*D Interaction
Gestural *D Interaction with a Beating Heart: SimulationBook 5.91 MB Ebook Pages: 52
SIGRAD 2011 Gestural 3D Interaction with a Beating Heart: Simulation, and Interaction F. Ioakemidou 2, F. Ericson 2, J. Sp hler 1, A. Olwal
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Adobe Acrobat 3D and LiveCycle Forms Tutorial 3D / Forms Interaction . Created: 6/18/2006 I 1.0 . Materials and/or Tutorial prepared by Daniel Beardsley
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Shallow-Depth 3D Interaction: Design and uation of One-, Two- and Three-Touch Techniques Mark Hancock, Sheelagh Carpendale University of Calgary
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3D top Display Interaction Mark Hancock Interactions Lab University of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada ***@**.********.** ABSTRACT On traditional tables, people
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Olwal, A. Unencumbered 3D Interaction with See-through Displays. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008 (Nordic Conference on ), Lund, Sweden
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Multi-Finger Gestural Interaction with 3D Volumetric Displays Tovi Grossman, Daniel Wigdor, Ravin Balakrishnan
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3D Natural Hand Interaction for AR Applications M. Lee1 2, R. Green1 2, and M. Billinghurst1 1 The HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, .
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1 3D Visualisation and Interaction with a Paleolithic Database Jean-Charles Thomas, G rard Subsol*, Henry de Lumley*, V ronique Pois*, Bertrand Mafart,
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Tracking for 3D Interaction in Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality Yang-Wai Chow School of Computer Science and Software ering, University of Wollongong, Australia
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Haarlet-based Hand Gesture Recognition for 3D Interaction M. Van den Bergh 1and E. Koller-Meier and F. Bosch e1 1ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland fvamichae ebmeier
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3D Video Player System with Haptic Interaction based on Depth Image-Based Representation Jongeun Cha, Sung-Yeol Kim, Yo-Sung Ho, Member, IEEE, and Jeha Ryu, Member, IEEE
http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~jcha/publications/3D Video Player System with Haptic Interaction based on Depth Image-Based Representation.pdf
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Input/Output Devices Joseph LaViola A Review of Input and Output Devices for 3D Interaction Joseph J. LaViola Jr. Brown University Lab
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An Immaterial, Dual-sided Display System with 3D Interaction Alex Olwal1,2 Stephen DiVerdi1 Nicola Candussi1 Ismo Rakkolainen1,3 Tobias H llerer1
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University of Faculty of Science Master Thesis Software Engineering Interaction with 3D VTK widgets A quantitative study on the in uence of 2DOF and 6DOF
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SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in ering, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2009 529 A Cost-Effective 3D Interaction Approach for Immersive Virtual Reality
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T h e R e s e a r c h B u l l e t i n o f J o r d a n A C M, I S S N : 2 0 7 8 - 7 9 5 2, V o l u m e I I ( I I I ) P a g e
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2D Interaction in a 3D World Joseph J. LaViola Jr. 2D Interaction in a 3D World 2D Interaction in a 3D World Joseph J. LaViola Jr. Brown University
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1 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE - DESIGN 2002 Dubrovnik, May 14 - 17, 2002. The Eraser Pen: A New Interaction Paradigm for Curve Sketching in 3D
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3D Visualization and 3D and Voice Interaction in Air Traffic gement Marcus Lange, Jonas Hjalmarsson, Matthew Cooper*, Anders Ynnerman Norrk ping Visualization
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KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera* Shahram Izadi1, David Kim1,3, Otmar Hilliges1, David Molyneaux1,4, Richard
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Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: Prof. dr. ir. F.W. Jansen Copromotor: Ir. F.H. Post Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Rector Magni cus voorzitter
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Con gurable Input Devices for 3D Interaction using Opt Tracking PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
