Ashton Myles Shortridge
November, 2012
Department of Geography
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, 48824
517-***-**** (ph)
517-***-**** (fax)
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2000.
Dissertation: Uncertainty in Spatial Data Measures, Models, and Structures
Michael Goodchild, advisor.
M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1997
Thesis: Modeling the Relationship Between 7.5' & 1 Degree DEMs
B.A. Indiana University, Bloomington, 1991
Major: Economics; Minors: Geography, Political Science, German
Research Interests
Geographic Information Science (GIS), with particular specialties in:
Uncertainty in spatial data and spatial applications
Applied geocomputation
Terrain modeling and analysis
Health geography
Relevant Employment
2007 present: Department of Geography, Michigan State University
Associate Professor; Geographer with research & teaching focus in spatial analysis and
geographic information science
January, 2001 2007: Department of Geography, Michigan State University
Assistant Professor; Geographer with research & teaching focus in spatial analysis and
Sept. 1994 Dec. 2000: National Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, University of
California Santa Barbara
Graduate Student Researcher: Spatial Data and GIS Research, Conference Planning
and Support
Spring 1997 Spring 2000: Department of Geography, UC Santa Barbara, California
Teaching Assistant, Reader for Geography 274 (Introduction to Geographical Data
July 1993 Aug. 1994: Indiana Vocational Technical College, Bloomington, Indiana
Computer Skills Instructor, Course Material Developer
Jan. 1992 June 1992: Geospace GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Computer Mapping, GIS Applications Programming, Training
May 1990 Dec. 1991: City of Indianapolis
Geographic Information Systems Technician - Public Works Engineering
Academic Awards
2006 Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology (awarded to Li et al., 2005, Exploring
Complexity in a Human-Environment System: An Agent-based Spatial Model for
Multidisciplinary and Multiscale Integration. in Annals of the Assoc. of Am Geog, 95(1): 54-79)
United States Chapter of International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE).
2000 Excellence in Research Award, Department of Geography, University of California Santa
Refereed Journal Articles
[27] L. Zhu, A. M. Shortridge, and D. Lusch (2012) Conflating LiDAR data and multi-spectral
imagery for efficient building detection. ( accepted)
[26] G. O'Neil and A. M. Shortridge (2012) Quantifying local flow-direction error. Int. J.
Geographical Information Science, DOI:10.1080/13658816.2012.719627
[25] P. L. Delamater, J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, and S. C. Grady (2012) Measuring
geographic access to health care: raster and network-based methods. International Journal of
Health Geographics 11:15. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-11-15.
[24] A. M. Shortridge, K. Goldsberry, and K. Weessies (2011) Measuring research data
uncertainty in the 2010 NRC assessment of geography graduate education. Journal of
Geography 110(6): 219-226.
[23] S. A. Drzyzga, A. M. Shortridge, and R. J. Schaetzl (2011) Mapping the stages of glacial
Lake Algonquin in the upper Great Lakes region, Canada and USA, using an isostatic rebound
model. Journal of Paleolimnology .
[22] K. P. McKnight, J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, M. D. Burns, and B. W. Pig ozzi (2011)
Using volunteered geographic information to assess the spatial distribution of West Nile Virus in
Detroit, Michigan. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2(3): 72-85.
[21] A. M. Shortridge and J. P. Messina (2011) Spatial structure and landscape associations of
SRTM error. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(6): 1576-1587.
[20] T. Lalonde, A. M. Shortridge, and J. P. Messina (2010) The influence of land cover on
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevations in low-relief areas. Transactions in GIS
14(4): 461-479.
[19] S.A. Langley, S.P. Fuller, J.P. Messina, A.M. Shortridge, and S.C. Grady (2010) A
methodology for projecting hospital bed need: a Michigan case study. Source Code for Biology
and Medicine 5:4: doi:10.1186/1751-0473-5-4.
[18] V. Hull, A. M. Shortridge, B. Liu, S. Bearer, X. Zhou, H. Zhang, Z. Ouyang, and J. Liu
(2011) The impact of giant panda foraging on bamboo dynamics in an isolated environment.
Plant Ecology 212(1): 43-54. doi: 10.1007/s11258-010-9800-3.
[17] O. Ahlqvist and A. M. Shortridge (2010) Spatial and semantic dimensions of landscape
heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology 25(4): 573-590.
[16] A. F. Arbogast, A. M. Shortridge, and M. E. Bigsby (2009) Volumetric estimates of coastal
sand dunes in lower Michigan: explaining the geography of dune fields. Physical Geography
30(6): 479-500.
[15] B. Butt, A. M. Shortridge, A. WinklerPrins, and C. Duvall (2009) Pastoral herd
management, drought coping strategies and cattle mobility around the Maasai National Reserve,
Kenya. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(2): 309-334.
[14] Y. Makido, J. P. Messina, and A.M. Shortridge (2008) Exploring pseudo-random number
generators and sub-pixel classification. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 45(4): 471 - 489.
[13] J. P. Messina, T. P. Evans, S. M. Manson, A. M. Shortridge, P. J. Deadman, and P. H.
Verburg (2008) Complex systems models and the management of error and uncertainty. J. of
Land Use Science. 3(1): 11-25.
[12] Y. Makido and A. M. Shortridge (2007) Weighting functio n alternatives for a sub-pixel
allocation model. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 73(11): 1233-1240.
[11] Y. Makido, A. M. Shortridge, and J. P. Messina (2007) Assessing alternatives for modeling
the spatial distribution of multiple l and-cover classes at sub-pixel scales. Photogrammetric
Engineering and Remote Sensing. 73(8): 935-944.
[10] A. M. Shortridge (2007) Practical limits of Moran's Autocorrelation index for raster class
maps. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems . 31(3): 362-371.
[9] J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, R. E. Groop, P. Varnakovida, and M.J. F inn. (2006).
Eva luating Michigan's community hospital access: spatial methods for decision support.
International Journal of Health Geographics 5:42.
[8] J. P. Messina and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Moving beyond the specialization: the
development of a bachelor of science program in geographic information science at Michigan
State University. Geocarto International 21(2): 67-74.
