Dr. Eileen P. Poeter
Poeter Engineering
Golden, Colorado 80403
Phone: 303-***-****
EMAIL: *******@*****.*** URL: http://www.mines.edu/~epoeter
Professional Engineer, No. 25286, Colorado State
Ph.D. Washington State University, 1980; Engineering Science
M.S. Washington State University, 1978; Engineering
B.S. Lehigh University, 1975; Geology
Employment History:
1984-Present, Poeter Engineering, Golden, CO
Consultant: Responsible for groundwater analysis, model evaluation, and instruction. Projects are
summarized at the end of this document.
2011-Present, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, Emeritus Professor:
1987-2011, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Emeritus Professor (2008-2011): Responsible for senior and graduate level instruction in ground
water engineering, modeling, and model calibration. Projects involved parameter estimation
(including software development), water resource evaluation, flow and contaminant transport
modeling, and characterization of heterogeneous and fractured aquifers using a variety of hydraulic
and geophysical techniques. (Assistant Professor 1987, Associate Professor 1991, Professor
Director International Ground Water Modeling Center (IGWMC) (1997-2011): Primary
responsibility for managing and guiding the center in its mission to stimulate the appropriate use of
simulation models and related computer-based support technology in the management and
protection of groundwater resources. As a focal point for ground-water professionals, the Center
supports and advances the appropriate use of quality-assured models in ground-water resources
protection and management. http://www.mines.edu/igwmc/
1984-1987, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Assistant Professor: Responsible for senior and graduate level instruction and research programs
in groundwater and geophysics. Projects included research in the nature of full acoustic waveforms
in fracture media, investigation of groundwater contributions to phosphorus loading of lakes and
geohydrologic and borehole geophysical studies of hazardous waste sites and potential high-level
nuclear waste disposal sites.
1980-1984, Golder Associates - Senior Hydrologist: Involved in all phases of geohydrologic/borehole
geophysical studies and specialized in computer modeling. Managed a project to assess
geohydrologic conditions at seven potential high-level, nuclear waste, repository sites. Lead
hydrologist on a study of the design and performance of engineered barriers for deep geologic
nuclear waste repositories. Other projects involved evaluation of pump tests; tailings pond seepage;
mine water inflow; dewatering for foundations and slope stability; design of storm drainage
systems, landfill closures and dewatering systems; and coupled heat and groundwater flow in the
vicinity of deep geologic repositories for high-level nuclear waste. Responsibilities included the
development, maintenance, marketing, instruction, and user support of the Golder Groundwater
Package computer software. (Hydrologist 1980, Senior Hydrologist 1983).
1976-1980, Washington State University, Research Assistant: Responsible for driving and running
geophysical logging truck; recording, interpreting and correlating geophysical logs; mathematical
modeling of radiation processes involved in nuclear logging; computer programming of
mathematical models; and designing calibration tanks for logging tools.