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in 3D interaction, the mouse does not inherently support 3D tions. Over the years, several mechanisms have been developed to enable 3D manipulation using only the two
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13th World Conference on Earthquake ering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004 Paper No. 3182 3D SOIL-BUILDING INTERACTION METHOD BASED ON AN INPUT SEISMIC
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Six Degree-of-dom Sphere Tracking for 3D Interaction Derek Bradley School of Computer Science Carleton University, Canada *****@************.**
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IEEE VR 2007 Workshop on Trends and issues in Tracking for Virtual Environments 1 Real -Time 3D Hand Interaction : Single Webcam Low -C ost Approach
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GPU Methods for Real-Time Haptic Interaction with 3D Fluids Meng Yang, Jingwan Lu, Alla Safonova, and Katherine J. Kuchenbecker soft
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Towards a Univl Implementation of 3D User Interaction Techniques Mathis Csisinko Hannes Kaufmann Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
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25 Bare-Hand 3D Gesture Input to Interactive Systems Pushkar Dhawale, Masood Masoodian, Bill Rogers The University of Waikato
http://vislab.cs.vt.edu/~quek/Classes/Aware EmbodiedInteraction/PAPERS/DhwMR06.pdf
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1 3D Computer Interaction Using Phys Objects: Exploration of Tangible User Interfaces Ehud Sharlin 1, Benjamin Watson 2, Steve Sutphen 1, Robert Lederer 3, Pablo
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Towards Using Embedded Magnetic Field Sensor for Aroundle Device 3D Interaction Hamed Ketabdar Quality and Usability Lab, TU Berlin Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
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Real Time Multi-User Interaction with 3D Graphics via Communication Networks Y. Luo, R. Galli, M. Mascaro, P. er, F. J. Riera, C. Ferrer, S. F. Alves
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3 Abstract T h i sr e a cnv tgd of l w- 3D spatial interaction approach using the Wii Remote for immersive Head-Mounted Display (HMD) .
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Combining RGB and ToF Cameras for Real-time 3D Hand Gesture Interaction Michael Van den Bergh1 1ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland ********@******.**.****.**
ZeroN: Mid-Air Tangible Interaction Enabled by Computer ControlledBook 4.2 MB Ebook Pages: 103
We have developed a 3D, tangible interaction language that closely resembles how people interact with phys objects on a 2D surface put, move, rotate, and drag
http://tmg-trackr.media.mit.edu:8020/SuperContainer/RawData/Papers/477-ZeroN Midair Tangible/Published/PDF
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polymerase, providing an independent con rmation that this mutant polymerase displays reduced af nity for 3AB. Thus, Val-391 is likely to be found on the surface of
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13 th World Conference on Earthquake ering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004 Paper No. 2612 COLUMN INTERACTION EFFECT ON PUSH OVER 3D ANALYSIS OF
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3D Finite Element Analysis of Pipe-Soil Interaction Effects of Groundwater Final Report C-CORE Report R -02-029-076 February 2003
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3D Graphics with OpenGL: Hierarch Models, Interaction, Animation) Z-Buffer Hidden Surface Removal 3D Graphics Using OpenGL OpenGL 3D Coordinate System
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which extends the 2D action-perception space to the 3D interaction space above the . The system also contains an infrared light source and a camera.
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L Kellezi, G Kudsk, H Hofstede, Jack-up Rig Foundation De sign Applying 3D FE Structure-Soil-Interaction ling Proceedings of the BGA International Conference on
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16 Plaxis Practice 1. Introduction seabed instability is an important aspect in the design of different offshore structures. Particularly for a jack-up drilling rig
http://kb.plaxis.nl/sites/kb.plaxis.nl/files/kb-publications/Iss24 Art3 - Seabed Instability and Jack-Up Soil-Structure Interation.pdf
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7/18/00 1 Parker et. al. of Large Nested Graphs in 3D: Navigation and Interaction Greg Parker, Glenn Franck and Colin Ware Faculty of Computer Science
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U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, Vol. 72, Iss. 1, 2010 ISSN 1454-2358 3D NUMER ANALYSIS OF THE IMPELLER STATOR
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