[7] A. M. Shortridge (2006) An assessment of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation data
error and its relationship to land cover. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 33(1):
[6] C. P. Barber and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Lidar elevation data for surface hydrologic
modeling: resolution and representation issues. Cartography and Geographic Information
Science 32(4): 401-410.
[5] L. An, M. Linderman, J. Qi, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Liu (2005) Exploring complexity in a
human-environment system: an agent-based spatial model for multidisciplinary and multiscale
integration. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95(1): 54-79.
[4] A. M. Shortridge (2004) Geometric variability of raster cell class assignment. Int. J.
Geographical Information Science 18(6): 539-558.
[3] A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (2002) Geometric probability and GIS: some
applications for the statistics of intersections. Int. J. Geographical Information Science, 16(3):
[2] P. C. Kyriakidis, A. M. Shortridge, M. F. Goodchild (1999) Geostatistics for conflation and
accuracy assessment of digital elevation models. Int. J. Geographical Information Science, 13(7):
[1] C. R. Ehlschlaeger, A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (1997) Visualizing spatial data
uncertainty using animation. Computers & GeoSciences, 23(4): 387-395.
Refereed Book Chapters
A. M. Shortridge, J. Messina, S. Hession, and Y. Makido (2006) Towards an ontologically-driven
GIS to characterize spatial data uncertainty. In Progress in Spatial Data Handling, A. Riedl, W.
Kainz, and G. Elmes, Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 465-476.
O. Ahlqvist and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Characterizing land cover structure with semantic
variograms. In Progress in Spatial Data Handling, A. Riedl, W. Kainz, and G. Elmes, Eds.
Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 401-415.
S. L. Hession, A. M. Shortridge, and N. M. Torbick (2006). Categorical models for spatial data
uncertainty. In Proceedings of Accuracy 2006, M. Caetano and M. Painho, Eds. Instituto
Geogr fico Portugu s: Lisbon, Portugal. 386-395.
S. Drzyzga, A. M. Shortridge, and R. Schaetzl (2002) Revealing uncertainty in maps of glacial
Lake Algonquin. in Advances in Spatial Data Handling, D. Richardson and P. v. Oosterom, Eds.
Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 377-389.
Y. Shi, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Bartholic (2002) Grid computing for real time distributed
collaborative geoprocessing. in Advances in Spatial Data Handling, D. Richardson and P. v.
Oosterom, Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 197-208.
A. M. Shortridge and K. C. Clarke (1999) On some limitations of square raster cell structures for
digital elevation data modeling. in Spatial Accuracy Assessment: Land Information Uncertainty in
Natural Resources, K. Lowell and A. Jaton, Eds. Ann Arbor Press: Ann Arbor, Michigan. 341-
M. F. Goodchild, A. M. Shortridge and P. Fohl (1999) Encapsulating simulation models with
geospatial data sets. in Spatial Accuracy Assessment: Land Information Uncertainty in Natural
Resources, K. Lowell and A. Jaton, Eds. Ann Arbor Press: Ann Arbor, Michigan. 123-130.
Other Book Chapters
A. M. Shortridge (2001) Characterizing uncertainty in digital elevation models. Chapter 11 in
Spatial Uncertainty for Ecology: Implications for Remote Sensing and GIS Applications . C.T.
Hunsaker, M.F. Goodchild, M.A. Friedl, and T.J. Case, Eds. Springer-Verlag: New York. 238-
Refereed Papers Published in Proceedings
B. E. Romero and A. M. Shortridge (2012) Geographical Feature Detection: Accuracy
Assessment, Metrics, and Visual Analytics. Seventh International Conference on Geographic
Information Science (GIScience 2012), Columbus, Ohio, September 18-21.
A. M. Shortridge and M. Shi (2012) Changing the TIGER's stripes: detecting road network
change under positional uncertainty. Accuracy 2012, Florianopolis, Brazil, July 13-15.
L. Zhu, A. M. Shortridge, D. Lusch, and R. Shi (2011) Feature extraction from 3D LiDAR point
clouds using image processing methods. Proc. SPIE 8159, 81590P; doi:10.1117/12.893856.
A. M. Shortridge, K. Goldsberry, and A. Naizghi (2010) Visualizing nutritional terrain: scale and
sensitivity analyses. Sixth International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(GIScience 2010). Zurich, Switzerland, September 14-17.
E. Bowling and A. M. Shortridge (2010) A dynamic web-based data model for representing
geographic points with uncertain locations. Accuracy 2010, Leicester, UK, July 20-23.
J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, and Y. K. Makido (2006) Ontology and the Representation and
Modeling of Terrain Uncertainty Models. Measuring the Earth (MAPPS/ASPRS), San Antonio,
Texas, November 6-10.
A. M. Shortridge (2005) Mote in Moran's I: Assessing the Limits of the Autocorrelation Index for
Raster Class Maps. GeoComputation 2005. Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1-3.
Y. Makido and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Land Cover Mapping at Sub-Pixel Scales: Unraveling
the Mixed Pixel. GeoComputation 2005. Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1-3.
C. P. Barber and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Terrain representation, scale, and hydrologic
modeling: does LiDAR make a difference? Autocarto 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada, March 21-23.
A. M. Shortridge (2004) Quality assessment of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital
elevation data. Third International Conference on Geographic Information Science . College
Park, Maryland, October 20-23.
J. P. Messina and A. M. Shortridge (2004) Development of a bachelor of science in Geographic
Information: the case study of Michigan State University. ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference.
Denver, Colorado, May 23-28.
A. Li, M. Linderman, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Liu (2003) An Integrative Model with Agent-Based
Artificial Intelligence and GIS (IMABAIG): simulating the spatio-dynamics of rural households
and its impacts on giant panda habitats in the Wolong Nature Reserve (China). Population
Assoc. of America (PAA) 2003 Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, May 1-3.
A. M. Shortridge (2002) Geometric variability of raster cell class assignment. 5th International
Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences .
Melbourne, Australia, July 10-12.
A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (2000) Tile intersection probabilities for lines and areas in
GIS. 4th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and
Environmental Sciences, Amsterdam, July 12-14.
A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (1999) Communicating uncertainty for global datasets.
International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality. Hong Kong. July 18-20.