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Consulting Projects:
Morris, Polich, and Purdy LLP / LADWP Groundwater Advisor (2012)
Oklahoma Farm Bureau - Groundwater Modeling Expert in the Matter of Determining the Maximum
Annual Yield for the Arbuckle-Simpson Groundwater Basin underlying parts of Murray, Pontotoc,
Johnston, Garvin, Coal and Carter Counties, Oklahoma (2012)
Deere and Ault Consultants, Inc. - Development of recharge well URFs of South Platte (2012)
Deere and Ault Consultants, Inc. / CH2M-Hill - Advisor for groundwater modeling of Slurry Wall (2012)
Enercon, Advisor for groundwater projects (2011-2012)
AECOM / BLM - Advising on Groundwater Modeling in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming (2010-2012)
MWH / LADWP - Review of modeling of groundwater withdrawal near Owen s Lake, CA (2009-2012)
AECOM / BLM - (formerly ENSR), Evaluation of Groundwater Modeling for Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine
Counties, Nevada, Groundwater Development Project (2008-2012)
U.S. Geological Survey, Groundwater computer coding and support (1996-2012)
Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, and Schreck, P.C. - Advisor for groundwater modeling of Supplemental Aquifer
Storage and Recovery in the South Platte Alluvium, Aurora Prairie Waters Project, Colorado (2011)
Deere and Ault Consultants, Inc./Suburban Ready Mix - Advisor for groundwater modeling of Slurry Wall
Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, and Schreck, P.C. - Review of groundwater modeling for water resources
management. Cases 02CW404 and 03CW442 (2010-2011)
RJH - Advising on Groundwater Model Development for Dam Seepage and Safety (2010-2011)
The Benham Companies - Review of Groundwater Modeling of Brine Migration in the Poplar River drainage,
Montana (2010-2011)
Sherman & Howard - Evaluation of Gravel Pit Slurry Wall in the South Platte River drainage, Colorado (2010-
2011) Provided Expert Testimony
Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, and Schreck, P.C. - Advisor for groundwater modeling of Aquifer Storage and
Recovery in the South Platte Alluvium, Aurora Prairie Waters Project, Colorado (2007-2009)
Deere and Ault Consultants, Inc. - Advisor for groundwater modeling South Platte drainage, Colorado (2007-
Leonard Rice Engineering - Advisor for groundwater modeling (2007)
ENSR (later AECOM) - Evaluation of FEMFLOW3D, MESHMAKER, MAKEFAULT (2005-2007)
Hatch & Parent - A Law Corporation, Review of groundwater model (2005)
Applied Hydrology International - Modeling Advisor (2005)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Development of Jupiter Software (2003-05)
Concurrent Technologies Corporation Development of Conceptual Model for the Carbon Tetrachloride
spill in the 200W Area and Procedures for Testing the Model (2003-04)
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory - Modification of UCODE for Inverse Modeling of Flow and Transport
on the Hanford Reservation (2003)
Glorieta Geoscience Inc. - Ground-water Model review of dewatering impacts. (2003)
Sinclair Oil - Ground-water Modeling of a refinery in Evansville, Wyoming. (2001-2003) Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources Review of Analytical Element Modeling software (2001)
US Army Corp of Engineers, Advise on inverse modeling for ground-water applications (2001)
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory - Modification of UCODE and guidance on Inverse Modeling of Flow
and Transport on the Hanford Reservation (2000)
Baker Consultants Inc. - Numerical groundwater modeling review for a mining project, the Battle Mountain
Gold Company (1999)
Haight, Brown & Bonesteel, Attorneys, Assessment and modeling of groundwater flow for the Southern
California Water Company (1999)
Jefferson County, CO - Numerical groundwater modeling review for the proposed Rail Line Quarry (1998-99)
Provided Expert Testimony
South Florida Water Management District - Review of the Post-Calibration and the Martin Coastal Sub-
Regional Models (1997-1998)
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Riverside Technology Inc. - Geohydrology and numerical groundwater modeling review for mining projects,
the Barrick Goldstrike Model and the Kinross Goldbanks Model (1996-1998)
Hatton Water Consultants, Advise on groundwater modeling in the Denver Basin (1995-1998).
