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Engineer Manager

Naperville, IL
December 10, 2012

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Dennis M. McCann Contact

Principal Engineer & Manager 40 Shuman Boulevard, Suite 218

Naperville, Illinois 60563

Phone: 630-***-**** x202

Email: *******@********.***

Dr. McCann has nearly 20 years


of experience in civil engineering,

specializing in structural performance

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

assessment, structural monitoring and failure investigation. He has

The Johns Hopkins University,

a particular interest in the application of sensor technologies in the


diagnosis of structural performance issues and monitoring structural


M.S.E. in Civil Engineering

The Johns Hopkins University,

Dr. McCann has a strong background in structural dynamics with


experience analyzing the response of structures to dynamic loads

including wind, seismic and blast. He also has experience with B.S. in Civil Engineering

vibration measurement and analysis. His background extends to University of Notre Dame, 1993

engineering systems and decision analysis.


Dr. McCann s investigative experience ranges from the evaluation of

small defects to the root cause analysis of catastrophic collapses. He

Professional Engineer

has applied his expertise to various structures including residential

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,

and commercial buildings, bridges, temporary works, stacks, tanks,

Minnesota, Ohio, Virginia, West

towers and industrial structures.


Prior to joining CTLGroup, Dr. McCann worked as a Senior Managing NCEES

Engineer at an international engineering and scientific consulting

firm. He also has past experience performing analysis and design


tasks for water resource facilities and geotechnical systems. Dr.

McCann has taught civil engineering courses and has served as a peer

Failure Investigation & Disaster

reviewer for industry publications. He currently serves as a Structures


Specialist on the Illinois Urban Search and Rescue Team.

Vibration Analysis & Mitigation

Structural Monitoring

Structural Performance


Risk & Decision Analysis

Dennis M. McCann

Principal Engineer & Manager


Failure Investigation & Disaster Response Vibration Analysis & Mitigation

Evaluated fire damage at a Wisconsin food processing Managed a vibration study of large reactors at a

plant, tested building materials and developed repair chemical processing facility in Illinois. Performed

designs. Served as technical consultant to insurance modal testing, monitored vibrations during operations,

claims consultants and facility owners. conducted structural condition assessments and made

recommendations to mitigate unwanted vibrations and

Investigated the collapse of a 10-story rack structure

improve long-term performance.

in Wisconsin. Participated in field investigation and

evidence retrieval. Conducted design review and Studied damage to residential structures in Texas

computational analyses to assess the stability of the reportedly caused by ground excitations from nearby

structure. natural resource exploration by performing statistical

analysis of vibration records and reviewing typical

Managed the failure investigation of a box-girder bridge

dynamic response characteristics.

in New York that collapsed during a concrete deck pour.

Conducted design review, assessed construction loads

and performed finite element analyses.

Structural Monitoring

Prepared instrumentation, placed sensors and analyzed

Managed the investigation of a partial roof collapse

vibration and displacement data as a part of a short-

at an Illinois warehouse that occurred during a severe

term structural monitoring program for a municipal

weather event. Evaluated roof structural and drainage

light rail support structure.

systems design and construction.

Participated in the investigation of a monorail driveshaft

Participated in the investigation of the 9/11 World

failure in Nevada. Assisted with the planning and

Trade Center collapse. Researched and analyzed

installation of a sensor network to monitor operating

structural collapse theories, studied debris spread and

performance and analyze data.

participated in a wind tunnel study.

Coordinated the collapse investigation - including

nondestructive examination, metallurgical studies, Structural Performance Assessment

design review and structural analysis - of a form traveler Evaluated the impact of interior wall corrosion on

used to construct a cable stayed bridge in Puerto Rico. the performance of two steel stacks at a chemical

processing plant in Louisiana. Assisted plant managers

Evaluated damage to residential, commercial and

with risk analysis and recommended repair alternatives.

industrial properties following natural disasters

including Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ike and Midwest Conducted a performance assessment of a water tank

flooding and tornadoes. at a power plant in Virginia. Analyzed the impact of

foundation settlement and made recommendations for

Assisted chemical engineers with root cause analysis

future monitoring.

following several explosions by performing structural

blast indicator analysis.

Dennis M. McCann

Principal Engineer & Manager


American Concrete Institute

American Institute of Steel Construction

American Society of Civil Engineers

Notre Dame Chapter - Former President

American Association for Wind Engineering

Society of Experimental Mechanics

Structural Engineers Association of Illinois

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