Bjorn Tunberg
Email: *********@********.***
Address: **** *** *** **
City: Vero Beach
State: FL
Zip: 32962
Country: USA
Phone: 772-***-****
Skill Level: Management
Salary Range: $80,000
Willing to Relocate
Primary Skills/Experience:
See Resume
Educational Background:
See Resume
Job History / Details:
BjArn G. Tunberg
1900 5th Ave SE
Vero Beach, FL 32962
Tel: 772-***-**** (home)
772-***-**** (cell)
Stockholm, Sweden
United States and Sweden (dual)
1978 B.S., University of Stockholm, Sweden
1980 M.S., Marine Biology, Department of Marine Biology, University of Bergen, Norway
1984 Ph.D., Zoology, University of GAteborg, Sweden
1996 Appointed Associate Professor, Marine Zoology, University of GAteborg
1981 Bergen, Norway. "Pollution Ecology"
1978 Bergen, Norway. "Diving as a Method for Marine Biological Research" (Participated as a lecturer)
1977 TvArminne, Finland. "Special Course for Biology Divers in Leading Positions"
1976 TvArminne, Finland. "The Benthic Algae of the Baltic Sea"
Research Biologist (Senior Marine Ecologist), Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Florida. Major assignment: Ecological Assessment of the Indian River Lagoon Estuary.
2001 Project leader (3.5 months); Establishment of a new national aquarium in Helsingborg, southern Sweden (affiliated with the University of Lund).
1992-2001 Project leader; Monitoring Shallow Hard Bottom Macrofauna and Soft Bottom Infauna, Western Sweden (The Water Environmental Preservation Society).
2000-2003 US-EPA and NASA: Research Biologist, Optimizing Indian River Lagoon (IRL) Wetland Habitat Restoration and Management: The IRL Wetlands Initiative.
1989-1999 Project Leader (P. I.), The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency/University of GAteborg. Project: "Monitoring Soft Bottom Macrofauna Along the Swedish West Coast". This project has been part of the National Swedish Environmental Monitoring Program (PMK).
1988-1989 Research Associate (part time, 25%), The Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (SAREC). Project: "Development of a Program for Benthic Studies at the Inhaca Island, Mozambique".
1988 Research Associate, Kristineberg Marine Biological Station. Project: "An Evaluation of the Gullmarfjord Monitoring Program"; A critical review of achieved results, sampling methods, localities, etc. A description of the "health status" of the fjord and suggestions for future improvements of the extensive monitoring program)
1984-1985 Research Associate, Kristineberg Marine Biological Station.
1982 Research Associate (3 months), Kristineberg Marine Biological Station (The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Project: "Bottom Fauna and Sediment in SaltkAllefjorden, and Fauna in the Aaiirekil River 1982".
1979 Research Associate (6 months), Department of Marine Biology, University of Bergen. Project: "Organic Production and its Transformation in West Norwegian Fjord Systems". Sub project: Studies on the Vertical Distribution of Size-Fractions in the Zooplankton Community in LindAspollene, Western Norway.
1978-1979 Research Associate at the Department of Marine Biology, University of Bergen, Norway (teaching and administrative work).
2005 -
Project funding ($450,000) from the South Florida Water Management District (first three years). $743,000 for the following 5 years. Project Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon, Eastern Florida (Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan). Three Research Assistants (two from 2011) are employed full time on this project. Funding for this project has from 2010 been taken over by the Army Corps of Engineers (5 years).
2007-2011 Project funding ($113,371). Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Work Plan. Project: Environmental Monitoring in the Northern Part of the IRL
2006-2008 Project funding ($35,731) from St. Lucie County. Project: Benthic Studies for Little Mud Creek.
2006-2008 Project funds ($5,980) from St Lucie Water Management District: Migratory, Reproductive and Distributional Patterns of Penaeid and Caridean Shrimp within the Indian River Lagoon Estuary, Eastern Florida.
2004-2008 Research grant ($83,109) from St. Johns River Water Management District: Project: Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Assessment of the Sebastian River, a BACI study.
2004 Research grant ($10,000) from Loxahatchee River District. Project: Loxahatchee River Estuary Benthic Indicator Species. (Processing and statistical treatment of benthic data and environmental parameters collected between 1992 and 2000).
2003-2004 Research grant ($10,800) from the Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund. Project: The Great Land Crab Cardisoma guanhumi: Anthropogenic Impact and Population Ecology of a Species in Decline.
1991-1998 Research grants from the St. Lucie County and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ($15,000 per year). Project: Ecological Impact of Wetland Impoundment on the Fiddler Crab (Genus Uca) Populations within the Indian River Lagoon, Eastern Florida (project performed at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution in certain cooperation with Dr. R. Grant Gilmore).
1998 Grant ($7,200) from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Project: The Western Sea 1998. Benthic Fauna, Oxygen Situation and Climatic Influence.
1994 Research grant from OK Petroleum ($11,500). Project in cooperation with Professor Walter G. Nelson (EPA) and Are Pedersen (the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NIVA). Project: Light Reduction on Marine Vegetation Caused by Epiphytes - A New Method to Quantify Effects of Eutrophication in Coastal Areas.
1990 Grant ($8,000) from the Gullmar Foundation to acquire photographic equipment for hard bottom monitoring and research.
1989-1990 Grant ($36,000) from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Project: Development of a Monitoring Program for Shallow (
1990 Grant ($12,000) from the Swedish National Board of Fisheries. Project: Impact from Trawling on the Benthic Communities in Sotefjorden, Western Sweden.
1987-1988 Grant (one year) from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Project: Have Large Scale Environmental Changes Occurred in the Western Sea
(Project no. 5312277-6).
