Huub Douma, Ph.Dsenior research geophysicist
Citizen of the Netherlands.
- Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA
Doctor of Philosophy with thesis in Geophysics, 2006
Thesis title: A hybrid formulation of map migration and wave-equation-based migration using curvelets
- Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Master of Science with thesis in Geophysics, 1996
Thesis title: Ensemble Inference in terms of Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Dominicus College, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
A-level, 1990, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Dutch, Latin, English, and Economics
Positions held
2011 - present : Senior Research Geophysicist, ION Geophysical/GX Technology, working remotely from Princeton, NJ USA
2010 - present : Visiting Researcher, Princeton University
2009 - 2010 : Research Geophysicist, ION Geophysical/GX Technology, working remotely from Princeton, NJ USA
2006 - 2008 : Hess postdoctoral research fellow, Princeton University
Fall 2006 : Invited internship with BP, Houston TX, USA, advanced imaging group
2001 - 2006 : Research assistant at Colorado School of Mines, Center for Wave Phenomena
2000 - 2001 : Research geophysicist at Western Geophysical, Isleworth, UK
1999 - 2000 : Staff geophysicist at Western Geophysical, Isleworth, UK
1998 - 1999 : Seismic analyst in the multicomponent (4C) group at Western Geophysical, Isleworth, UK
1997 - 1998 : Field seismic analyst at Western Geophysical on both streamer and ocean-bottom-cable acquisition vessels
1996 - 1997 : Research assistant in the project-group Exploration Geophysics at the institute of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University
Summer 1994 : Internship at ELF-PETROLAND B.V. the Hague, the Netherlands, Exploration Division
2006 - 2008 : Harry Hess Fellowship, Princeton University
2001 - 2004 : Annual 3-month paid sabbatical leave from Western Geophysical to pursue individual research interests towards a Ph.D. in Geophysics
Professional activities
March 2011 : Visiting researcher at Boise State University
October 2010 : Visiting researcher at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
October 2010 : Chairman of the presentation sessions entitled "Seismic Interferometry" and "Frequency and Interferometry" at the 80th annual meeting of the SEG in Denver, Colorado USA.
May 2010 & 2011 : Visiting researcher at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
March 2010 : Visiting researcher at Boise State University
2010 : Member of the technical program committee for the 80th annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Denver, Colorado USA
May 2009 : Visiting researcher at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
June 2007 : Organizer of workshop at 69th annual conference of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). Title: "Curvelets, contourlets, seislets, ... in seismic data processing: Where are we and Where are we going?", organized in collaboration with Herve Chauris, Center de Geosciences, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
2006 - 2007 : Organizer of the Solid Earth seminar at Princeton University
1996 - 1997 : Graduate student representative at the daily management committee of the geophysics division of the faculty of earth sciences at Utrecht University
until present : Peer reviewer for numerous papers in Geophysics and Geophysical Journal International
September 2006 : Visiting scientist with the Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin TX, USA
September 2004 : Visiting scientist at California Institute of Technology, applied mathematics
May - July 2000 : Visiting scientist at the Center for Wave Phenomena, CSM, Golden, USA
until present : Member of the AGU, SEG, and EAGE
Teaching Experience
Spring 2006, 2007 : Guest lecturer, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Hazards,Princeton, GEO-210
Fall 2003 : Guest lecturer, Systems Thinking, Colorado School of Mines
Spring 1999 : Guest lecturer, Seminar Seismics, Utrecht University
Spring 1995 : Teaching Assistant, Potential Methods, Utrecht University
Spring 1994 : Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Seismology, Utrecht University
Spring 1994 : Teaching Assistant, Classical Mechanics, Utrecht University
Graduate coursework at Colorado School of Mines included course "Fundamentals of College Teaching"
Language abilities
Dutch : native tongue
English : fluent in speech and writing
German : fluent in speech, well in writing
French : basic knowledge, both in speech and writing
Prof. Dr. R.K. Snieder (********@*****.***)
Center for Wave Phenomena and Geophysics Department
Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO 80401, USA
phone: +1-303-***-****
Prof. Dr. K. Larner (*******@***.*****.***)
Center for Wave Phenomena and Geophysics Department
Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO 80401, USA
phone: +1-303-***-****
Prof. Dr. Guust Nolet (*****@*******.*****.**)
Geosciences Azur
Universite de Nice/Sophia Antipolis
250, Rue Albert Einstein
Sophia Antipolis, 06560 France
phone: +
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Daubechies (******@****.****.***)
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0329, USA
phone: +1-919-***-****
Publications and conference proceedings
See the section for a detailed list of publications and conference proceedings