Baker Consultants Inc. - Numerical groundwater modeling review for a mining project, the Battle Mountain -
Phoenix Groundwater Model (1997)
W&EST Inc. - Geohydrology and numerical modeling problems, water supply, contaminant migration, and
litigation projects (1990-1996), including Cotter Mill, Canon City CO; Colorado Springs Model; Central
Arizona Basin Project
Holme, Roberts, and Owen, LLC, Assessment of a petroleum plume in the groundwater system at a refinery
site for Sinclair Oil (1994-1996) Provided Expert Testimony
Fleck, Mather, & Strutz, Ltd, Assessment of groundwater conditions in the vicinity of Oil Field Brine disposal
ponds (1996)
Haight, Brown & Bonesteel, Attorneys, Assessment and modeling of groundwater flow and transport near a
gas compressor site for Pacific Gas and Electric (1996)
ESE Inc., Flow and transport modeling in the vadose and saturated zones at the Hanford Site (1995-1996)
TDA Research Inc. - Remediation of contamination plumes using in situ biopolymer based selective barriers
Woodward Clyde - Modeling groundwater flow near a dam in Arkansas (1993)
ACZ Inc. - Modeling of groundwater flow at a tailings disposal site at the Choquelimpie Mine in Rio Lauca
Chile (1992) and dam seepage and stability - Cambior Alaska Inc. (1992)
Lincoln Park Area Concerned Citizens - the Cotter Mill Superfund Site (1989-1992) Provided Expert
AQUASAN Inc. - Modeling of stream-aquifer interaction (1991)
Westinghouse Hanford Company - Hydrogeological conditions in the 300 Area of the Hanford Reservation
Doty and Associates - Interpretation of potentially perched groundwater conditions from geophysical logs
Advanced Sciences, Inc. - Field measurement of recharge rates on the Rocky Flats Plant Site (1990-1991)
Woodward-Clyde Consultants - Remediation of the Yak Tunnel (February-March 1990)
Washington State Department of Ecology, Review of Summary Report - A Potential Hazardous Waste
Disposal Site (December 1988)
Department of Energy, Chairman of a Licensing Assurance Review committee for the Site Characterization
Plans of the Basalt Waste Isolation Project (December 1986-September 1987)
Dames & Moore, - Geophysical log interpretation regarding perched water conditions (August-October 1986)
Mansfield, Reinbold & Gardner, Attorneys at Law - Assessment of impact of the Bureau of Reclamation
dewatering project on local water levels (July-August 1985)
Expert Testimony was provided for the following projects:
Crowe & Dunlevy for Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Determining the Maximum Annual Yield for the
Arbuckle-Simpson Groundwater Basin underlying parts of Murray, Pontotoc, Johnston, Garvin,
Coal and Carter Counties, Oklahoma (2012)
Sherman & Howard, Evaluation of Gravel Pit Slurry Wall in the South Platte River drainage, CO (2010)
Jefferson County, CO - Numerical groundwater modeling review for the proposed Rail Line Quarry (1998-99)
Holme, Roberts, and Owen, LLC, Assessment of a petroleum plume in the groundwater system at a refinery
site for Sinclair Oil (1994-1996)
Lincoln Park Area Concerned Citizens - the Cotter Mill Superfund Site (1989-1992)
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Primary Publications (* indicates student/post-doc working with Poeter):
Major*, Elizabeth; Benson, David A.; Revielle*, Jordan; Ibrahim, Hamed; Dean*, Arianne; Maxwell, Reed M.;
Poeter, Eileen; Dogan, Mine, Correction to "Comparison of Fickian and temporally nonlocal transport
theories over many scales in an exhaustively sampled sandstone slab" Water Resour. Res., Vol. 47, No. 12,
W12901, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011WR011577
Major*, E., D. A. Benson, J. Revielle*, H. Ibrahim, A. Dean*, R. M. Maxwell, E. Poeter, and M. Dogan (2011),
Comparison of Fickian and temporally nonlocal transport theories over many scales in an exhaustively
sampled sandstone slab, Water Resour. Res., 47, W10519, doi:10.1029/2011WR010857.
McMahon,P.B., C.P. Carney*, E.P. Poeter, and S.M. Peterson, 2010, Use of Geochemical, Isotopic, and Age
Tracer Data to Develop Models of Groundwater Flow for the Purpose of Water Management, Northern High
Plains Aquifer, USA, Applied Geochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.05.012.
Stannard, David I., William T. Paul*, Roy Laws, and Eileen P. Poeter, 2010, Consumptive Use and Resulting
Leach-field Drainage from a Mountain Residence, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.05.012.
Hill M.C., E.P. Poeter, and C. Zheng, 2010, Foreword: Groundwater Modeling and Public Policy, Editorial,
Ground Water, v. 48, no.5, September/October 2010, pp. 625 626.
Katherine Walton-Day, Eileen Poeter, 2009, Investigating hydraulic connections and the origin of water in a
mine tunnel using stable isotopes and hydrographs, Applied Geochemistry, Available online 18 September
2009, ISSN 0883-2927, DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.015.