1987-1988 Fellowship (12 months) from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Projects: 1. "Competitive Dynamics, Predation and Organization of a Subtropical Hermit Crab Community in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida", 2. "Caribbean King Crab Mariculture Technology".
1986-1987 Post-doc fellowship from the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida; The J. Seward Johnson Fellowship in Aquaculture Science. Project: "Caribbean King Crab Mariculture Technology".
1985-1986 Post-doc fellowship from the Swedish Institute, The Sweden-America Foundation, The Lars Hierta Foundation, The Hierta-Retzius Foundation, The Wenner Gren Foundation, and the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. Project: "Competitive Dynamics, Predation and Organization of a Subtropical Hermit Crab Community in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida".
1982-1983 Doctorate scholarship from the University of GAteborg, Sweden.
1981-1982 Research grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
1980-1981 Research grant from the Nordic Council for Marine Biology. Project: "Population Ecology of Thalassinidea in Gullmarsfjorden, Sweden".
2011 Organizer for the 2011 (May 2-6) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Benthos Ecology Working Group meeting at the Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL (26 representatives from 8 countries).
2010 Organizer for the 2010 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Benthos Ecology Working Group meeting at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland (April 2010).
2003 Organizer for the 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Benthos Ecology Working Group meeting at the Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce.
2002 Co-organizer of an NSF-funded (Grant NSF-EIA-0131889) workshop that examined the biodiversity research in the Indian River Lagoon held at the DoubleTree Hotel, Cocoa Beach, Florida, February 7-8 2002. BDEI: Planning Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Informatics for the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. 25 participants from different universities and organizations, eastern USA.
2002 Planned and arranged a workshop at the Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce between February 11-14, 2002 concerning the use of the software PRIMER (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research). Invited lecturer Dr. Robert Clarke, United Kingdom. A total of 16 scientists from different parts of the United States participated in this workshop.
1999 Arranged (and was appointed rapporteur) the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) - Benthos Ecology Working Group meeting (23 participants from many nations) at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden between April 26 and May 2, 1999.
1993 Planned and arranged a workshop at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station (the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) between February 12 and 14, 1993 concerning the use of the software PRIMER (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research). Invited speakers were Dr. Robert Clarke and Mr. Martin Carr (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) and Professor John Gray (University of Oslo). A total of 25 scientists participated in this workshop (including the project leaders from most of the Swedish marine monitoring programs).
2011 Personally invited as the only American by UNESCO as an internationally recognized scientist with experience in coastal lagoon ecology to participate in a workshop in Venice (Italy) between May 24 and 29, 2011 (11-12 international scientists) regarding the impact on the Venice Lagoon (hard and soft bottoms) regarding measures to stop, or decrease flooding of the City itself (expenses paid by UNESCO).
2002- Faculty member (associated faculty), The Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne.
2002- United States representative within ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), Benthos Ecology Working Group.
1998-2001 Committee member within The Swedish Threatened Species Unit; sub committee Marine Invertebrates. (The 2000 Red List of Swedish Species. 397 pp ISBN 91-88506-23-1).
1996-2001 Responsible for the quality assurance regarding the benthic environmental studies in connection with the construction of the Sweden-Denmark bridge across the Sound (Aaiiresund). Europes largest bridge.
1989-1996 Representative for western Sweden (Department of Zoology; GAteborg University, The Museum of Natural History; GAteborg, The Kristineberg Marine Research Station, The National Board of Fisheries; Lysekil and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) within the Council for Zoological Taxonomy, The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm.
1992-2000 Swedish representative within ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), Benthos Ecology Working Group.
1992-1998 Swedish representative within the HELCOM (Helsinki Commission) subregional group (Kattegat, The Sound, the Arcona Basin) concerning the benthic monitoring programs.
1995-1998 Participant (as the only Swedish representative) within the BioMar/Life project: Classification of Marine Biotopes in the North-East Atlantic. The second workshop within the project was being held in Dublin, Ireland in September 1995 and another one in October 1998 at Gatwick, United Kingdom.
1993-1996 Committee member to evaluate the effects of trawling in Gullmarsfjorden (appointed by the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn). The committee monitored and suggested the extent of the future trawling activity within the fjord.
Journal of Crustacean Biology (several)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Sarsia (several)
Marine Biology Research
Estuaries and Coasts
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Biological Bulletin
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Gulf And Caribbean Research
Marine Biology
Southeastern Naturalist
1995-1998 Hard bottom ecosystems, Soft bottom monitoring, Mangrove ecosystems, Deep sea systems (graduate courses at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station)
1989-1994 University of GAteborg, graduate course. Course-leader, marine ecosystems (8 week course, 10 p) at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station)
1979 University of Bergen (Norway), graduate courses: Littoral ecology, Benthic ecology; crustacea, Benthic ecology; mollusca
1978 University of Bergen (Norway), graduate courses: Littoral ecology, Culture technique, Experimental technique, Benthic ecology; crustacea, Benthic ecology; polychaeta
1978 University of Bergen (Norway), undergraduate courses: Marine faunistics, Marine ecology
Ph.D. supervision;
Jacob Hagberg: On the Mediating Mechanisms Connecting the Atmospheric Changes in the North Atlantic (NAO) to the Soft Bottom Macrobenthos of the Skagerrak.
