US Geological Survey O ffice +1-650-***-****
Justin L. Rubinstein 345 Middlefield Road C ell: +1-650-***-****
MS-977 F ax: +1-650-***-****
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Email: ***********@****.***
Ph.D. Geophysics Stanford University March 2006
Thesis: Using Microearthquakes as Probes of Larger Earthquake Rupture
Advisor: Gregory C. Beroza
M.S. Geophysics Stanford University 2002
Advisor: Gregory C. Beroza
B.S. Applied Geophysics (Cum Laude) University of California Los Angeles 2000
Advisor: Paul M. Davis
Research Geophysicist/Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow USGS Menlo Park 2008 present
Induced Seismicity
Examining the relationship between fluid injection activities and seismicity in Southern Colorado,
Northern New Mexico, and Eastern Oklahoma
o Gathering current and historical data (1970-present)
o Improving estimates of seismic velocity structure in the surrounding regions
o Computing unified preliminary earthquake locations from data sets that are currently unregistered
o Computing high-precision earthquake relocations
o Examining the temporal, spatial, and moment rate evolution of the seismicity
Co-wrote USGS talking points on induced seismicity and the M5.6 Prague, OK earthquake
Demonstrated that most M 4 earthquakes in the Central and Eastern US are induced by human activity
Earthquake Source Processes, Fault Mechanics, and Earthquake Recurrence
Definitively demonstrated that the time- and slip-predictable models are not the preferred models for
predicting the recurrence behavior of natural repeating earthquakes or laboratory earthquakes
Showed that variable loading rates in the Parkfield area produce a scaling (but no predictability)
between slip and recurrence interval
Demonstrated that the seismic moment rate of aftershocks of the Parkfield Earthquake is dependent
upon the afterslip rate of the Parkfield Earthquake
Triggered Earthquakes
Identified earthquakes triggered by the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake in the Central US
Repeating Earthquakes
Compiled a catalog of repeating earthquakes near Parkfield, California
Developed a method based on the SVD for estimating relative moment of repeating earthquakes
Wave Propagation
Computed seismic velocity and attenuation profiles for use in computation of synthetic seismograms
Identified shear waves propagating directly downward from explosive sources recorded at SAFOD
Computing synthetic seismograms to replicate observations of explosive sources near Parkfield
Demonstrated that vertical sh ear source and implosive sources are required to reproduce downhole
recordings of chemical shots
Damage Processes (Nonlinear Site Response)
Identified nonlinear site response caused by small magnitude earthquakes (4 M 5) near Parkfield
Identified nonlinear site response and fault zone damage caused by the 1999 Chi- Chi Earthquake
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Research Associate (Postdoctoral Scientist) University of Washington 2006-2007
Episodic Tremor and Slip
Identified 4 episodes of non-volcanic tremor in Cascadia that were triggered by distant earthquakes
Showed that the triggering of non-volcanic tremor is a simple, frictional process
Showed that nonvolcanic tremor can be triggered by both the Rayleigh waves and Love waves from
distant earthquakes
Determined that timing and amplitude control whether non-volcanic tremor is triggered by teleseisms
Identified 7 locations in California where non-volcanic tremor was triggered by the Denali Earthquake
Showed that non-volcanic tremor in Cascadia is modulated by the solid-earth and ocean tides
Research Assistant Stanford University 2000-2006
Earthquake Location and Fault Mechanics
Developed a new earthquake location technique based upon source-array beamforming
o Allows for precise location centroids of large earthquakes previously unlocated due to clipping of
high gain waveforms
Used source-array beamforming to locate earthquakes on the Calaveras Fault
Showed that seismic streaks represent a boundary between creeping and locked portions of a fault
Wrote a neighbor selection algorithm based upon the D elaunay Tesselation and integrated it into
double difference earthquake relocation program HYPODD
Damage Processes (Nonlinear Site Response)
Identified short-duration velocity changes induced by large earthquakes
Demonstrated that these velocity changes are a result of damage caused by strong shaking (nonlinear
strong ground motion)
Used coseismic velocity reduction technique to identify nonlinearity in the strong ground motion of
four earthquakes: Loma Prieta, Chittenden, Parkfield, and Tokachi-Oki
