YINING KARL Lansdale, PA ***** LI
Permanent: *** Colwyn Terrace, ****@*****.***
Current: **** ******** ******, ************, ** 19104 http://www.yiningkarlli.com
C: 267-***-****
University of Pennylvania. Sept. 2009 May 2014 / Philadelphia, PA
School of Engineering & Applied Sciences:
Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Graphics/Game Technology (Expected May 2014)
Wharton School of Business:
Bachelor of Science in Economics, Concentration in Marketing (Expected May 2013)
UPenn School of Engineering & Applied Sciences. Jan. 2012 Dec. 2012 / Philadelphia, PA
CIS565 (Realtime Rendering/GPU Programming, Fall 2012) Teaching Assistant: Responsible for helping develop
realtime rendering curriculum in addition to assisting students, holding office hours, grading assignments, an-
swering student questions, etc.
CIS277 (Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring 2012) Teaching Assistant: Responsible for assisting students,
holding office hours, grading assignments, answering student questions, etc.
Dreamworks Animation SKG. June 2012 Aug. 2012 / Glendale, CA
Global Department Technical Director Intern: Responsible for writing scripts and tools meant to provide support
for various artistic and technical departments involved in the production of animated feature films.
Pixar Animation Studios. June 2011 Aug. 2011 / Emeryville, CA
Pixar Undergraduate Program Intern: Spent 10 weeks learning the Pixar pipeline and working on various projects
using proprietary in-house tools. Some projects included developing a glass shatter simulation system based on
technology from Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 and developing a Python-based procedural grass simulation tool with
deep Renderman integration inspired by technology used on Brave and Monsters University.
Takua Render.
A physically based renderer incorporating unidirection and bidirectional pathtracing, progressive photon
mapping, complex geometry and material systems, subsurface scattering, motion blur and antialiasing, a custom
scene description format, multithreading, and much more. The goal of Takua Render is to eventually reach
production quality.
Multiple Interacting Fluids Simulator (Joint project with Dan Knowlton).
A semi-lagrangian level set based fluid simulator based on the paper Multiple Interacting Liquids by Losasso et.
all, with support for multiple interacting liquids, mesh reconstruction and export, incompressability, viscosity, OBJ
import and interaction, multithreading, and much more.
GPU Pathtracer (Joint project with Peter Kutz).
An experimental physically based pathtracing renderer implemented in CUDA to run on NVIDIA GPUs. Runs in
near realtime for certain scenes and supports refraction, reflection, brute force subsurface scattering, interactive
camera movement, and more.
Smoke Simulator/Volumetric Renderer.
A semi-lagrangian smoke simulator integrated with a raymarching volumetric renderer with multiple light support,
Beer-Lambert based light absorption, pseudo-blackbody rendering, multithreading, and more.
Jello Simulator.
A mass-spring based simulator that can simulate the behavior of jello cubes. Supports multiple interacting jello
cubes and interaction against a number of geometry types, including implicitly defined mathematical surfaces
and loaded OBJ meshes. Integrated with Maya through several Python scripts
C, C++, CUDA, OpenGL/GLSL, Python, QT, MEL, Bash
Pixar (Photorealistic Renderman, Slim, Alfred), Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro),
Autodesk (Maya, Mudbox, Mentalray), Apple (Final Cut Pro, Aperture, Shake), Chaos Group (VRay), Foundry
(Nuke, Mari), SideFX (Houdini)