Master of Science (20p) projects;
Tor Carlson: Artificial Flooding: Ecological Impact on Fiddler Crab (Genus Uca) Populations within the Indian River Lagoon (Eastern Florida, USA). Thesis finished and approved
Malin Werner: A Study of Semibalanus balanoides in the Lysekil Archipelago - A Possible Method for Detecting Changes in the Environment
Thesis finished and approved
Ulf Lindahl: Population Structure and Feeding of Upogebia deltaura Leach. (in Swedish). Thesis finished and approved
Annika Lindahl: Seasonal Infaunal Composition and Depth Distribution in the Sediment within a Shallow Sandy Bottom Dominated by the Crustacean Upogebia deltaura (in Swedish). Thesis finished and approved
Henrik Jansson: Feeding Habits of the Shark Etmopterus spinax (in Swedish). Thesis finished and approved
Meryl Hammar: Comparative Studies of the Benthic Infauna in 1987 and 1990 at Thirteen Stations Along the Northern Archipelago of BohuslAn, the Swedish West Coast. Thesis finished and approved
Peter Adolfsson: Development of a New Technique for Monitoring Hard Bottom Epifauna. Thesis finished and approved
Maria Thomasson: Mobile epifauna: A Quantitative Study Regarding Composition, Zonation and Temporal Changes on a Rocky Bottom in Gullmarsfjorden, Western Sweden. Thesis finished and approved
Daniel Eriksson: A Quantitative Study on the Infaunal Communities in a Shallow Sandy Bottom Dominated by the Thalassinid Crustacean Upogebia deltaura. Thesis finished and approved
Jacob Hagberg: Does the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Control the Soft Bottom Infaunal Communities in the Kattegat/Skagerrak Area of the North Sea
Thesis finished and approved.
Rocio Fernandez: A Quantitative Study on the Sessile Hard Bottom Fauna at Two Localities on the Swedish West Coast - Composition, Vertical Distribution, Temporal Changes and Anthropogenic Disturbance.
Bo Gustavsson: Quantitative Studies on the Marine Epibiotic Communities at the Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant - Effects of the Warm Water Discharge. Thesis finished and approved
Assistant supervisor for the following M.S. projects at Florida Institute of Technology;
Wendy A. Lowery (1987). Aspects of the Population Ecology of Clibanarius vittatus at Sebastian Inlet, Florida. 75 pp
Cynthia A. Bolton (1987). The Effects of Different Diets on the Survival and Development of Larval and Postlarval Mithrax spinosissimus Lamarck. 63 pp
Co-advisor for the following Smithsonian Institution postdocs:
James Douglass - Impacs of Marine Reserves on Seagrass Ecology
Darryl Hondorp - Effects of Temporally-Varying Environmental Hypoxia on Susceptibility to Disease in Oyster Crassostrea virginica.
I have also helped post-doc Christopher Long when he performs some of his studies at SMS.
Head advisor for postdoc Dr. Adelaide Rhoads stationed at SMS (harapactoid copepod ecology).
Head advisor for postdoc Dr. Joseph Dineen.
(Only updated until 2007)
2007 Smithsonian Marine Science Network Symposium, Washington, DC, 15-16 November 2007. Oral presentation: Marsh Management Effects on Fiddler Crab (Genus Uca) Populations, Eastern Florida.
2007 Benthic Ecology Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 21-25 March 2007. Oral presentation: Pre Dredge Benthic Infaunal Composition and Temporal Trends in St. Sebastian River, Eastern Florida.
2006 ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)-Benthos Ecology Working Group (U.S. representative), Crete, Greece, 1-5 May 2006. Oral presentations:Ecological Assessment of the Indian River Lagoon and the St. Lucie Estuary; Ecological Development in the Loxahatchee Estuary During the Period 1992-1999/2002, Elucidated by Means of Infaunal Monitoring; Pre Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Sebastian River, Eastern Florida.
2005 ICES-Benthos Ecology Working Group (U.S. representative), Copenhagen, Denmark,18-22 April. Oral presentation: Benthic Infaunal Monitoring of the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon.
2003 Please see Arranged Workshops/Meetings above.
2002 ICES -Benthos Ecology Working Group, TromsA, Norway (U.S. representative), April 23-27. Oral presentation: The Indian River Lagoon Ecosystem, Eastern Florida - A Threatened Estuary.
2000 The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-9, 2000. Poster: The Deep Water Temperature of the Skagerrak Predicts the Soft Bottom Macrobenthic Variations on the Swedish West Coast (in cooperation with J. Hagberg and W. Nelson).
1998 27th Benthic Ecology Meetings, Melbourne, Florida, March 12-15, 1998. Oral presentation: Do Climatic Oscillations Regulate Cyclical Patterns of Macrobenthic Abundance on the Swedish West Coast
1998 ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Symposium, Crete, October 1998. Marine Benthic Dynamics: Environmental and Fisheries Impacts. Presentatation: Infaunal Crash and Recovery in Gullmarsfjorden, Western Sweden (poster and oral presentation in cooperation with Dr. Walter G Nelson)
1998 ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group, Iraklion, Crete, April 20-24, 1998. Oral presentation: Long Term Changes within the Infaunal Communities off the Swedish West Coast
1998 UK Marine SACs (Special Areas of Conservation) Project, Gatwick, United Kingdom, October 27-29, 1998. Biological Monitoring of Marine Special Areas of Conservation: a European Workshop. Oral presentations: Swedish Marine Monitoring Programs and Climatic Influence on the Marine Environment
1997 ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group, Gdynia, Poland, April 23-26, 1997. Oral presentation: The Swedish Benthic Monitoring Programs- Long Term Patterns
1995 International Conference: Long-Term Changes in Marine Ecosystems: Methods of Analysis, Case Studies and Between-Site Comparisons, Centre DOceanographie et Biologie Marine, Universite de Bordeaux I, Arcachon, France, February 1-3, 1995. Oral presentation: Long-term Cyclical Oscillations of the Macrofauna off the Swedish West Coast
1994 ICES/HELCOM workshop on quality assurance of benthic measurements in the Baltic Sea, Kiel, Germany, March 23-25, 1994. Oral presentation: Guidelines for the Swedish National Benthic Infaunal Monitoring Program.