Showed that rock strength strongly influences the susceptibility to nonlinear strong shaking, including
damage induced by previous earthquakes (Loma Prieta and Chittenden)
Provided the first field evidence that nonlinearity in strong ground motion is limited to the very near
surface (Parkfield)
Used spectral ratio technique to identify nonlinear strong ground motion in the Parkfield Earthquake
Reconciled strong ground motion and coseismic velocity reduction observations of nonlinear strong
ground motion in th e Parkfield Earthquake
NSF-REU Summer Intern University of Alaska, Fairbanks 1999
Developed crustal S- Wave velocity model for Southern and Central Alaska
SCEC Summer Intern University of California Los Angeles 1998
Investigated azimuth dependent site amp lifications of Northridge aftershocks in Sherman Oaks and
Santa Monica
Research Assistant University of California Los Angeles 1997-2000
Analyzed spatial variation of site amplification for Northridge aftershocks recorded by stations
throughout Los Angeles
Editor s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing American Geophysical Union 2011
Singapore National Research Foundation Fellowship Finalist 2011
Awarded to top young science faculty in Singapore
Stanford Graduate Fellowship Stanford University 2000-2003
Awarded to top incoming graduate students
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National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Finalist 2000
Awarded to top incoming graduate students in the sciences
University of California Regents Scholar UCLA 1996-2000
Awarded to top incoming undergraduate students
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Scholarship SEG 1996-2000
Awarded to top undergraduate students in geophysics nationwide
John Handin Scholarship UCLA Dept. Earth and Space Sciences 1999
Awarded yearly to top UCLA undergraduate in geophysics
1. Rubinstein, J.L. and W.L. Ellsworth, Afterslip Rate Controls The Moment Rate of Repeating Earthquake
Behavior, manuscript in preparation for Nature.
2. Rubinstein, J.L. and H.M. Savage, Earthquakes in the Central US Triggered by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki
Earthquake, manuscript in preparation for Seismological Research Letters.
3. Chen, K.H., T. Furumura, J.L. Rubinstein, and R-J. Rau, Modeling the healing of subsurface damage after
the 1999 Chi- Chi earthquake, manuscript in preparation for Geophysical Research Letters.
4. Pollitz, F.F., J.L. Rubinstein, and W.L. Ellsworth, Source characterization of near-surface chemical
explosions, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America in press.
5. Rubinstein, J.L., W.L. Ellsworth, K.H. Chen, and N. Uchida (2012), Fixed Recurrence and Slip Models
Better Predict Earthquake Behavior than the Time- and Slip-Predictable Models 1: Repeating Earthquakes,
Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, B02306, doi:10.1029/2011JB008724.
Rubinstein, J.L., W.L. Ellsworth, N. Beeler, B.D. Kilgore, D. Lockner, and H. Savage (2012), Fixed
Recurrence and Slip Models Better Predict Earthquake Behavior than the Time- and Slip-Predictable
Models 2: Laboratory Earthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, B02307,
7. Chen, K.H., T. Furumura, J.L. Rubinstein, and R-J. Rau (2011), Observations of the healing of subsurface
damage after the 1999 Chi- Chi earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, L23302,
8. Rubinstein, J.L., Nonlinear Site Response in Medium Magnitude Earthquakes Near Parkfield, CA (2011),
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 101, 275-286, doi: 10.1785/012*******.
9. Rubinstein, J.L. and W.L. Ellsworth (2010), Precise Estimation of Repeating Earthquake Moment:
Example from Parkfield, CA., Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 100, pp. 1952 1961,
doi: 10.1785/012010.
10. Gomberg, J. et al., (2010), Slow-slip phenomena in Cascadia from 2007 and beyond: A review, GSA
Bulletin, v. 122, 963-978, doi: 10.1130/B30287. (Review Article)
11. Rubinstein, J.L., D.R. Shelly, and W.L. Ellsworth (2010), Non-Volcanic Tremor: A Window into the Roots
of Fault Zones, in N ew Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, edited by S. Cloetingh and J.
Negendank, pp. 287-314, Springer Netherlands. (Invited Review Article)
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12. Rubinstein, J.L., J. Gomberg, J.E. Vidale, A.G. Wech, H. Kao, K.C. Creager, G. Rogers (2009), Seismic
Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, ETS, and Earthquakes on Vancouver Island, Journal of
Geophysical Research, v. 114, B00A01, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005875.