Geza*, M., E.P. Poeter, and J.E. McCray, 2009, Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty for a Mountain-Watershed,
Journal of Hydrology, HYDROL16698PII:S0022-1694(09)00418-1DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.025
McCray, J.E., M. Geza*, K.E. Murray, E.P. Poeter, and D.S. Morgan, 2009, Modeling Onsite wastewater
Systems at the Watershed scale: A User guide, International Water Association (IWA) Publishing, London,
U.K. (ISBN 978-1-84339-528-7/1-84339-528-2).
LeFrancois*, M. and E. Poeter, 2008, Use of Observations Below Detection Limit for Model Calibration,
Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2008.00515.x
Poeter, E.P., and McCray. J.E., 2008, Modeling Water Table Mounding to Design Cluster and High-Density
Wastewater Soil Absorption Systems, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1084-
McCray. J.E., John Nieber, and Eileen P. Poeter, 2008, Ground-Water Mounding in the Vadose Zone from
Onsite Wastewater Systems: Analytical and Numerical Tools, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Poeter, Eileen P., and Mary C. Hill, 2008, SIM_ADJUST -- A Computer Code that Adjusts Simulated
Equivalents for Observations or Predictions, GWMI 2008-01, http://typhoon.mines.edu/freeware/sim_adjust/
Dano*, Kathleen, Eileen Poeter, and Geoff Thyne, 2007, Fate of individual sewage disposal system wastewater
within regolith in mountainous terrain, Hydrogeology Journal, doi:10.1007/s10040-007-0244-3.
Banta, E.R., M. C. Hill M.C., E.P. Poeter, J.E. Doherty, and J. Babendreier, 2007, Building Model Analysis
Applications with the Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability (JUPITER)
API, Computers & Geosciences, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2007.03.016.
Poeter, E., 2007, All Models Are Wrong: How Do We Know Which Are Useful? Looking Back At The 2006
Darcy Lecture Tour, Ground Water, Volume 45 Issue 4 Page 309-391: doi: 10.1111/j.1745-
Poeter, E.P., and H. Seo*, 2007, The Interactive Roles of Surface Water and Ground Water, National Ground
Water Association (NGWA). A 20-miunte animated video based on ground water model simulations
Poeter, Eileen P., and Mary C. Hill, 2007, MMA, A computer code for Multi-Model Analysis: U.S. Geological
Survey Techniques and Methods 6-E3, 113 p.
Johnson*, R., and E. Poeter, 2006, Insights into the use of Time-Lapse GPR Data as Observations for Inverse
Multiphase Flow Simulations of DNAPL Migration, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v.89,
Wellman* T. P., and E. P. Poeter, 2006, Evaluating the uncertainty in predicting spatially variable
representative elementary scales in fractured aquifers, Water Resources Research v. 42 W08410,
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Edington*, Dwaine, and Eileen Poeter, 2006, Stratigraphic Control of Flow and Transport Characteristics,
Ground Water, Volume 44 Issue 6 Page 826: doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2006.00185.x
Zheng C., E.P. Poeter, Hill M.C., and J. Doherty, 2006, Foreword: Understanding through Modeling, Editorial,
Ground Water, v. 44, no. 6, November December 2006, Pages: 769 770.
Poeter, Eileen, and David Anderson, 2005, Multi-model Ranking and Inference in Ground-Water Modeling,
Ground Water, v. 43, no. 4: 597 605.
Johnson*, Raymond and Eileen Poeter, 2005, Iterative use of the Bruggeman-Hanai-Sen Mixing Model to
Determine the Proportions of Air, Water and Sand Mixtures, Geophysics, vol. 70 no. 5, K33-K38.
Wellman*, Tristan, and Eileen Poeter, 2005, Estimating Spatially Variable Representative Elementary Scales in
Fractured Architecture Using Hydraulic Head Observations, Water Resources Research v. 41, W03001,
Johnson*, Raymond and Eileen Poeter, 2005, Interpreting DNAPL Saturations in a Laboratory-Scale Injection
Using One- and Two-Dimensional Modeling of GPR Data, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v.
