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Therapy Staff

Encinitas, CA
December 24, 2012

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Director - The California Center for Creative Renewal

**** ***** *****

Encinitas, California 92024




Fairleigh Dickinson University Bachelor of Arts 1972

Lesley College Master of Education in Art Therapy 1979

National University Post Graduate Studies 1985

EXPERIENCE: References will be provided upon request

Art Therapist, Private Practice, 1979-Present, Encinitas, California

Art Therapy Instructor, UCSD Extension, 1987-2005, La Jolla, California

Program Coordinator, UCSD Extension, 1996-2003, Expressive Art Therapies Certificate

Program, La Jolla, California

Program Director, UCSD Extension, 2001-2003, Art Therapy Postgraduate Certificate Program,

La Jolla, California

Clinical Director, National University Associate Faculty, 2000-2001, Art Therapy Program, San

Diego, California

Art Therapy Instructor, Kolner Schule fur Kunsttherapie, Summer 1996, Frankfurt, Germany

Art Therapy Lecturer, IMPER 1990 to 2000 summers, Lausanne, Switzerland

Art Therapy Consultant, 2001-2003, SUSHI Visual and Performing Arts Center


Art Therapy Staff Training and Development, Sharp Hospital,

Cabrillo Alcohol Rehabilitation Program 1985

Art Therapy Consultant, Hospice of North Coast 1989 - 1990

Art Therapy Consultant, San Diego Hospice 1990 - 1993

Art Therapy Consultant, UCSD Medical Center, Pediatrics Unit 1991

Staff Retreat Leader, Grossmont Hospice Staff 1992 - 1993

Art Therapy Consultant, Empty Cradle 1993 - 1995

Faculty Retreats Leader, University of San Diego, Nursing Department 1997 - 1998

Staff Retreat Leader, Elizabeth Hospice 2000

Art Therapy Consultant, A Reason To Survive 2001

Staff Retreats Leader, County Health and Human Services 2000 - 2003

Staff Retreats Leader, Perinatal Services Providers of San Diego 2000 - 2003

Program Consultant, picART: Boys & Girls Club of Encinitas,

Carlsbad &Solana Beach 2000 - present

Staff Retreats Leader, San Diego CAL WORKS Providers 2001 - 2003

Staff Retreats Leader, San Diego County Adoption Workers 2001 - 2002

Staff Retreat Leader, Physical Rehabilitation Network (PRN) 2002

Staff Retreat Leader, Head Start 2002

Retreat Leader, Women s Caucus for Art 2003

Staff Retreat Leader, Encinitas Unified School District Management Team 2003

Conference Retreat Leader, American Art Therapy Association 2004

Team building retreat for the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture, 2006

Staff Support Leader, International Survivors of Torture 2006, 2007, 2008

Retreat Leader, Jewish Healing Arts Center 2006, 2007, 2009

Retreat Leader at Cal-a-Vie Health Spa, "Healing Body, Mind and Spirit" 2006

Habitat for Humanity, House Building, New Orleans 2006

Guest Instructor, the School of Visual Arts, New York City 2006

Retreat Leader, Seaside Church of Religious Science 2007, 2008

Retreat Leader, Del Mar Garden Club 2008

Retreat Leader, San Diego Psychological Association 2008

Retreat Leader, Management team of Camp Pendleton Marine Base 2008 and 2009


"Beyond Psychic Numbing: Child Art Therapy and the Nuclear Taboo", Art Therapy: Journal of the

American Art Therapy Association, Vol. 6, No. 3. 1989.

"Art Therapy and Group Process," Group Network, San Diego, Aug. 1989.

"The Use of Art Therapy Following Perinatal Death," Art Therapy. Journal of the American Art Therapy

Association, Vol. 9, No. 3. 1992.

"Women and Art Therapy in California Art Therapy Trends, Ed. E. Virshup, Chicago: Magnolia Street


"Creative New Ways", SDNC-California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists Perspectives,

Vol. 8, No.1., 1999.


Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy to Explore Loss and Reconnection: Personal and Ecological

Parallels Pre-conference course with Mimi Farrelly-Hansen, the American Art Therapy Association

Conference, New Orleans, 2006

Art Therapy: Support for Families of the Mentally Ill

NAMI - National Association of the Mentally Ill, 2006

Art Therapy in the Healing Gardens

Rancho Santa Fe Artists Guild, 2006

Eco-Art Therapy the School of Visual Arts, New York City

workshop for the faculty and graduate students, 2006

Creativity, Spirituality and Healing

workshop for the Jewish Healing Center, 2006

Healing Body, Mind and Spirit

workshop for Cal-a-Vie Health Spa, 2006

Exploring Countertransference through Bioenergetics & Art 2004, American Art

Therapy Association Conference, San Diego, California, presentation with Barbara


Art Therapy and the Hero s Journey 2004 The Art of Management International

Conference, Paris, France

Art Therapy with Artists 2004, San Dieguito Art Guild

Art Therapy: Healing through the Arts 2003, San Diego Museum of Art

Resilience and Art Therapy 2003, Children s Hospital Itinerant Therapists Retreat

Art Therapy: Creative Renewal through the Arts 2003, San Diego Museum of Art:

North County

Art Therapy and Psychodrama in Exploring Internalized Isms 2003, National

Conference on Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Santa Fe, New Mexico,

presentation with Alyce Smith Cooper

Art Therapy with Organizations 2002, The Art of Management, International

Conference, London, England

Art Therapy with the Difficult Child 2002, San Diego County School Social Workers


Art Therapy: Creating Healing Spaces 2002, Society for the Arts in Healthcare,

National Conference

"Spirituality, Art Therapy and Activism: The Use of Nature in Creativity and Healing"

2001 School of Visual Arts National Conference, New York City panel presentation with

Mimi Farrelly-Hansen

"Brain Storms / Soul Storms: Outsider Art and Art Therapy" 2001 Sushi Performance

and Visual Arts Gallery - artist lecture

" Nourishing the Patient; Nurturing the Therapist" 2001 International Association of

Eating Disorders Professionals Foundation Conference

"The Healing Journey: From Garden Studio to Social Activism" 2000 International

Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference

"Relighting the Creative Flame" 2000 Foundation For Women Conference

"Bridging the Abyss: Art Therapy in Working with the Difficult Client" 2000 California

Society for Clinical Social Work

"Art Therapy : Journey from the Garden to Social Action" 2000 Gardens for Humanity,

Sedona, Arizona

"Creating a Sense of Place: Journey from the Garden to Social Action" 1999 American

Art Therapy Association Opening Plenary Speaker, Orlando

"Art Therapy & Spirituality: Creativity & Healing" 1999 California Association for

Marriage and Family Therapy Conference

"Bridging the Abyss: Art Therapy with Adolescents" 1999 Grand Rounds, Children's


"A.T. and Recovery: The Creative Road Back from Trauma" 1999 North County

California Association of Marriage Family Therapists

"Sculptural Exploration of Developmental Models of Autonomy and Interconnection"

1998 American Art Therapy Association Conference - Portland

"Building a Community of Scholars" faculty retreat facilitator 1998 University of San

Diego School of Nursing

"Art Therapy: Accessing the Unconscious through the Creative Process" 1998 North

County California Association of Marriage Family Therapists

"Art Therapy: Accessing the Unconscious through the Creative Process" 1998 I.C.N.E.,

Spokane,WA - guest instructor

Art Therapy as if the World Mattered"1997 American Art Therapy Association

Conference - Milwaukee

"Revealing and Containing through Art Therapy: PTSD, Creativity and Recovery" 1997

Southern Illinois University lecture and workshop

"When Words Are Not Enough: Art Therapy and Survival" 1997 Adult Survivors of

Child Abuse Conference

"Art Therapy: Healing Through Creativity"Multiple Dimensions of Play Therapy:

California Statewide Conference 1997

"Encuentro: Art and the Power of Expression" Centro Cultural de la Raza Training Project


"Sculpting Your Protagonist's Environment" Mystery Writer's Conference: Sisters in Crime

- "Bare Bones IV"1997 opening plenary speaker

"A Creative Exploration of Internalized "isms" Through Art, Drama and Poetry" (with

George Amelio Sanchez) American Art Therapy Association Conference - Philadelphia


"Binding Our Wounds: Japanese and American Healing Rituals Following Abortion" (with

Ava Torrey-Bueno) American Art Therapy Association Conference - Philadelphia 1996

"Collaborating with Artists: Individual and Communal Healing" (with Diane Gage PhD)

American Art Therapy Association Conference - San Diego 1995

"Women and Art Therapy Northern and Southern California Art Therapy Associations

Conference 1995

"Art Therapy and Outsider Art: Exploring Personal Passions" San Diego Museum of Art


"Opening the Window to the Unconscious: The Use of Art, Meditation and Dance in

Therapy " Marriage, Family, Child Counselor Conference 1995

"Women and Art Therapy: Moving Treatment Beyond the Patriarchal Paradigm" American