13. Rubinstein, J.L., M. La Rocca, J.E. Vidale, K.C. Creager, A.G. Wech (2008), Tidal Modulation of Non-
Volcanic Tremor, Science, v. 319, pp 186-189.
14. Gomberg, J., J.L. Rubinstein, Z. Peng, K.C. Creager, J.E. Vidale (2008), Widespread Triggering of Non-
Volcanic Tremor in California, Science, v . 319, pp 173.
15. Peng, Z., J.E. Vidale, K.C. Creager, J.L. Rubinstein, J. Gomberg, and P. Bodin (2008), S trong tremor near
Parkfield, CA excited by the 2002 Denali Earthquake, G eophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, L23305, doi:
16. Rubinstein, J.L., J.E. Vidale, J. Gomberg, P. Bodin, K.C. Creager, and S.D. Malone (2007). Non-volcanic
tremor driven by large transient shear stresses, Nature, v. 448, pp 579-582.
17. Rubinstein, J.L., N. Uchida, and G. Beroza (2007). Seismic Velocity Reductions Caused by the 2003
Tokachi-Oki Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, B05315, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004440.
18. Rubinstein, J.L. and G. Beroza (2007). Full Waveform Earthquake Location: Application to Seismic
Streaks on the Calaveras Fault, California, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, B05303, doi:
19. Rubinstein, J.L. and G. Beroza (2005). Depth constraints on nonlinear strong ground motion from the 2004
Parkfield earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 32, L14313, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023189.
20. Rubinstein, J.L. and G. Beroza (2004). Nonlinear strong ground motion in the ML 5.4 Chittenden
Earthquake: Evidence that preexisting damage increases susceptibility to further damage, Geophysical
Research Letters, v. 31, L23614, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021357.
21. Rubinstein, J.L. and G. Beroza (2004). Evidence for widespread nonlinear strong ground motion in the Mw
6.9 Loma Prieta Earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 94, pp. 1595 1608.
22. Hooper, A., P. Segall, K. Johnson, and J.L. Rubinstein (2002). Reconciling seismic and geodetic models of
the 1989 Kilauea South Flank Earthquake, G eophysical Research Letters, v. 29, pp. 19-1 19-4, doi:
23. Davis, P., J.L. Rubinstein, K. Liu, S. Gao, and L. Knopoff (2000). Northridge Earthquake damage caused
by geologic focusing of seismic waves, Science, v. 289, pp. 1746-1750.
Simple, Fixed Slip and Recurrence Models Better Predict the Behavior of Repeating Earthquakes and Laboratory
Earthquakes than the Time and Slip-Predictable Models, Earth Observatory of Singapore, October 2011.
Slow-slip Processes at Plate Boundaries, Colorado School of Mines, August 2011.
Simple, Fixed Slip and Recurrence Models Better Predict the Behavior of Repeating Earthquakes and Laboratory
Earthquakes than the Time and Slip-Predictable Models, Colorado School of Mines, August 2011.
Stress Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, University of Vienna Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, June
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Neither Natural Repeating Earthquakes nor Laboratory Earthquakes are Well Described by the Time- and Slip-
Predictable Models, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV Rome), June 2011.
Stress Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, Universidad de Los Andes Geoscience Seminar, May 2011.
Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremor by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, USGS- Menlo Park EQPRO Megaproject
Meeting, March 2011.
Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremor by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, USGS- Menlo Park Briefing on the
March 2011 off-Tohoku Earthquake, March 2011.
Stress Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, University of Lausanne Institute of Geophysics Seminar, March
Stress Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, ETH-Zurich Swiss Seismological Service Seminar, March 2011.
Neither Natural Repeating Earthquakes nor Laboratory Earthquakes are Well-Described by the Time- and Slip-
Predictable Earthquake Behavior Models, ETH-Zurich Statistical Seismology Group Seminar, March 2011.
Stress Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor, University of North Carolina Department of Geological Sciences
Colloquium, February 2011.
Rubinstein, J.L., Significant Earthquakes in the Central US since 2008, Central and Eastern US Hazard Map
Workshop, 2012, INVITED.
