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Mechanical Engineering Assistant

Mobile, AL
December 31, 2012

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Anh-V Phan, Ph.D.


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shelby Hall 3132

University of South Alabama

Mobile, Alabama 36688-0002

Phone: 251-***-****

Fax: 251-***-****



Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, 1999-2002

A liation: Computer Science & Mathematics Division

Mentor: Dr. Len J. Gray

Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng., Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada, 1997

Concentrations: Computational Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Dissertation: The boundary contour method for two-dimensional linear elasticity

Applications in stress analysis and shape optimization

Advisors: Dr. Ren Mayer and Dr. Subrata Mukherjee (Cornell University)


M.S. in Solid Mechanics, Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG), France, 1993

Concentrations: Computational Mechanics, Structural Dynamics

Thesis: Bruits m caniques dans la ligne d arbre de la turbo-pompe du moteur VUL-



Advisor: Dr. Georges Reynaud

B.E. in Mechanical Eng., Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, 1982

Concentration: Design and Manufacturing


University of South Alabama, Alabama

Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009 present

Associate Professor with tenure, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006 2009

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2002 2006

Graduate Coordinator, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2004 present

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2004 2005

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Tennessee

Research Sta (Computational Sciences and Engineering Division), 2002

ORNL (through Oak Ridge Associated Universities), Tennessee


Postdoctoral Research Associate (Computer Science & Math. Division), 1999 2002

Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada

Postdoctoral Researcher (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1998 1999

Research assistant (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1996 1997

Cornell University, New York

Visiting Research Assistant (Dept. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics), Summer 1996

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam

Lecturer and Associate Chair (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1993 1994

Renault, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Consulting Engineer (part-time), 1993

Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG), France

Teaching Assistant (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1992 1993

Turbomachinery and Cavitation Test Laboratory (CREMHyG), Grenoble, France

Research assistant, 1992 1993

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam

Lecturer (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1984 1992

Assistant Lecturer (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), 1982 1984


Phi Kappa Phi Scholar of the Year Award, University of South Alabama Chapter,


Professor of the Year Award, The Alabama Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, 2010.

Excellence in Research Award, University of South Alabama College of Engineering,


Best Faculty Member Award, University of South Alabama Council of International

Students Organization, 2004-2005.

Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, Oak Ridge Associated Universi-

ties, 2004.

Who s Who in American Education, 8th Edition, 2007.

Who s Who in America, 58th Edition, 2004.

Who s Who in Computational Science and Engineering, 2006.

AcademicKeys Who s Who in Engineering Education (WWEE), 2005.

Post-doctoral Research Associates Fellowship, ORNL, 1999-2002.

Post-doctoral Fellowship, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, 1998-1999.

Research Assistantship, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, 1996-1997.

Bourse d Excellence (Ph.D. Fellowship), Government of Quebec, Canada, 1994-1997.

Bourse de Stage (Graduate Fellowship), Government of France, 1992-1993.



Guest Editor to 2010 Special Issues of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

Editorial Board Member of ISRN Applied Mathematics

Editorial Board Member of Advances and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and


Editorial Review Board Member of Scienti c Journals International (SJI)

Editorial Advisory Board Member of The Open Medical Informatics Journal

Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Member of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization


Member of the United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM)

Member of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)

Reviewer for Air Force O ce of Scienti c Research (AFOSR)

Reviewer for International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Reviewer for Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering

Reviewer for International Journal of Solids and Structures

Reviewer for Engineering Fracture Mechanics

Reviewer for ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control

Reviewer for Materials Science and Engineering A

Reviewer for Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

Reviewer for Applied Mathematical Modelling

Reviewer for Mechanics Research Communications

Reviewer for Proceedings A

Reviewer for Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation


Reviewer for CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences

Reviewer for Advances in Engineering Software

Reviewer for Experimental Mechanics

Reviewer for ISRN Applied Mathematics

Reviewer for Computational Geosciences

Reviewer for Technology and Health Care

Reviewer for Journal of Forensic Biomechanics

Reviewer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Reviewer for MECCANICA: International Journal of the Italian Association of Theo-

retical and Applied Mechanics AIMETA

Reviewer for Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements


Reviewer for Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering

Reviewer for The Open Medical Informatics Journal

Reviewer for IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine

Reviewer for 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition


Reviewer for ASME Early Career Technical Conference 2009 (ECTC 09)

Reviewer for ASME Early Career Technical Conference 2007 (ECTC 07)


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

1. A.-V. Phan and S. Ebrahimi, SGBEM for elastodynamics in the frequency domain

Laplace vs Fourier spaces, (submitted).