Art Therapy Association Conference - Chicago 1994

"Art Therapy for Women Artist" Women's Caucus for Art Meeting 1994

"Art Therapy : Healing Through Creativity" Nebraska Methodist College: guest Instructor


"Art Therapy in Working with Patients Facing Terminal Illness" Dimensions of Caring -

National Hospice Conference 1992

"The Use of Art Therapy Following Stillbirth, Miscarriage and Abortion Knowing Women

Conference - Association of Humanistic Psychology 1991

"Art Therapy in the Adult Bereavement Process" 1990 and 1991 Kaiser Hospice:

community presentation

"Art Therapy with Bereaved Children" 1989 Hospice of North Coast: staff training

"Art Therapy for Children in the Nuclear Age" 1989 Canadian Art Therapy Association:

National Conference

"Art Therapy for the Elderly" 1989 Associated Senior Artists meeting

"Art Therapy in the Nuclear Age" 1989 Symposium: San Diego Art Therapy Association

"The Empty Cradle: Use of Art Therapy in Miscarriage and Stillbirth" 1989 Association

of Nurse Educators of San Diego meeting

"Art Therapy with Cancer Patients"1988 The Wellness Community

"Breaking Through the Nuclear Taboo: Art Therapy with Children in the Nuclear Age

1987 American Art Therapy Association Conference - Miami

"Women's Workshop: Self Exploration Through Art Therapy 1987 University of

California, San Diego: Women's Center

"Art Therapy with the Medically Hospitalized" 1985 Nursing Education Council of San


"Art Therapy in Staff Training and Development" 1985 Sharp Hospital, Cabrillo Alcohol

Rehabilitation Program


Television interview - ABC with Kimberly Hunt 1998

Radio interview - KPBS with Dan Erwin 1995

Television interview - The Rosemary Broccoli Show 1987


Team building retreat for the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture, 2006

University of San Diego, Nursing Department Faculty Retreats 1997 and 1998

Elizabeth Hospice - staff retreat 2000

Boys and Girls Club "PicART" - staff training and consultation 2000-present

Cal Works - San Diego County Social Services- staff retreats 2000-present

County Health and Human Services - staff retreat 2000-present

Perinatal Services Providers - retreat 2000-present

A Reason to Survive (ARTS)- staff training 2001

Staff Support Leader, International Survivors of Torture - 2006

Habitat for Humanity, House Building, New Orleans - 2006


American Art Therapy Association 1978 - present

Registered 1981

Served on Regional Qualifying Board 1991 - 1993

Board Certified 1995

Local Arrangements Chair of National Conference: 1995

Served on ATCB nominating committee 2002 - present

San Diego Art Therapy Association 1977 - present

President 1983 - 1985

Treasurer 1989 - 1992

Vice President 1995 - 1999

Southern California Art Therapy Association 1997 - present

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

(SDNC chapter) 2001 - present

International Expressive Art Therapy Association 1996 - present

Registered 1998

International Networking Group (art therapy) 1991 - 1994

United States representative 1991 - 1992

Women s Caucus for the Arts 1992 - present

Foundation for Women 1998 - present

Toast Masters International 2002 - present

Toast Master of the Year 2007 and 2008


Ann Reilly Gallery 1993 to 1995

"Art with A View" : Sushi Gallery Invitational Show and Auction 1994

"San Diego Art Walk" 1994

"Weaving California Visions": Paladion Art Show 1995

"Wild Women" : Women's Caucus for Art Juried Show 1997

"Art with a New View": Sushi Gallery Invitational Show and Auction 1997

Women's Caucus for Art Members Show 1997

"Womanhood 1900-1999": Women's Caucus for Art Juried Show 1999

Women's Caucus for Art Members Show 1999

"Small Wonders / Little Treasures": Studio Maureen Invitational Show 2000

"Brain Storms / Soul Storms": Sushi Gallery Juried Show 2001

Foundation For Women Shows, 2001- present

The Telephone Project : La Jolla Fiber Arts Gallery Invitational Show, 2003

"Still Life and Botanical drawings" La Vida Del Mar, 2008

"Travel Sketchbooks" The Athenaeum, 2008

"Travel Sketchbooks" La Vida Del Mar, 2009


Phi Zeta Kappa,

Phi Omega Epsilon,

Phi Alpha Theta,

Sinai Honor Society,

Honor roll: 1968 -1972

Graduated Summa Cum Laude 1972

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