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Assistant Engineering

Cambridge, MA
December 23, 2012

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*** ******** **. *** #*

Cambirdge, MA 02139 ******@***.***

Joshua J Bialkowski 617-***-****

Eductation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge,MA

Candidate for Ph.D, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (GPA: 4.6/5.0) Sept 2013

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge,MA

M.S. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (GPA: 4.5/5.0) June 2010

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

B.S. Aerospace Engineering (GPA: 4.0/4.0) May 2007

Research Aerospace Robotics and Embedded Systems Group, MIT Cambridge, MA

Experience with Prof. Emilio Frazzoli 2007-2013

developed globally-stable non-linear control of aerobatic aircraft on arbitrary trajectories

implemented the controller on an RC airplane

wrote custom hardware driver for COTS motion capture cameras

developed custom USB RC transmitter hardware

developed an Extended Kalman Filter using computer vision for state estimation

currently developing optimized methods for sampling based motion planning

Air Transportation Lab, Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

with Prof. J.P. Clarke 2006-2007

developed a series of analyses for airline planning and operations to assist in building a dynamic

model of airline market entry and economics

built and managed automated database of public air transportation data

Aerospace System Design Lab, Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

with Prof. Dimitri Mavris 2005

did background research and historical analysis for simulation and study of US Coast Guards

Integrated Deepwater System

Work The Aerospace Corporation El Segundo, CA

Experience Real Time Simulation Group under Darryl Gritz 2007

upgraded GPS-IIR hardware-in-the-loop, real-time simulator including integration of modern

hardware with legacy components on a VME bus

ported legacy code in C, C++, and DOS assembly to Solaris platform

wrote network based GUI for controlling and monitoring GPS-IIR simulations

National Aeronautics and Space Administration KSC, FL

3 terms (4 mo. ea.) Launch Site Integration Branch under Chuck Tatro 2004-2006

managed Design Visualization Study for Pluto New Horizons mission

developed cost models for spacecraft processing

revised branch processes for launch site integration

provided general assistance for Launch Site Integration Managers for Deep Impact, Mars Re-

connaissance Orbiter, and Pluto New Horizons missions

1 term (4 mo.) Controls Group, Mission Analysis Branch under Dr. Chuck Walker

built distributed aerodynamics implementation for Atlas V dynamic model in Matlab

Teaching Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT 2008 2009

Experience Tutor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT 2008

Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Math, Georgia Tech 2005,2007

Leadership President, MIT Snowriders 2009 2011

Social Chair, Graduate Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT 2008

Charter President, American Helicopter Society, Gergia Tech 2006 2007

Skills Programming: C++, C, Java, Matlab, Perl, Python, LTEX, PHP, javascript (jQuery), Ruby, SQL, Processing, HTML, CSS


Operating Systems: Ubuntu Linux, Windows, OSX, Solaris, iOS, Android

Publications [1] J. Bialkowski. Nonlinear control of an aerobatic rc airplane. Master s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.

[2] J. Bialkowski, S. Karaman, and E. Frazzoli. Massively parallelizing the rrt and the rrt. In Intelligent Robots and Systems

(IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, pages 3513 3518. IEEE, 2011.

[3] J. Bialkowski, S. Karaman, M. Otte, and E. Frazzoli. E cient collision checking in sampling-based motion planning. In

Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 10th International Workshop on the, page TBP, 2012.

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