2. B. Elmabrouk, J.R. Berger, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, Apparent sti ness tensors for

porous solids using symmetric Galerkin boundary elements, Computational Mechan-

ics, 2012, (49, 4), 411-419.

3. A.-V. Phan, A non-singular boundary integral formula for frequency domain analysis

of the dynamic T -stress, International Journal of Fracture, 2012, (173, 1), 37-48.

4. A.-V. Phan, V. Guduru, A. Salvadori and L.J. Gray, Frequency domain analysis

by the exponential window method and SGBEM for elastodynamics, Computational

Mechanics, 2011, (48, 5), 615-630.

5. A.-V. Phan and V. Guduru, Boundary element transient analysis of the dynamic T -

stress and biaxiality ratio, Rivista di Matematica della Universit` di Parma, 2011, 2,



6. A.-V. Phan, A non-singular boundary integral formula for determining the T -stress

for cracks of arbitrary geometry, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2011, (78, 11),


7. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, Transient analysis of the dynamic stress in-

tensity factors using SGBEM for frequency-domain elastodynamics, Computer Meth-

ods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2010, (199, 45-48), 3039-3050.

8. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element tran-

sient analysis of the DSIFs for the interaction of a crack with a circular inclusion, Key

Engineering Materials, 2010, 454, 79-96.

9. V. Guduru, A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, Transient analysis of the DSIFs and dy-

namic T -stress for particular composite materials Numerical vs experimental results,

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010, (34, 11), 963-970.


10. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element anal-

ysis of the dynamic stress intensity factors in the frequency domain, Mechanics Re-

search Communications, 2010, (37, 2), 177-183.

11. D.J. Roberts, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, SGBEM analysis

of fatigue crack growth in particulate composites, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2010,

(80, 3), 307-322.

12. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element analysis of the

QFM stress intensity factors in nanoscale fracture, Journal of Computational and

Theoretical Nanoscience, 2009, (6, 5), 994-1000.

13. L.S. Yellapragada, A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, Fluid-solid interaction nite element

modeling of a kinetically driven growth instability in stressed solids, Archive of Applied

Mechanics, 2009, (79, 5), 457-467.

14. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, Shape-sensitivity-based evaluation of the stress inten-

sity factors at the nanoscale by means of quantized fracture mechanics, Mechanics

Research Communications, 2009, (36, 3), 336-342.

15. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, The multi-domain boundary contour method for in-

terface and dissimilar materials problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Ele-

ments, 2009, (33, 5), 668-677.

16. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, Boundary contour method fracture analysis of bima-

terial interface cracks, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2008,

(24, 12), 1685-1697.

17. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, On some benchmarch results for the interaction

of a crack with a circular inclusion, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2007, (74,

6, 1282-1284.

18. L.S. Yellapragada, A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, A sequential uid-solid weak coupling

analysis of the SPE in stressed Si layers, Mechanics Research Communications, 2007,

(34, 7-8), 545-552.

19. R.C. Williams, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, SGBEM anal-

ysis of crack growth and particle(s) interactions due to elastic constants mismatch,

Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2007, (74, 3), 314-331.

20. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, A numerical implementation using mid-node collocation

for the hypersingular boundary contour method, Mechanics Research Communica-

tions, 2007, (34, 1), 201-209.

21. R. Kitey, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur and T. Kaplan, Modeling of crack growth through

particulate clusters in brittle matrix by symmetric-Galerkin boundary element method,

International Journal of Fracture, 2006, (141, 1), 11-25.


22. A.-V. Phan, C. Machiraju, A.W. Pearsall and S. Madanagopal, Viscoelastic studies

of human subscapularis tendon: Relaxation test and a Wiechert Model, Computer

Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2006, (83, 1), 29-33.