C. R. Ehlschlaeger and A. M. Shortridge (1996) Modeling elevation uncertainty in geographical
analysis. In Advances in GIS Research II: Proceedings, 7th SDH. M.J. Kraak, M. Molenaar, Eds.
Taylor & Francis: London. 585-595.
Non-Refereed Publications
P. L. Delamater, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Messina (2012) 2012 REPORT: Hospital Groups,
Determination of Needed Hospital Bed Supply, and Limited Access Areas . Report to the
Michigan Department of Community Health.
P. L. Delamater and A. M. Shortridge (2012) Psychiatric Bed Need. Report to the Michigan
Department of Community Health.
P. L. Delamater, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Messina (2011) New methodology for determining
needed hospital bed supply. Report to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
P. L. Delamater, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Messina (2011) New methodology for defining
hospital groups. Report to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
P. L. Delamater, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Messina (2011) Subarea designation results: K-
means clustering method. Report to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
A. M. Shortridge and S. Grady (2011) Alternative bed need approaches. Report to the Michigan
Department of Community Health.
S. P. Fuller, S. Langley, A. M. Shortridge, J. Messina (2009) Sensitivity of Bed Need
Projections to Alternative Spatial Units of Analysis and Population Data Sources . Report to the
Michigan Department of Community Health.
A. M. Shortridge, J. Messina, S. Langley, and E. Sandberg (2008) 2008 Base Year Bed Need
Calculations. Report to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
J. Moy, W. D. Hudson, R. Kline-Robach, A. M. Shortridge, and S. AcMoody (2006) Modeling
socioeconomic data sources and land use coefficients to estimate impervious surfaces for non-
point source pollution watershed monitoring. Report to the MSU Land Policy Program.
J. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, R. Groop, and M. Finn (2006) Certificate of Need
Technical Sub-Committee WorkGroup Charge Report . Report to the Michigan Department of
Community Health.
A. M. Shortridge (2005) Sediment transport modeling using high resolution LIDAR-derived
DEMs. Final Report for USGS Research 104b Program Report: Institute of Water Research.
J. Messina, A. M. Shortridg e, and R. Groop (2004) Hospital Site Selection Project Final Report.
Report to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
C. P. Barber and A. M. Shortridge (2004) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Derived
Elevation Data for Surface Hydrology Applications. Institute of Water Research Technical Report
IWR-1(2004), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
S. Gage, P. Ummadi, A. M. Shortridge, J. Qi, and P. K. Jella (2004) Using GIS to develop a
network of acoustic environmental sensors. 2004 ESRI International User Conference. San
Diego, California, August 9-13.
J. P. Messina and A. M. Shortridge (2004) An ontological architecture for the geospatial
representation and analysis of context-specific terrain data uncertainty models . DARPA White
Paper: U.S. Department of Defense, 8p.
A. M. Shortridge (1998) UNIT 43: Using derivative surface operators. In V. Gray, Editor, GIS
Core Curriculum for Technical Programs.
C. Kiedman and A. Shortridge (1998) GIS: Do you know where your errors are? EMIS Tech 2(1)
A. M. Shortridge (1995) Multiple roles for GIS in US global change research: annotated
bibliography. NCGIA Technical Report 95-3. NCGIA, Santa Barbara, 22 p.
W.B. Rossow, M.H. Freilich, V. Griffin, D. Halpern, S. Levitas, P. Sellers, D. Shea, A.
Shortridge and S. Worley (1995). Persistent information production for research. In D. Butler
and J. E. Estes, Editors, Proceedings of the EOSDIS Potential User Group Development Effort
Conference, Leesburg, VA, NASA, 5.1-5.12.
Invited Presentations
A. M. Shortridge (2012) A flick of sunshine upon a strange shore: the Shortridge family in
Hawaii and China. Michigan State University Geography brown-bag series. East Lansing, MI,
September 26.
A. M. Shortridge (2012) Digital terrain data: Applications and broad-scale accuracy assessment.
Sichuan University College of Architecture and Environment colloquium, Chengdu, China. April
20, 2012.
A. M. Shortridge (2012) Continental Survey of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Elevation
Data Error. Zhejiang University School of Environmental Science and Resource Management
colloquium, Hangzhou, China. April 10, 2012.
A. M. Shortridge (2012) Applied Spatial Data Analysis. Zhejiang University School of
Environmental Science and Resource Management Workshop, Hangzhou, China. March 21, 28,
A. M. Shortridge, N. Carter, and M. Tuanmu (2012) Can tigers, pandas, and people coexist?
The role of geographers in coupled human-natural systems modeling. University of Hawaii
Geography colloquium series, Honolulu, HI. January 26, 2012.
A. M. Shortridge, P. Varnakovida, N. Carter, and M. Tuanmu (2012) Spatial Dimensions of
Coupled Human and Natural Systems: Some Case Studies. East-West Center research program
series, Honolulu, HI. January 12, 2012.
A. M. Shortridge (2011) Introduction to Applied Spatial Analysis. Center for Statistical Training
& Consulting (CSTAT) Workshop, East Lansing, MI, November 11.
A. M. Shortridge (2011) Spatial data uncertainty for the masses. University of California
Santa Barbara Geography colloquium series. Santa Barbara, CA, October 6.
A. M. Shortridge (2009) A national survey of Shuttle Radar topography Mission elevation data
error; or, how hard is it to know how high you are? Michigan State University Geography
colloquium series. East Lansing, MI, October 26.
A. M. Shortridge (2009) Applied Spatial Data Analysis. Center for Statistical Training &
Consulting (CSTAT) Workshop, East Lansing, MI, October 23.
A. M. Shortridge (2009) Medical Geography and Public Health: measuring and modeling the
public's access to health care. Presentation to the MSU Public Health Student Society, East
Lansing, MI, October 8.
A. M. Shortridge (2008) Introduction to Applied Spatial Analysis. Center for Statistical Training
& Consulting (CSTAT) Workshop, East Lansing, MI, October 31.
J. Moy and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Introduction to Geostatistics in GIS. Center for Statistical
Training & Consulting (CSTAT) Spring Workshop, East Lansing, MI, March 24.