Rubinstein, J.L. et al., Widespread triggering of earthquakes and tremor by the 2011 M9.0 off-Tohoku earthquake,
SSA 2011.
Rubinstein, J.L., W.L. Ellsworth, K. Chen, N. Uchida, and N. Beeler, Testing time- and slip-predictability with
repeating earthquakes in California, Japan, Taiwan, and the Laboratory, G- COE Symposium: Dynamic Earth and
Heterogeneous Structure 2010, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, I NVITED .
Rubinstein, J.L. and W.L. Ellsworth, Small Repeating Earthquakes are Time- and Slip-Predictable When
Magnitudes are Improved, 6 th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology 2009, I NVITED.
Rubinstein, J. L., J.E. Vidale, J. Gomberg, K .C. Creager, P. Bodin, S.D. Malone, A.G. Wech, Non-volcanic Tremor
and Earthquakes Driven by the Large Transient Shear Stresses of the 2002 Denali Earthquake, AGU Fall 2007.
Rubinstein, J. L., J.E. Vidale, K. Creager, and S. Malone, Relocating nonvolcanic tremor and high frequency
earthquakes in Cascadia, AGU Fall 2006.
Rubinstein, J. L. and G. Beroza, Full-Waveform earthquake location and the mechanics of streaks on the Calaveras
Fault, AGU Fall 2005.
Rubinstein, J. L. and G. Beroza, Nonlinear strong ground motion as observed by seismic velocity reductions, 10th
International Workshop on Nonlinear Elasticity in Materials, July 2005.
Rubinstein, J. L. and G Beroza, Nonlinear strong ground motion in the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake, AGU Fall 2004,
Rubinstein, J. L., Analysis of azimuthal variation in amplitude factors in Sherman Oaks and Santa Monica during
the Northridge Earthquake Aftershock Sequence, SCEC 1998.
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Earthquakes and Volcanoes Teaching Assistant Stanford University
Organized and taught lectures on intraplate earthquakes and seismic gaps
Led review sessions and assisted students in office hours
Wrote homework sets
Advisor of SCEC Summer Intern Kate Prudchenko Stanford University 2004
Provided instruction in seismology and the basis of the project
Assisted in development of code to analyze Coda Q using repeating earthquakes
Earthquake Seismology Teaching Assistant Stanford University 2003
Organized and taught lecture on earthquake location and relocation
Assisted students in office hours
SCEC Sponsored Tri-Center Earthquake Hazards and Engineering Field Trip to Japan 2004
Visited universities and earthquake engineering facilities with earthquake engineering students to
improve communication between the earthquake engineering and earthquake seismology communities
Field Assistant for BEAAR, LABPSE, and LARSE II Experiments 1997-2000
Participated in array design and siting of seismometers
Obtained permissions for deployment of seismometers on private property
Installed and removed broadband and short period seismometers
Interviews on the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake 2011
TV: Al-Jazeera English, NHK- TV
Radio: KCBS
Print: Honolulu Star Advertiser, Pioneer Productions, North Campus Voice
News Briefing: Seismological Society of American Annual Meeting
Television and Radio Interviews on Bay Area Earthquakes and Earthquake Preparedness 2011
KGO (TV), KALW (Radio)
Public Outreach 2011
Public Lecture on Bay Area Earthquakes and Earthquake Preparedness (Bay Area Science Festival)
Co-wrote USGS Talking Points on Induced Seismicity and the Prague, Oklahoma M5.6 Earthquake
Languages: Operating Systems
Matlab Unix/Linux
Fortran 77/90 Windows
C shell/Bash Macintosh
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Guest Editor for Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America special issue on the 2011-2013
2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Convener of Late- Breaking Special Session on 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake SSA 2011
Session Chair on Special Session on Creative Waveform Analysis SSA 2011
Convener of Special Session on Episodic Tremor and Slip GSA 2009, Fall AGU 2007
Manuscript and Proposal Reviewer for
Science; Journal of Geophysical Research; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Geophysical
Research Letters; Geophysical Journal International; Pure and Applied Geophysics; Geochemistry,
Geophysics, and Geosystems (G3); the National Science Foundation; the Swiss National Science
Foundation; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)
American Geophysical Union
Seismological Society of America
Proficient in Spanish
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