Patrick Gage Kelley
**@***********.*** Patrick Gage Kelley is seriously enjoying academia, however summer gives him a chance to explore. He believes people should actively contribute to their
environments. He is rarely satis ed.
5551 Beacon Avenue Currently, Information Design, speci cally geared towards educating users about
privacy: on websites, in user preferences, on social networks, through log and
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
audit data, and with regards to suggested changes to policies.
Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ph.D. in Computation, Organizations & Society - School of Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology - Rochester, New York
B.S. Computer Engineering & B.S. Creative Writing and Literature - 2006
Honors Scholarship :: Presidential Scholarship :: Nathaniel Rochester Scholar
Intel Labs Seattle/University of Washington CSE Spring 2011
In the spring of 2011 I interned at Intel Labs Seattle with Sunny Consolvo (ILS)
and David Weatherall (UW) working on the UI/UX of several privacy related
applications, including: a sleep sensing project, a browser privacy plugin, and a
project explaining mobile application permissions to users.
Wombat Security Technologies 2008 Present
My research at Carnegie Mellon contributed to the creation of the startup
company Wombat Security Technologies. I have continued to work as consultant
for Wombat, assisting in future development of anti-phishing tools, educational
materials, and website design and maintenance.
National Security Agency 2004 2005 cleared TS//SI
Knowledge Discovery Sciences O ce
Development work on a tool for separating a document s content from
extraneous formatting, part of a larger project for automatic semantic document
clustering based on content.
Laboratory for Physical Sciences at University of Maryland
Planned a controller update for a Scanning Tunneling Microscope; redesigned,
updated, and maintained content of the group s website; and studied Quantum
Computing and Quantum Information Science.
A Nutrition Label for Privacy 1st Place, ACM Grand Finals
Graduate Student Research Competition. 2010.
Our 2010 Standardizing Privacy Notices paper was selected for inclusion in the
Privacy Papers for Policy Makers, Future of Privacy Forum publication.
Designing A Privacy Label. 1st Place, ACM SIGCHI Student
Research Competition. 2009.
Designing A Privacy Label. Honorable Mention, NYU-poly Computer Security
Awareness Week - Research Competition. 2009.
Mitusbishi Electronic Research Lab Sensor Exploration. With Danny Rashid.
Honorary Award, IEEE InfoVis Contest. 2008.
Komanduri, S., Shay, R., Kelley, P.G., Mazurek, M.L., Bauer, L., Christin, N., and
Cranor, L.F. Of Passwords and People: Measuring the E ect of Password-
Composition Policies. CHI 2011.
Kelley, P.G., Benisch, M., Cranor, L.F., and Sadeh, N. When Are Users
Comfortable Sharing Locations with Advertisers? CHI 2011.
Benisch, M., Kelley, P.G., Sadeh, N., and Cranor, L.F. Capturing location-privacy
preferences: quantifying accuracy and user-burden tradeo s. PUC 2010.
Kelley, P.G. Conducting Usable Privacy & Security Studies with Amazon s
Mechanical Turk. USER 2010
Shay, R., Komanduri, S., Kelley, P.G., Leon, P.G., Mazurek, M.L., Bauer, L.,
Christin, N., Cranor, L.F., and Egelman, S. Encountering Stronger Password
Requirements: User Attitudes and Behaviors. SOUPS 2010.
Toch, E., Cranshaw, J., Hankes Drielsma, P., Tsai, J.Y., Kelley, P.G., Cranor, L.,
Hong, J., Sadeh, N. Empirical Models of Privacy in Location Sharing.
Science and technology multiply around us. To an increasing
extent they dictate the languages in which we speak and think
Either we use those languages, or we remain mute
JG Ballard
last updated february 2011
B. Meeder, J. Tam, P.G. Kelley, and L.F. Cranor. RT @IWantPrivacy: Widespread
Violation of Privacy Settings in the Twitter Social Network W2SP 2010.