A. M. Shortridge (2004) The uneasy marriage of geography and statistics: uncertain terrain and
cancerous clusters. Michigan State University Statistics colloquium series. East Lansing,
Michigan, November 9.
A. M. Shortridge (2001) Intersection probabilities for raster grids: theory and experiments.
Western Michigan University Geography colloquium series. Kalamazoo, MI, October 26.
Presentations at Professional Meetings
(if not given by me, the presenting author is starred)
B. E. Romero and A. M. Shortridge (2012) Geographical Feature Detection: Accuracy
Assessment, Metrics, and Visual Analytics. Seventh International Conference on Geographic
Information Science (GIScience 2012), Columbus, Ohio, September 18-21.
A. M. Shortridge and M. Shi (2012) Changing the TIGER's stripes: detecting road network
change under positional uncertainty. Accuracy 2012, Florianopolis, Brazil, July 13-15.
L. Zhu*, A. M. Shortridge, D. Lusch, and R. Shi (2011) Feature extraction from 3D LiDAR point
clouds using image processing methods. SPIE Optics+Photonics 2011. San Diego, August 21-
N. C. Carter*, J. Liu, S. J. Riley, H. Campa III, and A. M. Shortridge (2011) Coupled human and
natural systems approach to tiger conservation. Annual Meeting of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science. Washington, DC, February 17-21.
A. Arbogast* and A. M. Shortridge (2010) Calculating sand volume in coastal dunes along the
shore of Lower Michigan. Association of American Geographers East Lakes Meeting . Grand
Rapids, October 23.
A. M. Shortridge, K. Goldsberry*, and A. Naizghi (2010) Visualizing nutritional terrain: scale and
sensitivity analyses. Sixth International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(GIScience 2010). Zurich, Switzerland. September 14-17.
E. Bowling* and A. M. Shortridge (2010) A dynamic web-based data model for representing
geographic points with uncertain locations. Accuracy 2010. Leicester, UK, July 20-23.
A. M. Shortridge (2010) Career development through geographic information science degree
programs: the Michigan State University perspective. IMAGIN Annual Conference. Lansing, May
A. M. Shortridge and S. Grady (2010) Roads less traveled: exploring distance factors in
demand for inpatient health care services. 106th Association of American Geographers Annual
Meeting. Washington, DC, April 14-18.
S. Zhong*, J. Van Deusen, Y. Chen, & A. M. Shortridge (2009) Estimating and testing the
topographic amplification factor using GIS and climate data from the western U.S. Thirtieth
International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), Rastatt, Germany. May 11-15.
M. E. Bigsby*, A. F. Arbogast, & A. M. Shortridge (2009) Calculating Sand Volumes in Coastal
Dunes along the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan. 105th Association of American Geographers
Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, March 22-27.
A. M. Shortridge, T. LaLonde, & J. Messina (2008) Developing Global Digital Elevation Error
Models. Fifth International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2008) .,
Park City, Utah. September 23-26.
T. LaLonde*, A. M. Shortridge, J. P. Messina, and C. Yansa (2008) Consequences of Digital
Elevation Model Choice for a Land Use Application. Autocarto 2008. Shepherdstown, West
Virginia, September 8-11.
A. M. Shortridge and A. Arbogast (2008) Spotting the Rockies from Kansas: Reconstructing
Miocene Viewsheds with GIS. 104th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting .
Boston, April 15-19.
T. LaLonde*, A. M. Shortridge, J. P. Messina, and P. Varnakovida (2008) The Relationship of
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Error to Landscape Characteristics. 104th Association
of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, April 15-19.
J. P. Messina*, Y. Makido, and A. M. Shortridge (2008) Random Numbers and Land Cover
Mapping Impacts. 104th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting . Boston, April 15-
A. M. Shortridge and J. Moy (2007) Recrafting the graduate GIS degree: evolving Michigan
State's MS-GIScience program. Association of American Geographers East Lakes Meeting . East
Lansing, Michigan, October 20.
A. M. Shortridge and J. P. Messina (2007) An ontological reliability architecture for the fusion of
context-specific geospatial data. NGA Academic Research Program Symposium. Washington,
DC, September 12-14.
Y. Makido*, J. P. Messina, and A.M. Shortridge. (2007) Testing randomness using sub-pixel
land cover mapping. 103rd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting . San
Francisco, April 17-21.
S. L. Hession*, N. M. Torbick, and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Spatiotemporal analysis of
precipitation in East Africa. Multivariate Methods in Environmetrics, Chicago. October 26-28.
J. P. Messina*, A. M. Shortridge, and Y. K. Makido (2006) Ontology and the Representation and
Modeling of Terrain Uncertainty Models. Measuring the Earth (MAPPS/ASPRS), San Antonio,
Texas, November 6-10.
A. M. Shortridge and J. P. Messina (2006) An ontological reliability architecture for the fusion of
context-specific geospatial data. NGA Academic Research Program Symposium. Washington,
DC, September 13-15.
A. M. Shortridge, J. Messina, S. Hession, and Y. Makido (2006) Towards an ontologically-driven
GIS to characterize spatial data uncertainty. 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data
Handling 2006 (SDH06). Vienna, Austria. July 12-14.
O. Ahlqvist* and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Characterizing land cover structure with semantic
variograms. 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling 2006 (SDH06) . Vienna,
Austria. July 12-14.
S. L. Hession*, A. M. Shortridge, and N. M. Torbick (2006) Categorical models for spatial data
uncertainty. 7th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources
and Environmental Sciences (Accuracy 2006). Lisbon, Portugal, July 5-7.
J. Messina* and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Ontology and the Representation and Analyses of
Tropical Land Use/Cover and Terrain Uncertainty. International Geographic Union 2006 Brisbane
Conference (IGU 2006). Brisbane, Australia, July 3-7.
J. Messina*, A. M. Shortridge, R. Groop, M. Finn, P. Varnakovida, and K. McKnight (2006)
Applications of GIS - A Primer. Disparities Workshop: Geographic Information Systems . Institute
for Health Care Studies. East Lansing, Michigan. June 28.
J. Moy, W. D. Hudson*, R. Kline-Robach, A. M. Shortridge, and S. J. AcMoody (2006) Modeling
socioeconomic data sources to estimate impervious surfaces. IMAGIN 2006 Annual Conference.
