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Project Manager Service

Nevada City, CA
December 15, 2012

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Beedy Environmental Consulting


***** **** **** ***

Nevada City, California 95959

phone: 530-***-**** fax: 530-***-****

email: ******@*******.***


More than 30 years of experience as a consulting wildlife biologist, with particular

expertise in avian ecology, threatened and endangered species, environmental

compliance, wildlife habitat assessments, data analysis, biological resources impact

analyses and mitigation planning, and forest and watershed management. Has served

as Project Manager, Project Director (or Principal-in-Charge) for more than 200 large

and controversial projects concerning impacts on threatened, endangered, and other

special-status animals in California and other western states.


Ph.D. Zoology, University of California, Davis, 1982.

M.A. Zoology, University of California, Davis, 1975.

B.S. Zoology, University of California, Davis, 1972.

EXPERIENCE (1978 2006)

Beedy Environmental Consulting. Since May 2006, I have provided consulting

services for the following clients: ICF/Jones & Stokes, EDAW, TAIC, SAIC, PAR,

Audubon California, Susan Sanders Biological Consulting, and many private clients.

Jones & Stokes, 2600 V Street, Sacramento, CA 95818. Associate Principal and Senior

Wildlife Biologist (1985 2006).

Representative projects include:

Placer County Natural Resources Report (Phase I Area). Project Director for the

biological inventory and land-use mapping components of the Placer County Habitat

Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP). This

program included the development of conservation strategies for the protection of

covered species and natural communities in rapidly developing areas of western

Placer County. This effort was habitat -based, and the Natural Resources Report

provided essential background information for identifying important natural habitats

for covered species as part of the HCP/NCCP. This report combined the knowledge

gained from the Geographic Information System analysis and field work. It includes

detailed information on the status, extent, and distribution of all the major habitats in

western Placer County s 42 watersheds.

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Lake Isabella. Principal-in-Charge for 10-year study of the effects of periodic

inundation on the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher and its riparian habitat

at Lake Isabella, Kern County. Under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps), managed studies of plant physiology, flycatcher nesting habitat, and

breeding biology. Assisted the Corps in deve loping mitigation strategies to reduce

the impacts of long-term operation of Lake Isabella on the flycatcher. Prepared an

Environmental Assessment and a Biological Assessment for the acquisition of 1,100

acres of habitat to be protected and enhanced for t he southwestern willow flycatcher

and other Neotropical migrant birds.

San Luis National Wildlife Refuge. Principal-in-Charge for an analysis of the San

Joaquin River floodplain within the West Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National

Wildlife Refuge, Merced County. Goals of this study were to determine the

feasibility of de-authorizing up to 10 miles of project levees to restore the river s

historical floodplain within the existing federal and adjacent state lands adjacent to

the river. Major issues were the beneficial effects on wetlands, waterfowl, and

riparian habitats and possible impacts on Highway 165 and other infrastructure near

the refuge, as well as the potential effects of flooding and sedimentation on vernal

pools and special-status species.

Mono Lake. Project Manager for a wildlife impact evaluation for the Mono Lake

Water Rights Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the California State Water

Resources Control Board. Primary species and issues analyzed included effects of

water diversio n and reduced lake level on water birds, including gulls, grebes,

phalaropes, snowy plovers, migratory ducks, and riparian-associated wildlife.

Designed and conducted intensive wildlife surveys of Mono Lake s tributary streams

and lakeshore wetlands. Prepared detailed technical appendices regarding California

gulls, riparian and lakeshore wildlife, and special-status species in Mono Basin,

California. Assisted with sample design and managed subcontractor studies,

including radiotelemetry of coyotes, wildlife inventories of Paoha Island, and field

and laboratory studies of the foraging behavior and energetics of red-necked


Central Valley Project Improvement Act. Conducted analyses of the impacts of

specific water supply alternatives on waterfo wl, shorebirds, and other water birds for

the Central Valley Project Improvement Act programmatic Environmental Impact

Statement (EIS). Evaluated water supplies and use and habitat management at all

Central Valley wildlife refuges and at large, private wetlands throughout the valley

(e.g., Butte Sink, Grasslands, Yolo Bypass).

Yolo Basin Wildlife Area. Co-founder of the Yolo Basin Working Group, an ad-hoc

group organized to restore and enhance wetland wildlife habitat in and near the Yolo

Bypass, Yolo County, California. Conducted studies of raptors, waterfowl, riparian

wildlife, and special-status species, and managed technical studies of flood control,

soils, and hydrology. Awarded a Congressional Commendation by U.S.