23. L.J. Gray, A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and V. Mantic, Direct evaluation of hypersingular

Galerkin surface integrals. II, Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 2006, (4, 3),


24. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, Residue approach for evaluating the 3-D

anisotropic elastic Green s function: multiple roots, Engineering Analysis with Bound-

ary Elements, 2005, (29, 6), 570-576.

25. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, Boundary contour analysis for surface stress recovery in

2-D elasticity and Stokes ow, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2005, (74, 5-6), 427-438.

26. L.J. Gray, A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, Boundary integral evaluation of surface deriva-

tives, SIAM Journal on Scienti c Computing, 2004, (26, 1), 294-312.

27. W. Barvosa-Carter, M.J. Aziz, A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, Interfacial

roughening during solid phase epitaxy: Interaction of dopant, stress, and anisotropy

e ects, Journal of Applied Physics, 2004, (96, 10), 5462-5468.

28. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, On the residue calculus evaluation of the

3-D anisotropic elastic Green s function, Communications in Numerical Methods in

Engineering, 2004, (20, 5), 335-341.

29. A.-V. Phan, J.A.L. Napier, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, Stress intensity factor analysis

of friction sliding at discontinuity interfaces and junctions, Computational Mechanics,

2003, (32, 4-6), 392-400.

30. A.-V. Phan, J.A.L. Napier, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, Symmetric-Galerkin BEM

simulation of fracture with frictional contact, International Journal for Numerical

Methods in Engineering, 2003, (57, 6), 835-851.

31. A.-V. Phan, L. Baron, J.R.R. Mayer and G. Cloutier, Finite element and experimental

studies of diametral errors in cantilever bar turning, Applied Mathematical Modelling,

2003, (27, 3), 221-232.

32. L.J. Gray, A.-V. Phan, G.H. Paulino and T. Kaplan, An improved quarter-point crack

tip element, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2003, (70, 2), 269-283.

33. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray, T. Kaplan and T.-N. Phan, The boundary contour method

for two-dimensional Stokes ow and incompressible elastic materials, Computational

Mechanics, 2002, (28, 5), 425-433.

34. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray, T. Kaplan and G.H. Paulino, Highly accurate crack tip anal-

ysis, Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 2002, (BETEQ 2001, 1), 51-58.


35. A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan, L.J. Gray, D. Adalsteinsson, J.A. Sethian, W. Barvosa-Carter

and M. J. Aziz, Modelling a growth instability in a stressed solid, Modelling and

Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2001, (9, 4), 309-325.

36. J.R.R. Mayer, A.-V. Phan and G. Cloutier, Prediction of diameter errors in bar

turning: A computationally e ective model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2000,

(24, 12), 943-956.

37. A.-V. Phan, G. Cloutier and J.R.R. Mayer, A nite element model for predicting

tapered workpiece de ections in turning, Computer Modeling and Simulation in En-

gineering, 1999, (4, 2), 138-142.

38. G. Cloutier, J.R.R. Mayer and A.-V. Phan, Singular function representation in ob-

taining closed-form solutions to workpiece de ections in turning multi-diameter bars,

Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 1999, (4, 2), 133-137.

39. A.-V. Phan, G. Cloutier and J.R.R. Mayer, A nite element model with closed-form

solutions to workpiece de ections in turning, International Journal of Production

Research, 1999, (37,17), 4039-4051.

40. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, A structural shape optimization system using the 2-D

boundary contour method, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1999, (69, 7), 481-489.

41. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, On design sensitivity analysis in linear elasticity by

the boundary contour method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 1999,

(23, 2), 195-199.

42. A.-V. Phan and F. Trochu, Application of dual kriging to structural shape optimiza-

tion based on the boundary contour method, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1998,

(68, 7/8), 539-551.

43. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, Stresses, stress sensitivities and shape

optimization for two-dimensional linear elasticity by the boundary contour method,

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1998, (42, 8), 1391-1407.

44. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, The hypersingular boundary contour

method for two-dimensional linear elasticity, Acta Mechanica, 1998, (130, 3/4), 209-


45. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, A boundary contour formulation for

design sensitivity analysis in two-dimensional linear elasticity, International Journal

of Solids and Structures, 1988, (35, 16), 1981-1999.

46. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, The boundary contour method for

two-dimensional linear elasticity with quadratic boundary elements, Computational

Mechanics, 1997, (20, 4), 310-319.

47. A.-V. Phan and G. Reynaud, Determination of the asynchronous load on a rotor from

the measured internal forces, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1997, (206, 1), 15-22.


48. A.-V. Phan, Application of rotation tensor analysis to kinematic study of mecha-

nisms, (in Vietnamese), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Journal of Sci-

ence and Technology, September 1984, 15, 52-61.

Conference Publications

1. A.-V. Phan and S. Ebrahimi, Boundary Element Dynamic Fracture Analysis in the

Frequency Domain: Fourier- or Laplace-Space? To be presented at the ASME 2012

International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 9-15, 2012,

Houston, Texas, USA.

2. S. Ebrahimi and A.-V. Phan, On peridynamic fracture analysis of unidirectional ber-

reinforced composites. To be presented at the ASME Early Career Technical Confer-

ence, November 2-3, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

3. B. Elmabrouk, J.R. Berger, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, E ective elastic sti ness ten-

sors for porous solids with symmetric Galerkin boundary element analysis. Proceed-

ings of the 2011 Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element

Methods, September 5-8, 2011, Brescia, Italy.

4. M. Adam, J.R. Berger, A.-V. Phan and I. Reimanis, Crack extension near an auxetic

particle using symmetric Galerkin boundary elements. Proceedings of the 2011 Sym-

posium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods, September

5-8, 2011, Brescia, Italy.

5. A. Salvadori, L.J. Gray and A.-V. Phan, Fast and accurate approximation of deriva-

tives at the boundary via integral equations. Proceedings of the 2011 Symposium of

the International Association for Boundary Element Methods, September 5-8, 2011,

Brescia, Italy.

6. A.-V. Phan, A non-singular 3-D boundary integral equation for accurately evaluating

the T -stresses. Proceedings of the 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational

Mechanics, July 25-29, 2011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

7. A.-V. Phan and V. Guduru, SGBEM analysis of the dynamic crack growth in par-

ticular composite materials. Proceedings of the 2011 NSF Engineering Research and

Innovation Conference, January 4-7, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

8. A.-V. Phan, New boundary integral equations for evaluating the T -stress and dynamic

T -stress. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Boundary Element

Techniques, July 12-14, 2010, Berlin, Germany.

9. A.-V. Phan, A. Salvadori, L.J. Gray and H.V. Tippur, Multiscale Transient Analysis

of the DSIFs based on Symmetric-Galerkin BEM Method. Proceedings of the Integral

Equations: Recent Numerical Developments and New Applications, October 29-30,

2009, University of Parma, Italy.


10. A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, SIF and T-Stress Computation via Boundary

Integral Equations. Proceedings of the Integral Equations: Recent Numerical Devel-

opments and New Applications, October 29-30, 2009, University of Parma, Italy.

11. J.T. Maher, G.J. Hickman, S.M. Ramsey, P. Sivapuram and A.-V. Phan, Tensile and

Compressive Properties of IM7/8552 Monolithic Composite Panels An Experimen-

tal Study Using Notched and Unnotched Specimens. ASME Early Career Technical

Journal, October 2009, (8, 1), 32.1-32.6.

12. V. Guduru and A.-V. Phan, Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Transient Anal-

ysis of the DSIFs for Particulate Composites. ASME Early Career Technical Journal,

October 2009, (8, 1), 23.1-23.5.

13. A.-V. Phan, A. Salvadori and L.J. Gray, SGBEM-Based multiscale analysis of dy-

namic stress intensity factors and T -stress. Proceedings of 10th U.S. National Congress

on Computational Mechanics, July 16-19, 2009, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

14. V. Guduru and A.-V. Phan, A SGBEM-based technique for multiscale dynamic frac-

ture analysis of crack-inclusion interaction. Proceedings of the 10th U.S. National

Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 16-19, 2009, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

15. A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, SIF and T -stress computation via boundary

integral equations. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF

12), July 12-17, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

16. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, Hybrid numerical analysis of crack-inclusion interac-

tion in C/SiC nanocomposites under impact loading. Proceedings of the 2009 NSF

Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, June 22-25, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii,


17. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, A multiscale technique for quantized fracture analysis

using the SGBEM for elastodynamics. Proceedings of the First American Academy

of Mechanics Conference, June 17-20, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

18. P. Sivapuram, I.E. Sampayo and A.-V. Phan, A comparative nite element study of

the transient response analysis of aerospace composite specimens under impact load-

ing. Proceedings of the First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, June 17-20,

2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

19. R. Yerram and A.-V. Phan, Nanoscale boundary element fracture analysis of par-

ticulate composites by means of quantized fracture mechanics. Proceedings of the

First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, June 17-20, 2008, New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA.

