," INFORMS,
Atlanta, November 21, 2003 (by Wheyming Song).
"What professors do for a living," Purdue IE Graduate Student Colloquium, November 11,
"On giving technical presentations," Purdue IE Graduate Student Colloquium, September
16, 2003.
"On being a successful graduate student," Purdue IE Graduate Student Colloquium,
September 2, 2003.
"Dynamic batch means in simulation output analysis," INFORMS, Atlanta, November 21,
2003 (with Yingchieh Yeh).
"Smoothing piecewise-constant rate functions," Industrial Engineering Research
Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 2003 (with Rishab Rao and Nyoman Kumala).
"Stochastic root nding via retrospective approximation," Department of Operations
Research, Naval Postgraduate School, April 23, 2003.
"Stochastic root nding via retrospective approximation," Department of Industrial
Engineering and Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley, March 3,
"On being a successful graduate student," Keynote for PRISMS (Paci c Region
Intercollegiate Symposium for the Management Sciences), March 1, 2003.
"Effective technical writing: reports, papers, theses," Society of Women Engineers, Purdue
University, April 2002.
"Simulation analysis," ILOG Technical Advisory Board Meeting, Paris, France, January
"On the mse robustness of batching estimators," Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington,
Virginia, December 2001 (with Yingchieh Yeh).
"Some myths and common errors in simulation experiments," Winter Simulation
Conference, Arlington, Virginia, December 2001 (a tutorial).
"Cross-cutting industrial engineering courses: Integrating Ideas of IE", IE 200 (Industrial
Engineering Seminar), Purdue University, November 2001.
"Simulation output analysis via dynamic batch means," Winter Simulation Conference,
December 2000 (by Yingchieh Yeh).
"Developing a national allocation model for cadaveric kidneys," Winter Simulation
Conference, December 2000 (by S.E. Taranto, with A.M. Harper, E.B. Edwards, J.D.
Rosendale, M.A. McBride, O.P. Daly, D. Murphy, B. Poos, J. Reust).
16 of 16 May 2010
"Modeling organ-allocation policies," University of Michigan, February 2000.
"Advanced input modeling for simulation experimentation. Winter Simulation Conference,
Phoenix, AZ, December 1999.
"Retrospective stochastic optimization of buffer allocation," INFORMS Meeting,
Cincinnati, May 1999 (by Song Foh Chew).
"Dynamic batch means in simulation output analysis," INFORMS Meeting, Seattle,
November 1998 (by Yingchieh Yeh).
"Numerical retrospective optimization," INFORMS Meeting, Montreal, May 1998 (with
Jihong Jin).
"Simulating stochastic systems: Some myths and common errors," Arizona State University,
March 1998.
"Retrospective approximation algorithms for stochastic root nding," University of Arizona,
March 1998.
"Computational ef ciency of batching methods", Winter Simulation Conference, Atlanta,
GA, December 1997 (with David Goldsman).
"Retrospective Methods for Stochastic Root Finding and Optimization," University of
Cincinnati, October 1997.
"Towards black-box sampling: a random-direction interior-point Markov chain Monte Carlo
approach," INFORMS Meeting, Dallas, October 1997 (with Ming-Hui Chen).
"Why I don t like con dence intervals," Sixth Industrial Engineering Research Conference,
Miami Beach, May 1997.
Teaching (1998 2005)
Spring 2005 IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Fall 2004 IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
IE 697 Graduate Student Colloquium
Spring 2004 IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
Fall 2003 IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
IE 330 Probability and Statistics in Engineering II
IE 697 Graduate Student Colloquium
Fall 2002 IE 680 Advanced Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Spring 2002 IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Fall 2001 IE 680 Advanced Simulation Design and Analysis
Spring 2001 IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Fall 2000 IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Spring 2000 IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
Fall 1999 IE 680 Advanced Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 230 Probability and Statistics in Engineering I
Spring 1999 IE 536 Stochastic Models in Operations Research
IE 581 Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 697 Graduate Student Colloquium
Fall 1998 IE 680 Advanced Simulation Design and Analysis
IE 697 Graduate Student Colloquium
17 of 16 May 2010
University Service (not recently updated)
Purdue University
Member, Engineering Area Promotions Committee, 2005 2006.
Member, Regenstrief Center for Health Care, Search Committee, 2004 2005.
Chair, Schools of Engineering, Grade Appeals Committee, 2002 2004.
Member, Committee on Faculty Relations, Schools of Engineering, 2001 2003.
Member, School of Industrial Engineering Coordinating Committee,
as Chair of the Operations Research Area, 2000 02.
Member, School of Industrial Engineering Computer-Utilization Committee, 2003 05.
Member, School of Industrial Engineering Faculty-Search Committee, 2000 01.
Member, School of Industrial Engineering Head-Search Committee, 1980 81,
1992 93, 1999 00.
Member, Industrial Engineering Graduate Committee, 1981 85, 86 88, 93 94, 96 01
Chair, 1997 01.
Member, School of Industrial Engineering Student Advisory Committee, 1998 02.
Member, Industrial Engineering Seminar Committee, 1993 98.
Chair, 1993 95.
Chair, Ad-hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluations, 1998 99.
Co-Chair, Ad-hoc Committee on Teaching Assistants, 1998 99.
Member, Engineering Academic Personnel Grievance Committee, 1986 88, 1989 90,
1997 98.
Member, Industrial Engineering Computer Committee, 1992 93.
Member, Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1992 93,
01 02.
Member, Industrial Engineering Graduate Admissions Committee, 1988 90, 91 93.
Freshman Engineering Counselor, 1980 81.
Member, Change-of-Degree-Objective Committee, School of Industrial Engineering,
1980 81, 1982 83.
Member, Ad hoc committee to create Industrial Engineering Teaching Award, 1980.
Member, Ad hoc committee on Industrial Engineering Teaching Awards, 1997 98.
Chair, Ad hoc committee to create Student Teaching Evaluations Policies and
Procedures, 1999.
Member, University Graduate Council, 1984 85, 1986 89.
Ad hoc Committee on Integrity, 1984.
Ad hoc Committee on Graduate Programs, School of Technology, 1985.
Area B Committee (Engineering), 1986 1989.
Area E Committee (Social Sciences), 1984 1985.
Representative, School of Industrial Engineering, to the Schools of Engineering Area
Promotion Committee, spring 1989.
Member, Ad hoc Committee on Undergraduate Student Distribution, Schools of
Engineering, 1987.
Southern Methodist University
OR/MS Student Group Advisor, Fall 1977 Spring 1979.
School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Faculty Affairs Committee,
Summer 1977 Spring 1979.
SEAS Freshman Curriculum Committee, Summer 1979 Spring 1979.
SEAS Evaluation Committee, 1976 77.
School of Business/SEAS Information Technology Committee, 1976 1978.
Computer Science Education Committee, Fall 1976 Spring 1977.
18 of 16 May 2010