Traverse City, Michigan, May 2.
J. J. Moy*, W. D. Hudson, R. Kline-Robach, A. M. Shortridge, and S. J. AcMoody (2006)
Modeling socioeconomic data sources and land use coefficients to estimate impervious surfaces
for non-point pollution watershed monitoring. 2006 Michigan Land Use Summit . East Lansing,
March 27.
A. M. Shortridge, J. P. Messina, S. Hession, Y. Makido, and S. Seamount (2006) Developing
ontology-driven GIS for the distribution of uncertain spatial data. 102d Annual Association of
American Geographers Meeting. Chicago, March 7-11.
M. Finn*, J. P. Messina, and A. M. Shortridge (2006) Mapping health data on the internet:
issues of confidentiality and design. 102d Annual Association of American Geographers Meeting.
Chicago, March 7-11.
A. M. Shortridge and J. P. Messina (2005) An ontological reliability architecture for the fusion of
context-specific geospatial data. NGA Academic Research Program Symposium. Washington,
DC, September 21-23.
A. M. Shortridge (2005) Mote in Moran's I: Assessing the Limits of the Autocorrelation Index for
Raster Class Maps. GeoComputation 2005. Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1-3.
Y. Makido* and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Land Cover Mapping at Sub-Pixel Scales: Unraveling
the Mixed Pixel. GeoComputation 2005. Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1-3.
A. M. Shortridge and J. P. Messina (2005) Geographic information science degree programs at
Michigan State University: progress and new developments. IMAGIN Annual Conference.
Dearborn, Michigan, May 2-4.
S. A. Drzyzga* and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Landscape in a bottle: the stream table in GIS and
mapping science courses. 101st Annual Association of American Geographers Meeting. Denver,
April 5-9.
C. P. Barber* and A. M. Shortridge (2005) Terrain representation, scale, and hydrologic
modeling: does LiDAR make a difference? Autocarto 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada, March 21-23.
A. M. Shortridge (2004) Quality assessment of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital
elevation data. Third International Conference on Geographic Information Science . College
Park, Maryland, October 20-23.
Y. Li*, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Olson (2004) Progress in spatial scale research. Association of
American Geographers East Lakes Meeting. Athens, Ohio, October 15.
S. Gage, P. Ummadi*, A. M. Shortridge, J. Qi, and P. K. Jella (2004) Using GIS to develop a
network of acoustic environmental sensors. 2004 ESRI International User Conference. San
Diego, California, August 9-13.
J. P. Messina* and A. M. Shortridge (2004) Development of a bachelor of science in
Geographic Information: the case study of Michigan State University. ASPRS 2004 Annual
Conference. Denver, Colorado, May 23-28.
A.M. Shortridge (2003) Identifying anomalies in flagged point data: can GAM detect late-stage
cancer clusters? Association of American Geographers East Lakes Meeting . Kalamazoo,
Michigan, October 18.
A. Li*, M. Linderman, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Liu (2003) An Integrative Model with Agent-
Based Artificial Intelligence and GIS (IMABAIG): simulating the spatio-dynamics of rural
households and its impacts on giant panda habitats in the Wolong Nature Reserve (China).
Population Assoc. of America (PAA) 2003 Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, May 1-3.
A. M. Shortridge (2002) Geometric variability of raster cell class assignment. 5th International
Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences .
Melbourne, Australia, July 10-12, 2002.
C. R. Ehlschlaeger and A. M. Shortridge (2002) Characterizing 3-D positional uncertainty in
digital terrain data. 5th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences. Melbourne, Australia, July 10-12, 2002.
S. Drzyzga*, A. M. Shortridge, and R. Schaetzl (2002) Revealing uncertainty in maps of glacial
Lake Algonquin. 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Ottawa, Canada, July 9-
Y. Shi*, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Bartholic (2002) Grid computing for real time distributed
collaborative geoprocessing. 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Ottawa,
Canada, July 9-12.
Y. Makido* and A. M. Shortridge (2002) Fit for public consumption? Visualizing interpolated
ground water contamination data. Association of American Geographers East Lakes Meeting .
Mount Pleasant, Michigan, October 18.
S. A. Drzyzga*, A. M. Shortridge, and R. J. Schaetzl (2002) Revealing uncertainty in maps of
glacial lake Algonquin. 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Ottawa, Canada,
July 9-12.
Y. Shi*, A. M. Shortridge, and J. Bartholic (2002) Grid Computing for real time distributed
collaborative geoprocessing. 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Ottawa,
Canada, July 9-12.
A. M. Shortridge (2002) Choosing the ideal raster cell size probabilistically . 98th Annual
Association of American Geographers Meeting. Los Angeles, March 19-23, 2002.
S. S. Aichele* and A. M. Shortridge (2002) Assessing spatial impact of proposed drinking-water
arsenic standards in southeast Michigan using geostatistics. 98th Annual Association of American
Geographers Meeting. Los Angeles, March 19-23, 2002.
A. M. Shortridge (2000) Compact data models for spatially continuous phenomena. First
International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Savannah, Georgia, USA, October
A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (2000) Tile intersection probabilities for lines and areas in
GIS. 4th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and
Environmental Sciences, Amsterdam, July 12-14.
A. M. Shortridge (2000) Finding a (Buffon s) needle in a hierarchical triangular haystack.
International Conference on Discrete Global Grids, Santa Barbara, CA, March 26-28.
A. M. Shortridge (1999) Characterizing uncertainty in elevation data: applications for
environmental modeling . University of Southern California Geography colloquium series . Los
A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (1999) Communicating uncertainty for global datasets.
International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality. Hong Kong. July 18-20.
M. F. Goodchild*, A. M. Shortridge and P. Fohl (1999) Encapsulating simulation models with
geospatial data sets. 3rd International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences, Quebec City, Canada, May 20-22.
A. M. Shortridge and M. F. Goodchild (1999) A turn-key approach to modeling spatial data
uncertainty. 95th AAG Meeting, Honolulu, March 24-27.
A. M. Shortridge (1998) Characterizing spatial data uncertainty in GIS. Varenius/NCGIA Annual
Meeting, Orono, Maine.