20. A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, SGBEM assessment of the fa-

tigue life of particulate composites. Proceedings of the 9th U.S. National Congress on

Computational Mechanics, July 23-26, 2007, San Francisco, California, USA.


21. R.C. Williams, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, Interactions be-

tween a propagating crack and weakly bonded particles. Proceedings of the 7th World

Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 16 - 22, 2006, Los Angeles, California,


22. A.-V. Phan and R.C. Williams, On an SGBEM-based technique for quasi-static

and fatigue crack growth. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 9th International Fatigue

Congress, May 14-19, 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

23. A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, Boundary integral fracture analysis and

hypersingular evaluation. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 17th AIMeTA Congress of

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, September 11-15, 2005, Firenze, Italy.

24. A.-V. Phan, R. Kitey and H.V. Tippur, SGBEM modeling of crack propagation

through a cluster of ller particles. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 8th U.S. National

Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 24-28, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA.

25. A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, Stress e ect on the solid phase epitaxy in ion-

implantation-doped silicon layers. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 8th U.S. National

Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 24-28, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA.

26. A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, Boundary integral fracture analysis and hy-

persingular evaluation. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fracture

(ICF11), March 20-25, 2005, Turin, Italy.

27. L.S. Yellapragada, M.B. Broussard and A.-V. Phan, A uid-solid interaction model

of the solid phase epitaxy in stressed Si layers, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the In-

ternational Symposium of Research Students on Material Science and Engineering,

December 20-22, 2004, Chennai, India.

28. A.-V. Phan and L.S. Yellapragada, Finite element modeling the solid phase epitaxial

growth instability in Si-based thin lms, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the ICCE-11

Conference, August 8-14, 2004, Hilton-Head Island, South Carolina, USA.

29. C. Machiraju, A.-V. Phan, A.W. Pearsall, J.M. Hollis and S. Madanagopal, Vis-

coelastic nite element analysis of human patellar tendon, Proceedings of the ASME

Southeastern Region XI Technical Conference, 2004, pp. 12.1-12.5.

30. A.-V. Phan and V. Mallet, Modeling the growth of Si-based nano lms by coupling

the boundary contour method and level set Multivac, Proceedings of the ICCE-10,

2003, pp. 575-576.

31. A.-V. Phan, J.A.L. Napier, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, SGBEM simulation of fric-

tion sliding at discontinuity interfaces and junctions, Proceedings of the IABEM 2002

Symposium, May 28-31, 2002, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA.

32. A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan, L.J. Gray, W. Barvosa-Carter and M.J. Aziz, Modeling a

growth instability in stressed boron doped silicon, (Invited paper for special session


on Fundamentals in Microsystems), Technical Proceedings of the Fifth International

Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, 2002, pp. 334-337.

33. A.-V. Phan and Y.J. Liu, Boundary contour analysis of thin lms and layered coat-

ings, Abstracts of the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics,

2001, pp. 334.

34. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray, T. Kaplan and G.H. Paulino, Highly accurate crack tip anal-

ysis, in Advances in Boundary Element Techniques II, edited by M. Denda, M.H.

Aliabadi and A. Chara, 2001, pp. 371-378. Hoggar, Geneva.

35. S. Saevik, L.J. Gray and A.-V Phan, A method for calculating residual and transverse

stress e ects in exible pipe pressure spirals, Proceedings (OMAE 2001 CD) of the

20th International Conference on O shore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June

3-8, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

36. E.S. Tan, L.J. Gray and A.-V. Phan, Parallel solution of the boundary integral equa-

tions for elasticity, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the European Congress on Computa-

tional Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, September 11-14, 2000, Barcelona,


37. A.-V. Phan, G. Cloutier and J.R.R. Mayer, An investigation into diameter error

modeling in bar turning, Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 1999 NSF Design & Manu-

facturing Grantees Conference, January 5-8, 1999, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.

38. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, A boundary contour formulation for

design sensitivity analysis in two-dimensional linear elasticity, Proceedings of the 16th

Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 445-446.

39. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, The boundary contour method for two-

dimensional linear elasticity with quadratic boundary elements, in Boundary Element

Technology XII, edited by J.I. Frankel, C.A. Brebbia and M.A.H. Aliabadi, 1997, pp.

75-85. Computational Mechanics Publications, Boston.

40. A.-V. Phan, A computerized system for pattern digitizing, marker making and plot-

ting in the garment industry, Abstracts of the 5th Scienti c Symposium of the Ho Chi

Minh City University of Technology, 1990, pp. 123.

41. A.-V. Phan, On computer-aided machine design, Abstracts of the 5th Scienti c Sym-

posium of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, 1990, pp. 122.

42. A.-V. Phan, Q.-T. Huynh and H.-S. Le, Design and manufacture of an impulsive

stepless variator using a driver-coupler-gear mechanism, Abstracts of the 5th Scienti c

Symposium of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, 1990, pp. 121-122.


Technical Report

B.R. Bass, T.L. Dickson, P.T. Williams, A.-V. Phan and K.L. Kruse, Veri cation and

Validation of the FAVOR Code Deterministic Load Variables (ORNL/NRC/LTR-

04/11). Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, O ce of Nuclear

Regulatory Research, under Interagency Agreement DOE 1886-N624-4Y, NRC JCN

No. Y6244. March 22, 2004.

Textbooks (in Vietnamese)

1. A.-V. Phan, 1994, Finite Element Method in Solid Mechanics, Publisher Young, Ho

Chi Minh City.

2. A.-V. Phan, 1993, Computer-Aided Design and Drafting using AutoCAD Release

12, Publisher Young, Ho Chi Minh City.

3. A.-V. Phan, 1988, Computer-Aided Design and Drafting using AutoCAD Version

2.6, Publisher Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.


1. Development of Prepreg and Out-Of-Autoclave Process for Z -Aligned Carbon Nano ber

Toughened Lightweight Composites, Co-PI, NASA, 2010-2013.

2. Non-Autoclave High-Performance Composite Materials Manufacturing Process De-

velopment, Damage Tolerance Detection and Computational Simulations, PI, NASA,


3. A Hybrid Technique using FEA and QFM for Dynamic Fracture Modeling of Nano ber-

Reinforced Composites Part II, PI, Alabama EPSCoR, 2009-2010.

4. A Hybrid Technique using FEA and QFM for Dynamic Fracture Modeling of Nano ber-

Reinforced Composites Part I, PI, Alabama EPSCoR, 2008-2009.

5. Experimental and Modeling Studies of the Fracture Behavior of Nanoparticle Com-

posite Materials, PI, Alabama Alabama EPSCoR, 2008-2009.

6. Collaborative Research: Interactions between a Propagating Matrix Crack and In-

clusions in Particulate Composites: Experiments and Modeling, PI, NSF, 2007-2010,


7. High Strength Composite Materials, Joint-PI, NASA, 2006-2009, NNM07AA09A-01.

8. High-Strain Rate Fracture of Heterogeneous Materials with Micro- and Nano-Fillers:

E ect of Particle Size, Shape and Filler-Matrix Adhesion, Co-PI, Army Research

O ce/DEPSCoR, 2004-2008, W911 NF-04-1-0257.

9. Improving the Solid-Phase Epitaxy in Si-Ge Alloys, PI, Oak Ridge Associated Uni-

versities/DOE, 2004-2006.


10. Developing a 3-D Code Coupling Boundary Integral and Level Set Methods for Frac-

ture Modeling and Crystal Growth, PI, Subcontract funded by DOE through Oak

Ridge National Laboratory, 2004-2005.

11. Developing a Boundary Contour Method for Fracture Modeling of Nanoscale Mate-

rials, PI, University of South Alabama Research Council, 2003-2004.


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