Tsai, J., Kelley, P.G., Cranor, L.F., and Sadeh, N. Location-Sharing Technologies:
Privacy Risks and Controls. I/S 2010 (forthcoming).
Kelley, P.G., Cesca, L.J., Bresee, J., and Cranor, L.F. Standardizing Privacy
Notices: An Online Study of the Nutrition Label Approach. CHI 2010.
Tsai, J., Kelley, P.G., and Cranor, L.F. e Risk and Bene t Perceptions of
Location-Sharing Technologies. TPRC 2009.
McDonald, A., Reeder, R., Kelley, P.G., and Cranor, L.F. A Comparative Study of
Online Privacy Policies and Formats. PETS 2009.
Kelley, P.G., Bresee, J., Reeder, R., and Cranor, L.F. Design of A Privacy Label.
SOUPS 2009.
Tsai, J., Kelley, P.G., Hankes Drielsma, P., Cranor, L.F., Hong, J., and Sadeh, N.
Who s Viewed You? e Impact of Feedback in a Mobile-location System.
Computer Human Interaction (CHI) 2009.
Ravichandran, R., Benisch, M., Kelley, P.G., and Sadeh, N. Capturing Social
Networking Privacy Preferences: Can Default Policies Help Alleviate Tradeo s
between Expressiveness and User Burden? PETS 2009.
Kelley, P.G., Hankes Drielsma, P., Sadeh, N., and Cranor L. User Controllable
Learning of Security and Privacy Policies. Workshop on Security and Arti cial
Intelligence (AISec) 2008.
Reeder R.W., Kelley, P.G., McDonald, A.M., and Cranor, L.F. A User Study of the
Expandable Grid Applied to P3P Policy Visualization. Workshop on Privacy in the
Electronic Society (WPES). 2008.
Sadeh, N., Hong, J., Cranor, L., Fette, I., Kelley, P.G., Prabaker, M., and Rao, J.
"Understanding and Capturing People's Privacy Policies in a People Finder
Application", Privacy Usability Journal. Vol. 13, No. 6, August 2009.
Prabaker, M., Rao, J., Fette, I., Kelley, P.G., Cranor, L., Hong, J., and Sadeh, N.
"Understanding and Capturing People's Privacy Policies in a People Finder
Application." Ubicomp Workshop on Privacy, Austria, 2007.
DeBartolo, E., Bailey, M., Zaczek, M., Schriefer, T., Kelley, P.G., Ramaswamy, M.,
and Ryczko, N. Traveling Engineering Activity Kits - Energy and the
Environment. ASEE Conference, Honolulu, 2007.
Natl. Assoc. of Graduate-Professional Students Director of Communications
Elected Director of Communications in 2010, for continued work with NAGPS.
Re-elected in 2011 to continue e orts in re-branding, social media, and design.
IMPAQT Ambassador to Qatar, Director of Marketing
Selected to travel to Carnegie Mellon s Doha, Qatar campus as a member of a
ten-student group to develop programs and projects to more tightly bind CMU.
Graduate Student Assembly President
Elected for two terms (2008-09) as GSA President. Focused on improving
communication, through orientation events, increased representation, and
better committee reporting.
Dec5 Editor of e Guide to Living in Pittsburgh
In 2007 I started the initiative to revitalize e Guide to Living in Pittsburgh, a
CMU Computer Science publication for over twenty- ve years.
Dossier Editor-in-Chief
Dossier, CMU s Art & Literary Magazine, ceased publication in 2002. Working
with Kristen Lukiewski, we began again in spring of 2007, switching to a
semesterly magazine format to showcase student work.
e Tartan Newspaper Editorial Board & Senior Sta writer
I continued my journalistic work at Carnegie Mellon, with their newspaper e
Tartan. I became a sta writer, and was appointed to the Editorial Board in 2007.
Society for Women Engineers
National Collegiate Leadership Publicity Manager and Leadership Coach
Became the rst male student to sit on a National SWE Committee. Presented
at two national conferences in support of the Student Leadership Committee.