A. M. Shortridge (1998) Characterizing the relationship between 7.5 and 1 degree digital
elevation models. UC Santa Barbara Geography colloquium series .
W. Orr*, H. Johnson* and A. M. Shortridge (1998) Visualizing Climate Change Impacts at the
Local Level: A California Case Study. California Regional Climate Change: California Regional
Assessment, Santa Barbara, CA.
A. M. Shortridge and K. C. Clarke* (1998) On some limitations of square raster cell structures
for digital elevation data modeling. 3rd Int. Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Quebec City, Canada, May 20-22.
A. M. Shortridge (1997) A framework for modeling spatial data uncertainty. Santa Barbara
NIMA Review Meeting.
B. P. Buttenfield, K. Kemp, N. Chrisman and A. M. Shortridge (1997) The virtual seminar:
experiences from a web-based graduate course in geographic information science. 93rd AAG
Meeting, Fort Worth.
C. R. Ehlschlaeger* and A. M. Shortridge (1996) Modeling elevation uncertainty in geographical
analysis. 7th Int. Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Delft, The Netherlands, August 12-16.
Contracts and Grants
A. M. Shortridge, K. Goldsberry, J. P. Messina, and S. Grady (2012) Health Policy Analysis and
Mapping. Michigan Department of Community Healt h. $83,000
A. M. Shortridge (2011) Measuring and modeling positional uncertainty in geographic vector
data. Northrup-Grumman. $23,000.
A. M. Shortridge, J. P. Messina, and S. Grady (2011) CON/Health Policy Mapping. Michigan
Department of Community Healt h. $50,000.
A. M. Shortridge, S. Grady, and J. P. Messina (2010) CON/Health Policy Mapping. Michigan
Department of Community Healt h. $78,092.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator) and J. P. Messina (2010) Web-Based Distribution of
Uncertainty-Aware Global Geographic Data. MSU Competitive Discretionary Funding Program.
$59,184 Not Funded.
S. Grady and A. M. Shortridge (2010) Geographic Analysis of Racial Disparities in MRI
Utilization. National Institutes of Health. $222,673 Not Funded.
A. F. Arbogast, W. Lovis, A. M. Shortridge, and C. Yansa (2010) Reconstructing the Impact of
the Middle Holocene Nipissing Transgression on the Southwest Coast of Lake Huron: An Analog
to Future Sea Level Scenarios on a Warming Earth . National Science Foundation. $625,074 Not
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator), S. Grady, and J. P. Messina (2009) CON/Health Policy
Mapping. Michigan Department of Community Healt h. $60,000.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator), R. Groop, E. McGarrell, D. Carter, K. Evered, A.
Finley, K. Goldsberry, J. Messina, L. Zulu. ( 2009) Spatial Intelligence Capacity Development.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence: Intelligence Community Centers of Academic
Excellence (IC CAE). $2,963,001 Not Funded.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator), J. P. Messina, S. Grady, and K. Goldsberry (2008)
Certificate of Need Research Program and Online Health Facility Mapping . Michigan Department
of Community Healt h. $143,413.
J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, R. Groop, S. Grady, and B. Pigozzi (2007) Michigan Health
Care and the Certificate of Need Research Program . Michigan Department of Community
Health. $128,228.
J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, and R. Groop (2006) Health Policy Mapping Project. Michigan
Department of Community Healt h. $118,776.
J. P. Messina, R. Groop, and A. M. Shortridge (2005-06) Medical Geography Laboratory
Project. Michigan Department of Community Healt h. $119,000.
J. P. Messina, R. Groop, and A. M. Shortridge (2005) MRT and Surgical Center Site Selection
Project. Michigan Department of Community Healt h. $29,000.
J. J. Moy, W. D. Hudson, R. Kline-Robach, and A. M. Shortridge (2005-06) Modeling
Socioeconomic Data Sources and Land Use Coefficients to Estimate Impervious Surfaces for
Non-Point Source Pollution Watershed Modeling. MSU Land Policy Program: Special Projects
Grant. $20,000.
J. J. Moy, J. Render, J. Booth, A. M. Shortridge, and T. H. Dempsey (submitted 2005) Housing
Dynamics in the City of East Lansing. MSU Land Policy Program: Special Projects Grant.
$20,000. Not Funded
J. P. Messina and A. M. Shortridge (2005-8) An Ontological Reliability Architecture for the
Fusion of Context-Specific Geospatial Data. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency University
Research Initiatives. $503,803.
J. P. Messina, A. M. Shortridge, and R. Groop (2004) Hospital Site Selection Project. Michigan
Department of Community Health. $15,000.
J. F. Bartholic, L. Wolfson, W. Northcott, D. Ouyang, and A. M. Shortridge (2004-05) Water
Research Institute Program; Michigan. U.S. Geological Survey. $93,000.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator), D. R. Nerenz, and R. G. Oberle (2003) Analysis of
geographic variation in late-stage cancer diagnosis. UCRIHS. (Data request approved by
Michigan Cancer Registry, no funding requested).
J. Qi, A. M. Shortridge, B. Pijanowski, J. Andresen, D. Lusch, and J. Olson (2003) Climate-land
system interaction analysis using regional climate models and EOS data in East Africa . National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. $363,000. Not Funded.
J. Qi, B. Pijanowski, and A. M. Shortridge (2003) Parameterizing regional climates with EOS
data for improved climate-land system analysis. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
$266,000. Not Funded.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator) and S. A. Drzyzga (2003) Modeling and mapping
glacial Lake Algonquin with imperfect data and models of uncertainty . National Science
Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards. $12,000. Not Funded.
A. M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator) and J. P. Messina (2002) Ontological architecture for
context specific terrain data uncertainty models . National Science Foundation. $96,000. Not
A.M. Shortridge (Principal Investigator) (2002) Evaluating utility of SRTM elevation data for
terrain and landscape analysis. 2002 MSU Intramural Research Grant Program . $50,000. Not
J. F. Bartholic, P. A. Soranno, A. M. Shortridge, D. Ouyang, and L. Wolfson (2002) Water
Research Institute Program; Michigan. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. $85,000.