Understanding marine parasite diversity and effects across space and time.Principal Investigators: Greg Ruiz (SERC), Mark Torchin (STRI), Rob Fleisher (NZP), Bjorn Tunberg (SMS), Ellen Strong (NMNH). $100,000 received from Grand Challenges Awards.
Tunberg, B.G. and J. Dineen 2012. Environmental Impacts from Artificial Reefs Deployed in Shallow Coastal Water Near Blind Creek, St. Lucie County. To be submitted to: St Lucie County (upon request).
Ecosystem Trophodynamics
Anthropogenically Induced Impacts on Macrofaunal Communities
Biomonitoring Techniques
Impacts of Climatic Change and Oscillations on Marine Communities
Effects of Trawling, Dredging and Coastal Structures
Salt Marsh Restoration Techniques
Crustacean Population Ecology
Southeastern Estuarine Research Society
The Society for Conservation Biology
Florida Academy of Sciences
ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, United States representative)
1980-1981 Member of the board and responsible for educational questions within the Swedish Sport Divers Association (SSDF).
1971- Three star international diving instructor (CMAS). Instructor for Instructors.
1969-1970 Military service as a diver in the Swedish marines, 15 months.
1980 Professional Divers certificate issued by the Swedish Navy.
Professor Jarl-Ove StrAmberg, Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Kristineberg 2130, 450 34 Fiskebackskil, Sweden. Tel: +46-523-18552, e-mail: *.*********@***.**.**
Dr. Anson H. Hines (Director), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), PO Box 28, 647 Contees Wharf Road, Edgewater, Maryland 21037, USA. Tel: 443-***-****, email: ******@**.***
Professor Walter G. Nelson, (Branch Chief), Coastal Ecology Branch, Western Ecology Division, US Environmental Protection Agency, Hatfield Marine Science Center, 2111 S.E. Marine Science Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365-5260. Tel: 541-***-****, e-mail: ******.****@*******.***.***
Mr. James R. David, Director, St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District, 3150 Will Fee Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982. Tel. 772-***-****. e-mail: ******@*******.***
1. Tunberg, B. 1981. Two bivalve communities in a shallow and sandy bottom in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Sarsia 66:257-266.
2. Tunberg, B. 1982. Quantitative distribution of the macrofauna in a shallow, sandy bottom in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Sarsia 67:201-210.
3. Tunberg, B. 1983. Population structure, size distribution, and shell growth of Dosinia lupinus (L.) (Bivalvia) in Raunefjorden, western Norway, with biometrical comparison to Dosinia exoleta (L.). - Sarsia 68:33-40.
4. Tunberg, B. 1983. Growth of Dosinia exoleta (L.) Bivalvia in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Sarsia 68:41-45.
5. Tunberg, B. 1983. A simple, diver-operated suction sampler for quantitative sampling in shallow, sandy bottoms. - Ophelia 22:185-188.
6. Tunberg, B. 1984. Aspects on the population ecology of Lucinoma borealis (L.) (Bivalvia) in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 81:87-106.
7. Tunberg, B. 1984. Population ecology of Dosinia exoleta (L.) (Bivalvia) in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Sarsia 69:159-168
8. Tunberg, B. 1986. Studies on the population ecology of Upogebia deltaura (Leach) (Crustacea, Thalasssinidea). - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 22:753-765.
9. Tunberg, B. and S. Mattson 1980. Phoronis muelleri SELYS-LONGCHAMPS (Phoronida) found near Bergen, western Norway. - Sarsia 65:301.
10. Lie, U., T. Magnesen, B. Tunberg and D. Aksnes 1983. Preliminary studies on the vertical distribution of size-fractions in the zooplankton community in LindAspollene, western Norway. - Sarsia 68:65-80.
11. Tunberg, B.G. and R.L. Creswell 1988. Early growth and mortality of Mithrax spinosissimus (Lamarck) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Majidae) reared in the laboratory. -Marine Biology 98:337-343.
12. Creswell, R.L., B.G. Tunberg, and R.A. Winfree 1989. Mariculture of the Caribbean king crab Mithrax spinosissimus (Lamarck), in the Caribbean region: progress and constraints. - Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 39:469-476.
13. Tunberg, B.G. and R.L. Creswell 1991. Development, growth and survival in juvenile Caribbean king crab Mithrax spinosissimus reared in the laboratory. - Journal of Crustacean Biology 11(1):138-149.
14. Tunberg, B. G., W.G. Nelson and G. Smith 1995. Population ecology of Pagurus maclaughlinae Garcia-Gomez (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguridae) in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. - Journal of Crustacean Biology 14(4):686-699.
15. Tunberg, B.G. and W.G. Nelson 1998. Do climatic oscillations influence cyclical patterns within the benthic infaunal communities along the Swedish west coast
- Marine Ecology Progress Series 170:85-94.
16. Creswell, R.L. and B.G. Tunberg 2000. Crab Culture: West Indian Red Spider Crab. Pp. 180-184; In: R.R. Stickney (ed.) Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. ISBN 0-471-29101-3.
17. Hagberg, J. And B.G. Tunberg 2000. Studies on the covariation between physical factors and the long term variation of the marine soft bottom macrofauna in western Sweden. - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50:373-385.