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Representative Vic Fazio and a St ate Assembly Resolution by Assemblyman Tom

Hannigan for volunteer and professional involvement in this project.

Tricolored Blackbird Status and Distribution Report. Under contract to the U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game,

conducted a detailed review of the historical and current status of tricolored

blackbirds throughout their range. Made a systematic review of all published

information available on this species and contacted more than 100 ornithologists in

California and Oregon for additional unpublished observations of breeding colonies.

Prepared a detailed report documenting all available breeding records and describing

long-range population trends and habitat requirements of this unique species, and

made management recommendations for preserving this species and its habitat.

Ongoing efforts include participation with the Tricolored Blackbird Working Group,

a coalition of private and public entities working to develop a collaborative

conservation strategy to protect this declining species.

Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. Prepared the wildlife analysis for the

project EIS, which focused on waterfowl, riparian wildlife habitat, pesticide use, and

landowner/special-status species conflicts. Conducted field studies and prepared a

biological assessment addressing potential use of this proposed refuge by special-

status species. This EIS was voted the Outstanding Environmental Analysis

Document of 1992 by the Association of Environmental Professionals.

Kesterson Program. Conducted wildlife and vegetation surveys at Kesterson

National Wildlife Refuge in Merced County and prepared the wildlife chapter of the

Kesterson Program EIS, which involved substantial coordination with the U.S.

Bureau of Reclamation, USFWS, and the Corps. Prepared the Biological Assessment

for the Kesterson program in consultation with USFWS. This required field surveys

for the San Joaquin kit fox, Fresno kangaroo rat, giant garter snake, western snowy

plover, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and tricolored blackbird. Conducted

monitoring studies of aquatic invertebrates and tricolored blackbirds for Reclamation.

Bird Airstrike Hazard Studies. Considerable experience evaluating the potential

for Bird Airstrike Hazards (BASH) at restored wetlands near airports. Managed a

3-year study of bird use of existing habitats near Beale Air Force Base in Yuba

County, and evaluated BASH potential near the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport and

smaller airports in Yolo and Sacramento counties, extensive experience with

Migratory Bird Treaty Act compliance for these and many other projects.

Highway 101 Natural Environment Study. Managed the wildlife portion of a four-

year study for a proposed California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) project

to construct a bypass around the City of Willits, Mendocino County. This project

involved surveys for special-status birds, including northern spotted owls, marbled

murrelets, and nesting raptors, as well as fur-bearing mammals, deer, and tule elk.

The results of these surveys were compiled into a Natural Environment Study and a

Biological Assessment.

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California Gnatcatcher and Cactus Wren Surveys of Irvine Ranch. Designed

and managed an intensive three-year study of California gnatcatchers and cact us

wrens on the Irvine Ranch, Orange County, California. Supervised 15 field

ornithologists who conducted surveys in 25,000 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat.

Prepared database of all bird observations, including mapped locations, general and

specific habitats, and degree of habitat fragmentation. Compiled lists of other

special-status species such as bald eagles, golden eagles, peregrine falcons, Bell s

sage sparrows, and rufous-crowned sparrows. Managed detailed vegetation mapping

of the entire property and prepared GIS database of vegetation and wildlife sightings.

Gas and Oil Development. Managed more than 20 projects in oil fields of western

Kern County for many clients, including Chevron USA, Shell Western Exploration

and Production, Texaco USA, Unocal, Phillips Petroleum, Whittier Oil, Mobil Oil,

and Valley Waste Disposal. Projects included systematic inventories of 150 miles of

ephemeral drainages for special-status plants and wildlife; surveys of oil and gas

pipelines; and siting of production facilities, such as cogeneration plants. Managed

and monitored cleanup and remediation of recent and historical oil spills and prepared

detailed reports on these operations. Conducted numerous surveys of natural gas

pipelines and pumping plants in Sacramento, Solano, and Yolo Counties for Capitol

Oil and Gas, Vern Jones Oil, Texaco USA, Delta Gas Gathering, and AA Production.

Biological Resources Inventory of the Kern River Parkway. Conducted wildlife

and botanical resource surveys at the Kern River Parkway in Bakersfield to provide

the city with information necessary to refine a concept plan for open space and

recreational development. Performed or supervised field surveys for 11 special-status

wildlife species and 15 rare plant taxa. Wildlife spec ies surveyed included the San

Joaquin kit fox, San Joaquin antelope squirrel, Tipton kangaroo rat, short -nosed

kangaroo rat, San Joaquin pocket mouse, Swainson s hawk, yellow-billed cuckoo,

and blunt-nosed leopard lizard.

