Executive Director President Chairman
Milwaukee Institute, Inc. Meta Command Systems, Inc. Cybranet, LLC
*** *. ********* ***, ***** 1280, PO Box 463 10033 N Port Washington Rd
Milwaukee WI 53202 Mequon WI 53092 Suite 125
******@****.***; 414-***-**** ******@**********.***; Mequon, WI 53092
www.mkei.org 414-***-****
Education Professional Associations
PhD, UC Santa Barbara, 1976 EE/CS IEEE: Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
MSEE, UC Santa Barbara, 1971 EE/CS Senior Member
BSEE, UC Santa Barbara, 1970 EE
Advanced NAUI SCUBA Certificate, 1972 ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
FAA Instrument Rated Pilot License, 1980 Distinguished Engineer
Research Interests
Distributed real time systems, command and control systems, enterprise governance systems,
cyberphysical systems, cybernetics, high performance computing
Professional Experience
2011 Present Co Founder/Chariman, Cybranet, a software development company
2010 Present Board Member, Dedicated Computing, an industrial computer company
2009 Present Outside Executive Director, Mason Wells, a private equity company
2007 Present Co Founder/Executive Director, Milwaukee Institute, Inc, a research organization
2006 Present Adjunct Professor, Computer Science, U of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM)
2005 2007 Sr. Consultant, Office Secretary of Defense/Networks & Information Integration (NII)
2003 Present Founder/President, Meta Command Systems, Inc., a research company
1998 2002 VP Technology, Johnson Controls, Inc (JCI)
1991 1998 VP Technology & Strategic Mktg, Elsag Bailey Process Automation (EBY, now ABB)
1989 1991 VP Systems Technology, Asea Brown Boveri (ABB)
1984 1989 VP Technology, Combustion Engineering (CE, now ABB)
1976 1985 Founder/President, Protocol Solutions, Inc (PSI)
1973 1984 Professor, Comp Science, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Awards & Honors
Best Paper: 1998 AIRTC, 2003 JSCI, 2005 CCRTS, 2006 CCRTS
2009 Elected ACM Distinguished Engineer
US Patents
US 7,181,302 B2. issued Feb 20, 2007 and US 7,835,931 B2, issued Nov 16, 2010, a combined 51 claims
related to a "Method and Systems for Network based Distributed, Real time Command and Control of an
Selected Publications
1. Bayne, J., High Assurance Service Systems, published as a chapter in a Springer textbook entitled
High Assurance Service Systems, May 28, 2009
2. Bayne, J., Cyberspatial Mechanics, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetic Part B,
Vol. 38, No. 3, June 2008
3. Bayne, J. and Diggs, D., Command and Control in the Joint Task Force Enterprise, 11th Command
and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS), San Diego, CA, June 2006, Best Paper
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4. Bayne, J. and Paul, R., Policy Based Command and Control, 10th International Command and
Control Research and Technology Symposium, June 2005
5. Bayne, J. and Paul, R., Scale Free Command and Control, 10th International Command and
Control Research and Technology Symposium, June 2005, Best Paper
6. Bayne, J., A Software Architecture for Control of Value Production in Federated Systems, World
Multi Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, Orlando, July 28th, and published in the
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, Vol. 1, No. 8, August 2003, Best Paper
7. Bayne, J., Theory of Enterprise Command and Control, Military Communications Conference
(MILCOM) 2006 Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC, October 2006
8. Bayne, J., A Theory of Software Mediated Enterprise Governance, 2006 Computer Systems and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC), International Workshop on Software Cybernetics (IWSC 06),
Chicago, IL, September 2006.
9. Bayne, J., Architecture of Federated Enterprise, ISA Expo Conference, Houston, TX October 2003
10. Bayne, J., Automation & Control in Grid Connected Systems, 3rd IEEE Electro Information
Technology Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2003
11. Bayne, J., Automation & Control in Large scale Interactive Systems, Proc IEEE International
Symposium on Object Oriented Real time Computer Systems (ISORC), 2002
12. Bayne, J., Creating Rational Organizations Theory of Enterprise Command and Control, Caf Press,
234 pages, available online at www.cafepress.com/mcsi, September, 2006
13. Bayne, J., Distributed Real time Enterprise, 2002, available at www.metacomsys.com, submitted
to the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005
14. Bayne, J., Feasibility of Grid based Distributed Real time Command & Control, Volume 1, Phase I
Proposal, Topic AF03 094, Proposal No. F031 0494, January 6, 2003
15. Bayne, J., Feasibility of Grid based Distributed Real time Command & Control, Volume 2 Concept
Specification V1.0, AFRL SBIR Contract F30602 03 C 0154, September 2003
16. Bayne, J., Feasibility of Grid based Distributed Real time Command & Control, Volume 3
Architecture Specification V1.1, AFRL SBIR Contract F30602 03 C 0154, October 2003
17. Bayne, J., Industrial Automation & Control in a Networked Economy, invited paper, IEEE
Workshop on Object oriented Real time Distributed Systems (WORDS), Santa Barbara, CA, 1996
18. Bayne, J., MetaSystems, Proceedings of the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation (ISA)
Society, 1998
19. Bayne, J., Performance Measurement in C2 Systems, Proceedings of the 8th International
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, National Defense University, Ft.
McNair, Washington DC, June 2003
20. Bayne, J., Scalability of Performance in High Volume Commercial Control Systems, Proc IEEE
International Symposium of Object Oriented Real time Systems (ISORC), 1999
21. Bayne, J., Seem, J., Drees, K., Adaptive Industrial Controls, 7th International Symposium on
Artificial Intelligence in Real time Control (AIRTC 98), October 1998, winner Best Paper Award
22. Bayne, J., The Architecture of Enterprise, an unpublished essay, available at
www.metacomsys.com, 2002
23. Bayne, J., The ELBA Object Model, Ada Runtime Environment Working Group (ARTWEG), ACM
SIG Ada, Santa Barbara, CA, 1995
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