18. Tunberg, B.G. and S.A. Reed 2004. Mass occurrence of the jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris and the associated spider crab Libinia dubia, eastern Florida. - Florida Scientist 67:93-104.
19. Hagberg, J., Tunberg, B.G., Wieking, G., KrAncke, I. and A. Belgrano 2004. Part IV. Community Ecology. IV.3. Benthic Communities. In; Stenseth, Ottersen, Hurrell, Belgrano (eds), Marine Ecosystems and Climate Variation.- Oxford University Press. 252 pp.
20. Thomasson, M.A. and B.G. Tunberg 2005. Composition, vertical distribution and temporal change of the mobile epifauna on a vertical rock wall in Gullmarsfjorden, western Sweden. - Marine Biology Research 1:107-117.
21. Tunberg, B.G. and D. Krang 2008. Composition and temporal change of the macrofauna in a shallow, sandy bottom in the Lysekil archipelago, western Sweden -Marine Biology Research 4:458-469.
22. Bergman M.J.N, Birchenough S., Borja A., Boyd S,E., Brown C.J, Buhl-Mortensen L., Callaway R., Connor, D.W..,Cooper K.M., Davis J., deBoois I., Gilkinson K.D., Gordon D.C., Hillewaert H., Kautsky H., DeKluyver M., Kroenke I., Limpenny D.S., Meadows W.J., Parra S., Pennington S.E.,Rachor E., Rees H.L., Reiss H., Rumohr H., Schratzberger M., Smith S., Tunberg B.G., vanDalfsen J.A., Ware S., Watling L. 2009 Guidelines for the Study of the Epibenthos of Subtidal Environments. - ICES Techniques in Marine and Environmental Sciences. ISBN ***-**-****-045-1 88 pp.
23. Tunberg, B.G. 2009. Do Indian River Lagoon Wetland Impoundments (Eastern Florida) negatively impact fiddler crab (Genus Uca) populations
- Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences 38:459-472.
24. A. Borja, Tunberg, B.G. 2011. Assessing benthic health in stressed subtropical estuaries, eastern Florida, USA using AMBI and M-AMBI. - Ecological Indicators 11:295-303 .
25. Tagliapietra, D. et al. 2011. The Ecological implications of Climate Change on the LoVe (Venice Estuary, Italy).- Complete MS submitted to the UNESCO headquarters (Paris, France) for final corrections, independent peer review. Published in early 2011.
26. Tunberg, B.G., Stephens, M., S.A. Reed. 2012. Hurricane impacts on the macrofauna in Sebastian River, eastern Florida, USA. - submitted to Hydrobiologia in March 2012, returned for improvement on July 21, 2012.
27. Tunberg, B.G. and A.B. Josefson 1992. Bottom Fauna - The Rocky Shores, Beaches and Deep Soft Bottom Communities of the Swedish West Coast . - pp. 88-93 in SjAberg, B. (Ed.); The Swedish National Atlas - Ocean and Coast (in Swedish).
28. Tunberg, B.G. and R. Rosenberg 1994. The Bottom Fauna Reflects Environmental Changes. - The Ocean Environment (HavsmiljAn) ISSN 1104-3458 (in Swedish).
29. Tunberg, B.G. 1997. Monitoring Soft Bottom Infaunal Communities - An Excellent Tool to Detect Anthropogenic Disturbances. - in The Ocean Environment ISSN 1104-3458 (in Swedish).
30. Tunberg, B.G. and B. SjAberg 1998. The Climatic Impact on the Marine Environment. - in The Ocean Environment ISSN 1104-3458 (in Swedish)
31. Tunberg, B.G. 1999. Regular and Long-Term Monitoring is Very Important. - in The Ocean Environment ISSN 1104-3458 (in Swedish).
32. Tunberg, B.G. 2012. Hurricane impact and temporal changes in an Indian River Lagoon tributary, eastern Florida, USA. - ms submitted to Journal of Marine Biology, but returned for a improvements and resubmission.
33. Tunberg, B.G. Macrobenthic development in the Loxahatchee Estuary during the period 1992-1999. in prep, to be submitted to Marine Biology.
34. Rhodes, A.C., J.C. Hall and B.G. Tunberg 2012. Detecting macrozoobenthic biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon: a contrast between two common methodologies. (ms in prep).
35. Rhodes, A.C. and B.G. Tunberg. Composition and temporal change of the benthic infauna in a lagoonal estuary along the east coast of Florida. (ms in prep).
36. Tunberg, B.G. et al. Preliminary study on pollution gradients in the Indian River Lagoon and the St Lucie Estuary (ms in prep).
37. Tunberg, B.G. and M. Werner. A study on Semibalanus balanoides and Balanus crenatus in the Lysekil archipelago, western Sweden - a possible method for detecting changes in the marine environment
(ms in prep).
38.Tunberg, B.G. and A. Lindahl. Seasonal vertical distribution and size composition of the macrofauna at four different sediment depths in a sandy level bottom in the Lysekil archipelago, western Sweden (ms in prep).
39. Rhodes, A.C., J.C. Hall and B.G. Tunberg 2012. Detecting macrozoobenthic biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon: a contrast between two common methodologies. (ms in prep).
40. Rhodes, A.C. and B.G. Tunberg. Composition and temporal change of the benthic infauna in a lagoonal estuary along the east coast of Florida. (ms in prep).
41. Tunberg, B.G. et al. Preliminary study on pollution gradients in the Indian River Lagoon and the St Lucie Estuary. 7 pp. (ms in prep).