GEO 325 - Geographic Information Systems: Fall 2007, Fall 2006
GEO 425 Problems in Geographic Information Science: Spr 2011, Spr 2010, Spr 2009,
Spr 2006
GEO 425 Geographic Information Systems: Spr 2004, Fall 2003, Spr 2003, Spr 2002
GEO 428 Digital Terrain Analysis: Fall 2012, Fall 2010, Fall 2008, Fall 2006, Fall 2004,
Fall 2003, Fall 2002
GEO 466 Spatial Data Analysis: Spr 2004, Spr 2003, Spr 2002
GEO 492 Spatial Data Analysis: Spr 2001
GEO 492 GIS in Practice: Spr 2006
GEO 801 Issues in Geographical Information Science: Fall 2002
GEO 821 GIS Practicum: Spring 2008
GEO 825 Geoprocessing: Spr 2009, Spr 2007, Spr 2005
GEO 866 Spatial Data Analysis: Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Spr 2008,
Spr 2007, Spr 2006, Spr 2005
GEO 874 Seminar in Geographic Information Science: Spr 2011
ISS 310 People & Environment: Fall 2001
Various Independent Study, Dissertation Hours, and Internship Courses (2-5x per year)
Teaching Evaluation (SIRS)
In Fall 2004 the Department adopted an entirely new student assessment form. Reported scores
for courses since that time are the unweighted mean response for questions 1-9 and 18-21,
which comprise the set employed for the Department's annual merit salary calculations.
Semester Course Credits Title Summary SIRS Scores
(1=excellent, 5=poor)
Spring 2001 GEO 492 4 Spatial Data Analysis (1): 1.66 (2): 1.82
Fall 2001 ISS 310 4 People & Environment 2.68 1
Spring 2002 GEO 425 4 Geog. Info. Systems (1): 1.56 (2): 1.74
GEO 466 4 Spatial Data Analysis (1): 1.80 (2): 1.79
Fall 2002 GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis (1): 1.50 (2): 1.22
Semester Course Credits Title Summary SIRS Scores
(1=excellent, 5=poor)
GEO 801 3 Issues in GIScience (1): 1.58 (2): 1.83
Spring 2003 GEO 425 4 Geog. Info. Systems (1): 1.42 (2): 1.68
GEO 466 4 Spatial Data Analysis (1): 1.35 (2): 1.40
Fall 2003 GEO 425 4 Geog. Info. Systems (1): 1.47 (2): 1.54
GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis (1): 1.45 (2): 1.27
Spring 2004 GEO 425 4 Geog. Info. Systems (1): 1.43 (2): 1.52
GEO 466 4 Spatial Data Analysis (1): 1.15 (2): 1.23
1 ISS uses a different SIRS form than Geography.
Semester Course Credits Title Average SIRS Scores
(1=excellent, 5=poor)
Fall 2004 GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis 1.32
Spring 2005 GEO 825 3 Geoprocessing 1.58
GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.16
Spring 2006 GEO 425 4 Geog. Info. Science 1.27
GEO 492 3 GIS in Practice 1.33
GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.45
Fall 2006 GEO 325 3 Geog. Info. Systems 1.52
GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis 1.35
Spring 2007 GEO 825 3 Geoprocessing 1.29
GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.16
Fall 2007 GEO 325 3 Geog. Info. Systems 1.68
GEO 820 3 Co-taught (Moy lead) NA
Spring 2008 GEO 821 3 GIS Practicum 1.14
GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.13
Fall 2008 GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis 1.21
Spring 2009 GEO 425 3 Geog. Info. Science 1.67
GEO 825 3 Geoprocessing 1.24
Fall 2009 GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.39
Spring 2010 GEO 425 3 Geog. Info. Science 1.16
Fall 2010 GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.16
GEO 428 4 Digital Terrain Analysis 1.15
Spring 2011 GEO 874 3 Seminar in GIScience 1.16
GEO 425 3 Geog. Info. Science 1.18
Fall 2011 GEO 866 4 Spatial Data Analysis 1.50
Semester Course Credits Title Average SIRS Scores
(1=excellent, 5=poor)
Visiting Scholar Courses
Zhejiang University, 2012
Advanced Geoprocessing
Scientific Writing for English Language Journals
Guest Lectures
Sichuan University, April 18, 2012:
Advanced GIS (Environmental Modeling with GIS)
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Surveying, April 26, 28, 2012:
Digital Terrain Analysis (DEM Error and Uncertainty)
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Surveying, April 27, 2012:
Advanced GIS (Applied Spatial Statistics)
(chair where indicated, committee otherwise. MS-GIScience advising not indicated)
Siam Lawawirojwong (PhD 2012)
Phil Wernette (MS 2012)
Paul Delamater (PhD 2012)
Mao-Ning Tuanmu (PhD 2012, Fisheries & Wildlife)
Laura Planck (MS 2011, Plant Biology)
Meghan Reed (MS 2011)
Huirong Zhu (MS 2011, Forestry)
Joshua Stevens (MS 2011)
Kristie Socia (MS 2011)
Chenxiao Ling (MS 2011)
Ying Tang (MS 2011)
Hui Xu (MS 2011)
Chuan Qin (MS 2011)
Sterling Raehtz (MS 2011, chair)
Sarah Hession (PhD 2011)
Bo Romero (MS 2010, chair)
Jennifer White (MA 2010, Fisheries & Wildlife)
Almaz Naizghi (MS 2010)
Xiaodong Chen (PhD 2010, Fisheries & Wildlife)
Yue Cui (PhD 2010, CARRS Recreation/Tourism)
Steven Pierce (PhD 2010, Psychology)
Glenn O'Neil (MS 2010, chair)
Pariwate Varnakovida (PhD 2010)
Chaopeng Shen (PhD 2009, Environmental Engineering)
Annalie Campos (PhD 2009)
Sarah Surface-Evans (PhD 2009, Anthropology)
Yi Shi (PhD 2008, chair)
Haibin Cheng (PhD 2008, Computer Science & Engineering)
Tara LaLonde (MS 2008, chair)
Bilal Butt (PhD 2007)
Mark Finn (MA 2007)
Eraldo Matricardi (PhD 2007)
Scott Drzyzga (PhD 2007, chair)
Juha Okansen (PhD 2006, Geography, University of Helsinki)
Yasuyo Makido (PhD 2006)
Juleigh Bookout (MA 2006)
Narendran Kodandapani (PhD 2006)
Vanessa Hull (MA Fisheries & Wildlife, 2006)
Michael Crespin (PhD Political Science, 2005)
Ranjeet John (MA 2005)
Eugenio Arima (PhD 2005)
Tiffany Rossi (MA 2003)
Sharon Vennix (MS Ag Engineering, 2003)
Dante Vergara (MA 2003)
GIS MS Examination Committee for:
Eric Chang (fall 2012)
Tim Carothers (fall 2010)