Chula Vista Bayfront. Designed and managed a two-year study of water bird use of

the Chula Vista Bayfront in San Diego County. Project involved bimonthly censuses

of water birds at 15 sample stations and evaluation of key habitat areas. Also

conducted specific surveys for the federally endangered least tern. Other special-

status species at this site included the California least tern, light -footed clapper rail,

and Belding s savannah sparrow. Summarized the survey results in a report that

addressed potential project impacts and recommended mitigation measures.

Independent Consulting.

Natural Resources Assessments for Nevada County. Under contract to the Sierra

Business Council in Truckee, CA, served as the Scientific Coordinator for county-

wide resources assessment projects for Nevada County. Lead author of the final

Natural Resources Report for Nevada County that was completed in July 2002. The

goals of these projects were to provide a scientific analyses of the distribution and

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characteristics of counties 100 watersheds, native habitats, and plant and animal

species. Obtained biological and physical resource information for each watershed

from published sources and electronic databases that are maintained by a variety of

universities and local, state and federal agencies. Directed teams of local botanists

and wildlife biologists who performed surveys in each watershed to field-verify the

accuracy of the GIS-based maps and databases (1999-2002).

Tuolumne River Biological Surveys. Surveyed the lower Tuolumne River and

Clavey River drainages for threatened, endangered, and special-status species for the

Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts. Also conducted studies of riparian

vegetation and bird and mammal surveys for analysis of potential impacts resulting

from potential new dams and other infrastructure on these rivers (1982-1984).

Wildlife Habitat Relationships Research. Conducted extensive literature reviews

and compiled information on status, distribution, life histories, and habitat

relationships for 209 species of birds of the western Sierra Nevada for the U.S. Forest

Service. Conducted extensive literature reviews and compiled information on the

status, distribution, and life histories of sea birds, marsh birds, waterfowl, and upland

game birds in California. Performed technical editing of species accounts and habitat

matrices for birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians for the California Department

of Fish and Game (1978-1980).


University of California, Davis and California State University, Sacramento.

Visiting Assistant Professor and Lecturer for upper-division courses in

ornithology, vertebrate biology, general ecology, and quantitative ecological field

survey methods (1980-1985). Continue to lecture frequently at UCD, CSUS, and

other universities by invitation. Currently delivers many lectures each year at

scientific meetings and symposia, as well as for local schools, citizens groups, and

conservation organizations.


Author. Coauthored Discovering Sierra Birds, a co lor-illustrated guide

describing the natural history of 190 species of birds inhabiting the western Sierra

Nevada, supported by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation and published in

1985 by the Yosemite and Sequoia Natural History Associations. Currently under

contract to the Yosemite Association to co-author a new book, Birds of the Sierra

Nevada, in collaboration with Ed Pandolfino and illustrated by well-known bird

artist Keith Hansen. This revised and expanded book will include detailed

accounts of 275 species, along with color illustrations of every species.

Denali National Park, Alaska. Naturalist. Responsibilities included lecturing,

park interpretation, bus driving, and conducting tundra-wildlife tours (1971-


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Field Trip Leader. Leads many local field trips (e.g., Sierra Nevada and Central

Valley) for various groups including the Nevada County Land Trust, Sierra

Foothills Audubon Society, Central Valley Bird Club, Yosemite Association, as

well as local schools.


American Ornithologists Union, Western Field Ornithologists, The Wildlife

Society, Cooper Ornithological Society


Beedy, E. C. 2008. Harlequin Duck. (Histrionicus histrionicus), in California Bird

Species of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct

populations of birds of immediate conservation concern in California (D. S. Shuford

and T. Gardali, eds). Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists,

Camarillo, California and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento.

Beedy, E. C. 2008. Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor), in California Bird Species of

Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct populations

of birds of immediate conservation concern in California (D. S. Shuford and T.

Gardali, eds). Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo,

California and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento.

Beedy, E. C. and B. E. Deuel. 2008. Redhead ( Aythya americana), in California Bird

Species of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct

populations of birds of immediate conservation concern in California (D. S. Shuford

and T. Gardali, eds). Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists,

Camarillo, California and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento.

Beedy, E. C. 1995. Opinion: Ten ways to fix the Endangered Species Act. Endangered

Species Update 12(6):12-14.