REPORTS (not complete)
44. Tunberg, B. And J. Svavarsson 1982. Benthic fauna and sediment in SaltkAllefjorden, and fauna in Aaiirekilsalven 1982. - An environmental study for the Munkedal paper mill (in Swedish). 20 pp.
45. Ryther, J.H. et al. 1987. Antigua Crab Mariculture. - Six month progress report to the United States Agency for International Development. 29 pp.
46. Tunberg, B.G. 1988. Benthic fauna at HovenAset 1988. - An environmental study for the ABBA canning factory (in Swedish). 11 pp.
35. Tunberg, B.G. 1988. Benthic fauna at 13 coastal stations in northern BohuslAn, Sweden. - Preliminary report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish).
47. Tunberg, B.G. 1988. Have large scale environmental changes occurred in the Kattegat/Skagerrak area
- Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish). 26 pp.
48. Tunberg, B.G. 1988. Gullmarsfjorden, Nature Reserve. An evaluation of the "control programs". - Report to the County of GAteborg and Bohus lAn. 28 pp. (in Swedish).
49. Tunberg, B.G. 1989. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Benthic infauna at five stations in the inner part of the fjord. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 23 pp.
50. Tunberg, B.G. 1989. Benthic fauna at Kungshamn 1989. - An environmental study for the ABBA canning factory (in Swedish). 6 pp.
51. Tunberg, B.G. 1989. Benthic fauna at HovenAset 1989. - An environmental study for the ABBA canning factory 1989 (in Swedish). 12 pp.
52. Granmo, A., B. Tunberg and M. Berggren 1989. Environmental studies in Brofjorden 1969-1989. Consequences of water discharge from a planned power station. - Report to the Swedish Energy Commission (in Swedish). 75 pp.
53. Granmo, A., B. Tunberg and M. Berggren 1989. Process water from a hypothetical sewage water. Abstract and environmental estimation. - Report to the Swedish Energy Commission (in Swedish). 7 pp.
54. Tunberg, B.G. 1990. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Benthic infauna at five stations in the inner part of the fjord 1990. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 26 pp.
55. Tunberg, B.G. 1990. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1989. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 3793 (in Swedish). 73 pp.
56. Tunberg, B.G. 1990. Effects of trawling on the benthic macrofauna. A pilot study in Sotefjorden, northern BohuslAn. - Report to the Swedish Fisheries Board (Fiskeriverket) (in Swedish). 13 pp.
57. Tunberg, B.G. 1990. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1989. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 3793 (in Swedish). 73 pp.
58. Andersson, J. and B.G. Tunberg 1990. Development of program to monitor shallow hard bottoms along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1989. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish). 29 pp.
59. Tunberg, B.G. 1991. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Benthic infauna at four stations in the inner part of the fjord 1991. - Report to the County of GAteborg and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 27 pp.
60. Tunberg, B.G. 1991. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Effects of trawling in the fjord 1990. Basic infaunal studies. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 29 pp.
61. Tunberg, B.G. 1991. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1990. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 3936 (in Swedish). 91 pp.
62. Tunberg, B.G. 1991. Benthic fauna at Kungshamn 1991. - An environmental study for the ABBA canning factory (in Swedish). 10 pp.
63. Tunberg, B.G. 1991. Benthic fauna at HovenAset 1991. - An environmental study for the ABBA canning factory (in Swedish). 9 pp.
64. Andersson, J. and B.G. Tunberg 1991. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna. Quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites in Gullmarsfjorden. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 51 pp.
65. Tunberg, B.G. 1992. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1991. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 4066 (in Swedish). 93 pp.
66. Tunberg, B.G. 1992. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Effects of trawling in the fjord. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 23 pp.
67. Tunberg, B.G. and M. Hammar 1992. Bottom fauna and sediment at five coastal stations in BohuslAn 1991. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 27 pp.
68. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1992. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites along the coast of BohuslAn 1992. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 55 pp.
69. Andersson, J. and B.G. Tunberg 1992. Development of a monitoring program of shallow hard bottoms along the Swedish west coast - Final Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 4056 (in Swedish). 61 pp.
70. Tunberg, B.G. 1993. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Benthic infauna at four stations in the inner part of the fjord 1992. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 24 pp.
71. Tunberg, B.G. 1993. Bottom fauna and sediment at five coastal stations in BohuslAn 1992. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 27 pp.
72. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1993. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites in Gullmarsfjorden 1992. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 36 pp.
73. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1993. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites along the coast of BohuslAn 1992. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 55pp.
74. Tunberg, B.G. 1994. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. Report of the activity during 1992. - The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 4287 (in Swedish). 69 pp.
75. Tunberg, B.G. 1994. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Benthic infauna at four stations in the inner part of the fjord 1993. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 24 pp.
76. Tunberg, B.G. 1994. Bottom fauna and sediment at five coastal stations in BohuslAn 1993. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 35 pp.
77. Tunberg, B.G. 1994. Effects of trawling in Gullmarsfjorden 1990-1993. - Final report to the County of GAtborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 42 pp.
78. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1994. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites in Gullmarsfjorden 1993. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 37 pp.
79. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1994. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites along the coast of BohuslAn 1993. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 51 pp.
80. Adolfsson, P. and B. Tunberg 1994. The control program of Gullmarsfjorden. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at three sites in Gullmarsfjorden 1994. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 53 pp.
81. Werner, M., P. Adolfsson and B.G. Tunberg 1994. A study on the settling of barnacles - a qualitative and quantitative investigation on settling and growth of Balanus spp. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 11 pp.