25, no. 1, pp.159-169.
Poeter, E., J. McCray, G. Thyne, and R. Siegrist, 2005, Designing Cluster and High-Density Wastewater Soil
Absorption Systems to Control Groundwater Mounding, Small Flows Quarterly, Fall 2005, Volume 7, No. 4.
Thyne, G.D., G ler*, C. and. Poeter, E., 2004, Sequential analysis of hydrochemical data for watershed
characterization, Ground Water, v. 42, no. 5, pp. 711-723.
Poeter, E., G. Thyne, G. VanderBeek*, and C. G ler*, 2003, Ground water in the Turkey Creek Basin of the
Rocky Mountain Front Range in Colorado, in Engineering Geology in Colorado: Contributions, Trends, and
Case Histories, ed. Douglas Boyer, Paul Santi, and Pat Rogers, Association of Engineering Geologists
Special Publication 15 and Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication 55.
Johnson*, Raymond and Eileen Poeter, 2003, Interpreting DNAPL saturations in a laboratory-scale injection
with GPR data and direct core measurements, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-03-349.
Hill M.C., E.P. Poeter, C. Zheng, and J. Doherty, 2003, MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys,
Editorial, Ground Water, v. 41, no. 2, pp. 113.
Edington*, Dwaine, and Eileen Poeter, 2002, Relating flow and transport characteristics to stratigraphic
process-response variables, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, and in Calibration and Reliability in
Groundwater Modelling: A few steps closer to reality, IAHS Publication 277, pg 286-295.
Johnson*, Raymond, and Eileen Poeter, 2002, Inverting Multiphase Flow Simulations with DNAPL Saturation
Observations Estimated from Geophysical Surveys, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, and in
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: A few steps closer to reality, IAHS Publication 277,
pg 259-268.
Olsthoorn, Theo, Eileen Poeter, and Jos Moorman, 2002 Lessons from Analyzing Trial-and-Error Calibrated
Models for Prediction Reliability, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, and in Calibration and Reliability
in Groundwater Modelling: A few steps closer to reality, IAHS Publication 277, pg 247-258.
Poeter, E.P. and M.C. Hill, 1999, UCODE, a computer code for universal inverse modeling, Computers &
Geosciences, v. 25 n. 4, pp 457-462.
Wingle*, W.L., E.P. Poeter, and S.A. McKenna, 1999, UNCERT: geostatistics, uncertainty analysis and
visualization software applied to groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling, Computers &
Geosciences, v. 25 n. 4, pp. 365-376.
Poeter, E.P. and S.A. McKenna*, 1998, Combination of Geologic Information and Inverse Parameter
Estimation for Improving Groundwater Modeling, Chapter of SEPM Special Publication: Concepts in
Hydrology and Environmental Geology.
Folger*, P.F., Poeter, E., Wanty, R.B., Day, W., and Frishman, D., 1997, Radon Transport in a Fractured
Crystalline Rock Aquifer: Results from Numerical Simulations, Journal of Hydrology, 195, p. 45-77.
Poeter, E.P., S.A. McKenna*, and W.L. Wingle*, 1997, Improving Ground-Water Project Analysis with
Geophysical Data, The Leading Edge, November 1997, p. 1675-1681.
Poeter, E.P. and M.C. Hill, 1997, Inverse Methods: A Necessary Next Step in Groundwater Modeling, Ground
Water, v. 35, no. 2, pp. 250-260.
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Anderman*, E.R., Hill, M.C., and E.P. Poeter, 1996, Two Dimensional Advective Transport in Groundwater
Flow Parameter Estimation, Ground Water, v. 34, no. 6, pp. 1001-1009.
Folger*, P.F., Poeter, E., Wanty, R.B., Frishman, D. and Day, W., 1996, Controls on Radon Variations in a
Fractured Crystalline Rock Aquifer Evaluated Using Aquifer Tests and Geophysical Logging, Ground
Water, v 34, no.2.