RIT Honors Program Secretary & Constitutional/Steering Committee Chair
I chaired the Constitutional Committee, that designed the foundation of the
Honors Program Student Government. Chaired three other committees and also
served as an o cer on the Honors Executive Council.
RIT Leadership Institute (formerly LEAD) Mentor and Advisory Board
I served as an active member of the RLI Advisory Board, helping to further
re ne its certi cation program and served as a mentor at the quarterly retreats.
Reporter Magazine Online Editor & Sta writer
Signatures Magazine Literary Editor, 2004
Benisch, M., Kelley, P.G., Sadeh, N., and Cranor, L.F. "Capturing Location-Privacy
Preferences: Quantifying Accuracy and User-Burden Tradeo s" CMU Tech
Report: CMU-ISR-10-105, March 2010.
Kelley, P.G., Cesca, L., Bresee, J., Cranor, L.F. Standardizing Privacy Notices: An
Online Study of the Nutrition Label Approach. CyLab Tech Report: CMU-
CyLab-09-014, November 2009.
Benisch, M., Kelley, P.G., Sadeh, N., Sandholm, T., Cranor, L., Hankes Drielsma,
P., and Tsai, J. e Impact of Expressiveness on the E ectiveness of Privacy
Mechanisms for Location Sharing. CMU Tech Report: CMU-ISR-08-141,
December 2008.
New Research Tools: Crowdsourcing and Cloud Computing. SOUPS,
Seattle, WA. 2010.
Research Showcase Highlights. Computers, Freedom, and Privacy.
Washington D.C. 2009.
Designing Facebook Applications with Privacy. Social Web (Hong & Kraut),
Pittsburgh, PA. 2008.
Preparing the Agile Cyberdefender. Air Force Strategy Session,
Arlington, VA May 2008.
With A. Ray and E. Grae . Veni, Vidi, Wiki?, Scholarship @ RIT, 2005.
Learning Leadership Styles SWE National Conference. Anaheim, CA. 2005.
Developing a Succession Plan, and Managing Student Government,
National Collegiate Honors Conference (NCHC), New Orleans, LA. 2004.
Rochester, City as Text, and Developing a Student Constitution. NCHC,
Chicago, IL. 2005.
Leadership as Exploration SWE National Conference, Birmingham, AL. 2003.
McDonald, A., Reeder, R., Kelley, P.G., and Cranor, L. A Comparative Study of
Online Privacy Policies and Formats. Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP) 2009.
Kelley, P.G., Bresee, J., Reeder, R., and Cranor, L. Design of A Privacy Label.
Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP) 2009.
Tsai, J., Kelley, P.G., Hankes Drielsma, P., Cranor, L., Hong, J., and Sadeh, N.
Who s Viewed You? e Impact of Feedback in a Mobile-location System.
Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP) 2009.
Kelley, P.G., Won, S.S., and Cranor, L.F. P3P Expandable Grids. Privacy
Mindswap, Center for Computational inking, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 2007.
Fette, I., Kelley, P.G., Tomasic, A., and Sadeh, N. Detecting Phishing Emails
rough Machine Learning. APWG e-Crime Researchers Summit, Oct. 2007.
PHP :: mySQL :: x/html :: CSS
Java :: Processing :: Python :: Perl :: Ruby
National Security Agency 2004 2005 cleared TS//SI
System Engineering and Project Management
Development work on a project tasked to monitor an incoming data system.
Created a system with a CGI web-interface for Python base-code. Created
documentation of security plans/presentations and website for the branch.
Special Projects Mentor at RIT 2003 2004
Designed the rst Honors Program Yearbook.
Developed the Ambassador Program for outreach.
Worked with the director on future planning.
Honors & LEAD Mentor at RIT 2002 2003
Designed a yearly overnight retreat for winter quarter.
Focused programming on journaling, re ection.
Generated involvement in the Student Advisory Board.
Research Assistant, Computer Engineering at RIT 2002
Led the development of MIST (the Meta Image Software Toolkit) in
collaboration with Kodak.