82. Carlson, T. and B.G. Tunberg 1994. Fiddler Crabs of the Indian River Lagoon.- Handbook and identification key, submitted to the St. Lucie County, Florida. 16 pp.
83. Tunberg, B.G. 1995. Bottom fauna and sediment at five + three coastal stations in BohuslAn 1994. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 25 pp.
84. Tunberg, B.G. 1995. Bottom fauna at four stations in the inner part of Gullmarsfjorden 1988-1994. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (in Swedish). 25 pp.
85. Tunberg, B.G., T. Carlson and R.G. Gilmore 1995. Ecological impact of wetland impoundment on the fiddler crab (genus Uca) populations within the Indian River Lagoon, eastern Florida (1992-1994 studies). - Progress report to the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District. 50 pp.
86. Tunberg, B.G. 1996. Bottom fauna and sediment at four coastal stations in BohuslAn 1991-1995. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (partially in Swedish). 24 pp.
87. Tunberg, B.G. 1997. Bottom fauna at four stations in the inner part of Gullmarsfjorden 1988-1996. - Report to the County of GAteborgs and Bohus lAn (partially in Swedish). 32 pp.
88. Tunberg, B.G. 1997. Bottom fauna and sediment at five coastal stations in BohuslAn 1991-1996. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (partially in Swedish). 37 pp.
89. Tunberg, B. G. 1998. Bottom fauna at four stations in the inner part of Gullmarsfjorden 1988-1997. - Report to the County of VAstra GAtalands lAn (partially in Swedish). 41 pp.
90. Tunberg, B.G. 1998. The Western Ocean 1998. Benthic fauna, Oxygen, Climatic Influence. - Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the County of VAstra GAtalands lAn. 11 pp.
91. Tunberg, B.G., E. Lawett and P. Adolfsson 1998. Monitoring hard bottom epibenthic communities. Quantitative and qualitative surveys of three hard bottom sites in Gullmarsfjorden 1995-1997. - Report to the County of VAstra GAtalands lAn (in Swedish). 18 pp.
92. Tunberg, B.G. 1999 (Rapporteur). Marine Habitat Committee. Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, Kristineberg, Sweden, 1999. - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. ICES CM 1999/E:1. Ref.: ACME+C. 72 pp.
93. Tunberg, B.G. and A. Lindahl 1999. Bottom fauna and sediment at four coastal stations in BohuslAn 1991-1998. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (partially in Swedish). 43 pp.
94. Tunberg, B.G. 2000. Monitoring benthic infauna along the Swedish west coast. The environmental status in 1999, long term changes and climatic impact - Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. 23 pp.
95. Tunberg, B.G. and B. Gustavsson 2000. Monitoring hard bottom epifauna - quantitative and qualitative studies at four sites along the coast of BohuslAn 1999. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (in Swedish). 51 pp.
96. Tunberg, B.G. 2000. Bottom fauna and sediment at four coastal stations in BohuslAn 1991-1999. - Report to the Water Environmental Preservation Society (VattenvArdsfArbundet) (partially in Swedish). 41 pp.
97. Tunberg, B.G. 2003. Distributional Patterns of Penaeid and Caridean Shrimp in the Indian River Lagoon Estuary, Eastern Florida. - Progress Report, October 2003. 8 pp.
98. Tunberg, B.G., M. Kush and S. Reed 2005. Pre dredge infaunal monitoring in the Sebastian River, eastern Florida. - First phase final report June 2005. 12 pp.
99. Tunberg, B.G. 2005. Benthic infaunal monitoring of the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian Lagoon. - Progress Report to South Florida Water Management District, September 2005. 26 pp.
100. Vose, F., Tunberg, B. and M. Kush. 2005. Preliminary evaluation of dredge hole depressions in Lake Worth Lagoon: habitat utilization by fishes and macrobenthos. - Final Report Prepared for Palm Beach County. - Dept. of Environmental Resources Management Interlocal Agreement R2003-20. 83 pp.
101. Tunberg, B.G., Reed, S. and M. Kush. 2005. Pre-dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring In the Sebastian River. First Phase Final Report to St. Johns River Water Management District. June 2005. 28 pp.
102. Tunberg, B.G. 2006. Research Activities During the Period May 2005. April 2006. - Annual Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI), St. Petersburg, Florida. 12 pp.
103. Tunberg, B. G. 2006. Northern Estuaries Assessment Macrobenthic Module. System Status Report. June 2006. - Report to South Florida Water Management District. 22 pp.
104. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Research Activities During the Period May 2006 - April 2007. Annual Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI), St. Petersburg, Florida. 19 pp.
105. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Environmental monitoring in Little Mud Creek and Blind Creek - Progress Report 1 to St. Lucie County. 6 pp.
106. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Environmental monitoring in Little Mud Creek and Blind Creek - First Semiannual Report to St Lucie County Mosquito Control District. 16 pp.
107. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon - Progress Report, February 2007 to South Florida Water Management District. 2 pp.
108. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon - Progress Report No. 9 to South Florida Water Management District, May 2007. 13 pp.
109. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Macrobenthic infaunal monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon - Progress Report No. 10 to South Florida Water Management District, July 2007. 13 pp.
110. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Macrobenthic infaunal monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon - Annual Report to South Florida Water Management District, August 2007. 29 pp.
111. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Pre-dredge benthic infaunal monitoring in Sebastian River - Progress Report to St Johns River Water Management District, January 2007. 6 pp.
112. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, S., Reed, S., and M. Stephens 2007. Pre-dredge benthic infaunal monitoring in Sebastian River - Progress Report to St Johns River Water Management District, April 2007. 9 pp.
113. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring in Sebastian River - Progress Report to St Johns River Water Management District, July 2007. 9 pp.
114. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, S., Reed, S., and M. Stephens 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring in Sebastian River - Second Phase Final Report to St Johns River Water Management District, August 2007. 9 pp.
115. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, S., Reed, S., and M. Stephens 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring in Sebastian River. Progress Report to St Johns River Water Management District, October 2007. 16 pp.
116. Tunberg, B.G. Research Activities May 2006-April 2007. - Annual Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI). 9 pp.
106. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Research Activities, January-March 2007. Progress Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. 7 pp.
117. Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Research Activities, April-June 2007. Progress Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. 5 pp.
108.Tunberg, B.G. 2007. Research Activities. Progress Report No. 4, October-December 2007) to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. 10 pp.
118. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, S., Reed, S and M. Stephens 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring, St. Lucie Estuary and Southern Indian River Lagoon. Establishment of two additional freshwater/oligohaline monitoring sites. - Report to South Florida Water Management District, September 2007. 9 pp.
119. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, S., Reed, S and M. Stephens 2007. Benthic infaunal monitoring, St. Lucie Estuary and Southern Indian River Lagoon. Northern Estuaries Map Module. Progress Report No. 11 to South Florida Water Management District. Activities August-October 2007. 25 pp.
120. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed,S., Stephens, M. 2008. Environmental Monitoring in Little Mud Creek and Blind Creek. First Phase Final Report to St Lucie County Mosquito Control District, January 2008. 11 pp.
121. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. Activities October 2007-February 2008. 13 pp.
122. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. Project Status report to St. Johns River Water Management District, July 2008. 15 pp.
123. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed,S., Stephens, M. 2008. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Environmental Monitoring in Sebastian River. Final Report to St Johns River Water management District. 52 pp.
124. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. Northern Estuaries Map Module. Progress Report No. 12-13 to South Florida Water Management District. Activities November 2007-April 2008. 15 pp.
125. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. Northern Estuaries Map Module. Progress Report No. 14 to South Florida Water Management District. Activities May-July 2008. 17 pp.
126. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in the St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. Northern Estuaries Map Module. Progress Report No. 15 to South Florida Water Management District. Activities July-October 2008. 16 pp.
127. Tunberg, B.G. 2008. Research Activities. Progress Report no. 5 (January - March 2008) to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. 31 pp.
119. Tunberg, B.G. 2008. Annual Report to the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. Research Activities During the Period May 2007-April 2008.15 pp.
128. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed.S, Stephens, M. 2008. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon. Progress Report to St. Johns River Water Management District, April 2008. 6 pp.
129. Tunberg, B.G., Jones, M.S., Reed, S., Stephens, M. 2008. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon. Progress report No. 2 to St Johns River Water Management District, August 2008. 15 pp.
130. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon - Progress Report No. 3 to SJRWMD, January 2009. 4 pp.
131. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon First Phase Final Report, July 2009. 25 pp.
132. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon - Progress Report No. 4 to SJRWMD, September 2009. 15 pp.
133. Environmental Monitoring in Little Mud Creek and Blind Creek. - Final Report to St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District, April 2009. 34 pp.
134. Environmental Monitoring in Little Mud Creek. Progress Report to St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District, July 2009. 4 pp.
135. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. - Progress Report No. 14 to SFWMD, July 2008. 17 pp.
136. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. Map Module Northern Estuaries - Progress Report No. 15 to SFWMD, October 2008. 16 pp.
137. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. First Phase Final Report, March 2009. 41 pp.
138. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. - Progress Report to SFWMD, July 2009. 15 pp.
139. Macrobenthic Infaunal Monitoring in St. Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indian River Lagoon. - Progress Report to SFWMD, October 2009. 9 pp.
140. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Environmental Monitoring in Sebastian River. First Phase Final Report to St. Johns River Water Management District, November 2008. 44 pp.
141. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Progress Reports 1 and 2 to St. Johns River Water Management District, January 2009. 16 pp.
142. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Progress Report 3 to St. Johns River Water Management District, April 2009. 11 pp.
143. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Progress Report 4 to St. Johns River Water Management District, July 2009. 18 pp.
144. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Second Phase Final Report to St. Johns River Water Management District, September 2009. 52 pp.
145. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Progress Report 5 to St. Johns River Water Management District, October 2009. 16 pp.
146. Bear Point Shrimp Study. - Final Report to St Lucie County Mosquito Control District, May 2009. 26 pp.
147. Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in the Central Indian River Lagoon. - Second Phase Final Report 2010. 38 pp.
148. Environmental Monitoring in Little Mud Creek and Blind Creek. - Final Report to St Lucie County Mosquito Control District, February 2010. 27 pp.
149. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Annual Report to St Johns River Water Management District, September 2010A. 64 pp.
150. Pre- and Post Dredge Benthic Infaunal Monitoring in Sebastian River. - Preliminary Summary to St Johns River Water Management District, October 2011. 50 pp.
151. Benthic Infaunal and Environmental Monitoring in the Southern Indian Indian River Lagoon and the St Lucie Estuary. - Annual Report 2010-2011 to the US Army of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District, January 2012. 27 pp.
152. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP): Benthic Infaunal and Environmental Research in the St Lucie Estuary and the Southern Indain River Lagoon. - Second Status Report Fiscal Year 2012.
153. Tunberg, B. 1979. Dosinia exoleta (L.) (Bivalvia). A population ecological study on shallow water in Raunefjorden, western Norway. - Master of Science thesis in marine biology, Institute of Marine Biology, University of Bergen, Norway. 185 pp.