Poeter, E.P., and S.A. McKenna*, 1995, Reducing Uncertainty Associated with Groundwater Flow and
Transport Predictions, Ground Water, v 33, no 6.
McKenna*, S.A., and E.P. Poeter, 1995, Field Example of Data Fusion in Site Characterization, Water
Resources Research, v31, no 12.
Poeter, E. and P. Townsend*, 1994, Assessment of Critical Flow Path for Improved Remediation, Ground
Water, v 32 no 3, pp. 439-447.
McKenna*, S.A. and Poeter, E.P., 1994, Applications of Soft Data in Hydrogeology, in, eds. Yarus J.M. and
R.L. Chambers: Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics: Case Histories and Practical Examples, AAPG
Special Publication, Computer Application in Geology, no. 3.
Folger*, P.F., Nyberg, P., Wanty, R.B. and Poeter, E.P., 1994 Relationships between 222Radon Dissolved in
Groundwater Supplies and Indoor 222Radon Concentrations in some Colorado Front Range Houses, Health
Physics, vol, 67, no. 3, pp 245-253.
Farrar J.A. and E.P. Poeter, 1993, Improved Site Characterization for Ground Water and Contaminant Transport
Modeling, Currents, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Wingle*, W.L. and E.P. Poeter, 1993, Uncertainty Associated with Semivariograms Used for Site Simulation,
Ground Water, v 31 no 5, pp. 725-734.
Poeter, E.P., S. Ashlock, and J. Proud, eds., 1993, Proceedings of the 1993 Ground Water Modeling
Conference, IGWMC - International Ground Water Modeling Center, Golden, CO.
Lawrence*, Errol, Eileen Poeter, and Richard Wanty, 1991, Geohydrologic, Geochemical and Geologic
Controls on the Occurrence of Radon in Groundwater Near Conifer, Colorado, USA, Journal of Hydrology,
1817, v. 127, p. 367-386.
Poeter, E.P., and Belcher*, W.R., 1991, Assessment of Aquifer Heterogeneities by Inverse Contaminant Plume
Analysis, Ground Water, v. 29, no. 1, p. 56-62.
Poeter, E.P., and Gaylord, D.R., 1990, Influence of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Contaminant Transport at the
Hanford Site, Ground Water, v. 28, no. 6, p. 900-909.
Poeter, E.P., 1990, A New Tool: Delineating Aquifer Heterogeneities with Microgravity Surveys During
Aquifer Testing, Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, v. 27, no. 3, p. 315-325.
Poeter, E., 1988, "Perched Water Identification with Nuclear Logs", Ground Water, v. 26, n. 1, p. 15-21.
Zlatev*, P., Poeter, E., and Higgins, J., 1988, Physical Modeling of the Full Acoustic Waveform in a Fractured,
Fluid Filled Borehole, Geophysics, v. 53, n. 9, p. 1219-1224.
Poeter, E., 1987, Characterizing Fractures at Potential Nuclear Waste Repository Sites with Acoustic Waveform
Logs, The Log Analyst, v. 28, n. 5, p. 453-461.
Software Development:
UCODE, public domain software that performs inverse modeling, posed as a parameter-estimation problem,
using nonlinear regression, and is distributed by the USGS at http://water.usgs.gov/software/ucode.html
MMA, public domain software that performs multi- model evaluation and averaging, and is distributed by the
USGS at http://water.usgs.gov/software/mma.html
SimAdjust, public domain software to facilitate replace the value of a simulated equivalent needed by a
universal code when the value is missing or assigned a default value by the process model., and is distributed
by the IGWMC at http://igwmc.mines.edu/freeware/sim_adjust/
Member of the JUPITER (Joint Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability) development team.
JUPITER is an application-programming interface for evaluating sensitivity, assessing data needs, estimating
parameters, selecting/ranking models, and evaluating uncertainty currently under development by the USGS,
in coordination with EPA. http://water.usgs.gov/software/JupiterApi/
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