Beedy, E. C. 1993. A checklist of the birds of Yolo County. Yolo Audubon Society.

Davis, CA.

Beedy, E. C. 1989. Habitat suitability index model: Tricolored blackbird ( Agelaius

tricolor). U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (report by

Jones & Stokes Associates). 17 pp.

Beedy, E. C. 1981. Bird communities and forest structure in the Sierra Nevada of

California. Condor 83:97-105.

Beedy, E. C. 1979. Fire exclusion and birds in Yosemite. Yosemite Natural History

Association Member s Bulletin 47:1-6.

Beedy, E. C. 1975. Avifaunal complexity and forest structure in the Sierra Nevada of

California. M.A. thesis, University of California, Davis. 100 pp.

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Beedy, E. C. and P. Brussard. 2002. Nevada County natural resources report: a scientific

assessment of watersheds and ecosystems. Prepared for Nevada County Planning

Department, Nevada City, CA. 476 pp.

Beedy, E. C. and W. J. Hamilton III. 1999. Tricolored Blackbird. No. 423, Birds of

North America. Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.

Beedy, E. C., and W. J. Hamilton III. 1997. Tricolored blackbird status update and

management guidelines. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of

Fish and Game.

Beedy, E. C., V. K. Getz, and D. A. Airola. 1992. Status of the San Joaquin kit fox in the

urban Kern River Parkway, Bakersfield, California. In D. Williams (ed.), Proceedings

of the symposium on endangered and sensitive species of the San Joaquin Valley,

December 10-11, 1987, Bakersfield, CA. California Energy Commission,

Sacramento, CA.

Beedy, E. C., and A. Hayworth. 1992. Tricolored blackbird nesting failures in the

Central Valley of California: general trends or isolated phenomena? In D. Williams

(ed.), Proceedings of the symposium on endangered and sensitive species of the San

Joaquin Valley, December 10-11, 1987, Bakersfield, CA. California Energy

Commission, Sacramento, CA.

Beedy, E. C., and S. L. Granholm. 1985. Discovering Sierra birds. Yosemite and

Sequoia Natural History Associations. Yosemite, CA. 229 p.

Beedy, E. C., S. D. Sanders, and D. Bloom. 1991. Breeding status, distribution, and

habitat associations of the tricolored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor), 1859-1989. U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service. 110 pp.

Estep, J. A., and E. C. Beedy. 1989. Mitigatio n strategies for preserving Swainson s

hawks in the Central Valley. Association of Environmental Professionals, Statewide

News. Fall 1989:4-5.

Hejl, S. J., and E. C. Beedy. 1986. A problem for wildlife-habitat relationships

programs: temporal variations in bird abundance. Pp. 241-244 in Wildlife 2000:

modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates. The University of Wisconsin

Press. Madison, WI.

Hunter, J. C., J. C. Sterling, W. P. Widdowson, E. C. Beedy, D. Stralberg, and N. Nur.

2003. The abundance and distribution of non-native woody species in Sacramento

Valley riparian zones. Proceedings of the California Invasive Plant Council

Symposium 7:39-45.

Verner, J., E. C. Beedy, S. L. Granholm, L. V. Ritter, and E. F. Toth. 1980. Birds. Pp.

75-319 in Verner and Boss (tech. coords.), California wildlife and their habitats:

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western Sierra Nevada. U.S. Forest Service (Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-37). Berkeley,


Zeiner, D. C., W. F. Laudenslayer, K. E. Mayer, and M. White (eds.) 1990. California s

Wildlife. Volume II: Birds. November. California Department of Fish and Game.

Sacramento, CA. (Authored 20 species accounts.)


Endangered Birds in Riparian Ecosystems, published as a volume of Western Birds


Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, 1992, Volume 28.

California Wildlife Habitat Relationships Program, published by the California

Department of Fish and Game, 1990. Edited 30 species accounts for birds, reptiles,

and amphibians.

Marin County Breeding Bird Atlas, published by Point Reyes Bird Observatory.

Technical reviewer for many articles published in Condor, Colonial Waterbirds, Journal

of Wildlife Management, and Western Birds.


Mr. Andrew Cassano


Nevada City Engineering

505 Coyote Street

Nevada City, CA 95959


Mr. Loren Clark

Principal Planner

Placer County Planning Department

11414 B Avenue

Auburn, CA 95603


Mr. Mike Rushton


Jones & Stokes

2600 V Street

Sacramento, CA 95818


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Mr. Mitchell Stewart

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Sacramento District

1325 J Street

Sacramento, CA 95814


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