Kim Borland (fall 2010)
Scott Harding (spring 2009)
Jessica Van Deusen (spring 2009)
Andrew Mcaninch (spring 2008)
Jeff Schmidt (spring 2008)
Simon Seamount (spring 2008)
Ed Hartwick (spring 2006)
Ken Anderson (spring 2005)
Andy Cain (fall 2004)
Matt Mitroka (fall 2004)
Praveen Ummadi (fall 2004)
Rebecca Boehm (spring 2004)
Michael Fashoway (spring 2004)
Parmeet Batra (spring 2003)
Edward Bissel (spring 2003)
Lori Fuller (spring 2003)
Jesse Frankovich (spring 2002)
Graduate Program Coordinator (2012 -)
Chair Search Committee (2011-)
Faculty Advisory Committee (2011-)
Graduate Awards Committee (2011)
Graduate Admissions Committee (2009-)
Undergraduate Awards Committee (2010)
Instructional Computer Lab Planning Committee (2009-2010)
Chair, Joint Zhejiang University (China)-Geography Environmental Geographer Faculty Search
Committee (2008-2009)
2007 East Lakes Division AAG Conference Planning ad hoc Committee (Fall 2006 Fall 2007)
Geography Global Urban Studies New Faculty Search Committee, (Spring 2006 Spring 2007)
Joint Forestry-Geography New Faculty Search Committee (Spring 2006 Fall 2006)
Joint Anthropology-Geography New Faculty Search Committee (Fall, 2005 Spring 2006)
Chair, Departmental 50th Anniversary ad hoc Committee (Spring 2005-Spring 2006)
Course Assessment ad hoc Committee (Spring 2003 Spring 2005)
B.S. GIScience Development ad hoc Committee (Spring 2003 Fall 2003)
Organizer, Departmental Colloquium Series (2006, 2003)
Teaching Merit ad hoc Committee (Fall 2002 Spring 2003)
Technology Committee (Fall 2001 Spring 2004)
Faculty WWWeb Director (Fall 2001 Spring 2005)
Awards Committee (Spring 2007, Spring 2005, Spring 2001)
Program Committee Member, 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(GIScience 2012, Columbus, Ohio, September 18-21, 2012) (2011-2012).
College of Social Science Representative, University Committee on Undergraduate Education
National Science Foundation Geography and Spatial Sciences Panel (2010-)
Program Committee Member, 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(GIScience 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, September 14-17, 2010)
Special Issue Editor, Information Semantics and its Implications for Geographical Analysis.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (September 2008 - October 2009)
Workshop Organizer, Information Semantics and its Implications for Geographic Analysis, at
GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, September 23, 2008).
Program Committee Member, 5th International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, September 23-26, 2008)
Hiring Committee, Directorship of MSU Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (2008)
Editorial Board, Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information Science (2006-2009)
College Grant-Writing Workshop, Table Moderator (November 11, 2005)
MSU Center for Statistical Training and Consulting Advisory Board Member (2005- )
College Research Committee (Fall 2003 - Spring 2009)
MSU GIS Interest Group Chair (Spring 2002 -2003)
Journal Manuscripts Reviewed (Since January 1, 2001)
American Antiquity (2009)
Annals of the American Association of Geographers (2002)
Annals of Epidemiology (2010)
Applied Geography (2009)
Cartographic Perspectives (2008)
Cartography & Geographic Information Science: 2009 (two), 2008 (two), 2006, 2002
Computational Geosciences (2009)
Computers, Environment, & Urban Systems: 2012, 2011 (two), 2010, 2008, 2005
Computers & Geosciences (2011, 2009, 2006, 2005)
Environment and Planning B (2012)
Environmental Modelling & Software (2008)
Geoforum (2006)
Geographical Analysis (2005)
Hazardous Materials (2010)
Int. Journal of Digital Earth (2011)
Int. Journal of Environmental Health Research (2008)
Int. Journal of Geographical Information Science: 2012(two), 2011, 2007 (two), 2006 (four), 2005
(three), 2004(four), 2003 (two), 2002 (two), 2001
Int. Journal of Health Geographics (2011, 2010)
Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2012)
Journal of Geographical Systems (2005)
Journal of Geography (2012)
Mathematical Geosciences (2010)
Measurement Science and Technology (2011)
New Journal of Physics (2008)
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing: 2007 (three), 2005, 2003, 2002
Pure & Applied Geophysics (2012)
Remote Sensing of Environment (2010)
Soil Science Society of America Journal (2004)
Transactions in GIS (2003)
Other Reviews (Since January 1, 2001)
SAGE Book proposal (2012)
National Science Foundation Geography and Spatial Sciences (2012), single proposal.
International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2012), full and short
paper reviewer (2012)
International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), full paper
reviewer (2010)
Israel Science Foundation (2010)
Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences (2010, 2009)
University of California HIV/AIDS Research Program: Innovative Developmental Exploratory
Award Review (Spring 2009)
Jim Living Scholarship Award Graduate Student Proposal Review (Spring 2010, Spring 2009,
Spring 2008; Spring 2007; Spring 2006; Spring 2005; Spring 2004)
Dean's Assistantship Program Proposal Review (Spring 2005)
University Consortium on Geographic Information Science SPACE Workshop Proposal Review
(Fall 2004)
MSU Intramural Research Grants Program (Fall 2001)
Formal and informal meetings with graduate students, faculty within the Department and across
campus, and the public on issues not directly related to my research, teaching, and advising
efforts: 5 15 per month.